Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 519 All-out attack

This time, in order to successfully capture Fang City, all the major clans can be said to have entered and exited with elites. The lair was extremely empty. All that was left were some old and weak women and children. It was impossible to be the opponent of the main force of the Karasuma clan. .

In their lair, in addition to their wives, children, and children, there is also the wealth they have amassed over the years, and even the resources they rely on for survival.

Therefore, the three major clans immediately sent reinforcements and quickly returned to their nest for rescue.

Unexpectedly, they were ambushed by a large army of the Karasuma clan on the way, and all the reinforcements were almost wiped out.

Only then did the major clans realize that the Karasuma clan had already built a fortress that was easy to defend but difficult to attack at a dangerous intersection on the way, taking advantage of the dangerous terrain.

This further shows that the Karasuma clan has already made it clear that they do not intend to let the three major clans return to their territory.

The major clans couldn't help but be extremely angry, but faced with the fortress that occupies the natural and dangerous geographical advantages, they were helpless for a while.

At this time, they had to consider a question, that is, should they deal with the heinous Karasuma clan first, or should they follow the established goal of annihilating the Barren Mountain Army and taking Fang City?

After careful consideration, the leaders of the major clans finally decided to capture Fang City first.

After all, Fang City had been beaten to pieces by the Huangshan Army before, and now it was almost impossible to defend. On the other hand, the newly built fortress of the Karasuma clan was extremely difficult to conquer.

If they don't attack Huang San's army first and delay it until they re-establish the Fang City's defenses, then there will never be such a good opportunity again. Even if their troops have an absolute advantage, they will pay a heavy price.

Therefore, based on this consideration, the leaders of the three major clans turned their attention back to the Barren Mountain Army.

But they had no idea that after such twists and turns, the Huangshan Army had changed drastically.

Over the past few days, the Huangshan Army has continuously sent out teams to actively provoke and harass. However, since the scale of the battles was not very large, and both sides were evenly matched and hurt each other, the major clans did not take these situations to heart.

But now when they suddenly turned around and faced the Huangshan Army again, the situation at this time shocked them.

"What's going on? Why are there so many demons in the Huangshan Army?"

"Not only are there medium monsters, there are also many big monsters!"

"I remember that during the last battle, they had very few great demons, but now almost every charging team is led by a great demon?"

"Where did they bring in the reinforcements from?"

"Why bring in reinforcements? I think those demon spirits should still be the same batch as before. Several of them have been encountered before. They all came from the Great Wilderness Mountain!"

"How is this possible! The demon spirits from Dahuang Mountain are just a group of little demons. How can they grow up so fast?"

"Don't tell me, these demon spirits are really the same ones from the Great Wilderness Mountain! Otherwise, tell me why there are so few little demons left in the Huangshan Army? Where have all those little demons gone?"

"I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a special situation in the Huangshan Army... that is, everyone in the Huangshan Army seems to use a unique set of boxing techniques..."

"I've also noticed it! Sometimes when fighting, some little demons will deliberately throw away the weapons in their hands and specifically use this set of boxing techniques!"

"Is there something weird about this boxing technique?"

"This set of boxing techniques has never appeared in the demon spirit world before, and now it is suddenly used on a large scale in the Huangshan Army. It is obviously the work of those two bastard humans..."

"So, it's really possible that it has something to do with that set of boxing techniques...anything that has something to do with those two bastard human beings can't be too surprising!"

"In this case, we should eliminate the Huangshan Army as soon as possible! Otherwise, if we delay it any longer, we don't know what kind of changes will happen!"

After this discussion, everyone once again unified their thinking. Next, they must concentrate their superior forces to deal with the Huangshan Army first.

"Everyone, the situation has changed dramatically at this time!"

Mr. Litian shouted loudly to everyone, his voice was deafening.

"Whether it is the rapidly advancing Huangshan Army in front of us or the Karasuma clan who is eyeing behind us, we will not be allowed to delay any longer. We must fight quickly!"

"I propose that we launch a full-scale battle next, without giving the Yellow Shirt Army any chance to breathe. We must destroy the Huangshan Army as quickly as possible regardless of the cost! Otherwise, I'm afraid we will never have a chance again!"

His words were immediately unanimously recognized by the leaders of the major clans.

As a result, the leaders of the major clans immediately made corresponding arrangements, and a full-scale war against the Huangshan Army was about to begin.

The signs of frequent mobilization of troops from the major clan alliances were quickly noticed by the Arayama Army and the Karasuma Clan.

Throughout the land of Xichuan, a gust of wind and clouds surged, and the fighting stopped briefly, but there was a solemn atmosphere everywhere, like the last tranquility before the storm.

In the new fortress of the Karasuma clan.

When his subordinates reported to Wu Zhuojun the latest trends of the clan alliance troops, they couldn't help but express worry:

"It seems that the major clans are preparing to fight to the death. Under such a thunderous offensive, I don't know if the Huangshan Army can withstand it..."

"Once they are unable to withstand it and are captured by the coalition forces of the major clans, then Fang City will become the territory of the major clans, and they will have a foundation for new development..."

"Although our clan has this fortress to rely on for the time being, in the long run, we will eventually be at a disadvantage..."

Wu Zhuojun looked at his most trusted subordinate and said calmly: "So, Jia Kui, what do you want to say?"

Jia Kui was startled and said: "My lord, my subordinates feel that the Huangshan Army has to be rescued this time, and we can no longer sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers!"

Wu Zhuojun shook his head, with a faint smile on his lips: "My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. I am very confident in our ally. He will definitely be able to survive this... at least. There is no need for us to come to the rescue from the beginning!”

When Jia Kui heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect Wu Zhuojun to have such a high opinion of the Huangshan Army.

The gentleman raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and couldn't help but silently recall the scene in the palace when he met the two commanders of the Huangshan Army. The two people's demeanor at that time left a very deep impression on him.

At this time, he couldn't help but become curious. Faced with such a situation, what on earth were the two leaders of the other side doing?

At this moment, in Fang City, inside the camp of the commander of the Huangshan Army.

What Lu Yu was doing was beyond everyone's expectations.

Placed in front of him was a map of the demon world.

But his eyes did not stay on Xichuan in front of him, but on a place further away from Xichuan, where a black arrow was marked.

Wherever the arrow goes, it represents the location of Black Wind City's main army.

The Black Wind City army is coming.

While everyone was worrying about the war in Xichuan, Lu Yu was thinking about when the enemies outside Xichuan would arrive and how to deal with them.

There is not much time left for the Huangshan Army.

Lu Yu thought about it for a long time, and finally raised his head, his eyes as bright as candlelight, flashing with decisive and firm eyes.

"Send the order! Next, launch a full-scale attack and no longer defend! Within three days, I will not only fully attack the enemy army, but also annihilate all the alliance armies of the major clans!"

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