Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 821 Are you ready?

"Bold traitor!"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you know what you are doing!"

"What on earth did you do to Brother Tianmiao?"

"You've caused a big disaster! Did you know that?"

"Let Daoist brother Tianmiao go quickly!"

All the powerful real people were shocked and accused Lu Yu of his violent behavior.

Li Wangji, on the other hand, was relatively calm. He waved his hand to signal everyone to stop making noise, and then asked Lu Yu, "What is your reason for doing this?"

Lu Yu directly pinched Master Tianmiao's neck and lifted him up: "Old Tianmiao, you know the reason why I did this best. It's up to you to tell our leader yourself!"

Tian Miao's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth and turned his face away: "What are you talking about? I don't know anything!"

"You still want to be tough, right?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "You just sent a subpoena to Lan Qianqiu. Do you think that since the subpoena is encrypted, it will be safe? Little did you know that when you were writing the content of the subpoena, my friend happened to be watching in the dark. It must be clear! Do you want me to repeat the contents of the summons to you?"

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly shocked.

They never thought that Master Tianmiao would collude with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. If this matter is true, then Lu Yu's sudden outburst is indeed on target.

Master Tianmiao couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that someone would spy on him while he was writing the summons. But until this moment, he still couldn't figure out how the other party spied on him.

In his impression, he had ruled out all possibilities at that time and only started to write after confirming that it was absolutely safe... Why was this guy Lu Yu suddenly spying on him?

However, no matter what, this matter must not be admitted...

"If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?"

Master Tianmiao said with anger on his face: "Anyway, I can see that your Dali Sword Sect wants to silence me today! In this case, why do you have to talk so much nonsense? Even if I, Tianmiao, die today, you will In my hands, Wuya Immortal Pavilion will definitely come to avenge me and crush you and others into ashes!"

His cruel words immediately made all the real elders present feel trembling in their hearts.

For them, what they are most afraid of now is to turn against Wuya Immortal Pavilion and be forced to fight on two fronts with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

However, Lu Yu was completely fearless and said with a serious smile: "It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. Do you think death is such an easy thing? Regarding the operational arrangements between the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion , if you don’t explain clearly today, I guarantee that I will make you taste more painful than death, and definitely more than once!”

Master Tianmiao couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he saw Lu Yu's pair of eyes filled with venom, which almost made him lose his heart...

He really couldn't imagine that a true disciple of the Dali Sword Sect could possess such terrifying spiritual power... No wonder there were rumors in the world that this person had been recruited by both the Bixiao Shrine and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect not long ago. After a big somersault, it seems that this may not be just a lie...

"What do you want to do?" Master Tianmiao asked subconsciously.

Lu Yu had a gloomy face and did not answer him. He turned to look at Li Wangji and others aside and said solemnly:

"Gentlemen, this is what happened anyway. The Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion have united together and are launching a joint offensive against us. This is already a certainty. I hope you will stop having illusions!"

"At this time, the main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, driving the eight exquisite pagodas, has left Piaomiao Peak and is heading towards our Dali Sword Sect! The reason why Mr. Tianmiao came here at this time is to spy on us. False and true, secondly, it serves as a cover for the passage of Wuya Immortal Pavilion’s large army!”

"When the main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion crosses the front line of Tianwang Mountain, it will inevitably arouse our vigilance. At that time, they can pretend to be out of righteous indignation and come to help Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen seek justice, thereby making us He was so careless that he suddenly launched a fatal blow to us!"

"Our only chance now is that both the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion don't know that we have discovered their conspiracy! Once we learn about their specific arrangements and take countermeasures in advance, We will definitely be able to catch them off guard... This is our only chance under the current situation!"

"So, in view of this, I hope to torture Mr. Tian Miao! I will definitely do my best and take all necessary means to let him reveal all the specific details of the cooperation between Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Say it word for word!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely weird.

None of the real elders present questioned Lu Yu's ability. The reason why they hesitated was just to weigh whether it was worth it.

After all, these real elders all know about Lu Yu's brilliant achievements.

He had once refining the Blood Moon Eclipse and reading Pei Longxiang's memories, which caused the owner of Ice King Island to take action in a hurry. This was also the direct trigger for the break between the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Dali Sword Sect.

This suddenly quiet atmosphere made Master Tianmiao feel a little scared, as if his life and death were completely controlled by the other party.

"Is there any misunderstanding here?"

Huang Zhenlin suddenly said: "After all, all this is just your words. If...I mean if, if you are really wrong, once you torture Tianmiao, then this matter will never happen." There is room for redemption!”

"In my opinion, it's better... to investigate the matter clearly first before talking..."

Although his words were directed at Lu Yu, his eyes were clearly looking at the other real elders.

When he said this, the other real elders suddenly hesitated again.

"Investigate clearly?"

Lu Yu asked back: "How can Mr. Huang Ge investigate clearly? Do we have to wait until Wuya Immortal Pavilion's army is approaching to investigate clearly?"

"The easiest way now is for me to 'torture' Mr. Tianmiao. Within an hour, I will be able to clearly understand the cause and effect of the matter!"

"At this critical moment, the opportunity to fight is fleeting, and there is no room for any kindness from women!"

Lu Yu's words were harsh and unceremonious.


Huang Zhenlin was furious: "You are such a reckless man, you just know how to act recklessly... Do you know that such an action will bring our Dali Sword Sect into a situation of eternal disaster!"

"Let's just show our hands and vote. Anyway, I don't agree with such an extreme method... One person is short-term and everyone is short-term. As long as everyone brainstorms, we will definitely be able to come up with a better solution!"

Everyone showed hesitation.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

Sure enough, the older you get in the world, the less courageous you become. It seems that the leaders of the Dali Sword Sect are indeed accustomed to solving problems by holding meetings to study and discuss slowly.

This model does have certain benefits, but at critical times, it also has fatal flaws.

The key point is that if Lu Yu wants to "torture" Master Tianmiao, he must have a relatively quiet and unaffected environment. If these real elders do not agree, he really can't do anything to Master Tianmiao. Use "lynching"...

With no choice but to make a decision, Lu Yu finally had no choice but to carry out the great god Yunxiao Ancestor again...

"If this is the case, then you all might as well think more about how to explain this matter to Patriarch Yunxiao!"

"Ancestor Yunxiao?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Lu Yu, what do you mean?"

"Is this matter still related to Ancestor Yunxiao?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Otherwise? How do you think I was sure that Mr. Tianmiao was suspected?"

Everyone immediately fell silent and looked at Li Wangji, which was equivalent to leaving the decision-making power to him.

Li Wangji stroked his beard and asked, "This man is a first-grade golden elixir, more powerful than any of your previous opponents. Are you sure you can pry his mouth open within an hour?"

Lu Yu looked at Tianmiao and proudly replied: "More than enough!"

"In that case, I'll wait and see!" Li Wangji said.

Lu Yu lifted Tianmiao up again and smiled solemnly: "Tianmiao, are you ready?"

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