Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 822 First level battle order

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Lu Yu! You must die a happy death!"

"Slander! You are totally slandering!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"I have good intentions and want to promote a marriage between the two factions, but I didn't expect to receive such suspicion!"

"Just wait! Dali Sword Sect! Damn Dali Sword Sect! The pain you inflicted on me today will be repaid a hundred times in the future!"

"Wuya Immortal Pavilion will never let you go! Let's see how long you can stay free!"

The shrill wails resounded throughout the Tianxiang Peak.

This was after the real elders present had used the barrier, otherwise half of the Li Jian Sect would have been shaken to the ground.

However, what really surprised everyone was not Master Tianmiao's shrill wails that echoed throughout the world, but Lu Yu's incredible torture methods.

You must know that the person who is wailing now is Master Tianmiao of Wuya Immortal Pavilion. He possesses a first-grade golden elixir and has been famous for a long time...

But he was helpless and tortured at the hands of Lu Yu, who was only in the Return to Sea realm. Even if he had been restrained one step ahead, this was a very incredible thing.

Everyone looked at Lu Yu in disbelief as he kept raising and lowering his sword.

Against the backdrop of Tianmiao's mournful wails, Lu Yu looked like a demon from the underworld, with a fierce and terrifying arrogance exuding from his whole body.

The ordinary disciples on Tianxiang Peak were already so frightened that they were so frightened that they didn't even say a word.

Even the real elders present could not help but feel anxious for a while, imagining whether they could withstand Lu Yu's torture methods if they were to take Tianmiao's place in the field.

"Did I read that correctly? Lu Yu's sword just now seems to have extracted the golden elixir law of Master Tianmiao?"

"Yes, you read that right! It's true!"

"This is really is this possible!"

"Master Tianmiao, he is a dignified first-grade golden elixir! When did the first-grade golden elixir become so vulnerable?"

"You can't blame the first-grade golden elixir for being vulnerable, you can only blame this Lu Yu for being weird!"

"This Lu Yu is obviously only in the Return to the Sea realm, so how can he be so familiar with the golden elixir law?"

"Speaking of which, what exactly is this Lu Yu practicing? Why is it so magical?"

"It is said that what he practices is a family-inherited technique, which is not the existing technique of our Dali Sword Sect at all!"

"What kind of family technique! Are you listening to his nonsense... In my opinion, this is most likely a special technique passed down by ancestor Yunxiao, that's why it has such power!"

"Why did Ancestor Yunxiao only pass on such a powerful technique to him? This is really a bit unfair..."

"Don't talk nonsense! How can you and I be able to figure out the ancestor's sacred heart?"

"I'm afraid ordinary people can't bear such a powerful technique, right? Otherwise, why do you think the ancestor would go all the way to appoint Lu Yu as his disciple?"

Everyone kept talking about it.

At this time, all Lu Yu did was to use the star secrets of swordsmanship to continuously defeat the golden elixir law in Tianmiao's body, thereby gradually disintegrating the golden elixir in his body.

This approach was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Fundamentally, this is because the Mysteries of the Stars are the supreme law foundation in the universe, far exceeding the power of the laws of this world.

In addition, he had just recently participated in the construction of Yang Chudie's golden elixir in the illusion of thoughts. He was very familiar with the basics of the golden elixir rules, so he could achieve this.

But in the eyes of this group of ignorant people, they immediately shocked him into a celestial being, and blamed the reason on his skills. They even suspected that it was because of the special skills passed down by the ancestor of Yunxiao...

If Lu Yu knew what these people were thinking, he would probably laugh and cry.

As Lu Yu slashed out with sword after sword, the golden elixir in Master Tianmiao's body continued to collapse. As a result, Master Tianmiao suffered tremendous pain, and his wailing never stopped.

"You all will die!"

"You just wait until the whole sect is wiped out!"

"I swear here today! Within seven days, the Dali Sword Sect will be littered with corpses!"

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of all members of the Dali Sword Sect!"

Under the tremendous pain, Tianmiao could no longer stay awake and calm, and could only distract himself by cursing constantly to alleviate his pain.

Although he still did not let go and told the specific layout of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion, these curses, which were not concealed and pointed directly to his heart, fully exposed his resentment towards the Dali Sword Sect. , indicating that he has been harboring evil intentions for a long time.

In other words, Tianmiao's true motives are indeed impure.

This was tantamount to confirming Lu Yu's accusation against him.

For a moment, the expressions of the real elders present were very exciting.

Especially Huang Zhenlin, who had always regarded Master Tianmiao as a guest of honor and had just advised everyone not to act too hastily, was silent at this time and his face was as dark as a piece of charcoal.

There is only a slight chance that they, Tianxiang Peak, will become the eternal sinners of Dali Sword Sect.

And if Master Tianmiao is allowed to carry out the conspiracy, I am afraid that Tianxiang Peak will also be completely reduced to cannon fodder...

Finally, Master Tianmiao completely lost his voice.

However, this is when the main event really begins!

Suddenly, Lu Yu couldn't move forward and reached his hand into Master Tianmiao's body. He actually used his own power to directly touch the first-grade golden elixir in Master Tianmiao's body!

The continuous torture before was actually just preparation for this moment.

Lu Yu had no intention of using torture to get Tianmiao to reveal the truth. After all, it would take a lot of effort to verify the authenticity of what was said from the other person's mouth, which was far less satisfying than directly checking the other person's memory.

His real purpose is to refine the golden elixir in Tianmiao's body, thereby unlocking the golden elixir's lock on his mind, and then directly extract the other party's memory!


Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats, and Master Hailing even wanted to directly stop Lu Yu's actions.

Because the golden elixir is not a simple object, it is equivalent to a small world. Even if the small world is on the verge of collapse, it cannot be easily touched by ordinary people.

At this time, Lu Yu's actions in the eyes of everyone were as if he walked into a gunpowder warehouse with a bright torch, and there was a risk of being shattered to pieces at any time.

However, Li Wangji stopped Master Hailing and said, "Let him go! This is the only way we can fight! It's a fight to the death!"

Master Hailing shook his head helplessly and sighed deeply.

Everyone looked at Lu Yu with trepidation, not even daring to take a breath.

More than a quarter of an hour passed like this.

Finally, Lu Yu opened his eyes, as if he had collapsed, and exhaled a long breath.

Before anyone could ask questions, he was the first to say: "Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission. Although I haven't dug out all his secrets, I already know at least part of them... At midnight tonight, the main army of Wuya Immortal Pavilion will return to the moon." The area around the bay is resting, what do you elders think?"

"I come!"

Before he finished speaking, Huang Zhenlin said: "I am willing to personally lead the disciples of Tianxiang Peak to take the lead!"

It can be seen that his attitude towards Wuya Immortal Pavilion has undergone a fundamental change.

Li Wangji pondered for a moment, and suddenly a golden light burst out all over his body, and his voice was clear and clear, shaking the sky.

"All disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, listen to the order! I am Li Wangji, the leader of the Dali Sword Sect. From now on, the whole sect will respond to the battle orders at all levels!"

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