Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 524: Lord of Xichuan

Wu Zhuojun stopped the main force of the Karasuma clan at the outskirts of the encirclement, and then, together with Jiakui, led a group of Karasuma clan guards to personally go to the camp of the commander of the Huangshan Army.

The coach's camp was set up at the front line of the battlefield. Wu Zhuojun and others passed through numerous formations before finally arriving at Lu Yu's coach's camp.

"Mingshuai, are you okay?"

Wu Zhuojun bowed slightly and said politely to Lu Yu. This was quite polite.

Seeing their sudden visit, everyone in the commander's camp couldn't help but look at each other angrily. It was obvious that the clearly sinister intentions of the Karasuma clan could not be hidden from anyone.

Lu Yu, however, looked indifferent and just said lightly: "Coming?"

Neither enthusiastic nor angry, it was as if he saw a group of insignificant people.

Originally, Wu Zhuojun was already prepared to face the other party's anger, be reprimanded and even insulted, but he didn't expect that the other party would have such an attitude. Not only did it make him feel as if he had hit cotton with a punch. The feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

But even so, he still had to bite the bullet and said the words he had prepared with a dry smile:

"Mingshuai, please don't be offended... We, the Karasuma clan, encountered a lot of resistance when we raided the lairs of the three major culprits, and it took us a lot of time, so we came a little late..."

"Fortunately, the Huangshan Army is indeed the most reliable ally. Its momentum is unstoppable and it has defeated the enemy forces one after another. It did not have much impact on the battle situation because of our delay. A certain family is very pleased..."

"Before, it was the hard work of the Huangshan Army that led to such a situation. Now we, the soldiers of the Karasuma clan, are also ready, and we are also willing to contribute our own strength to the battle. Mingshuai, but what arrangements do you have, even though Just tell someone!"

These words were clearly a sign of weakness to the Huangshan Army.

This can't help but make the deer raccoon who stayed with Shuai Ren because of his injury extremely surprised.

As the liaison officer of the Karasuma clan before, Zhangli knew very well how arrogant Wu Zhuojun was, but he did not expect that he would take the initiative to bow his head in front of the commander-in-chief. In his opinion, it was a very magical thing.

However, Deerli also knew that Wu Zhuojun had no choice but to do this due to the situation.

Especially after witnessing the entire process of Xijiao's promotion to become a powerful Sky Demon, Zhanli became more certain that the overall strength of the Huangshan Army was obviously getting stronger with each fight, and the Karasuma clan simply had no better choice.

"The Karasuma clan has been working hard all the way on the expedition. It is indeed quite hard. We will no longer need to send troops for the time being. We should let the Karasuma group of warriors take a good rest for a while!"

Lu Yu responded calmly.

"However, since Wu Zhuojun is already here, why not stay for now and supervise the battle for our Huangshan Army?"

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but be startled: "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Next, everyone left the commander's camp and came to the front of the line in person.

I saw the Huangshan Army in full glory and taking the oath generously.

It turned out that the Huangshan Army was about to launch a final general attack on the coalition forces of the major clans, preparing to complete their achievements in one battle.

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but thought to himself: This is a good opportunity to observe the strength of Desolate Villa at close range.

Although facts have repeatedly proven that the strength of the Huangshan Army is no longer what it used to be, he has never felt it intuitively with his own eyes...

Soon, the swearing-in ceremony brought him his first surprise.

Originally, he thought that in such a crucial battle, even if Mingshuai himself did not appear in person, he would at least send General Rhinoceros, who had been promoted to Sky Demon not long ago, as the commander-in-chief. However, he did not expect that the commander-in-chief this time would be Hu Dali.

You know, although all the major clans are left with only a group of remnants and defeated generals, there are still two heavenly demon-level leaders, Wind Wolf Lord and Tieshan Lord, sitting in command. With just a big demon like Hu Dali, these two can be defeated. Human opponent?

After the oath-taking ceremony, the Huangshan Army immediately marched forward.

Wu Zhuojun temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and watched Hu Dali leading a group of mistresses and demon generals under him to rush forward.

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help being surprised again.

He knew that Hu Dali and the group of mistresses under Hu Dali were all demon spirits from Dulong Port. They were originally only middle demons, but when did they turn into all great demons?

Moreover, all of these people have high morale and momentum, as if they are holding a breath in their hearts.

Such fighting spirit obviously cannot be caused by the opponent. Could it be that the fighting spirit was inspired by being promoted by the general named Rhinoceros?

With the rapid offensive, the formation of the Huangshan Army also gradually unfolded. The tribes led by Hu Dali, like a sharp dagger, stabbed hard into the hearts of the major clan coalition forces, forcing the opponent to All efforts had to be made to rescue.

The two sides quickly strangled each other, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

Even under the joint suppression of the two celestial demon leaders, Fenglangjun and Tieshanjun, the troops led by Hu Dali still maintained a strong sprint, constantly crossing vertically and horizontally, as if they were in an uninhabited land.

Wu Zhuojun and other warriors of the Karasuma clan couldn't help but watch in horror. They didn't expect that the Huangshan Army, which was originally insignificant to them, had such a powerful combat power!

However, it is still difficult to describe how to subdue the two powerful Heavenly Demons on the other side just by doing this.

Gradually, the battle situation gradually became stalemate.

Wu Zhuojun and others couldn't help but think to themselves that it seemed that this battle could not be conquered for the time being, but the problem was not big. As long as the Huangshan Army continued to send people to the field in relays, it would only be a matter of time before the whole battle was won. I just didn't know. Who will the Huangshan Army send to take over next...

However, the Huangshan Army has yet to issue new orders to replace Hu Dali and others who are obviously in a tough fight.

Wu Zhuojun and others couldn't help but wonder, what kind of medicine did Mingshuai sell in this gourd?

Although it can be said that the situation is over for the alliance of major clans, the casualties suffered by the Huangshan Army can be avoided. Is it really planned to let the troops led by Hu Dali be consumed alive?

Just when the troops of Hu Zun and others gradually showed signs of decline and could no longer attack.

Suddenly, the demonic mist on the battlefield surged rapidly, surrounding Tiger Lord, spiraling continuously, forming a huge whirlpool.

The majestic and majestic power in it couldn't help but make everyone moved and deeply shocked.

"This is……"

"The breath of the heavenly demon..."

"Celestial Demon! Someone has been promoted to become a powerful Celestial Demon!"

"It seems...that it's Hu Dali, the chief general of the Huangshan Army?"

"Oh my God! I got promoted on the cusp of a battle, and I got promoted on the cusp of a battle again!"

"When did it become so easy to get promoted on the spot?"

"Does the Huangshan Army have any secrets?"

Wu Zhuojun and others were stunned, their faces were full of astonishment, and they were so surprised that they were almost speechless.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield was no longer in any doubt.

Lu Yu couldn't help but turned around with a happy face, looked at Wu Zhuojun with a bright smile, and said, "Sir, how do you think our battle went?"

Wu Zhuojun was silent for several breaths, speechless for a long time.

After a moment, he finally reacted, but he immediately knelt on the ground.

"From now on, the Karasuma clan is willing to serve Mingshuai and Miss Yang as their masters. No one dares to disobey them as long as they are assigned to do so!"

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, everyone involuntarily had a burst of enlightenment in their hearts.

A new Lord of Xichuan has been born!

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