Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 867 Tianlan’s Suspicion

The speed of the two people's escape was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Tianlan Peak was already in sight.

Under the night starry sky, a towering majestic peak can be seen towering. From a distance, it looks like a ferocious beast crawling on the ground.

There are layers of clouds and mist between the mountains, and the aura that fluctuates everywhere is like the rolling waves of the sky. The weather is spectacular, and Tianlan Peak is named after it.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu could somewhat understand the worries of Master Zifu.

Not to mention the personal strength of Master Kunpeng, the position Tianlan occupies is extremely dangerous. With just a few changes, the scene in front of him can be turned into a powerful defensive formation.

If it is true that Kunpeng has changed, then this will indeed be a disaster for the Dali Sword Sect...

Master Jin Xiang had not made up his mind at first, but when he saw that Tianlan Peak was close at hand, he couldn't help but hesitate again:

"Isn't it too abrupt for us to come to your door like this? Master Kunpeng's temperament is a bit weird on weekdays. How about we find another place to invite him there?"

Lu Yu said: "Master Fan, didn't I say that the opportunity is fleeting. If you miss this opportunity now, it is very likely that the disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion will kill us with brand-new weapons in a few days. You But you must not give in at this time..."

"As for Master Kunpeng, we are indeed a bit abrupt here, but this matter is for the sake of the overall situation. I believe he will understand us!"

"Besides, given your current status as Chief Fan, do we need to act based on his face?"

Master Jin Xiang was speechless for a while. This guy really had to say everything...

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet and break into Tianlan Peak...

Tianlan Peak was also extremely surprised by the arrival of the two people. Soon Master Kunpeng took the initiative to show up. After all, these two people are well-known figures in the entire Dali Sword Sect. Not to mention Lu Yu for the moment, Master Jin Xiang was also the one. The leader of Yifeng, who was as equal as him, couldn't tolerate him putting on any airs.

"You two are here late at night, what can I learn from you?" After a brief exchange of greetings, Master Kunpeng asked in surprise.

The two of them didn't speak. They looked around and were silent for a while.

Master Kunpeng immediately reacted: "You two, please follow me, we will find another place to talk."

Then he led the two of them to a secret room.

Lu Yu then spoke and recounted to him the grand plan that he had mentioned to Master Jin Xiang before.

It's just that this time, he exaggerated the importance and urgency of the whole matter a little more intensely, directly characterizing the matter as a key step to check and balance Wuya Immortal Pavilion. If it is not implemented immediately, the Dali Sword Sect will be destroyed in the future. will fall into a completely passive situation.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu stared at him closely, carefully observing his reaction and not missing any detail in his expression.

There was a moment of astonishment on Master Kunpeng's face, and there was caution in the astonishment. Judging from his reaction, there was no problem at all.

However, this only means that he has passed the first level. Next, we have to see what he says and what he does, so that we can finally determine whether he is the mole...

"This matter is indeed extremely critical... I wonder why you two came to me?" Master Kunpeng said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head in his heart.

If a real insider heard about his plan, his first question would definitely be to verify the correctness of the information. But now Kunpeng has not asked him about the specific source of the information, which undoubtedly further reduces the possibility that he is an insider. possibility.

"This is your Excellency recommended to me by Master Jin Xiang."

Lu Yu replied calmly: "Master Jin Xiang has great respect for you. Now our Dali Sword Sect has just experienced some turmoil. It can be said that it is riddled with holes internally. Some powerful masters are not responsible for their burdens." Serious injury means there are other priorities... We all believe that under the current situation, the person who can take on this important responsibility is none other than you!"

Master Jin Xiang listened with surprise and thought to himself when had he ever said such a thing? Isn't this his own initiative to find Master Kunpeng?

However, in front of Master Kunpeng at this time, he naturally would not expose Lu Yu's words.

"Master Fan really thinks highly of me..."

Master Kunpeng said self-deprecatingly: "But this matter is by no means easy. I, Mr. Shi, have poor cultivation and limited talents and knowledge. I am afraid that I will disappoint the expectations of both of you..."

Seeing this, Master Jin Xiang could only persuade him: "Shishouzuo, please stop belittling yourself. You and I are both the leaders of the same peak. In times of crisis, we should be merciful and stand up. Otherwise, even you and I would shrink back." , and how should we, the disciples who are sitting down, behave?"

Master Kunpeng was still hesitating.

Lu Yu took another strong potion next to him and said: "Although this matter is for the public good, we can't do without any benefits if we charge forward... If this happens, the proceeds will be equally divided among our three families. , including the elixir materials, I will refine them into the Turtle Breath Shenglong elixir, and then share it equally with you."

Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but feel excited.

The turtle's breath and rising dragon combination elixir refined by Lu Yu has been fully tested in this battle, and it can be said to be brilliant. Especially in the current situation, this can be said to be the top strategic reserve. It is something that cannot be exchanged for magical weapons.

When Lu Yu came before, he just said that he would attack Wuya Xian Pavilion and solve the problem of material shortage. He didn't mention refining pills at all. Now that he finally confirmed this, Jin Xiang Zhenren couldn't help but feel relieved.

For the combination of Guixi Shenglong pills, it is worth going to Wanshui City to fight.

However, Jin Xiang Zhenren's reaction is not important. Lu Yu's focus is still on Kunpeng Zhenren's reaction.

"In this case... OK! Then I agree to this!"

Kunpeng Zhenren finally made up his mind.

In Lu Yu's heart, his suspicion was further reduced...

Next, as long as his actions are consistent with his words and deeds, and he doesn't say one thing on the surface and do another behind the scenes, then his suspicion can be completely cleared.

"Let's set off now without delay!" Lu Yu urged, "In addition, this matter is extremely critical. Whether we can succeed depends on whether we can catch Wuya Xian Pavilion off guard. So please keep this matter confidential and don't tell the disciples sitting down..."

Master Kunpeng nodded, and without any hesitation, he was about to set off.

However, before leaving, he suddenly asked, "By the way, this matter is so confidential, I wonder where did you get this news from, little friend Lu Yu?"


This sentence immediately made him more suspicious in Lu Yu's heart...

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