Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 909 The Red Embroidered Heroine

Misty Peak.

The master of the pavilion, Lan Jian, with fluttering clothes and flying beard, stood on a cliff of the mountain.

This time he did not play chess alone again, but looked into the distance, as if waiting for something.

Finally, a burst of clouds and fog dispersed in the distant sky, and a huge creature broke through the clouds, revealing its majestic body reflecting the golden sunlight, and rushed towards the Misty Peak.

As the sect center of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, Piaomiao Peak is surrounded by numerous formation barriers. It is by no means a place where others can break into it at will. However, Master Lan Jian did not intend to use these defensive measures. Instead, he waved away all the defensive measures. Formation barrier, allowing the behemoth to break in.

At the same time, the surrounding clouds and mist surged rapidly, forming a series of beautiful shapes such as garlands, birds, and arches, which seemed to welcome the arrival of a giant.

Finally, the behemoth sailed out of the sea of ​​clouds, revealing its complete body. It was a floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

If Master Lan Jian can treat each other with such courtesy and come in a floating battleship, then the identity of the other party is already obvious, and he must be the leader of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

For a moment, the disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion at the foot of Piaomiao Peak couldn't help but raise their heads, preparing to remember this historic moment with their hearts.

The floating battleship drove straight to the edge of Piaomiao Peak and stopped next to the cliff where Master Lan Jian was.

Everyone couldn't help but calm down and wait and see. After all, this person was no ordinary person. Everyone was curious about what the famous Jade Sea Immortal Sect leader Zhong Chuyue looked like...

However, what everyone did not expect was that the person who stepped off the floating battleship was not Zhong Chuyue, the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but a graceful and elegant woman with a graceful figure and elegant temperament.

Many disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion couldn't help but be stunned.

But Master Lan Jian remained calm and said with a faint smile: "Mrs. Zhong, long time no see... It has been decades since we parted ways in the Rakshasa Sea, but I didn't expect you to be even more charming than before! "

Only then did all the disciples wake up and realized that this person was actually Yue Xiujun, the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, who was the aunt of Yue Zijing, who was ranked third on the Golden Sunflower Ranking.

This Mrs. Zhong is very famous. Before she married Zhong Chuyue, she was the apple of the Yue family. She was obviously a daughter of a prominent family, but she preferred to travel around the world and do chivalry. With her character Known for her courage and fierceness, she is famous all over the world for her red embroidered clothes. She has created many legendary stories and is known as the "Red Embroidered Heroine" by the world.

But these are all stories from more than a hundred years ago...

Back then, the red-embroidered heroine had already tied up her long hair, got married, and became the graceful and luxurious Mrs. Zhong.

"Pavilion Master Ren, please stop making fun of me... We spend all day on the sea in the wind and sun, worried and scared, how can we be as comfortable as your life?" Even when facing the dignified Master Wuya Pavilion, Yue Xiujun still showed no signs of indifference. He didn't give any face, and responded a little bit weirdly.

Master Lan Jian couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "The Red Embroidered Heroine is indeed well-deserved. I said that your style is even better than before, and this is not true at all..."

"Okay, Pavilion Master Ren... I came all the way here not just to compliment you!"

Yue Xiujun said coldly: "Now a great god has come to the Dali Sword Sect, and he has wiped out the second largest island of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect with just a raise of his hand, so that our entire Jade Sea Immortal Sect is in a state of panic. My husband is also not allowed to stay in the sect temporarily to stabilize everyone's mood... What solution do you have to this matter? "

Master Lan Jian was silent for a moment and asked: "Although Ice Emperor Island is the second largest island of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, most of the industries have been transferred. I guess the loss will not be too serious, right?"

"Pavilion Master Ren, you really can stand and talk without pain in your back!"

Yue Xiujun said angrily: "That Tailing Patriarch didn't vent his anger on you, Wuya Immortal Pavilion, so of course you don't care!"

"Even if our Ice Emperor Island is an empty shell, we must not sit idly by and ignore this matter, otherwise it will be a huge blow to our military morale! I don't want our disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect to live in fear all day long. middle!"

"Mrs. Zhong, please be patient. We have never said that we will ignore this matter... I wonder how you want to deal with this matter?" Master Lan Jian said.

"Of course it's tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"

Yue Xiujun didn't even think about it, so he gritted his teeth and responded: "Don't you, Wuya Immortal Pavilion, claim to have seven ancestors who participated in creation and have boundless magic power? Since the Dali Sword Sect asked the Tiangang ancestors to take action, then you should also ask It’s up to Patriarch Tiangang to take action!”

"This matter... I'm afraid it won't work." Master Lan Jian replied calmly.

"why not?"

Yue Xiujun's eyes widened immediately.

As the saying goes, a country can be changed easily, but one's nature cannot be changed. Although she has already dressed up as a graceful and luxurious woman, her inner temperament will not change easily. At this time, she is just like a little pepper with a straightforward personality, just like back then. The charming red-embroidered heroine.

"Ren Lanjian, don't forget! It was you who kept saying that you don't have to worry about the Tiangang Patriarch of the Dali Sword Sect. If anything happens to the Tiangang Patriarch of the Dali Sword Sect, you will be solely responsible for it... Why, These words don’t count now, do they?”

"If it weren't for your promise, our Jade Sea Immortal Sect wouldn't be so careless! Our Jade Sea Immortal Sect also has its own Tiangang ancestor!"

"I came here today just to make it clear... If your Seventh Ancestor Wuya doesn't dare to take action against Ancestor Tailing, that's okay. We, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, can resolve this matter ourselves. I Just go back and ask the ancestor of our Yue family to take action! But this way, the alliance between your family and our family will be broken up!"

Master Lan Jian now fully understood the behavior of the Red Embroidered Heroine, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

He did make a promise at the beginning, but the target of the promise at that time was only the Yunxiao Ancestor of the Dali Sword Sect. The original words he said were, "If there is any change in the Yunxiao Ancestor, Wuya Immortal Pavilion will be fully responsible for it." , but now Yue Xiujun was messing around and misinterpreting his meaning, which made him very speechless.

However, frankly speaking, they did not expect that a Tiangang ancestor from the Dali Sword Sect would come and return.

In their original judgment, they thought that the Tiangang ancestor of the Dali Sword Sect would only attack from a distance in the ninth heaven. They also made arrangements for this point, but they did not expect that the Tailing ancestor would actually do it. They were willing to give up the nine-day rank and directly return with the Dharma Body. This was really beyond their expectations.

Now that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has taken the brunt of the blow, it is understandable that they would be dissatisfied with this.

"Mrs. Zhong, don't be anxious, just listen to me slowly..."

Although helpless, Master Lan Jian could only offer kind words.

"We, Wuya Immortal Pavilion, will never betray our covenant... What I just meant was that the seven ancestors of our sect will not be involved in this matter for the time being, because they have other important matters at the moment and have no time to spare for the time being, but this does not It doesn't mean that we will ignore this fact, we have already made plans for this matter!"

"What's the plan?" Yue Xiujun asked.

Master Lan Jian was about to speak.

But at this moment, a melodious bird song echoed through the sky.

The two of them turned to look at the same time, and saw a change in the wind and clouds in the distance, and the sea of ​​clouds was churning. It looked quite similar to the previous momentum when the floating battleship arrived.

Master Lan Jian suddenly laughed: "The proposer of the plan is here, let him speak in person!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a divine bird came out of the clouds, its body tinged with thunder and lightning, and its wings spread out and were hundreds of feet wide.

On the back of the divine bird, stood an unruly man, who turned out to be Kunpeng, the former leader of Tianlan Peak.

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