Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 887 The Queen Mother’s Sword Fetus

After leaving the warehouse at Wangyue Peak, Lu Yu had just returned to Jade Butterfly Peak, and Fang Hao followed him.

"Why are you here now?"

Lu Yu asked strangely: "Didn't I tell you to come back and see you in a few days?"

"Senior brother, the leader, promised to help you, but you've gone too far, haven't you?"

Fang Haoran said with a pained look on his face: "I heard that you emptied all the warehouses in our Wangyue Peak!"

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "It's not that exaggerated. I just randomly selected a few materials..."

"How many pieces did you pick at random?"

Fang Haoran was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Do you know that the items you selected are of the highest quality, especially the Queen Mother of the West sword, which was obtained by the first real person of the previous generation with great effort. , is the treasure of our Wangyue Peak!”

"Is this the one you're talking about?"

While talking, Lu Yu took out a round crystal stone from the Qiankun bag.

This crystal is about the size of a watermelon and is crystal clear. It is impossible to tell what kind of material it is made of, but you can clearly feel that there is a sharpness in it that makes people feel cold.

Perhaps it was because of this sharpness that it was called the "Sword Fetus", and it was precisely because of this sharpness that Lu Yu chose it.

"be careful!"

Seeing Lu Yu playing with the crystal stone casually, Fang Haoran was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

"You just put it in the Qiankun bag casually like this? You, you, you are simply wasting everything!"

"Do you know that this thing is very valuable and needs a special magic circle to preserve it. Otherwise, if it bumps or touches anything else, its purity may be affected!"


Lu Yu weighed it twice and changed his hands.

"It's not that exaggerated, right? Even if I put it in the Qiankun Bag, I would still be very careful... What is the origin of this thing, and why is it called the Queen Mother of the West's sword fetus?"

Lu Yu's actions inevitably made Fang Haoran frightened for a while. It wasn't until the crystal was firmly in Lu Yu's hand that he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"I can't tell the specific origin. I only know that this object is the predecessor of Wangyue Peak, Jiuli Zhenren. It took a period of sixty years to get it from a phoenix nest. As for why it is named after the Queen Mother of the West, , you will know if you lift it up and take a look..."

When Lu Yu heard this, he immediately raised the crystal in his hand.

Suddenly, the sun shone over, and a stream of light flashed across the surface of the crystal.

Faintly, a few ancient calligraphy characters could be seen in the flash of light. Unfortunately, Lu Yu had not studied ancient characters and did not recognize these characters.

"This is a text from ancient times. It is said that before the establishment of the eight major sects, people at that time used this kind of text... Master Jiuli also did research for a long time before he realized that these three characters corresponded to 'Western Queen Mother' , is a god worshiped by people in ancient times..."

"Western Queen……"

Lu Yu nodded, saying that he could understand it. With this name, and the sharpness in it, it was understandable that he was called the Queen Mother of the West.

However, what concerned him more than the name was the place of origin of this rare treasure. Unexpectedly, it came from the Phoenix Nest...

When he originally selected this material, he planned to forge it into Ye Weilan's exclusive weapon. Ye Weilan possesses the blood of the True Phoenix, and this material comes from the Phoenix Nest. In this way, the two are even more powerful. It fits.

Of course, this is just his preliminary idea. Whether it can be realized or not depends on the opinions of "professionals" after the installation of the storm furnace is completed.

In a blink of an eye, he suddenly saw Fang Haoran staring intently at the Queen Mother of the West sword in his hand, almost drooling.

Lu Yu quickly put away the sword embryo and said, "What? You are chasing after me in such a hurry now, are you trying to regret it?"

"What nonsense!"

Fang Haoran said righteously and solemnly: "The master has already agreed to your request, how could I go back on my word... I'm just a little worried!"

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that I will change hands and sell these treasures of your Wangyue Peak?"


Fang Haoran looked at the sky: "I won't sell it, but if I use it to make some transactions with others, it will be hard to say... As far as I know, you have never found the refined turtle interest riser. Dragon material, right?”

"Can't we trade it?" Lu Yu asked deliberately.

"Of course not!"

Fang Haoran's expression immediately changed, as if he hated iron and steel: "The shortage of elixir materials on the market today is only caused by human factors. When it comes to the real value, it is far from worth this price... If it were anything else, It’s okay to use the materials, but these materials you got are all rare treasures. If you use them to exchange for elixir materials, you will suffer a big loss!”

"Yeah, that's right!"

Lu Yu nodded seriously: "In that case, let's not change it. I will find other ways to solve the problem of the elixir materials... Are you relieved now?"

Fang Haoran couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect Lu Yu to be so easy to talk to. He was persuaded by him in just a few words. Is this still the troublesome guy?

"real or fake?"

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Of course it's true. In fact, regarding the shortage of elixir materials, I have already thought of other solutions. That's all for you to worry about here!"

"So, what you said before at Wangyue Peak were serious? Are you really planning to forge these materials? Will Mingjian Villa really be incorporated into it and become a part of Jade Butterfly Peak?" Fang Haoran asked in surprise. .

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "You'll find out just when you wait and see..."

As he spoke, he waved to the side, and Qi Yunkai, who had been waiting at the side for a long time, immediately trotted over.

"Elder brother, what are your orders..."

"Why do you still call me Senior Brother?" Lu Yu glanced at him, "Now Senior Sister Ling is the chief disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak, and I am not a Senior Brother..."

Qi Yun said with a smile: "Senior Sister Ling is the senior sister, and you are the senior brother. There is no conflict between the two... Besides, everyone is used to calling them this way, and they won't be able to change it for a while."

Lu Yu shook his head and stopped worrying about this issue. He pointed at Fang Haoran and said, "Next, I would like to trouble you to cooperate with me in doing something..."

"What's the matter?" Qi Yunkai asked quickly.

Fang Haoran couldn't help but look surprised. He didn't know why Lu Yu suddenly arranged for him.

Therefore, Lu Yu took out several pieces of materials obtained from Wangyue Peak one by one, including the Queen Mother of the West's Sword Fetus, and placed them all neatly.

"These materials are top-notch treasures and need to be stored in storage. If there is anything you need to pay attention to, just ask Lao Fang for advice. Just do whatever he says!"

Suddenly, he turned to Fang Haoran, who looked astonished, and continued: "Aren't you worried? Now that these materials have been handed over to you for safekeeping, you have to feel relieved now, right?"

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to agree, he whistled and turned around and left.

"You did you make Mingjian Villa willing to merge with Jade Butterfly Peak?" Fang Haoran couldn't help but asked loudly at his back.

Lu Yu paused for a moment, turned around and said with a smile: "What's the method... I have something in my hand that can determine their lifeline. Do you think they have a choice?"

Speaking of which, it is indeed time to take a look at the eye of the storm...

Since Mingjian City came back, it has been hidden in Yang Chudie's Spring Conch.

In fact, it determines not only the lifeline of Mingjian Villa, but also the lifeline of Jade Butterfly Peak.

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