Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 919 Stop losses in time

The six-pointed star lock's brilliance flashed and entered Tailing Patriarch's body.

Ancestor Tai Ling was completely unaware of it and stood there blankly, as if his whole body had turned to stone.


Master Ting Yuan and Liang Chuanyu were shocked and uncertain, and couldn't help but make a tentative cry.

However, Patriarch Tailing did not react at all.

"Well, Lu Yu, what exactly did you do to Patriarch Tailing?" Master Tingyuan asked loudly.

"What kind of magic did you cast? Why don't you untie it for the ancestor!"

Liang Chuanyu also had a look of shock on his face. As he spoke, the Tianming Sword trembled and the Tiangang Prison above his head buzzed, as if it was going to suppress him at any moment.

"take it easy……"

Lu Yu said with a contented look.

"Do you two think that with my own ability, I can make Patriarch Tailing look like this? They both said that this is the secret order of Patriarch Yunxiao. It will take a certain amount of time for Patriarch Tailing to understand it. Okay...doesn’t this just verify what I just said?”


Master Ting Yuan and Liang Chuanyu couldn't help but look at each other.

Indeed, apart from the handwriting of Patriarch Yunxiao, it is really difficult for them to find any other explanation for how Patriarch Tailing turned out like this...

"Facts speak louder than words. You two should believe my words now, right?"

Lu Yu continued.

"In short, it is impossible for Patriarch Yunxiao to harm Patriarch Tailing. After some time, Patriarch Tailing will naturally wake up... But we don't have that much time to wait here, so I'll bother Mr. Du here. I stayed with Senior Brother Liang to protect our ancestors.”

"When he wakes up, you two can tell him that you can regard this as Patriarch Yunxiao's advice to him!"

After speaking, Lu Yu winked at Yang Chudie beside him.

Immediately, Yang Chudie took control of the black tail of the dragon fish again, controlled the spring snail, and walked away through the falling sky amidst the astonished eyes of the two people.

" this really the method of Patriarch Yunxiao?" Liang Chuanyu said doubtfully.

Ancestor Tingyuan stroked the long beard under his chin, with complicated eyes: "Whether it is true or not, we'd better not get involved..."

Liang Chuanyu was startled and immediately understood what Ting Yuan meant.

Lu Yu was able to completely put Patriarch Tailing into a state of "trance" in just one meeting. Regardless of whether this method was taught by Patriarch Yunxiao or not, they were no longer able to intervene in a conflict of this level...

Finally, Liang Chuanyu couldn't help but silently let go of the hilt of the Tianming Sword, and saw the Spring Conch descending into the sea, stirring up a long water line on the sea, and disappearing at the end of the blue waves in the blink of an eye.

"Is this trip to Guoyun Ancient City really the instruction of Patriarch Yunxiao?"

In the blue waves, Wei Zhihan had no time to be surprised by the amazing speed of the Spring Snail, and asked Lu Yu with a surprised look on his face.

Lu Yu glanced at him without answering, then turned to look at Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan.

The smiles gradually widened on the faces of the three...


Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud, stretched out his right hand, and gave Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan a high-five respectively, as if they were celebrating.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but be confused by the actions of the three people, and said: "What do you mean by this? Is that true?"

"Is there anything more important?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "You can take it as it is, or you can take it as it is not... The most important thing is, after this test, it has been confirmed that my six-pointed star lock is indeed effective on the powerful Tiangang realm. This is a small test. It can be said to be a complete success! ”

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but was speechless.

Unexpectedly, the six-pointed star pattern that Lu Yu showed to the Tailing clan was just a test. He actually used Tiangang ancestors as the test subjects. This was too courageous!

However, he still didn't understand whether the Yunxiao Ancestor was involved in this?

Lu Yu saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he said again: "Brother Wei, I know that you are very optimistic about this trip to Guoyun Ancient City, and regard this trip as a fatal journey... I can’t reveal too much to you, but one thing I can assure you is that during this trip to Guoyun Ancient City, there will definitely be the intervention of forces above the Nine Heavens!”

In any case, Wei Zhihan is the only insider, so it is necessary to appease his emotions, lest he only thinks about running away and causing trouble at the critical moment.

In fact, what Lu Yu said was that he would design a plan to attract Emperor Haoyan from the seventh heaven. As for how Wei Zhihan understood it, that was his own business.

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Yu's assurance, Wei Zhihan immediately became more confident and laughed:

"Junior Brother Lu, what are you talking about? In fact, I have always been quite optimistic about you... However, after seeing Junior Brother Lu's brilliant method just now, I am even more confident about this trip to Guoyun Ancient City! More What’s more, we still have Ancestor Yunxiao standing behind us... I feel that we are already halfway successful, and we will definitely succeed in the next step!”

"Is everything going smoothly? Brother Wei is really optimistic..." Lu Yu said with a faint smile.

He set his sights beyond the distant sea and continued: "I think the real challenge has just begun now!"

After two hours, when the sun had already set, Tailing Patriarch finally woke up from his "meditation".


As if he had been drowning in the dark water for a long time, Tailing Patriarch couldn't help but let out a long breath.



Tingyuan Zhenren and Liang Chuanyu, who were waiting for an opportunity, immediately came over and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Tai Ling Lao Zu waved his hand and asked: "What time is it now? How much time has passed?"

"The hour of the rooster is approaching, and two hours have passed!"

Tai Ling Lao Zu's pupils shrank: "Good boy! He actually used the secret I taught to trap me for two hours... I didn't expect that after hunting geese all day, he would be pecked in the eye by a goose this time!"

Tingyuan Zhenren and Liang Chuanyu looked at each other and asked hesitantly: "Ancestor, what exactly happened just now?"

Tai Ling Lao Zu snorted coldly and said: "What did that kid tell you..."

"He said that this was an exhortation from Lao Zu Yunxiao to you..."

"Bullshit Lao Zu Yunxiao!" Lao Zu Tai Ling said angrily.

I don't know whether his "bullshit" refers to Lu Yu or Lao Zu Yunxiao. The two of them were so scared that they were silent and didn't even dare to breathe.

Patriarch Tai Ling also realized that he had lost his composure, and after a pause, he said, "I think that kid should have run far away a long time ago, right?"


Ting Yuan Zhenren nodded and said, "He kept saying that all this was arranged by Patriarch Yun Xiao, so we dare not stop him without authorization... Patriarch, do you need us to do anything now?"

Patriarch Tai Ling was silent for a long time before saying, "I am now in charge of this place, under the spotlight of all parties, and I cannot leave without authorization... Chuan Yu, you will take the Tianming Sword and go to the Woyun Ancient City!"

Liang Chuan Yu was startled: "What does the Patriarch need me to do?"

Tai Ling's eyes turned cold, and he said, "That kid has grown wings, and actually thought of the Woyun Ancient City Go up to the Tai Sui head and win big with a small one... You follow quietly, hiding your tracks all the way. If they can succeed, then everything will be fine. If things can't be done, you must protect him. If necessary, you can directly cut off his wings to stop the loss in time! "

Tingyuan Zhenren frowned and said: "Ancestor, the Tianming Sword is now available as a heavenly spirit weapon. Its power is indeed enough to look down on the world, but if only Chuanyu goes alone with this sword, I am afraid it will attract covetousness from all parties..."

Tai Ling Ancestor smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, I will give you something that can dispel the covetousness of all parties!"

As he said, he raised his hand, and suddenly a small black square box flew into Liang Chuanyu's hand.

"This is the Qiandi Soul Box. Open this thing in times of crisis, and I can use this thing to possess and descend... I want to see who can take this heavenly spirit weapon away from me!"

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