Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 957 Son of the Heavenly King


Lu Yu said in shock.

Before, he had thought that the identity of this mysterious strong man was extraordinary, but he had never thought that he would be the incarnation of an immortal from heaven...

However, although he was surprised, he did not doubt Qin Yanzhen's words, because in this way, it just explained why the Seventh Patriarch Wu Ya followed this person shamelessly.

"Why did a venerable immortal from heaven appear incarnate and hide here? And it seems that he has been incarnated for a long time, right?"

Lu Yu asked with confusion.

Master Kunpeng alone has a lifespan of hundreds of years, which means that the time when the Ming King Dharma Lord came to this world has been at least hundreds of years.

Considering that he transformed Lingxiao Palace into Tianhuan Palace, he cultivated a huge force in the central area of ​​this ancient city...

By the way, there is also the sky-swallowing golden roc, which is most likely his handiwork...

Taking these factors into consideration, he has been in this world for at least a thousand years!

Lu Yu was really curious, what was the reason that allowed a powerful man from outside the world to stay here for so long?

Could this reason be related to Qin Yanzhen’s true purpose?

Qin Yanzhen saw through Lu Yu's thoughts at a glance and said with a smile: "Don't think too much about it... The reason why he stayed here for so long is actually very simple. He was imprisoned here. This world is very important to you." It’s extremely vast to him, but to him, it’s just a prison.”


Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked again.

It has to be said that the secrets revealed from Qin Yanzhen's mouth exceeded his imagination time and time again.

Qin Yanzhen took a deep look at him: "Are you really not clear at all about things happening in the Nine Heavens?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw her. He always felt that there was something meaningful in her gaze, but he said unmoved on his face: "Should I know?"

Qin Yanzhen looked at his face seriously and said: "The power you use obviously does not belong to this world, and it is not the blood power of Sister Yehuang Clan..."

"So at the beginning, I thought that you, like me, were reincarnations of the soul from outside the world, but something went wrong in the middle, and the soul was not completely preserved, so it became what it is now. …But now it seems that it doesn’t look like it!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless.

What do you mean by "turning into what you are now"? Is your current level too low?

"But if it weren't for the reincarnation of the Immortal Soul, it would be impossible to master such a huge power... What exactly is going on is really intriguing..." Qin Yanzhen murmured again.

Lu Yu thought to himself that this was probably because of the lotus seeds in his body...

Although his original talent is very good, it has not reached the level of surpassing the mortal world. The reason why he is in such a situation can only be attributed to the lotus seed.

The seed of lotus, although he has never figured out what it is, this thing has completely transformed his physique without any sound.

However, at this time, it was naturally impossible for him to explain this to Qin Yanzhen, so he simply played dumb and pretended not to understand what the other party was saying.

"Forget it, just don't tell me if you don't want to tell me... One day, I will figure out all the secrets in you!"

Qin Yanzhen stared at Lu Yu and said.

Lu Yu said calmly: "Miss Qin seems to have digressed. Let's go back to the Ming Dynasty..."

Qin Yanzhen paused and continued the previous topic:

"Although the world above, beyond the Nine Heavens, is extremely vast, mysterious, and magical, in the final analysis, it also has many things in common with this world. There are also many forces from all sides, and they are either friendly or antagonistic to each other, or even... Attacking and fighting each other... It can be said that the world we are in is actually a microcosm of the world above. "

Lu Yu was not surprised when he heard this.

He has long known that the world above has the Bixiao Palace, the Lord of Heaven, the God of the Underworld, the Lord of the Galaxy, the Demon God... and other forces. Naturally, these forces cannot be in harmony, and even all kinds of forces in the world above cannot be harmonious. The complexity of the conflict between forces will be far greater than the situation in this world dominated by eight major sects.

"In the world above, there is a very powerful force called 'Daze Realm'. Its status in the world above is equivalent to the status of the eight major sects in this world... And the Ming King Fa Zun's His true identity is the master of Daze Realm, the biological son of Daze Tianjun," Qin Yanzhen continued.

"The son of Tianjun Daze..."

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned and asked: "If his identity is so prominent, why is he imprisoned here again?"

"Because the person who imprisoned him is none other than his father Osawa Tianjun himself!"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "Although King Ming has a distinguished status, he is extremely domineering. Relying on his father's power and mother's favor, he has done many perverse things in the world above. Therefore, he is also called 'Daze Realm'. Second-generation ancestor'……"

"However, if you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet? Finally, once, this second generation ancestor provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked. The other person was also a heavenly king who dominated the world, and his power and strength were not comparable to each other. Ze Tianjun sent him to this world, and in the end, Ze Tianjun had no choice but to send him to this world. It was a punishment in name, but in fact it was a helpless move to save his son. "

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

I didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns.

"So, you don't have to worry about the consequences after killing him. The Heavenly Lord is indeed powerful, but they can't touch this side of the world, otherwise Osawa Tianjun wouldn't hide his son here. ”

"As for what you asked just now, what are the characteristics of his Taoism? I really can't answer this, because I don't know what part of his cultivation he retained when he came incarnation, and I don't know what he did here. After the ancient land shrunk for so long, what kind of progress has it made..."

Qin Yanzhen finally explained.

Lu Yu was silent, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "No matter what happens, the opponent is a Tiangang Realm powerhouse... Miss Qin came here so confidently, she must have some means to defeat the enemy, right?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled: "Of course."

Just as Lu Yu was about to continue asking, Qin Yanzhen suddenly waved her hand, put a white index finger on her pretty red lips, and made a silencing gesture.

"Lu Lang, don't talk yet... I think we will have answers to your questions soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were rumbling sounds in the sky.

The huge vortex cloud above the head suddenly surged sharply, and was no longer as stable as before.

Lu Yu's body suddenly shook.

He instantly understood in his heart that Emperor Haoyan, who rules the seventh heaven, has finally arrived!

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