Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 525 Joint Ambush

"Since Wu Zhuojun has this intention, I will definitely convey your thoughts to my lady..." Lu Yu looked at Wu Zhuojun with a smile, and suddenly his eyes turned cold halfway through. "However, I hope that Wu Zhuojun's thoughts are sincere. If he is two-faced like before, not to mention the thunderous wrath of my lady, you will not be able to bear it, even I, A Ming, will definitely grind you to ashes and make you regret coming to this world!" Wu Zhuojun's heart shuddered. He really couldn't imagine why this human in front of him, who didn't seem to have a very high level of cultivation, could cause such a huge mental pressure on him? You know, he himself is a powerful demon! Compared with humans, the demon spirits are often more difficult to strengthen in mental strength. Usually, the demon spirits scare humans to death. Unexpectedly, Ming Shuai at this time made the situation completely opposite. A Ming general is so amazing, not to mention the mysterious Miss Yang. Wu Zhuojun can't help but feel that the Huangshan Army in front of him is becoming more and more unpredictable and unfathomable...

"Please rest assured, Ming general, I, Wu Zhuojun, have been changing repeatedly before, because I haven't met a wise leader yet. How can people like Li Tianjun and Tieshanjun be worthy of my loyalty? Only heroes like Ming general and Miss Yang are the real heroes I have been looking forward to in my heart!" Wu Zhuojun knelt on the ground carefully, and his nose almost touched the soil on the ground.

But even with such a respectful attitude, Lu Yu just smiled faintly: "I hope so! Let's wait and see what happens next!"

After that, he strode back to the general camp.

At this time, the battle situation on the field has been determined, and the coalition forces of the major clans have completely lost their fighting spirit, and only one-sided slaughter is left.

But even if it is a one-sided massacre, it is also important for the Wild Mountain Army. This will be an excellent opportunity to train and improve, so he must also coordinate how to "train" in order to maximize the benefits.

Because his goal is not limited to the enemy in front of him, but the Black Wind City army that will soon follow, and even the potential enemies of the more distant Dakong Mountain...

Therefore, he is not complacent with the victory in front of him.

It is precisely for this reason that he accepted Wu Zhuojun's surrender and did not pursue his previous actions.

In order to fight against the powerful enemies in the future, he needs to unite all the forces that can be united!

Even if it is Wu Zhuojun who is so bad that he is pus, after all, he is a demon, right?

Seeing Lu Yu leading his people away, Wu Zhuojun slowly stood up, and then he realized that his back was completely wet...


Jia Kui hurriedly came up from behind, with a look on his face that wanted to say something but stopped.

Wu Zhuojun suddenly waved his hand, interrupting his question, and said directly: "What about the beauties captured from the Yehua clan? Has anyone touched them?"

Jia Kui was stunned, wondering why Wu Zhuojun suddenly raised this question at this time.

Although the beauties of the Yehua clan are indeed quite outstanding in appearance and are the delicacies that Wu Zhuojun has been thinking about for a long time, it is not appropriate to mention them at this time, right?

Could it be... that the stimulation is too great and these beauties are needed to calm down?

"They are imprisoned in the Great Dream Palace and no one has touched them..."

Jia Kui replied: "They are the chief's forbidden delicacies. Who dares to enjoy them before the chief?"

"Very good!"

Wu Zhuojun nodded.

"Keep their virginity, and then send people to bring them over and offer them to Miss Yang and the bastard Ming... Just as a little token of my surrender to the two new masters!"

Jia Kui was stunned again.

In order to get these beautiful beauties from the Yehua clan, Wu Zhuojun planned for a long time and paid a heavy price before finally getting them.

Unexpectedly, he would rather offer these beauties to them before even touching them...

Before, Jia Kui hesitated to speak, and wanted to ask whether Wu Zhuojun really surrendered or was just pretending to surrender temporarily.

Now, he had the answer in his heart.

Then, the Wild Mountain Army won without any suspense, and won thoroughly.

Although Lu Yu's eyes were no longer on this battle, it was a rare victory after all, and it was inevitable to celebrate.

So the entire Wild Mountain Army celebrated wildly, and the wilderness became a sea of ​​joy.

Wu Zhuojun was also invited to attend this celebration banquet.

However, he was quite nervous. For the Huangshan Army, this was a great celebration, but for him, a recent surrenderer, he didn't know how the other side would deal with him. He was afraid that the banquet would not be a good one... Therefore, while the people around him were singing and dancing, drinking and eating meat, he looked worried and out of tune with the surrounding environment. It was during this process that Wu Zhuojun noticed that Miss Yang was not seen in the entire celebration banquet. It was obvious that she did not appear in the army, and she did not even participate in this battle... He couldn't help but be surprised, and didn't know what important thing had happened that made Miss Yang not even participate in such an important battle?

It was getting dark, and Wu Zhuojun was sitting on pins and needles, tasting the fine wine and food reluctantly.

Several times he wanted to get up and say goodbye and leave early, but when he saw that Ming Shuai was still there and seemed to be in high spirits, he forced himself to endure it.

Until the moon was near the zenith, suddenly a ray of light suddenly streaked down from the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Wu Zhuojun was startled, and then he saw that the escaping light had stopped next to Ming Shuai, revealing a graceful and graceful figure. It was the Miss Yang who had never appeared.

Wu Zhuojun was secretly relieved.

At that moment, he thought some kind of powerful demon king had arrived, but he didn't expect it to be the mysterious Miss Yang... Could this be her true strength?

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but feel frightened again.

All the members of the Huangshan Army stood up one after another to salute Miss Yang, but they were all waved away by her.

She had a solemn expression on her face and looked like she was tired from all the travels. She leaned directly next to Ming Shuai and whispered. Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but be confused. He didn't know where this Miss Yang came from and what she got. Such news, why is it like this?

However, looking at the expressions of the two people at this time, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is indeed very close. The bastard Ming is indeed Miss Yang's confidant!

After a while, the two finally finished whispering.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at everyone, and said: "Everyone, tonight's celebration banquet is over. Please return to the camp to rest immediately! Although the coalition forces of the major clans have been eliminated by us, our Huangshan Army still has many things to solve. , please be vigilant!”

When Wu Zhuojun heard this, he couldn't help but think that this was indeed the truth.

Although there is no threat from external forces for the time being, the entire land of Xichuan has been destroyed. There is still a lot of reconstruction work to do. If the Huangshan Army cannot rebuild the defenses of Fang City as soon as possible, Xichuan will be a fat piece of land. Sooner or later, you will still be targeted by others.

Therefore, the Huangshan Army at this time is far from being able to sit back and relax.

Everyone left the table one after another, and the large-scale banquet came to an end in an instant.

Wu Zhuojun mingled among the crowd and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Mingshuai suddenly stopped him.

"Jun Wu Zhuo, please stay!"

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help being startled, stopped abruptly, and turned around.

Facing the two leaders' piercing eyes at the same time, he couldn't help but panic for no reason. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry to see you, Miss Yang! Ming Shuai and Miss asked me to stay here. What are your instructions?"

Lu Yu smiled, said nothing, and raised his hand to respectfully greet Yang Chudie, meaning that she would give the explanation personally.

Yang Chudie's face was as calm as ever, and he asked calmly: "Your Excellency claimed that you would surrender to our Yang family. Is it true or false?"

Wu Zhuojun hurriedly said: "Of course it is true..."

"very good."

Yang Chudie suddenly curled up his lips slightly: "There happens to be one thing right now that can prove your sincerity. As long as you handle it seriously, I will forget about your past actions. If you fail to handle it, then the other three The fate of the clan will be your fate!"

Wu Zhuojun was stunned and straightened his body unconsciously: "Please give me your instructions, Miss!"

Yang Chudie turned her head and looked north, her black eyes looking extremely bright in the night.

"Within two days, there will be an army coming from the north, passing through the Blood Crow Valley... I now ask you to take all the elites of the Karasuma clan and set up an ambush in advance at the foothills on the west side of the valley. No matter who it is, as long as you dare to If you try to pass, I will destroy them all!"

When Wu Zhuojun heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Troops from the north? Passing through Blood Crow Valley?

Who could this be?

The Huangshan Army had just won a great victory, and there was no opponent in the entire Xichuan land. Who would come from the north at this time?

"What? What's the problem?"

Seeing Wu Zhuojun not speaking for a long time, Yang Chudie couldn't help but frown slightly, and suddenly a cold aura surged out.

Wu Zhuojun suddenly felt his chest suffocate, and he was horrified. He said hurriedly: "No... no problem... it's just that my subordinates still have something unclear. I don't know who is the target of the ambush?"

Yang Chudie's expression was indifferent: "You don't need to know this question now, you will know it when the time comes..."

"However, you don't need to worry about whether we are plotting against you or something. When the time comes, our Barren Mountain Army will also send out elites to set up an ambush with you at the foothills on the east side of the valley to encircle and annihilate the northern army together!"

Wu Zhuojun finally felt at ease.

He composed himself, bowed and said, "Yes! I will do it immediately!"

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