Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 506 Military orders are like mountains

Lu Yu's face looked a little ugly.

He picked up the battle plan, glanced at it, and said with a dry smile: "Master Governor, please be patient...I didn't say not to attack the Hongchuan Plain, but my lady has already warned me that we must act with caution and be more cautious. It’s not a bad thing…”

"Personally, I don't like to fight uncertain battles... Well, I would like to ask the Governor to go deep into the Hongchuan Plain first, as a vanguard scout, to find out the deployment of troops, and then we can deal with it calmly! As long as the Governor Sir, please provide accurate enemy information, and I guarantee that the army will enter the Hongchuan Plain immediately!"

"Of course, if the Governor refuses to go, then I will send General Tiger to complete the matter. However, General Tiger's sensitivity to the enemy is far less than that of the Governor, and I'm afraid it will take much more time..."

When Lord Frost Wolf heard this, he couldn't help but stare at Lu Yu.

At this time, he looked down upon the human being in front of him. He was so powerful and the commander-in-chief of the army, but he was so timid in doing things.

Is this the nature of a bitch?

Lu Yu looked at him sincerely, with a look of helplessness in his eyes.

"Okay! If I go, I'll go! As soon as I get the information on the troop deployment of the cities in the Hongchuan Plain, you must follow up and fight there immediately. This is what you said!"

Lord Frostwolf finally nodded in agreement and said coldly.

Lu Yu immediately slapped his chest loudly: "Don't worry, Lord Governor, I always do what I say!"

Therefore, Lord Frostwolf soon mobilized a group of his own soldiers and quietly went deep into the Hongchuan Plain under the cover of night.

Unexpectedly, not long after he left, Lu Yu immediately ordered the army to break camp and prepare to march late at night.

Lord Frostwolf's bear adjutant who stayed in the camp was shocked when he heard the news.

He was keenly aware of the difference. Otherwise, how could it be possible that Lord Frostwolf had just stepped forward and the army would immediately attack?

So he quickly summoned the supervisors who were scattered throughout the army to stop the commander-in-chief's unauthorized decision-making. He also brought a team of troops and personally intercepted the vanguard troops who were about to launch.

"Commander Ming, when we break camp late at night, where are we going?" the adjutant asked loudly.

Although his title and power are not as good as those of Ming Shuai, he is not afraid at all because of his status as a powerful person in the Tianhe clan.

Lu Yu glanced at him lightly and said, "Prepare the army to march westward. Does Deputy Governor Xiong have any doubts?"

"Go west?"

Adjutant Xiong's expression changed: "The battle plan formulated by Lord Frostwolf is obviously based on the Hongchuan Plain in the north. Why do you want to move westward?"

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Deputy Overseer Xiong, do you need to teach me how I want to command the troops?"

The adjutant suddenly felt a huge pressure coming on him, which made him almost breathless.

He gritted his teeth and fought desperately: "How the commander-in-chief will command the army, the general will naturally not dare to judge rashly, but if the commander-in-chief wants to go against Lord Frostwolf's plan and march westward in a large scale, I will have to leave the matter up to him. After the report, wait until Lord Frostwolf gives his approval..."

After speaking, he took an iron box from his subordinate's hand, opened several locks on the iron box, and carefully took out an item from inside.

Lu Yu thought it was something so precious, but after taking a closer look, he realized that it was just a communication talisman.

It turns out that in the wild world, communication talismans are also very precious and rare objects. For a demon spirit of Adjutant Xiong's level, every use must be at a critical moment.

At this moment, it has obviously reached what Adjutant Xiong considers to be a "critical moment."

He acted quickly and quickly sent the summons.

Suddenly, a flash of light shot straight into the sky.

Adjutant Xiong was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a huge phantom of a hand suddenly appeared in the sky, intercepting the brilliance of the message.

Adjutant Xiong couldn't help but look stunned, and for a moment he didn't understand what happened.

Then, I saw a stunningly beautiful figure appear in mid-air, with unparalleled appearance and peerless elegance. Could it be the mysterious Miss Yang?

Only then did Adjutant Xiong suddenly realize that it was Miss Yang who intercepted the summons he sent in mid-air.

He suddenly felt incredible!

I didn't expect that there is such a magical power in the world, that it can even intercept the communication talisman?

The surrounding Huangshan Army members were also extremely surprised by this, but they expressed it in a different way, and everyone couldn't help but cheer loudly.

After all, Miss Yang is the supreme leader of the army, and her strength is naturally a great inspiration to everyone!


Adjutant Xiong was shocked and angry, and was about to raise a question, but he only had time to say one word before his expression was permanently frozen on his face.

Lu Yu suddenly saw a strange dagger in his hand, and it was this dagger that cut off Adjutant Xiong's head in one go!

The whole audience was shocked.

The cheers were suddenly blocked in his throat.

At this moment, Lu Yu grabbed Adjutant Xiong's head with one hand, looked murderously at the supervisors from the Tianhe clan behind him, and said loudly: "The military order is like a mountain, and those who disobey will die! Who else wants to try again?"

Everyone was silent, and the whole place was so quiet that you could hear a pindrop...

After a few breaths, the shouts broke out again, with a sound that shook the heaven and the earth.

"Military orders are like mountains! Anyone who disobeys them will die!"

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