Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 969 Divide the Territory

Pieces of blood mist continued to explode.

A great general under the command of a generation of gods and demons, a loyal believer of Chi Li, died on the spot.

Watching this scene happen, it is impossible to say that Lu Yu's heart was not touched at all. After all, this Emperor Haoyan was lured by his false information and rushed here.

But compared to the touch in his heart, the current situation made him more worried...

Originally, he planned to take advantage of the attack of Emperor Haoyan to fish in troubled waters, but now that Emperor Haoyan is finished, how should he break the current situation?

"Yu Lang..."

Ye Weilan leaned against Lu Yu and called softly, his eyes full of worry.

There was also a demonic power hidden in her body. Seeing the huge body of Emperor Haoyan being dismembered, countless demonic powers disappeared under the cleansing of the rules of heaven. This not only made her fully feel the power of the other party, but also made her feel sad.

Yang Chudie was captured, and Yudie Zhenren disappeared. The situation in front of her made her completely at a loss.

Lu Yu patted her hand gently to comfort her.

For the time being, he didn't have any good solution. He could only take one step at a time. But no matter what, he would not give up easily. Although the situation at this time was extremely unfavorable, there might be a glimmer of hope...

What he relied on was the "six-pointed star lock" in his body.

If this forbidden spell was used properly, it might be possible to capture the king in one fell swoop and turn defeat into victory.

But this is the last chance to turn things around, he must be extremely cautious... First figure out what is going on, and then choose the right time, make sure to hit it, and never make mistakes.

"It's over, there is no chance now..."

At this time, Qin Yanzhen also sighed helplessly.

Lu Yu glanced at her and found that although her tone was helpless, her expression was always calm, and she didn't look worried at all.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but move his heart, and immediately understood that this witch must have some powerful tricks that she hasn't used yet!

I don't know what she is planning...

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu was even more unwilling to act rashly, and planned to find out Qin Yanzhen's real purpose first.

"Greetings to the Ming Wang Fa Zun!"

The Wu Ya Seven Ancestors showed their true bodies one after another, descended into the Tianhuan Palace, and paid homage to the Ming Wang Fa Zun.

Before this, Lu Yu had imagined what the Wu Ya Seven Ancestors looked like many times, but he never thought that the two sides would meet in such a state.

Ming Wang Fa Zun nodded calmly, motioned everyone to stand up, and said: "Where are the people from Bixiao Palace?"

Chonghua Patriarch replied: "Yin Juntong has left."

However, these two simple answers caused a wave of shock in Lu Yu's heart.

Yin Juntong... Master Caitong, the head of Bixiao Palace?

I didn't expect that even Bixiao Palace was involved in this matter...No wonder Emperor Haoyan was defeated so easily. In this way, his defeat was not too unfair...

Qin Yanzhen also woke up immediately and said: "No wonder you can arrange it so carefully. It turns out that Bixiao Palace informed you. If I am not mistaken, maybe Bixiao Palace also used their small Kunlun mirror to guide you in the vortex cloud, so that you can complete the formation assembly of Tiangang's return so smoothly..."

Ming Wang Fa Zun smiled lightly, neither admitting nor denying, and continued to say to Wuya Seven Patriarchs in front of him: "The next thing will be carried out according to the agreement!"

Patriarch Chonghua hesitated for a moment: "Master Fazun, do you need to reconsider this matter? After all, the Bixiao Palace just said a few words and didn't make any effort. If you let them divide the seventh layer of the sky in half, it will make others think that Master Fazun is too kind and can be bullied..."

Mingwang Fazun slowly closed his eyes: "No matter what, the face of the Bixiao Palace should be given... Just do as I say!"

Patriarch Chonghua nodded: "Yes!"

Mingwang Fazun waved his hand, and the seven ancestors of Wuya immediately stood up and flew away, breaking through the air, and disappeared above the vortex in a blink of an eye.

For the long-browed ancestor who fainted on the ground and was still shaking unconsciously, the five people didn't ask a single question.

It is not difficult to imagine that they are rushing to the seventh layer of the sky to occupy the territory as soon as possible...

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but look at it in amazement.

I didn't expect that Ming Wang Fa Zun had even thought about the follow-up of dividing the territory. No wonder he deliberately lured the enemy deep into the territory before. It seems that he had already thought about killing Emperor Hao Yan here.

"Okay, now it's time to talk about the problem between us!" Ming Wang Fa Zun retracted his gaze from watching Wu Ya Qi Zi go away, and looked at Lu Yu and others.

In an instant, Lu Yu seemed to see the annihilation of the stars in his eyes.

This shows that every tiny part of the opponent's body contains the aggregation of the laws of the mystery, and he couldn't help but be deeply moved by the opponent's strength.

However, Qin Yanzhen turned a blind eye to the other party's power and said with a chuckle: "What's there to talk about? Although it's true that we broke into your palace without permission, if we hadn't attracted Emperor Haoyan, you wouldn't have There will be such a rich harvest..."

"As the successor of Dazejie, you should be more generous and just let us go. We will no longer ask you for any dividends... Do you think this is good?"

"Dividend commission?"

Ming Wang Dharma Master laughed dumbly: "You are indeed the Yao Ji who brought trouble to all realms. No wonder so many Heavenly Lords have a headache for you. Now I finally understand!"

"Do you think I don't know? You are you and they are them. The one who attracted Emperor Haoyan was this boy named Lu Yu. He has nothing to do with you!"

Qin Yanzhen said: "It's rare for His Highness Prince Ming to be so clear-eyed. Since you know that this matter has nothing to do with me, you should just let me go..."

Master Ming Wang snorted coldly and pointed at the long-browed ancestor on the ground: "It has nothing to do with you, so what is going on?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said, "Oh, I've told you a long time ago. In fact, we are all one body. My Lu Lang is also involved in this matter..."

His Majesty Ming Wang's eyes flashed like lightning: "We don't care what your relationship is, I just want to talk about your problem now..."

"Why don't I give you a suggestion... It is said that you once penetrated into the source of darkness in the Asura world and received instructions from a certain fallen god king. As long as you tell me this secret, I will give you Let’s forget today’s behavior, how about that?”

"Really? As long as I tell the secret, I can leave?"

Qin Yanzhen couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu and others on the side: "What about them?"


His Majesty King Ming smiled faintly: "I have made other arrangements..."

As he spoke, he waved a gesture.

"Take them to Qincao Garden!"

Immediately, the surrounding armored guards gathered around and took Lu Yu, Ye Weilan, and Yang Chudie who were lying in the Nine Lives God's coffin into custody.

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