Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 667 Final Guarantee

When he broke through the Return to Sea Realm on Scarlet Flame Island, Lu Yu once broke through the shackles of Tianyu, and his spirit reached nine days away.

But after all, it is just a spiritual arrival, which is different from the real physical arrival.

At this time, Lu Yu was on the second level of heaven, and his feelings were completely different, giving him a deeper understanding of the nature of cultivation.

The essence of the so-called practice is to create an independent small world in the body, and use the small world to influence the big world, until it finally transcends the big world. If you achieve that step, it will be the so-called transcendence of the tribulation and ascension.

When human power will eventually be exhausted, only heaven and earth can be immortal!

Although the first step in shaping the small world has not been completed until the golden elixir is formed, all the efforts before the golden elixir realm are just preparations for this step.

At this moment, Lu Yu was in the second level of heaven, which gave him a new understanding of the way the world works. Although these understandings are not directly reflected in his cultivation for the time being, they have a subtle influence on him. Follow him and lay a solid foundation for him.

"Is this the immortal power of heaven and earth..."

Lu Yu murmured to himself, deeply shocked.

He was wandering in the clear sky, and he didn't know how much time had passed.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with brilliance.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, only to see wisps of starlight dragging long tail flames across the surroundings.

He had seen these starlights twice before. They were the strange lights inspired by the so-called "Stargazing Order".

“Are these all people attending the Samsung event?”

Lu Yu was astonished. He counted silently and found that there were more than ten stars in the surroundings. He did not expect that so many people came to participate in this so-called three-star event.

While he was surprised by the appeal of the Bixiao Shrine, he also couldn't help but have deep doubts in his heart. What on earth was the Bixiao Shrine trying to do by mobilizing so many people? Is it really just to observe so-called astronomical anomalies?

In a short time, these stars had soared into the sky and disappeared.

It seems that if he wants to figure out what this so-called Samsung event is about, he can only break through to the highest airspace himself...

However, without the assistance of the Star Gazing Order, he can only continue to climb up in the sky by constantly borrowing the power of the rules of heaven and earth. In other words, the speed at which he wants to reach the highest sky depends on his understanding Ability……

Fortunately, he has entered the realm of Taoist enlightenment, and his inner will has become extremely tenacious. No matter how the external world changes, he always maintains his original pursuit, unswervingly, and neither impatiently nor impatiently.

Suddenly, another streak of starlight came from below.

Although this ray of starlight arrived belatedly, it was extremely dazzling. Even among the dozen or so rays that passed by before, none could match the dazzling level of this one.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, wondering who this belated person was.

What a coincidence, the trajectory traced by the starlight happened to pass by Lu Yu.

The moment the two of them passed each other, the man in the starlight also looked at him. He saw that the man had an ordinary appearance, with an indifferent expression on his face, but there was an indescribable look in his eyes. The special charm...

"It's him……"

Lu Yu was slightly startled. This person happened to have a relationship with him once. When they were at the Shengyun Mountain auction, they also bid for the Qingluan Sword with him. It was the Supreme Prince who ranked first on the Golden Sunflower List. The true disciple of the Immortal Sect——Ye Li.

"This person is worthy of being number one on the Jin Kui list. His strength is beyond words..." Lu Yu couldn't help being deeply shocked. "I didn't expect that he would also come. Didn't I say that he has always been low-key and doesn't like to be in the limelight... …”

Since even Ye Li, who is number one on the Golden Sunflower List, is here, the identities corresponding to the previous ten or so starlights will naturally be revealed. I am afraid that all the top people on the Golden Sunflower List have arrived here at this moment.

Lu Yu became uncontrollably excited.

What is hidden in the sky?

What kind of astronomical anomaly is this three-star event?

As his mood changed, he unknowingly became more rounded and comfortable under the rules of Tianyu, rising towards the highest sky at a faster speed...

In a gorgeous building in the Biyun Stream, Yang Chudie stood leaning on the railing, looking through the window at the Biyun Tianmen high above.

At this time, there was already a swath of starlight floating in the sky, which looked extremely strange.

Yang Chudie's eyes were cold and silent.

Suddenly, the void behind him became strangely distorted, and then a beautiful figure appeared, it was Ye Weilan.

Yang Chudie turned around, with a smile on her lips and said: "Your skills, which are always with you, are becoming more and more sophisticated now. Even after you are behind you, I didn't notice it at all..."

Ye Weilan stuck out her tongue and said, "No, it's actually because you, Sister Die, were not guarded against me that I was able to sneak in like this..."

Yang Chudie smiled and said: "Don't be humble anymore. Since even I can't detect your traces, I don't think the real elders in Biyun Stream are any better... Have you heard any news? ?”

Ye Weilan nodded slightly, and his expression suddenly became serious: "I heard the discussion of those powerful people in the Golden Core Realm. This so-called three-star event seems to be for a powerful person from the Bixiao Palace to become a certain person. A powerful ability...what kind of saint do they call that person..."

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be startled: "The Saint of Heavenly Palace?"

"Well, that's right, it's the Saint of Heavenly Palace!" Ye Weilan nodded vigorously and continued: "At the same time, they also mentioned something about turning into dust..."

"The heart of the Tao turns into dust?" Yang Chudie was stunned again.

"Yes, it's the Dao Heart Transforming into Dust. It turns out that Sister Die, you also know this name... What kind of powerful technique is this?" Ye Weilan said curiously.

Yang Chudie shook his head slowly, his expression serious: "This is not a skill, but a state of Taoist mind..."

"The realm of Dao Heart?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but said with a confused look on her face. In the cultivation system of their demon body, there was no such thing as Dao Heart.

Yang Chudie looked up at the sky and said, "You also saw the vision that Lu Yu caused in the Biyun Tianmen just now. It should be that he understood the state of the Taoist heart, and the Taoist heart turns into dust. There is a state after the mind is enlightened. Those who can understand this state are very few in the world..."

"So powerful..." Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned, "Then...will he be in any danger there?"

"In addition, I also heard that a total of thirteen top experts on the Golden Sunflower Ranking have also entered the Biyun Tianmen. Are these people all equally powerful?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be silent.

At this time, these masters of the Golden Sunflower Ranking were no longer in her thoughts. What worried her the most was the mysterious Tiangong Saint. She knew that there were inextricably linked connections between this Saint and Lu Yu. subtly connected.

What kind of sparks will be sparked in this encounter between the two?

It turns out that the other party has touched the realm of Taoist Heart Transformation, so she has unparalleled insight. In the worst case, will Lu Yu's lotus seed be discovered, leading to the mystery of his life experience being exposed?

If the secret is really exposed, what kind of reaction will there be in Bixiao Shrine?

These possible situations suddenly occupied Yang Chudie's thoughts...

"Sister Die, is he really in any danger?"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel uneasy when she saw that Yang Chudie hadn't spoken for a long time.

Only then did Yang Chudie sigh softly: "I can't say whether it's dangerous or not...but to be on the safe side, you'd better take the elixir of Turtle Breath and Rising Dragon immediately!"

"Once we really encounter the worst case scenario, you will be our last guarantee!"

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