Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 866 Extras

Although rebuilding the Wind Eye Furnace is important, it is something that cannot be rushed. More depends on the skilled craftsmen of Mingjian Villa.

Therefore, after Lu Yu handed over the matter to Tu Wuwang and Huang Yanqing, he temporarily put the matter aside and rushed to Baoding Peak without stopping.

To put on a show, you have to do a complete set. Although he now has a general understanding of the situation of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, it still seems a bit too abrupt to rush directly to Tianlan Peak to find the real Kunpeng. Therefore, he must first find a group. The acting needs to be coordinated, and Baodingfeng is undoubtedly the best choice.

Baodingfeng's demand for elixir materials is huge. On this point, they have the same appeal as Lu Yu. They can only recruit Baodingfeng first, and then take Baodingfeng with them to find Kunpeng Zhenren to join them. This way it is obviously not so abrupt.

Seeing Lu Yu's sudden visit, Master Jin Xiang took the lead and said with a surprised look on his face: "Have you just been to Tianxiang Peak?"

Lu Yu raised his brows and nodded gently.

Master Jin Xiang's face became solemn, and he lowered his voice and said, "Some people say that as soon as you left Tianxiang Peak, Master Zifu's mansion suddenly collapsed... How did you provoke him?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

As expected, he became the scapegoat for this matter again...

However, this gossip spread too fast, right? What happened just now, I just went to Yuanjiangwei City for a while. Why did this news reach Baoding Peak?

"Who said that? Your gossip spreads too fast, right?" Lu Yu asked curiously, "Could it be that all of you real strong men have nothing to do all day long, just waiting to spread other people's gossip?"

Master Jin Xiang's face turned red, he coughed twice and said: "Master Zifu has profound cultivation and exquisite Taoism. He is not only the leader among all us masters, but he is also the leader of the Celestial Peak. His every move naturally attracts attention. , when such a big event happens, it is normal for everyone to communicate with each other. This is not considered gossip..."

"Really?" Lu Yu said with a half-smile, "This is the first time I've seen someone talk about their hobbies and gossips in such a fresh and refined way..."

Jin Xiang's face was full of embarrassment, but he had nothing to do with this guy. In the end, he had to shake his head and said: "You are really naughty. If you don't want to explain to me, I'll just ask... Tell me, this time What's the matter with coming to Baoding Peak late?"

"What else can happen?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Master Fan was so anxious to inform me about the elixir materials. Now that I'm here, I naturally discuss countermeasures with you..."

Master Jin Xiang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Do you already have a solution?"

Lu Yu said without changing his expression: "I guess... I wonder if Mr. Fan has ever heard of Wanshui City?"

Master Jin Xiang was startled and said hesitantly: "But Wanshui City in Xihuang Continent? That seems to be the sphere of influence of Wuya Immortal Pavilion..."


Lu Yu said: "Wanshui City is an important port city deployed by Wuya Immortal Pavilion in the north of Xihuang Continent. I have just received reliable news that Wuya Immortal Pavilion has transported a large number of important materials to this port to prepare for cooperation with other sects. The transaction contains a large amount of high-grade materials needed for refining the elixir... I wonder what Fan Shouzuo thinks about this? "

"you mean……"

Master Jin Xiang looked at Lu Yu in astonishment: "I'm afraid this is not good, right? Our Dali Sword Sect is a well-known and decent sect. Such scheming and plundering is probably inconsistent with our purpose and philosophy..."

Lu Yu said: "Now and then, it would have been bad to do this in the past, but now that we have completely fallen out with Wuya Immortal Pavilion, could it be that Chief Fan is still planning to be kind to our enemies so that they can Are you going to replace this batch of materials into magical weapons and then massacre the disciples of our Dali Sword Sect?”


Master Jin Xiang was suddenly shocked.

Indeed, the Dali Sword Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion are now in a tense situation. The long-term stability and peace have prevented him from changing his mind for a while.

"Wanshui City is the hinterland of Wuya Immortal Pavilion. This matter is probably not easy to handle. If you are not careful, it may lead to an irreversible situation..."

Master Jin Xiang said again that he had begun to seriously consider the feasibility of this matter.

Lu Yu nodded in agreement and said: "What Chief Fan said is absolutely true. Therefore, this matter can only be done wisely and cannot be done forcefully. The troops should be more sophisticated than numerous. Therefore, I plan to contact three or two real strong men. It will be enough to use a surprise attack." There is a way to complete this matter... Once things become impossible, we can escape immediately and escape thousands of miles away, making Wuya Immortal Pavilion unpreventable!"

"I wonder who you plan to contact to complete this matter?" Master Jin Xiang asked.

Lu Yu glanced at him and said: "This matter is extremely dangerous, and the participants must have super and comprehensive strength... Lu is not talented, so I will count myself first. Since I am here, Fan Chief will naturally count as well." One share. As for the remaining one, does Mr. Fan have any recommendations?"

"Well, let me think about it... I'm afraid it won't be easy to handle for a while..." Master Jin Xiang suddenly began to ponder.

Lu Yu looked at the tangled Master Jin Xiang and suddenly interjected coldly: "How about the leader of Tianlan Peak, Master Kunpeng?"


Master Jin Xiang was stunned: "Master Kunpeng is quite powerful, but he doesn't need elixir materials... Will he be willing to do such risky things?"

"Would you like it? Let's go there and ask him in person." Lu Yu said, "Let's go! Let's go to Tianlan Peak to ask his opinion!"

Master Jin Xiang was stunned for a moment: "Now?"

"Without further ado, of course let's go now!"

Lu Yu said without hesitation: "Besides, the batch of supplies in Wuya Immortal Pavilion are waiting to be traded with others. This opportunity cannot be missed. Let's go there now!"

"Let's go! If you have any doubts, let's talk while walking along the way!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but pulled Jin Xiang away from Baoding Peak and headed straight for Tianlan Peak.

Master Jin Xiang was uneasy and filled with astonishment, but he had no idea that he was actually just an extra...

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