Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 888 The eye of the storm is in place

The eye of the wind is not something that can be seen immediately. Its essence is similar to the underground spiritual veins. It is a gathering of some kind of strange energy. It must be spread out in a spacious enough place.

So Lu Yu did not take it out immediately, but waited until Yang Chudie came back from Wulao Peak and asked her to take the entire Spring Snail to Chudie Peak.

Chudie Peak is the new territory they have designated. Yudie and Chudie are twin sisters, so it is perfect to name the two peaks after their respective names.

Originally, there were some unjustified issues. After all, Yang Yudie was a real person, and Yang Chudie was not a real person before. Why should she be on an equal footing with Yudie? But now that Yang Chu Die Dan has become a first-class product, this problem has disappeared.

Ling Yufei is now in charge of the Chudie Peak. When the monsters attacked before, this area could not withstand a lot of damage. Now the whole mountain is in a mess. It can be seen that after the arrival of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie, Ling Yufei Still, he immediately dropped everything and immediately cleaned up the place.

In addition, Fang Haoran, who has now become the warehouse manager of Yudie Peak, also followed the scene.

In such a large area, only one Spring Conch was placed.

Although the Spring Conch is an Earth Spirit-level magic weapon, it doesn't need to be placed in such an open space, right?

Seeing this scene, Fang Haoran couldn't help but be very curious and couldn't help but ask: "What on earth are you two going to do? Why haven't you done it for so long?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and said, "What's the rush? The key people haven't arrived yet, so just be patient and wait!"

After a while, Master Cangsong and Master Xuanmo from the Six Peaks Alliance arrived at the scene hand in hand.

Lu Yu immediately took the initiative to greet him.

Only then did Fang Haoran realize that Lu Yu's so-called "key figures" were actually the real masters and apprentices of the Six Peaks Alliance. He suddenly couldn't help but become more curious. Looking at them like this, they obviously wanted to do something big, and he didn't know. What exactly will it be...

"Lu Yu, you said there is a good thing to open our eyes to. Could it be this earth spirit magic weapon of Master Chudie?" Li Xuan said as he looked at the Spring Conch in the middle of the clearing.

Yang Chudie said with a smile: "Master Xuanmo is joking. Although Chudie's magic weapon is quite powerful, it has not been polished and is really crude. It is not worthy of your attention... As for today's matter, it is still by Lu Yu will tell you in detail!"

Lu Yu stepped forward and said, "This thing is a bit troublesome today. Before you can see it, you must make some preparations... What do you two think of this drawing?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly spread out a drawing and displayed it in front of the two of them.

Fang Haoran couldn't help but get up and take a look. Due to his specialization in the art, he didn't quite understand the contents on the drawings, but he could see the breadth and complexity of it, and he couldn't help but feel something in his heart: What happened before? The construction of a new mountain peak is the foundation laid by Master Cangsong. I wonder what kind of big project this will be...

The two masters and apprentices looked at the drawings for a long time before Cangsong raised his head and asked, "Who designed this?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The twelve elders of Mingjian Villa."

Master Cangsong said with emotion: "It is indeed the forging furnace of Mingjian Villa. It is indeed profound and profound, but unfortunately I have not done any in-depth research on the forging furnace, so I cannot give professional advice..."

Lu Yu said: "I called you two here today not to solicit opinions, but to ask you to do the first phase of construction according to the requirements on this drawing. After all, our Chudie Peak was also created by you two. Handwriting, as the saying goes, don't worry about two people... I wonder if it is difficult? "

Master Cangsong was silent.

Master Xuanmo looked at the content on the drawing, but couldn't help but frowned: "Are you serious? In this drawing, the first step is to dig a five-hundred-foot deep pit on the ground. According to this depth It is estimated that it is very likely to touch the underground spiritual veins..."

Lu Yu smiled: "But our goal is to touch the underground spiritual veins..."

"Are you crazy?" Master Xuanmo's eyes widened in disbelief.

Cangsong said thoughtfully: "You want to use the power of the underground spiritual veins to activate the furnace? But are you sure you can control it? You know, once the underground spiritual veins are excavated, if there are no corresponding means If you block it, the consequences will be disastrous, and your newly built mountain may be destroyed as a result. "

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie looked at each other and said with a smile: "It doesn't bother Master Cangsong. Since we have prepared this plan, we are fully prepared. You two can just start digging for us. We will be solely responsible for any problems! ”

Master Cangsong looked at the Spring Conch in the open space and said: "I think this must be related to the thing you want to open our eyes to... In this case, then we should be respectful and obey your orders. Anyway, you are even the Earth Spirit Level We have magic weapons, but if it doesn’t work, it’s not impossible to just use this treasure to temporarily block it!”

After saying that, he started to exchange specific details with Zhenren Xuanmo on the side.

Fang Haoran couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. He didn't expect Lu Yu to call Master and Disciple Yuan Jiansong to dig out the underground spiritual veins. This idea was so bold!

At the same time, he couldn't help but become more curious about what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd...

"What on earth are you planning to do? Let me remind you, these are extraordinary times, so you must not end up unable to stop it!"

Fang Haoran came to Lu Yu's side and spoke in a low voice.

Lu Yu smiled softly, patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry! Just wait and see the good show!"

After a while, Master Cangsong and Master Xuanmo had discussed the specific details and immediately started taking action.

I saw endless brilliance rising from the bodies of the two people, and the earth shook violently.

Squares of soil were excavated and transported outside the designated area. Like pieces of tofu, they were cut into square pieces and neatly stacked.

Watching the two people's meticulous and rhythmic division of labor and collaboration, one can't help but feel a sense of pleasure.

Lu Yu felt even more sincere admiration. Although he could cut away the vast mountains with one sword, the real master and apprentice in front of him were better at such detailed work.

As time passed by, the surrounding earth became higher and higher, and the place where they originally stood had turned into a bottomless pit.

"Are you ready? We're going to dig through this place soon!"

Finally, Master Cangsong asked while flying in the air, the light on his body flickering continuously.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie stepped onto the Spring Conch hand in hand, and also flew to the top of the pit, shouting in response: "Dig!"


There was a loud bang.

The earth shook violently, like an earth dragon turning over.

Infinite spiritual energy billowed out from the ground, and the gaseous energy that surged directly from these underground spiritual veins was so violent that it burned the entire pit red in the blink of an eye.

The fiery red light illuminated the faces of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie.

Seeing that the four of them were about to be completely swallowed up by the fire.

At this moment, the Spring Conch expanded rapidly, and the middle door opened wide.

An extremely large, extremely high-pressure storm slowly dropped from it.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the sky and on the ground.

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