Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 595 Bad Luck

Lu Yu's massage methods were very effective, and Ye Weilan's symptoms of seasickness were soon relieved.

The only drawback was that the effect did not last long, and she became groggy again, so she had to ask Lu Yu for help again.

On average, she has to ask Lu Yu to massage her at least three times a day.

At first, she was a little shy and couldn't keep her face in front of Lu Yu, but as the symptoms gradually worsened and her stomach started to churn, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and had to suppress her shame and let Lu Yu's hands fall under her graceful body. Wandering around the body.

After all, for a beauty like her who cares about her appearance and manners, Lu Yu's slight intrusion may be bearable, but it would be absolutely unbearable if she vomited all over her body and smelled yellow and white.

What's more, this is not the first time for him to have this kind of contact with Lu Yu. Through their experiences along the way, the two of them can be said to have lived and died together several times. It doesn't matter even if he takes advantage now...

As a result, her mentality gradually calmed down. So later on, she gradually became accustomed to the swaying of the waves, and no longer felt seasick. She still missed Lu Yu's massage techniques - I have to say that his massage techniques were quite exquisite, and he stimulated the acupuncture points very well, every time. It can make her feel comfortable all over.

The two of them had been drifting on the sea for more than ten days. By this time, Ye Weilan had completely adapted to the drifting on the sea and no longer felt any discomfort. However, the surroundings were vast and there was no trace of land.

"Are you sure we are going in the right direction? How long will we have to wander on the sea before we can see land..."

For more than ten days in a row, every time he opened his eyes, he saw the boundless sea. Ye Weilan no longer had the freshness he had at the beginning, and his mood gradually became depressed.

Lu Yu said: "Even with the most comprehensive sea map, there is currently no way to explore all the sea areas. What's more, crossing the endless ice fields and getting out of the wild world is a road that has never been traveled before..."

"So, I don't know our specific location, let alone how long we have to go before we encounter land..."

"The only thing I can be sure of is that according to the stars in the sky, we have always been walking in the same direction, and we have definitely not wandered around in the sea. As long as we keep walking like this, we will reach a new continent sooner or later."

This was not the first time Ye Weilan had heard these words, and it was not the first time Lu Yu had said them, but understanding the truth and being able to figure it out on his own were completely different things.

She sighed quietly and leaned against the inner wall of the alchemy furnace out of boredom, looking at the unchanging blue sky through the opening of the alchemy furnace.

"I don't know what's going on in the demon spirit world now... Do you think we will be drifting on the sea like this for three to five years? Although we have always been walking in the same direction, there happens to be just that little difference. Hundreds of miles away, it happens to be the wrong continent next to it?”

"No." Lu Yu replied simply.


“Because if it’s such a coincidence, we will be trapped to death, hungry to death, thirsty to death, exhausted... We will become two corpses, slowly rotting, moldy, maggots, and then eaten by fish in the sea. , Not even a single bone is left..." Lu Yu said vividly.

"...Fuck you!" Ye Weilan glared at him angrily, ready to fight.

Lu Yu ducked sideways and said with a smile: "So, if you don't want to end up like this, go out and take a look! Lest you really miss the land!"

Hearing this, Ye Weilan took out a sentinel detective talisman from the storage ring.

She had already used the sentinel talisman to transform into the form of a marmot. Now, under Lu Yu's guidance, it was no problem to change into the form of an eagle. In the past few days, she had relied on her using the sentinel talisman to collect information from the surrounding sea area. information, but unfortunately there has been no harvest.

"Do you really want to be on the lookout now?"

Ye Weilan said with some uncertainty: "There are only the last two or three of these talismans left. If we can't see what's going on, maybe we will have to be blind in the future..."

"It's okay, feel free to use it! If it doesn't work, I'll think of other ways!"

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Ye Weilan stopped hesitating and activated her true energy in her body. Suddenly, a ray of light came out of her hand and shot straight into the sky.


After a moment, Ye Weilan suddenly made a surprised sound.

Lu Yu suddenly became energetic and immediately came to her side. He quickly asked: "How is it? Have you finally seen land this time?"

"No land in sight..."

Ye Weilan turned around and glanced at him: "However, I saw many ships to the west of us..."

Many ships...

Could it be a fleet of a certain chamber of commerce?

Lu Yu's excitement did not diminish at all. Although he did not see the land, it was good to see the fleet. With the fleet, he would naturally tell them where they were and take them back to the land.

"What kind of ship is it?" Lu Yu asked again.

Ye Weilan hesitated for a moment and said: "It's very big... very impressive..."

It seems that it is still a powerful chamber of commerce. This would be better. It would be better if they had a ship to go directly to Haixi. In that case, Lu Yu could directly pay them to escort him to Haixi. At worst, spend more money and buy their ship directly!

Lu Yu secretly made up his mind. No matter what, he would deal with the other party first.

If the other party is easy to talk to, then speak nicely. If the other party happens to be a group of extremely vicious people, then the worst case scenario is to ask Ye Weilan to unlock the restraints in his body and use force to force them to submit...

"Pay attention to the position of the other side's ships and control our direction. We will stop them in front of them!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he climbed out of the alchemy furnace and sat on the top of the alchemy furnace, looking forward to it.

Ye Weilan, on the other hand, was distracted. While controlling the falcons in the sky, he controlled the driving formation on the alchemy furnace and stopped the fleet in the direction it was coming.

Finally, the silhouette of the fleet appeared on the sea level, like small black dots.

Lu Yu's face was full of excitement at first, but when he finally saw what the fleet looked like, he couldn't help but shuddered.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye Weilan also noticed something unusual about him and asked involuntarily.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at her. The panic in his eyes gradually faded, and finally turned into helplessness.

"It seems that our bad luck has not passed yet. This is the fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. They are very likely to be our enemies!"

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