Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 594 Obsessed

In the end, Ye Weilan still did not change her appearance.

She had to suppress the power within her body and hide the demonic marks on her forehead. These two points alone had reached her limit. If she had to use another ray of power to maintain her appearance, she would not be able to guarantee its stability. It is very likely that flaws will be exposed inadvertently.

Therefore, Lu Yu finally decided not to change her appearance. After all, her appearance could be covered up in other ways, such as changing makeup or wearing a veil. There was no need to sacrifice for the small.

But for some reason, Ye Weilan had a vague feeling in her heart. It seemed that after she didn't change her appearance, Lu Yu was a little happy. She didn't know if it was her illusion...

After determining the matter of hiding their identity, a brand new problem appeared in front of the two of them.

"You have such a long-term plan, but have you ever thought about how we can leave here and go to other cities?" Ye Weilan asked.

This is indeed a problem...

There were no trees around, so they couldn't even find firewood to grill fish, let alone make a raft?

Of course, with Ye Weilan's strength, she can do it without leaving a trace on the snow, and walking on the waves is naturally not a big problem, but the problem is that firstly, it consumes too much, and secondly, they don't know exactly where to go on the sea. How long does it take to wander before you can find other continents? What if you get tired halfway through? Can't it be soaked directly in sea water?

Even Jindan Zhenren would not choose to cross the ocean without fake foreign objects.

"If it doesn't work, just take out the thing I put at the bottom of the ring space, and we can use it to cross the sea..." Lu Yu finally said.

Ye Weilan took out the thing as instructed, and was immediately startled when she saw that the thing was heavy and black, and looked like a big cauldron.

"What is this?" Ye Weilan asked in surprise, "Can this thing be used to cross the sea?"

"This is my alchemy furnace." Lu Yu explained, "You may not look at it like this, but its sealing is very good, so there is no need to worry about water leakage... As for whether it can float, it only needs to be slightly modified. , just add two simple formations on top and that’s it!”

Then, the two began to modify the alchemy furnace, just like when they modified the Snow Dragon, Lu Yu was in charge of giving guidance and Ye Weilan was in charge of the operation.

After working hard for a while, the transformation was finally completed. In addition to becoming as light as wood, the two of them also blessed it with a set of wind-driven formations. The effect was naturally far inferior to that of the dragon in the snow. Any amount is better than nothing.

At this time, this alchemy furnace still looks like an alchemy furnace, but in fact it is already a sailing ship...

Lu Yu reached out and patted the alchemy furnace, and there was a heavy metallic sound coming from the furnace: "Okay, let's just sleep in here tonight!"

It was getting late at this time, the night sky was filled with stars, and it was already time to rest.

Ye Weilan looked at the dark alchemy furnace and shook his head: "You sleep here, I'll sleep in the tent!"

With that said, he took out the tent from the storage ring and prepared to support it.

Lu Yu rubbed his hands and took the initiative to come over to help: "If that's the case, I'll sleep in the tent too..."

Ye Weilan immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at him with bright eyes, "Why?"

"Why else..."

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Of course it's to keep warm!"

Although there was no wind and snow at this time, it was still bitingly cold. If it weren't for Ye Weilan, his current body, which was unable to use his true energy, would not be able to withstand such a long cold night.

"Don't you...have a warming charm?"

"The body-warming charm also costs money, okay?" Lu Yu said helplessly, "Besides, I have used so many body-warming charms along the way. How much stock is left in the ring?"

Ye Weilan touched it, and sure enough, there were very few warming charms left in the ring, only the last two...

She suddenly stopped saying anything, and remained silent for a while. Finally, she warned: "Then... you have to be more honest! Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences!"

Lu Yu was speechless for a moment.

Are you saying this as if you are very dishonest?

Along the way, apart from a little misunderstanding on the first night when I just woke up, have I ever done anything dishonest?

Besides, the two of them have been sleeping together for so long, is it still useful to suddenly mention this now?

Early the next morning, the two of them pushed the modified alchemy furnace to the sea according to the plan, then activated the formation, and sat in the alchemy furnace to ride the wind and waves.

Although this "sailing boat" transformed from a Dan furnace looks very strange in shape, its benefits are also obvious.

First of all, it is strong enough to withstand any wind and waves in the sea;

Secondly, it has a sealed internal space. As long as the lid of the alchemy furnace is closed, you don't have to worry about a wave suddenly hitting your face while you are sleeping;

Finally, due to its thick texture, it sailed very stably. Although it would inevitably sway when it floated and sank in the sea, its degree of swaying was completely within Lu Yu's acceptable range. Even if he could not use his true energy at this time, he could still Didn't feel any discomfort.

Ye Weilan stood on the top of the alchemy furnace, facing the depths of the sea, blowing the cool sea breeze, her face full of excitement.

Lu Yu stood inside the body of the alchemy furnace, and after taking a good look at her slender straight thighs that were wet by the sea water, he curled back inside the alchemy furnace - it wasn't that he didn't want to look anymore, but that he still had To get down to business, he had to think about how to break the curse in his body.

After a while, the sun has gradually risen.

Suddenly, Ye Weilan jumped in, hurriedly ran in front of Lu Yu, and said in a panic: "Lu Yu, I feel something is wrong, I seem to be going crazy..."

Lu Yu was stunned and couldn't help but look at her face. He saw that her face was unusually pale, and she was no longer as cheerful as before. Something was indeed wrong.

However, how can one become obsessed with things in a good way?

"Could it be that the power that devoured the demon god before had any sequelae, and now it's starting to bite back?" Ye Weilan said worriedly.

Lu Yu's face darkened, and he said calmly: "Don't panic, let me check it for you first..."

So, Ye Weilan twisted her body and took the initiative to come forward. From Lu Yu's angle, he could just see a trembling wave, which made his mouth go dry and his heart beat faster.

His hand pressed on it without hesitation, gradually stroking all over his body.

After a moment, Lu Yu's expression suddenly became strange.

Ye Weilan didn't see him speaking for a long time, and she was anxious in her heart. She couldn't help asking: "How is the situation? What is going on?"

" do you feel now?" Lu Yu's tone was hesitant.

"I feel very uncomfortable now..." Ye Weilan replied, "I have never felt this way before... Will I die?"

"It's okay to feel uncomfortable!"

Lu Yu withdrew his hand from her body and looked into her eyes silently, his expression seemed helpless: "Miss Weilan, don't worry... you are just seasick, you are still far from death!"


Ye Weilan blinked and was completely stunned.

It's not that she has never heard of seasickness, but she never expected that such a thing would happen to her...

It's just that she has never been to the sea. It's not that she has never been on a boat. There are also big rivers in the demon spirit world. She has never been seasick in the past. Why did she suddenly become seasick here?

"How can the wind and waves of the river be compared with the wind and waves of the sea?"

After hearing Ye Weilan's question, Lu Yu couldn't help but retort.

"Just because you haven't experienced seasickness in the demon spirit world, it doesn't mean you won't get seasick when you go out to sea. This is just like the strong demon king who is already very powerful in the demon spirit world, but when he goes out into the big world, he becomes ordinary. It’s the same thing!”

Ye Weilan pursed her lips and stopped talking. Her expression seemed a little distressed, a little confused, and a little pitiful.

Lu Yu felt funny in his heart.

Who would have thought that the mighty Celestial Demon, the strongest assassin of the Ye Hua clan, would actually get seasick?

If her current appearance were known to Hu Zun, Wu Zhuojun and others, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

However, Lu Yu also knew that the reason why she became seasick had something to do with her suppressing her own strength. Otherwise, her body would have automatically made corrections long ago, and it would not be like this.

Finally, Lu Yu said helplessly: "I am burdened by the curse now, and there is not much I can do. I can neither drive the true energy to adjust your breathing, nor can I prepare materials to open a furnace to make elixirs. What's more, even the elixir furnace can't be used now." there is none left……"

"However, there is a massage technique that may alleviate your symptoms. Would you like to try it?"

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