Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 576 Phoenix also has tears

The only explanation Lu Yu could think of at this time was that Qin Yanzhen must have built a teleportation array into the Sacred Heart Gourd. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why she appeared here so suddenly.

This may sound incredible, but she is the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. How can everything be judged by common sense?

Qin Yanzhen did not stand there blankly waiting for the three people to respond. Seeing that the three people did not respond for a while, she smiled softly and turned away.

"We'll talk later!"

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky, forming a complicated handprint on her snow-white jade hand, which seemed to have endless mysteries, and then she made a move towards the sky.

At this time, the demonic mist in Dakong Mountain had long been exhausted, leaving only a clear blue sky.

Lu Yu, Yang Chudie, and Ye Weilan were all confused as to what she was doing...

At this moment, a loud cry suddenly came.


The figure of the Nether Phoenix reappeared in the sky, but unexpectedly it went away and came back again.

Only then did the three of them notice that the direction Qin Yanzhen waved corresponded to the direction that Netherworld Phoenix had left.

Could it be that she summoned the Nether Phoenix back?

But how could the Netherworld Phoenix be so obedient and obediently obey her call?

Before the three of them could figure it out, the Nether Phoenix was getting closer and closer. From the constant flapping of its wings, it was obvious that it looked panicked, as if it was running away from something terrible... …

The three of them were shocked and immediately realized that something was wrong. Perhaps everything was not as simple as it seemed...

The next moment, I suddenly saw a towering mountain suspended in the sky, like a mirage.

But this scene is obviously not a mirage, because the mountains are rapidly expanding, and the scene above the peaks is clearly visible, indicating that it is moving rapidly...

This is a real big mountain, and it is flying here quickly!

There were screams of demon spirits all around Shen Yougu, and in the camp belonging to the Wuluo clan, many demon spirits knelt down on the ground, kowtowing to the mountains in the sky. His demeanor and look were extremely pious.

"This is... Wuluo Sacred Mountain!" Ye Weilan said with a shocked face.

Although she had never been to Wuluo Mountain, she was in the world of demons and spirits, and her ears were almost numb from the various descriptions of Wuluo Mountain. At this time, she saw such a scene, combined with the great sage Qin Yanzhen Knowing the identity of the person, he blurted out the name of Wuluo Mountain.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but look shocked and dumbfounded!

The two of them really couldn't imagine how Qin Yanzhen did all this.

The floating island in Shengyun Mountain is exaggerated enough, but the scale of Wuluo Mountain is probably more than ten times that of Shengyun Mountain. The shock of this scene is naturally far beyond what Shengyun Mountain can compare with!

Obviously, it was under the oppression of the entire Wuluo Mountain that the Netherworld Phoenix came back and fled back again...

In the blink of an eye, the Netherworld Phoenix had arrived in front of them, and it couldn't help but chirp. It was obviously signaling Lu Yu and others to run away with it.

Before Lu Yu and others had time to react, Qin Yanzhen suddenly raised her hand again.

Suddenly, a scroll appeared in her hand.

At first glance, this scroll seemed ordinary and had nothing special about it. But when she suddenly threw it up and suddenly unfolded it in the air, an indescribable feeling suddenly filled the whole place.

Vicissitudes of life, simplicity, mystery... shocking people's hearts!

At this moment, even the Wuluo Mountain in the distance became insignificant. Only the picture in front of him was the center of the entire world, and even the entire universe.

Above the scroll, a ray of hazy white light suddenly emitted, shining directly on the Netherworld Phoenix.

This ray of white light was like a cage, immediately making Netherworld Phoenix freeze in place, and then a huge force came, pulling it towards the scroll.

The Nether Phoenix struggled hard, the flames on its body instantly surged several times, and it kept making chirping sounds from its mouth.

But the pulling force on the scroll was extremely huge, and it was not allowed to resist at all. Although it struggled in every possible way, it was still slowly pulled towards the scroll.

"what are you up to!"

Ye Weilan screamed in shock and anger, immediately took out the Ye Xiao dagger and rushed toward her.

Although this time there is no blessing from the rising dragon effect, the momentum is still terrifying.

Ye Weilan knew in her heart that this woman had a mysterious origin and a powerful background, and that she would probably return in vain. However, she did not intend to subdue the other party just like this. She just hoped to interrupt her spellcasting so that Netherworld Phoenix could have some time. Opportunities to escape dangerous situations.

But Qin Yanzhen didn't even turn her head, she just focused on casting the spell.

Until Ye Xiao's dagger penetrated her body-protecting aura and was about to stab her body, suddenly a divine light shot from the Wuluo Mountain in the distance, and Ye Weilan's body was violently thrown away.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but feel horrified. They didn't expect that the entire Wuluo Mountain would be her protective barrier. In this way, she was absolutely invincible.

Ye Weilan rolled back and forth in the air several times, and was about to fall into the sea of ​​​​fire in the valley. Fortunately, Yang Chudie sent out a strong wind in time to pull her back, so that the worst situation was not caused.

At this time, Ye Weilan fully experienced the benefits of taking the green elixir before. Under normal circumstances, she would have been unable to stand up after receiving such a heavy blow, but now, she still has some energy left. .

The sad Feng Ming was still in her ears. She broke away from Yang Chudie's Gangfeng, and she held onto the Night Owl dagger and continued to attack, but Yang Chudie held her back.

She looked into her eyes and shook her head slowly.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't save it."

For a moment, Ye Weilan was speechless and choked.

At this moment, she longed for powerful power in her heart. Although she was unwilling to admit it, she also knew that what Miss Yang said was the truth.

The mysterious woman in front of her possesses the vast power to rewrite the world. In front of her, she is not even an ant under the feet of an elephant, so why should she save the one with whom she has a blood bond? The Netherworld Phoenix?

At this moment, a drop of hot and red liquid suddenly left in Netherworld Phoenix's eyes...

Ye Weilan unexpectedly understood its eyes: Let's go, go quickly, it's very dangerous here!

She suddenly felt that her heart was hit hard by something unknown. She could no longer bear the tears and burst out of her eyes instantly...

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