Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 958 Black Cloud of Locusts

This movement woke everyone up.

Wei Zhihan opened the coffin board again...

Yang Chudie slowly stepped out of the Spring Conch...

Even Yuan Shiqiu suddenly walked out of nowhere...

All six people raised their heads in unison and looked at the swirling clouds above their heads.

"Is this the arrival of help from the Nine Heavens?"

Wei Zhihan asked while sitting in the coffin.

"should be."

Lu Yu replied without turning his head.

Wei Zhihan looked troubled: "Junior Brother Lu, it may take me a while to understand this calamity-transforming thunder technique..."

Lu Yu then turned around, glanced at him, and then walked to the side of the Nine-Life Divine Coffin without saying a word. He suddenly slapped his palm and the Nine-Life Divine Coffin flew towards the Spring Conch.

"Hurry up!" Lu Yu said two words.

Immediately, the Nine Lives Divine Coffin disappeared in the brilliance and entered the cave space of the Spring Conch.

In fact, Wei Zhihan's strength will play a minimal role in the upcoming battle, but Lu Yu still can't let him leave, because after all, he is the person who met the real Yudie in Tianhuan Palace. How to find the exact location where Yudie Zhenren was imprisoned depends on him.

Moreover, his magic weapon, the Nine-Life Divine Coffin, might also play an important role in the trap-laden Tianhuan Palace.

Fortunately, there is still a certain amount of time before Emperor Haoyan arrives and the war breaks out. He should still be able to make it in time...

Regarding all this, Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu did not even turn around. Apparently, in their minds, they also believed that Wei Zhihan's role was dispensable.

In the sky, the turbulence of vortex clouds became more and more violent.

Finally, a huge crack appeared in the vortex cloud, and then a giant furry hand stretched out from the crack, opening the gap in one fell swoop, causing a huge gap to appear above the vortex cloud.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Everyone has personally traveled through the swirling clouds and knows how powerful the violent thunder contained within them is.

The place where the giant hand appeared at this time was not even the outer swirling area of ​​​​Wu Yun, but the inner swirling area of ​​​​Wu Yun. Unexpectedly, the inner swirling area, which is called the realm of death and has made countless real strong men unable to return, turned out to be. This person pushed it away with his hands.

"is it him?"

Yang Chudie stood beside Lu Yu, feeling nervous and apprehensive, and couldn't help but ask.

Lu Yu nodded, staring at the big furry hand: "It's him! That's right!"

Although in the battle between his consciousness and Emperor Haoyan's consciousness, both sides only had a quick glance, and he did not see the other party's whole picture clearly, but he was very impressed by this big furry hand.

While the two were talking, countless black clouds suddenly penetrated through the gap opened by the big furry hand, and fell crazily like a swarm of locusts.

Lu Yu and others had never experienced such a scene before, and they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"This is……"

"This is Emperor Haoyan's hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals!"

Qin Yanzhen said, with a subtle smile in her eyes.

"Lu Lang, you really deceived people this time... It seems that this long-haired monster has really moved out all his family assets! This time we are in for a good show!"

Lu Yu was speechless for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, all the dense black clouds passed through the vortex, completing the first step of the invasion.

Lu Yu was just waiting to see Emperor Haoyan reveal his true form. Unexpectedly, the big furry hand suddenly disappeared and turned into black clouds flying down.

The group of "black clouds" that appeared later far exceeded the previous "one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals" in terms of quantity and density.

Lu Yu suddenly realized that these swarms of black clouds were the incarnation of Emperor Yan. Unexpectedly, he had this skill. He was indeed a follower of the demon god Chi Li...



The huge roar was heard continuously and became more and more intensive.

This is Emperor Haoyan's one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals, which are constantly colliding with the power of dark thunder hanging down from the swirling clouds.

For ordinary people, the internal rotation area is already a no-fly area, but Emperor Haoyan's large army completely ignored this and relied on their huge numerical advantage to defeat the hidden thunder falling in the sky.

However, according to this consumption method, even one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals may not be enough...

However, Lu Yu soon discovered an abnormality in it. It turned out that the black clouds transformed by these demon soldiers and generals would dissipate into strands of black gas after colliding with the power of dark thunder. These black clouds would then merge into the rear number. The "black cloud" group incarnated by Emperor Yan caused the black cloud to grow rapidly, split again, and added to the large army of one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals...

In other words, Emperor Haoyan's one hundred thousand demon soldiers and generals are equivalent to an endless supply and endless supply!

In the blink of an eye, the mighty black cloud-like army of locusts came to the innermost side of the internal rotation area, and if they continue forward, they will reach the center of the vortex!

At this moment, the Ming King in Tianhuan Palace finally seemed to be unable to sit still.

Suddenly, the ground under the feet of Lu Yu and others shook violently, and a golden light shot out from the area where Tianhuan Palace was located in front, shooting straight into the sky.

"How dare a young man like Fangxiao come to my territory to cause trouble!"

A cold voice suddenly resounded throughout the world, accompanied by the shaking of the earth and mountains.

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