Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 920 Moon Demon God of War

The strong wind is hunting, and the flags are fluttering.

A floating warship is suspended in the clouds, like a majestic fortress, with a spectacular momentum.

Below the battleship, there was smoke and corpses everywhere...

Yue Zijing stood in front of a dilapidated building, his face flushed. He didn't know whether it was the reflection of the blazing fire or the reflection of the blood flowing everywhere.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and the scene in front of him was like purgatory on earth.

However, Yue Zijing was indifferent to all this.

His heart has long been as hard as steel. After experiencing the shocking battle in the Golden Rooster Islands, these scenes in front of him can only be regarded as small scenes to him!

"Sir, all members of the Jinjin Sect have been executed and no one has survived!" A subordinate came over to report.

"What's the situation in the warehouse?" Yue Zijing asked calmly.

"The warehouse has been opened and has not been damaged...the items inside are being counted. It is estimated that there are more than 30,000 kilograms of Chilianjin..."

"Only thirty thousand catties?"

Yue Zijing shook his head helplessly.

Although thirty thousand kilograms sounds like a pretty big number, the density of Chilianjin is extremely high. Thirty thousand kilograms is actually just a tiny amount. It is not enough to renovate half of the floating ship that was damaged in the battle of Jinji Islands. Battleship.

"Is that just a little bit? People say that the Gold-Entered Sect is a very wealthy party, and everyone in the sect wears a belt made of red gold. It seems that the rumors may not be true..."

The subordinate couldn't help complaining.

You must know that compared to the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the Jinjin Sect is only a small sect after all. It is already very rich with a stock of 30,000 kilograms. It can indeed be regarded as a wealthy party... The only one to blame is It’s no wonder that the Battle of the Golden Rooster Islands was too brutal and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect’s material gap was too large...

"It's a pity... It is said that there is a large amount of red gold hidden in the Mingjian Villa, but the Dali Sword Sect has taken the lead and encouraged their family to move to Jade Butterfly Peak... Otherwise, if the famous sword can be If the villa is looted, it might be enough to repair the entire fleet!"

Yue Zijing said bitterly.

Whether it was the escape from Mingjian Villa or the fiasco at the Golden Rooster Islands, they were all actually the work of one person. When he thought of that person, Yue Zijing couldn't help but be filled with resentment.

"Sir, the current gap in Chi Lian Jin is about 50,000 jins. Where should we go next?" the subordinate asked.

Fifty thousand kilograms, and probably two more sects like the Jinjin Sect will be looted...

But all the sects in the nearby area have been looted. Where can we find two more sects of similar size to the Jinjin Sect?

Yue Zijing is still thinking...

But at this moment, a ray of light came rushing through the air. It was the commander who was responsible for guarding the floating battleship.

"Sir! An urgent message has been sent from the Golden Crow, requiring us to return to the team immediately!" the herald said urgently.

Yue Zijing was startled: "So urgent? What happened?"

The herald shook his head and said: "The summons didn't say..."

"Is this the order from Zhanggechuan?"

During the battle of the Jinji Islands, Zhanggechuan was ordered to take over the command of the entire fleet in a critical situation, but in fact many people were not convinced by him, such as Yue Zijing himself, who was very unimpressed with his leadership.

"No, the order is sent in the name of your aunt... the wife of the head of the household!" the herald replied.

Yue Zijing was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that his aunt, who had not left Chongguang Island for many years, actually came to the front line to command in person this time. It seemed that something important had indeed happened.

"Pass my order to suspend the inventory of warehouse materials, and pack up and take away the entire warehouse of the Jinjin Sect... We will return immediately!"

Soon, a small hilltop on the ground was moved onto the floating battleship, and the smoke of gunpowder still lingered on the top of the hill.

Yue Zijing thought about it secretly and decided to turn on the remote jump function and rush back as quickly as possible.

This is already quite a luxury for the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in the current situation. Fortunately, the floating battleship currently commanded by Yue Zijing is equipped with the Eye of the Wind bit and is driven by the Eye of the Wind bit. The consumption of resources is not very huge.

An hour later...

The floating battleship arrived at Lieya City, which was the temporary assembly point of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleet.

I saw floating battleships floating in the air one after another, looking like a majestic and prosperous floating city from a distance.

It was only at this time that Yue Zijing realized that most of the floating battleships had been repaired. Although the weather at this time was not as good as the peak period, it was still quite good.

The floating battleship docked towards the "castle group" according to the designated position.

Just as they stopped, a disciple from Chongguang Island came over and said, "Senior Brother Yue, Madam Leader, please come over!"

Yue Zijing nodded and followed the order disciple to fly to the Golden Crow without saying a word.


Although there were a group of real elders standing on the Golden Crow, Yue Zijing still immediately rushed towards Yue Xiujun.

Yue Xiujun also made no secret of his fondness for this nephew. He stroked his head lovingly and said with a smile: "I heard that you have been quite diligent recently and have brought the front line to the West Sea. I wonder how the task was completed?"

Yue Zijing scratched his head and said: "It should have been completed in two days, but suddenly I received an urgent order from my aunt... I wonder what happened to call us back so urgently?"

Yue Xiujun smiled softly: "The next step will be our Jade Sea Immortal Sect's counterattack!"

Yue Zijing couldn't help being surprised: "Are you planning to attack again? I wonder where you plan to attack the Dali Sword Sect this time?"

Yue Xiujun shook his head and said: "The battle on the Golden Rooster Islands has told us that even if we have a geographical advantage, it is still of no use. The key to the battle between the two factions is still people!"

"Aunt, what do you mean..."

"Today's Dali Sword Sect, the most important figures are the old and the young...the old one is the Tailing Ancestor, and the young one is the Lu Yu you have been talking about to me. Next, we will gather the strength of many parties and do it in one fell swoop. Get rid of these two serious troubles!"

"What?" Yue Zijing was immediately shocked, "Are we going to deal with an ancestor of Tiangang this time?"

Yue Xiujun smiled and said: "Of course there is a division of labor. Our main target is still the small one. As for the hard-to-gnaw old bones, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is mainly responsible for it."

Yue Zijing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, my heart couldn't help but feel hot again.

It seems that all the forces are serious this time. Under such a big fanfare, that Lu Yu will shed a layer of skin this time even if he does not die!

"When will we start? Where will we start? Why haven't we started yet?" Yue Zijing asked excitedly.

"No rush, we have to wait for someone else..."

With that said, Yue Xiujun turned to Zhang Gechuan and asked, "Lao Zhang, when will the people from the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect arrive?"

Zhang Gechuan looked at the sky and said: "Lord Chiyue has always been punctual, it should be soon..."

Yue Xiujun raised an eyebrow: "Are you sure it was Lord Chiyue who came in person?"

"This...I'm not sure, but Lord Chiyue said that the people who come this time will definitely surprise us. He also mentioned the Moon Demon God of War, saying that it was built using the techniques of Bixiao Shrine. A powerful man..."

"Moon Demon God of War?"

Yue Xiujun said disdainfully: "What a shameless statement. If what he sent is a god, then what is he himself? Could it be that he has become the master of a god?"

Everyone was speechless.

However, everyone couldn't help but become curious, wondering what kind of helpers the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect would send.

Soon after, the mystery was finally revealed...

I saw a group of warriors all dressed in black, riding in the sky on Pegasus. Everyone's face was very stiff, like puppets, but they all had powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and all of them were actually The strength is above that of a real strong person.

The leader was wearing armor and carrying a spear. He was the Moon Demon God of War.

Everyone was surprised to find that this person looked like... Lan Qianqiu, the missing owner of Ice King Island!

I originally thought he had been buried in the Golden Rooster Islands...

This time, everyone was really surprised.

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