Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 577 Husband’s Cage

"let's go!"

Yang Chudie looked at Lu Yu with a solemn expression and whispered.

Lu Yu nodded silently, also feeling heavy in his heart.

The Qin Yanzhen in front of them summoned the Wuluo Mountain and presented a mysterious scroll. Her strength was far beyond their imagination. Not to mention that the Holy Heart Gourd had no chance at all. Even if they could successfully escape now, This place is an unknown number...

Just when the two of them turned around with Ye Weilan, Nether Phoenix could no longer struggle and was sucked into the scroll.

But before it was completely sucked in, its body suddenly swelled again, and then a faint blue brilliance shot out from its body.

This ray of light was extremely pure, passing through many obstacles, escaping from one after another, and shining straight towards Ye Weilan.

The faint blue light entered the body, and Ye Weilan suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His body became stiff and he froze in place.

She only felt a huge force blessing her body, and then the surrounding situation changed, and the spiritual energy of the world surged wildly.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but be shocked. They had seen this scene before with Hu Zun and Rhinoceros respectively. They didn't expect that Ye Weilan would suddenly be promoted at this time and become a powerful celestial demon!

This is obviously related to the ray of orchid brilliance that escaped just now.

The two of them turned to look back again, only to see that the body of the Netherworld Phoenix had disappeared, leaving only an image that was imprinted on Qin Yanzhen's mysterious painting.

On the scroll, the original content was a picture of mountains and rivers with magnificent scenery and breathtaking momentum. At this time, there was a lifelike ghost phoenix on it, but the phoenix was incomplete, with half of its tail fin missing.

Obviously, the missing part is the faint blue light that escaped just now, and has now integrated into Ye Weilan's body.

"Hey, I didn't expect...this sister is actually an awakened true phoenix bloodline?"

Qin Yanzhen was a little surprised, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"If half the tail is missing, then half the tail is missing. It should be enough just barely..."

She turned around while turning the scroll, only to find that Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were leaving quickly with Ye Weilan, who was filled with the power of the true phoenix, already a hundred feet away from her.

"Husband, don't leave yet..."

She shouted crisply.

Lu Yu heard her call, but he didn't dare to respond. He only regretted that he couldn't learn the most advanced light escape technique and couldn't escape from here.

According to their original plan, they were to escape from the airway, and then leave the demon spirit world directly through the teleportation circle. Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. At this time, in front of Qin Yanzhen, the instigator, they wanted to escape through the airway again. Wouldn't it be like throwing yourself into a trap?

So the two could only escape in the opposite direction of Wuluo Mountain.

The wind is hunting in my ears.

Lu Yu couldn't help but turn around and glanced quietly, only to see Qin Yanzhen still standing quietly on the spot. Although she was holding some kind of strange magic formula in her hand, she didn't catch up.

Lu Yu didn't know why she didn't catch up. Logically speaking, he knew the secret of her identity and destroyed the World Tree she planted. She shouldn't let him go no matter what... But no matter what, It was a good thing she didn't catch up after all.

He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, another divine light suddenly shot over from the Wuluo Mountain and shone directly at the two of them.

Lu Yu was startled and quickly stopped with Yang Chudie, narrowly avoiding this divine light.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that this divine light was extremely mild and had no lethality at all.

When the two of them were feeling confused, a figure suddenly appeared in the divine light, and it was Qin Yanzhen who walked out of it again.

The two of them couldn't help but look blank. They didn't expect Qin Yanzhen to have such a method.

Wherever the light from Wuluo Mountain shines, she can teleport to it. If so, why would they be able to escape? No matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than the speed of the divine light!

"Where do you plan to take your husband, sister?"

Qin Yanzhen walked out of the divine light with a chuckle, but this time her eyes stopped on Yang Chudie's face. She also looked at it. The reason why the three of them escaped so fast was that Yang Chudie played the main role. Ability.

"Could it be sister wants to have her husband all to herself?"

Yang Chudie didn't care about picking on the language flaws in the other person's words, and said with vigilant eyes: "What do you want?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and then moved her gaze to Lu Yu's face: "Husband, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Will I eat you..."

"You have eliminated this annoying guy like Lord Chiyue for me this time, saving me the trouble of dealing with him. I thank you all before it's too late..."

"So, in order to express my gratitude, I specially prepared a gift for my husband. Even if my husband is eager to stay with these two sisters and doesn't want to see me, a yellow-faced woman, please accept my gift first. Can the gift go away again?”

Lu Yu knew that her words were not credible at all, but he still couldn't help but feel curious and asked: "What gift?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled mysteriously, turned around and looked at the Wuluo Mountain behind her: "Far away in the horizon, close in front of you... This Wuluo Mountain is the gift I want to give you!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but froze, thinking what kind of gift was this? This sacred mountain indeed looks amazing, but I can’t take it with me, right?

At this moment, Qin Yanzhen suddenly recited a spell.

The Wuluo Sacred Mountain in the distance immediately reacted and became radiant in an instant. Countless golden spell characters flew up from the sacred peaks in the mountains and enveloped the place where Lu Yu was with an overwhelming force.

In an instant, Lu Yu suddenly understood what she meant.

She wants to turn the entire Wuluo Mountain into her own prison!

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