Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 668: Spiraling Up

Lu Yu didn't know that the ultimate goal of this grand event in the sky was to let the Saint of Heavenly Palace realize the state of Taoist Heart turning into dust.

But as he continued to climb, he finally saw again the masters on the Golden Sunflower List who had surpassed him with the Star Gazing Order.

Only then did he understand the meaning of Biyun Tianmen's so-called "peeping into the secrets of heaven". It turns out that the way to peek into the secrets of heaven is hidden in these rules of heaven and earth. As long as he masters the secret of the rules, the obstacles of the clouds will no longer exist. The distance between natural chasms will also become thoroughfares.

At this time, he could clearly see the scene above the sky.

I saw an extremely huge disk floating in the air above the clouds, with a magnificent momentum. This disk gave people a very indescribable feeling, as if the power of law was embedded in the deep sky, and the disk merged with the heaven and earth. Lu Yu was shocked and speechless.

In an instant, a word popped up in Lu Yu's mind - artifact.

This is an artifact in the true sense, and it is different from the usual compliments. Just like the Golden Crow Battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, although it is also called an artifact, can it be classified as an artifact? , this is still a matter of two things, but the huge disk in front of me is undoubtedly one of the artifacts.

Lu Yu even had a feeling that the disk in front of him was a more powerful magic weapon than the Sacred Heart Gourd mastered by Qin Yanzhen.

And on top of the disk, there was a woman standing quietly. It was impossible to see her appearance clearly in the starlight, but there was no doubt that this person should be the legendary Celestial Saint.

Lu Yu felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

It's a pity that the entire huge disk is embedded with starlight and emits a powerful force field, which makes it impossible for him to get closer at all. Otherwise, he will definitely cross over the disk and block its true appearance.

On the periphery of the huge disk, people including Wei Zhihan, Yue Zijing, and Ye Li stood in rows, forming a strange formation between each other's positions. Obviously, these formations were elaborate.

Lu Yu was silently observing the secrets between these people's positions, when suddenly the woman on the disk said:

"Everyone, the Tianshu star chart has been filled with stars. Please follow me across the heavenly gate!"

In an instant, the astrolabe suddenly rose, and at the same time it inspired more brilliant colors.

The surrounding clouds and mists dissipated, revealing a huge courtyard.

This portal has no entity, it is completely made of light and shadow, but there is an unshakable strange power coming from it.

Lu Yu understood instantly that this was the so-called "Tianmen" in legend.

Before he could have any more thoughts, there was a loud bang, and driven by the power of the Heavenly Palace Saint, the "Heaven Gate" suddenly opened.

Suddenly, the airflow in the entire sky was instantly chaotic.

Violent turbulence of Gang Qi rolled up everywhere.

Lu Yu's body also became unstable, rising and falling in the turbulent current.

Sure enough, he was still inevitably involved in this three-star event. Until now, he had only two choices - either go against the current, cross the Tianmen, and climb to the top of the blue clouds; or go with the flow until he was stunned. The turbulent current was completely swallowed up and torn apart...

How to choose is naturally self-evident.

In an instant, Lu Yu didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately used all his strength to gather a huge red lotus around his body. His body spun like a top, spinning straight up.

Only at extremely high speeds can one get rid of the interference of the turbulent flow of Gang Qi and achieve straight forward.

Faced with the sudden pressure, the masters on the Golden Sunflower List around Yuanpan also used their own tricks to press the bottom of the box. No one noticed at all that there was a huge red flower in the airspace under their feet. Lian is spiraling upward...

Lu Yu didn't know how long he had been swirling in the turbulence. Suddenly, the turbulence calmed down and the airspace became stable again.

But this is not because he has reached the top of the blue clouds...

The first person to reach the top of the blue clouds was none other than Meng Ting, the saint of the Heavenly Palace. After she successfully reached the top, she controlled the Tianshu star disk and stabilized the turbulent flow of Gang Qi. This allowed the entire airspace to stabilize again. .

At this time, Lu Yu finally saw the scene of the so-called three-star event, and saw three huge star spheres appearing outside the Tianmen, forming a straight line, emitting extremely bright and dazzling light.

It turned out that this was the so-called three-star event, and it was indeed a rare astronomical phenomenon. At the same time, he also knew why he had to break through the Biyun Tianmen to observe this astronomical phenomenon. Only at this angle, the gap between the nine heavens could be seen. In order to see this scene...

The starlight shines straight down.

The huge Tianshu star disk then rotated rapidly, reflecting an even brighter brilliance.

Lu Yu had an illusion that the saints on the Tianshu star chart were rapidly devouring the starlight, and the masters of the Golden Sunflower List also climbed to the top of the blue cloud one by one, found their respective positions, and were distributed around , to stabilize her formation...

At the same time, the light and shadow of the astrolabe spread out, and the entire sky became star-studded and beautiful.

But such a scene made Lu Yu instantly petrified...

He saw that the star map unfolded on the astrolabe was almost exactly the same as the star map hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness...

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