Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 518 Insidious and poisonous plan

This battle ended with a complete victory against the Huangshan Army and the major clans retreating and shrinking.

After the lines of the major clans shrank, it was already late at night.

Lu Yu knew that even if he continued to follow up, he would not be able to gain any favor, so he paid the gold and retreated his troops and returned to Fang City.

The reason why the Huangshan Army was able to win this battle was because they caught the major clans who had just arrived and their formations had no time to fully deploy, so they were caught off guard and had such an effect.

Now that they have scaled back their post-test and stabilized their position, and the surrounding small clans have rushed to help, the Huangshan Army still wants to continue the pursuit. If they expand the victory, it will definitely be difficult to gain favor.

However, even so, this battle has already achieved great results for the Huangshan Army!

Not only did they defeat the enemy, but they also covered the Karasuma clan's movement to quietly withdraw and bypass the enemy. It can be said that the established strategic goal was perfectly achieved.

After the great battle, everyone was very excited.

After returning to Fang City, it was natural to discuss merits and reward them.

After taking stock, it was discovered that the ones with the most outstanding military exploits were actually the right-wing army led by Rhinoceros Horn and Deerlion.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel very pleased. He didn't expect that the two of them would achieve such gratifying results when they worked together for the first time. It seemed that his decision was indeed the right one.

However, he also knew that such an opportunity would never come again. The coalition forces of the major clans would definitely move step by step and be extremely careful. There would never be such an opportunity again.

Although this battle looks very beautiful on the surface, if you calculate it carefully, the overall situation has not changed.

Although it is obvious that the major clans have lost more troops, this loss of troops is only a drop in the bucket compared to the huge military base of the coalition. However, for the Huangshan Army, it is already a heavy loss. .

However, after this battle, there is another huge gain.

That was the first time that the Huangshan Army used the Yang family's boxing techniques in actual combat on a large scale.

Facts have proved that the effect of the Yang family's boxing method is very outstanding. Not only is it effective in killing enemies in a confrontation, but it can also lead the demon soldiers and demon generals of the Huangshan Army to directly devour the demon mist during the battle. The left, middle and right groups After this battle, the strength of the troops has obviously increased!

Therefore, although the strength of various armies has been reduced, the overall strength has increased.

After seeing such a result, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel more confident about the upcoming battle.

In this way, the Huangshan Army's plan to support war through war is no longer an empty talk, but a practical strategy.

His only hope now is that the plan on Wu Zhuojun's side can be effective as soon as possible, so that the coalition forces of the major clans will be unable to advance or retreat, so as to provide a continuous stalemate training environment for the Huangshan Army.

Before, he was quite dissatisfied with Wu Zhuojun's picky and petty behavior.

Now he feels that the other party's behavior is just right. Otherwise, if the Karasuma clan's army and the Barren Mountain Army cooperate sincerely, the battle will end too quickly, and he may not be able to find such a good training opportunity...

In this state of mind, the long night finally passed.

When the sun rose the next day, the major clans had basically stabilized their positions and made a comeback again.

This time they fully learned their previous lessons and did not advance blindly. Instead, they gathered together and advanced step by step.

During this period, the two sides fought several more times.

However, they were all tentative battles, and they were not injurious. Both sides also won and lost.

By the evening of the next day, the major clans were very worried that the Huangshan Army would repeat their old tricks, and took advantage of the darkness to cover up and kill them again.

So the leaders of various clans, large and small, gathered together to prepare for unified coordination to prevent the Huangshan Army from taking advantage of them again.

"Why hasn't Mr. Wu Zhuo arrived yet? Where are the people from the Karasuma clan now?"

Litian-kun couldn't help but frown and asked when he saw that everyone was gathered together, but only members of the Karasuma clan were missing.

"I have contacted Wu Zhuojun. They were beaten badly last night. Under the offensive of the Huangshan Army, they retreated for nearly forty miles..."

"It is said that that side is still blocked by the flanks of the Huangshan Army. I'm afraid they won't be able to get through for the time being!"

The speaker was Tieshan Jun, the leader of the Tiebei clan.

The one who attacked the Tiebei clan last night was the left army led by Hu Zun. Relatively speaking, the Tiebei clan suffered the least losses. Therefore, he is also the calmest and calmest among the three major clans, so he has time to coordinate and communicate.

"That's wrong!"

Lord Fenglang of the Qinglang clan suddenly noticed a problem.

"The one who attacked the Tiebei clan last night was Hu Dali, the one who attacked our Qinglang clan was the lowly Ming, and the one who attacked the Lishan clan was that female!"

"The three most famous generals in the Huangshan Army have all been dispatched, so who is going to attack the Karasuma clan? They can't be beaten by an unknown guy and retreat for forty miles, right?"

Upon hearing Mr. Fenglang's question, the others had no reaction, but Mr. Litian's expression became unnatural first.

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "The human female named Yang didn't really take action last night..."

"However, these two humans are quite capable. In addition to Hu Dali, they also have capable people..."

"For example, the general who attacked our Lishan clan last night was an unknown person from the Great Wilderness Mountain. It is said that his name is Rhinoceros... But such an unknown person actually killed the Bajiao in our clan! "

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Bajiao is a well-known warrior throughout Xichuan, and everyone knows his strength quite well.

I heard before that Miss Yang appeared in the direction of the Lishan clan camp. Everyone thought she was leading the battle there, and Bajiao also died in her hands...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a little-known nameless demon spirit who served as the leader of the army, and finally killed Bajiao in one fell swoop. This matter made them have to pay attention!

First, an unknown person killed Ba Jiao, and then another unknown person led an army to defeat the Karasuma clan... How many such unknown people are there in the entire Huangshan Army?

Everyone couldn't help but feel frightened. They never thought that a group of rabble from the Great Wilderness Mountain could be so powerful!

"In this case, let's just ignore him for now. Wu Zhuojun is famous, I believe he will have a way to get out of the predicament on his own!"

Mr. Feng Lang snorted and changed the topic.

He had never had a good impression of Wu Zhuojun, and seeing him in trouble now, he naturally had no sympathy at all.

"That's right. Next, let's discuss how to deal with the Huangshan Army! Then we can inform Wu Zhuojun of the resolution we have discussed!"

Tieshan Jun also echoed.

So, everyone began to discuss.

After a long discussion, everyone finally felt that the major clan alliances had the upper hand after all. As long as they fought steadily step by step and continued to limit the activity space of the Huangshan Army, they would surely win the final victory.

From this, everyone decided on a plan for a wheel battle, preparing to harass Fang City all day long. They planned to use the advantage of numbers to tire the Barren Mountain Army into a tired army and slowly wear it down!

Although the efficiency of this move is a little slower, it is the most reliable.

In this regard, each clan assigned tasks, decided the order of the wheel battle, and determined the final plan.

After making this mature decision, everyone couldn't help but come out from the shadow of last night's defeat, as if they saw the hope of victory again.

At this moment, a herald of the Ironback Clan hurriedly ran in.

I just heard him say out of breath: ", the Karasuma clan's army is coming!"

This nonsense sentence made all the clan leaders confused.

Didn’t you just say that the Karasuma clan’s troops were blocked by the Arakan Army?

Why did you suddenly appear here again? Where did they come from?

"Oh? Where are they?" Tieshan Jun asked.

"Here...hey, in Plowshare Mountain! In our hometown behind us, Plowshare Mountain!"

The herald shouted with panic on his face.


Everyone was shocked.

Now the major clans are fighting bravely against the Huangshan Army at the front. The Karasuma Clan's troops suddenly appeared in the rear. The meaning and sinister intentions behind this were clearly revealed!

But before they had time to express any opinions, another herald hurried in.

"! Troops from the Karasuma clan appeared in the Shadow Wind Valley!"

Everyone was startled again, but then there was another burst of hurried footsteps.

", report! Troops from the Karasuma clan appear on the banks of the Muddy Waters River!"

The Yinfeng Valley and the Qingshui River happened to be the home bases of the Lishan Clan and the Qinglang Clan.

These two pieces of news came one after another, and everyone's hearts sank.

The appearance of the Karasuma clan in Litou Mountain may be said to be a coincidence, but now that they appear in three places at the same time, it cannot be as simple as a coincidence.

Obviously, the Karasuma clan has been bribed by the Barren Mountain Army and has become the accomplice of the Barren Mountain Army!

"Well, you Wu Zhuojun! You bastard!"

"Betrayal of trust and forget justice at the sight of profit!"

"We should have thought a long time ago that this bad guy is unreliable at all!"

"And the bastard Ming! He must be behind such an insidious plot!"

"I hate it so much! I wish I could eat your flesh alive!"

Mr. Feng Lang roared repeatedly, and in his rage, he spurted a stream of blood from his mouth and fell down on his back...

The other people in the camp couldn't help but change their expressions, with their faces twisted and their eyes red.

The confidence that I had just regained with great difficulty was gone in an instant...

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