Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 908 Hexagram Lock

The pattern of this six-pointed star is brilliant and very mysterious.

In the brilliance, each corner is embedded with a new six-pointed star, which is constantly decomposing and fissioning, like an extremely magnificent world.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan only glanced at each other, and then they felt as if they were about to sink in. Their expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly covered their eyes, not daring to look any further.

"Is this the Xuanyang Dao Lock?"

The two said with lingering fears.

"Don't be nervous, this is just my improved version..."

Lu Yu explained.

"This six-pointed star pattern is only composed of a single line. The real Xuanyang Dao Lock is not just that simple, it is all-encompassing... At my current level, I can only understand the line part for the time being and improve it. , gathered into such a 'six-pointed star lock'..."

"This 'Six-Pointed Star Lock' is far less rich and exciting than the Xuanyang Dao Lock. Compared with the real Xuanyang Dao Lock, I'm afraid it is not even one percent of its power... This is not It can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.”

After saying that, Lu Yu sighed with regret.

But Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but be even more shocked after hearing his explanation.

This kind of power is actually less than one percent of its original strength. How powerful should the Xuanyang Dao Lock really be?

No wonder Lu Yu's mind and consciousness, which contained the stars in the sky, were tightly trapped by it, making it feel like a dream all day and night.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

Fortunately, there was an extraordinary spiritual bond between the three of them, otherwise Lu Yu would have completely sunk in... Maybe it would take one year, maybe two years, or even a hundred years to wake up.

"Yu Lang... you are so awesome!" Ye Weilan was dazzled and praised sincerely.

Devil's Eye Totem...

The improved six-pointed star totem...

No matter which one, it is unbelievable, but Lu Yu successfully deduced both in just a few days. Such computing power can only be described as terrifying.

It seems that as the realm has been upgraded to the fourth level of Guihai Realm, Lu Yu's deduction ability has also been greatly improved with the support of the dark sea-like true energy.

Yang Chudie also had a look of emotion on her face and said: "Originally, we wanted to come over and help you, but we didn't expect that you completed everything by yourself, and you didn't need us anymore..."

"Who said you can't use them? To me, you two are of great use!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

The two women saw that there seemed to be a narrowing in his eyes, and knew that he meant something, and their faces suddenly turned red.

"What happened to the real person's palace?"

"Mei Lan, please help me hold down your sister Die... I have consumed too much energy these days, and I must use your sister Die's real body to make up for it, otherwise I will go crazy and become insane. !”


"What kind of obsession and insanity! Don't listen to his nonsense!" Yang Chudie shouted depressedly.

"This is true." Lu Yu's face was filled with sadness.

"My current deduction ability has indeed reached a new level, but this also means greater consumption..."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business now... Do you still want to rescue Sister-in-law Yudie?"

The two women were startled and then stopped.

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him and looked at him full of resentment: "What else can you do?"

"What is this word..."

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Although the Devil's Eye Totem has been deduced, how to use the power of the devil to drive it, how much force to use, and what kind of message to send to Emperor Haoyan, all of these still need to be considered..."

"In addition, the six-pointed star lock is only a semi-finished product. When we are actually facing the enemy, there are not so many ready-made patterns and characters for me to grab directly. It may take me an hour just to prepare it. This way How can the efficiency keep up with the needs... So the six-pointed star lock also needs to be further simplified!"

"I can't do this alone. We need to gather the strength of the three of us... Therefore, when I said you are useful just now, it is not an empty talk. It is just that you have misunderstood..."

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but look at each other.

Did the two of them really go astray?

This guy is obviously the villain who complained first, but he can even say such things. He is so shameless!

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