Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 643 His Majesty the Dragon King

A few days later, there was even more explosive news.

Queen Wangyou will hold a grand coronation ceremony in Tuoshan. The reason why it is coronation, not restoration, is because she has a new title at this time - she has annexed more than ten families in the vicinity of Tuoshan in one fell swoop, entangled and combined together to form a Wanlong Kingdom, and she is the Queen of Wanlong.

The scale of this coronation ceremony is unprecedentedly grand. Wanlong Kingdom invited all the big and small forces in Haixi to watch the ceremony. In fact, watching the ceremony is just a superficial rhetoric. The real purpose is to exert influence, and it is not impossible to take advantage of the situation to recruit more families again.

At first, some people disdained it, and even spoke ill of it and mocked it. So that night, a giant dragon descended on the territory of this family and completely slaughtered the entire family in one breath.

Finally, no one dared to neglect this matter anymore, and they sent important members of the family as messengers to observe the gift ceremony to show respect.

Under such pressure, even the Long family had to change their original intention and sent envoys to show their support. Although Yanjing City has the power to resist the dragon, they don't want to be hostile to such a huge force for no reason.

On this day, the entire Tuoshan area was decorated with lights and colors, flags were flying, songs were loud, and gongs and drums were playing.

Under the attention of the crowd, Liu Hongxu slowly stepped onto the high platform and sat on the colorful huge dragon throne formed by the nine dragon statues.

"Meet Her Majesty the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons, long live His Majesty the Dragon Emperor!"

A group of old and young people who were originally from Wangyou Country were so excited that they burst into tears early in the morning. Some of them were hostages sent to the nearby port by Lu Yu and had time to ride back, and the other part came from all over the country to respond.

No matter where they came from, they had experienced the pain of the country's destruction and the loss of their families and were displaced before, and now they felt the preciousness of this moment particularly deeply.

Liu Hongxu sat on the dragon throne, with a cold and arrogant face, exuding a natural and powerful aura from head to toe, accepting the worship of the crowd with peace of mind.

At this moment, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She had fallen from the former king to the bottom of the valley and became a slave. She once thought that she had no hope for the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, God still favored her after all, allowing her to encounter the most important opportunity in her life when she was on the verge of despair. She turned from a slave to a cloud and rain, and returned to the position of the peak king.

And what's more important is that although the scene of the Wanlong Kingdom is already spectacular, it is just the beginning for her. Her future goals will be even bigger. The next step is to ask for the way to heaven.

Liu Hongxu suddenly raised her hand and waved gently in the direction of the sky.

Suddenly, bursts of high-pitched dragon roars sounded. In the blink of an eye, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and more than a dozen huge dragon bodies appeared in the sky.

Everyone on the ground was so frightened that they didn't know what was going on.

However, what no one expected was that these more than ten dragons did not show any malicious intent to attack, but flew to the ground in an orderly manner and crawled very docilely at the feet of Liu Hongxu's dragon throne.

"Greetings to the Lord Dragon Emperor!"

These dragons all hummed in unison.

Everyone was shocked to realize that these dragons had already surrendered to the Queen and were also here to pay homage and offer gifts. Such a group of dragons, but respectfully called a dragon woman the Lord Dragon Emperor, although this seemed very incredible, it further demonstrated that Her Majesty the Queen was unrivaled in her momentum.

Liu Hongxu looked at these dragons calmly, and the fear he had when he first met them was no longer in his heart. He said lightly: "Are you willing to sincerely submit to me today?"

These dragons lay at the feet of Liu Hongxu, and their huge heads looked back and forth for a few times, seeming to be a little confused by this question.

"Sir, what are you talking about?"

"Sir, you came here in accordance with the will of the Dragon God, so we are naturally sincere in our submission!"

"I only regret that we didn't recognize the great man before, and we believed the slander of Xifeng, so we offended you. Fortunately, you are destined to be here, and you will not make a big mistake. Please forgive our negligence..."

"Sir, you have already used your strength and charm to prove to us that you are the only king under the vast sky, and the only hope to rescue our people from the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave... As long as you give an order, we dare not disobey!"


A group of dragons chattered non-stop, constantly expressing their loyalty to Liu Hongxu.

The people around were already dumbfounded.

Is this still the dragon that is so evil and high above that they respect and fear it and worship it like a god?

How come in front of Her Majesty, it becomes as obedient and docile as a puppy?

However, Liu Hongxu was not moved by their oath of allegiance, and just smiled faintly: "Really? If you are really so sincere, why don't you call me Your Majesty, but call me Sir?"

"What is Sir Dragon Emperor? How can there be such a weird and inappropriate name? Don't you think it's awkward?"

The huge heads of the giant dragons looked at each other in silence for a long time before one of the dragons, an obviously older dragon with a slender beard, replied: "My lord, I don't know. According to the habits of our clan, only the great Dragon God can be honored. As your Majesty, no matter how respected their status is, the rest can only be referred to as adults."

Liu Hongxu smiled coldly: "Isn't the power I have now the power of the Dragon God?"

"The past is just the past, it cannot represent the present! If you want me to go deep into the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave and release more dragons, then you must make some changes!"

"Not only do you have to respect me and obey my orders, but they also have to obey me. In this world, I am your only God! Only in this way can I lead you through the barriers of time and space to reach The other side where the dragon god’s light shines!”

Obviously these words were extremely persuasive, and a group of giant dragons finally lowered their heads, all showing respectful expressions.

"As you wish, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor!"

"From this moment on, you are the new majesty of our dragon clan. We only respect one dragon god, and there is only one dragon emperor like you!"

Seeing this scene, not only these giant dragons, but also the envoys from various forces who came to watch the ceremony knelt on the ground and started shouting together with the mountain.

"Your Majesty the Dragon God! Your Majesty the Dragon God!"

The sound shook the earth and the energy reached the sky!

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but feel complacent and high-spirited.

Just at this moment, stars fell from the sky with a spectacular sound, as if to coincide with this grand enthronement ceremony, even heaven and earth couldn't help but cheer.

"Ah! Auspicious blessings from heaven!"

"It's destiny! It's indeed destiny!"

"Long live the Dragon King! Long live your Majesty!"

"There is only one God between heaven and earth. This cannot be wrong!"

"Our Yashan family is willing to join the Wanlong Kingdom and serve His Majesty the Dragon Emperor as our master from now on!"

"Our Fengtian family is also willing to join the Wanlong Kingdom..."

"And our Minqiu family..."

Everyone exclaimed and rushed to join in. In just a short moment, the territory of Wanlong Kingdom quickly expanded several times.

Liu Hongxu sat on the dragon chair, looking at the direction in which the stars were falling, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

It seems that the core area where the starlight fell is the direction of Red Flame Island...

Is this the remaining Dragon God's power on the island responding to him, or is there some other unexpected change?

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