Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 970 The Queen Mother’s Hometown

Lu Yu was originally quite curious about the secrets of Qin Yanzhen.

Now it seems that the reason why Qin Yanzhen chose to reincarnate and did so many strange things is most likely related to the secrets of the so-called Asura Realm.

Unfortunately, Ming Wang Fazun did not want them to listen in and directly ordered them to be escorted out.

Seeing that they treated Yang Chudie in a relatively gentle way, Lu Yu did not care so much and retreated with the armored guards around him. At least in this way, he could temporarily reunite with Yang Chudie safely.

Not long after, the three were brought to another stone chamber.

The stone chamber was dark, as if there was a bottomless abyss hidden inside.

"What is this place?" Lu Yu couldn't help but ask: "Didn't they say they would take us to Qincao Garden?"

"This is Qincao Garden!"

The armored guard replied expressionlessly.

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were stunned.

The scene in front of him, no matter how you look at it, doesn't match the three words "Qincao Garden", right?

Could it be that this so-called Qincao Garden is actually a dark prison?

However, before they could raise any questions, the armored guard activated the formation and sucked them in at once, leaving them no time to react.

Then, a feeling of dizziness came...

Lu Yu felt that his body was falling, but it was not just falling. It seemed that he had passed through a folded space. He seemed to have been spinning around in a vortex for hundreds of reincarnations. The feeling was really indescribable.

Finally, the light was restored in front of him...

Lu Yu also fell hard to the ground, and rolled seven or eight times in a row before he finally stopped the momentum. He was knocked dizzy.

Fortunately, the place where he fell was a piece of grass, otherwise his end would be even more miserable...

"Yu Lang, Yu Lang... are you okay?"

Ye Weilan hurried over and helped Lu Yu up.

Although she had also gone through the folding space, she was a demon spirit after all, and her physique was much stronger than Lu Yu, so she recovered faster than Lu Yu.

"I'm fine..."

Lu Yu shook his head and sat up straight: "Don't worry about me, go and see Sister Die, how is she..."

So, Ye Weilan hurriedly flew away and looked for Yang Chudie on the grass.

Soon, she found Yang Chudie's figure. When Lu Yu struggled to stand up, Yang Chudie had already walked towards this side with the support of Ye Weilan.

"Master, are you okay? Are you injured?" Lu Yu asked.

"I'm fine..." Yang Chudie shook her head, "Are you okay?"

The three of them confirmed with each other, and found that they were all fine, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is this place?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look around.

Since it was confirmed that the person was fine, the next step was to figure out where this place was, and then speculate what the purpose of that Mingwang Fazun was.

Looking around, there were lush grass everywhere, flying birds and dancing butterflies, herds of cattle and sheep in the distance, and the sky was as blue as a mirror.

Since entering the ancient city of Woyun, the ubiquitous vortex clouds have completely disappeared, and the scenery is as beautiful as a picture scroll, just like a fairyland.

"Ah... so beautiful!"

Ye Weilan was caught off guard and couldn't help but sigh.

"Is this Qincao Garden..." Yang Chudie also murmured.

The scene in front of them was somewhat similar to the scene they created in their mental illusion.

If it weren't for the fact that the whereabouts of Yudie Zhenren had not been found and the threat of Mingwang Fazun was on the side, this place could indeed be called a paradise in a dream.

Lu Yu was a little confused for a while.

He couldn't figure out what kind of place this was, and couldn't understand why such a magical and extraordinary, yet incompatible area would appear in the center of a dark vortex cloud.

Also, why did Mingwang Fazun throw them here?

Is this considered imprisonment? Or exile?

"Eh? Sister Die, Yu Lang! Look here!"

Ye Weilan suddenly made an amazing discovery, pointing to a plant in front and said: "Is this herb... Dongji Bawu?"

Over the years, she has been following Lu Yu and has been influenced by him, and her ability to identify various medicinal materials has also improved.

Especially this material called "Dongji Bawu", Lu Yu once spent a lot of money to buy it when he participated in the auction in Hailan City, so she was particularly impressed.

More importantly, this is also a key material for refining Shenglong Dan. Previously, Lu Yu was limited by insufficient materials and could not refine Shenglong Dan. The most lacking material was this Dongji Bawu.

I didn't expect to find such a rare material here.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie came forward and recognized that this plant was indeed Dongji Bawu at a glance.

And judging from the state of the plant, it has grown very mature. As long as its rhizomes are dug out, Dongji Bawu that can be used as medicine can be obtained immediately.

Ye Weilan was overjoyed and immediately took out her dagger, trying to dig up the whole herb.

Yang Chudie quickly stopped her and said, "Wait... look at what's over there?"

As she spoke, she pointed to a place not far away.

Ye Weilan followed her gesture and saw all kinds of strange plants in front of her. In addition to Dongjibawu, there were all kinds of precious medicinal materials that she could name or couldn't name. Rare and rare materials in the world.

For a moment, Ye Weilan couldn't help but stare straight.

This place is like a medicinal field made up of all kinds of rare treasures.

Even if it were the largest material warehouse in the world, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as fully equipped as the one in front of me.

"This...this is all treasure..."

After a long time, Ye Weilan opened her mouth and said.

Lu Yu said in a deep voice: "There is something strange in this place. Don't act rashly until we find out what is going on..."

The three of them continued walking forward.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the center of the rare medicine field, where we could directly see the all-encompassing and colorful exotic materials around us. The scene was very shocking.

"So Qin Cao this what it means?" Yang Chudie sighed softly.

Looking at it now, this name is somewhat consistent with the scene in front of me...


Lu Yu shook his head, turned around suddenly, and walked to a huge boulder on the grass.

The boulder was covered with a kind of fluorescent moss. Lu Yu looked at the boulder and was stunned.

"Yu Lang...what's wrong?"

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan asked at the same time.

Lu Yu did not answer, but directly took out Die Shuangfei and swung his sword. The sword light accurately chipped away a piece of moss on the boulder.

It was unknown how many years the moss had been mottled on the boulder. After Lu Yu swung his sword four or five times, he finally scraped off the moss on the surface of the boulder, revealing its true appearance.

It turned out that this huge stone was actually a stone tablet.

The stone tablet is written with strange characters. Judging from the font, it is clear that they are characters from the ancient ancestors' period, which are the characters used by the Storm Clan mentioned by Qin Yanzhen.

As soon as he saw these words, Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked and showed a surprised expression.

"What's wrong? Do you recognize the words above?" Yang Chudie asked curiously.

Lu Yu raised his head and glanced at her: "I don't know about the others, but I know these three, because I just saw them not long ago..."

"Where did you see it?"

"On the piece of forging material brought back from Wangyue Peak, the sword embryo of the Queen Mother of the West... these three words, according to Fang Haoran, refer to the Queen Mother of the West in the ancient mythology!"

Lu Yu said, swallowing hard.

Yang Chudie showed a surprised expression.

Ye Weilan's eyes suddenly widened: "Could it be that...this was the former residence of the Queen Mother of the West?"

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were silent for a while, obviously they had thought of this.

But at this moment, a light and fluttering voice suddenly came over:

"Yang Chudie, you are here after all... So, is this the brother-in-law you found for me?"

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