Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 959: Naga Ningning! The first Xuanhuo! (important)

Note: I just successfully logged into the background, so I updated it so late. The content of this chapter is very important. Look carefully, please ask for a ticket.


That's right, the first side of the Rubik's Cube is about the Destroyed Legion. There are several relatively incomparable maps.

The rest are all text.

Yang Dingtian could not help but read the words left by Wu Ning.

It is written above: First of all, the division of labor of the Temple of Dim is very very detailed. For example, I am separated from the East, and Nether is the son of the devil. But between us, we almost do not communicate with each other and completely perform their duties. Even, we are completely ignorant of how we came to the world.

Therefore, regarding the Destruction Army, I completely rely on speculation.

First of all, the establishment of the Destruction Corps began about a hundred years ago. The main force of the defensive legion should be the barbarians in the snow and ice.

You said that there will be a total of 20 to 30 million exterminations, because there are so many Maori people in the snow and ice.

This is wrong, because it has been cultivated to become a corps of extermination, not just a generation of Maori barbarians, but a whole hundred years. Therefore, this number may be five or six times.

Read this, Yang Dingtian suddenly stunned.

Five or six times, that means more than 100 million Maori barbarians, more than 100 million dynasty corps?

Then, Yangdingtian continued to read.

Moreover, the extermination army should be more than just the Maori barbarians, and there are some ancient races that are not extinct. Of course, this is just my guess. More detailed speculation, I think it may be a submarine race, or a subterranean race.

I have been thinking about the direction of the transformation of the main force of the extermination army composed of Maori barbarians. It should be energy!

When you and Ning Wuming fought, they had already launched a **** demon army. This army is very, very powerful. If you are not attacking with a special venom, I am afraid that the big battle, Yunxiao City has been completely annihilated.

And the energy of the ruined army. It should be in this direction, but the level is much higher.

It is very likely that this army is completely invulnerable, including those of your artillery attacks, and can not hurt them at all.

of course. Because I am not sure, I can't say too much, lest you lead you astray.

But one thing I am sure of is that the Destroyed Legion must be taking the energy route.


Energyization. Yangdingtian firmly remembered this sentence.

Then he continued to read.

One of the most important things is, where is the corps of the corps created?

This, I thought for a long time! There is no answer, but one thing is certain. To energize this astronomical Maori barbarians, we must need very, very large energy. Therefore, that place will definitely die very fast.

Correct. That piece of land, or that space, will definitely die very fast.

So when I traveled around the world. I have been paying attention to this question, which piece of the world is the fastest. I have chosen a lot of places, including the East from the grasslands, the ghosts, and the land of the South.

Finally, I fell in a place. *River!

Yangding Tiandeng shocked!

*Jiang, that's right. *River!

The water in this river is completely like the color of blood. Any life that enters will immediately erode nothing. Even, it completely polluted the tens of thousands of miles of the mainland, and the seawater that has been on the side of the Yantai Strait is highly toxic.

Wu Ningming’s record continues to read: *The source of the river, there are two places, one is the demon domain, and the other is the yin and yang mirror! These two are already completely dead worlds and continue to spread.

Therefore, my guess about the Destroyed Legion is that, along the river, going upstream, looking for the real source, may be rewarding.

That place may have hidden hundreds of millions of extermination legions, and it is the core of the dark empire that has been built for hundreds of years.


On the first side, the record of the Destruction Army is over!

Wu Ningming is very amazing. He describes it very accurately and has almost no vague concept. It points out the two main points of information of the Destroyed Legion. One is energyization, and the other is to go up the river along the river to find the core of the Destroyed Corps and the Dark Empire of the Temple of Destruction.

Yangding Tian first let go of the deep shock inside, then look at the second side.

The second side is about the Yang Dingtian cultivation sword spirit, the Xuanmai Jing and the sea soul crystal!

It reads: First, Xuanmai Jing and Haishen Jing, what is it?

Xuanmai Jing is not an object, but an energy life! In fact, its more accurate name should be called the ground pulse!

It grows in the most densely packed areas of the earth and the two-month energy exchange!

Of course, you can't understand that it will be on the ground. In fact, it is often deep in the depths of the earth.

The reason is that when the earth and the two-month double-day energy exchange, the entire vast continent or ocean is an energy receiver. Then, when these energy are to be transported to the center of the earth, there are some obstacles in the middle for some reason, so this kind of vein is born, so that the continent or the ocean can better connect with the earth.

So, this is Xuanmai Jing!

Because of this, Xuanmai Jing can be put into the soul sword as the mysterious vein of this sword.

The sea soul crystal, as the soul of the sword. I (Wu Ningming) once thought that it was some kind of energy spar, or it was some kind of monster's demon nucleus. Later, I studied it for a long time and found that it is not, it is actually the quality of the sea!

Seeing this, Yangdingtian could not help but be puzzled, so I went down.

Wu Youming continues to record: We all know that the sea of ​​air is nothing, a separate energy world, and there is no material existence. However, when it is cultivated to a certain extent, it will be repaired to a certain extent, and it will undergo a certain qualitative change, but it is still an energy body.

When a person dies, the sea of ​​air will quickly dissipate, so there will be no quality at all.

Therefore, I (Wu Ningming) boldly guessed that when the ancients were destroyed. The moments turned upside down and the energy changed dramatically. Make some extreme strong. I was killed in an instant. However, the gas sea is too late to dissipate, and it is closed and squeezed by some extremely powerful energy. Thus, this energy body condenses. From the energy physique, but without the main body, it has become a separate sea of ​​air.

Therefore, according to my bold estimate, the so-called sea soul crystal, should be the fossil of the sea.

Read it here. Yangdingtian is completely totally amazing!

Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing, many people know. But very few people care, what are they, and how come? I only know that there are two things that I need to forge the soul sword. It is them. A mysterious vein as a soul sword, a sea of ​​spirit as a soul sword.

Only Wu Ningming is a person who explains them so thoroughly.

Regarding Xuanmaijing, he is very very positive, he has been completely sure.

As for the sea soul crystal, he said that he is a bold guess, but in fact, Yang Tian feels in the heart, basically this is the case. The correct rate is at least 90%.

Then, Wu Youming wrote: But it is a pity, because I can't cultivate the soul of the sword. Therefore, I have not looked for Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing in the previous years, so I can't give you a specific location. However, according to my own theory, I can give you a few signs of Xuanmaijing, and some of the strongest swordsmen have also taken these places. More evidence of my theory.

The first place has a mysterious vein, the yin and yang mirror!

The entire yin and yang mirror. Become a very special environment, like a huge mirror. The engulfing of the energy of the two months and two days is totally incomparably huge. Therefore, it creates a very special energy environment!

Of course, there used to be a mysterious vein that has been taken by the Oriental Ice Ling. However, the Wanli Yinyang Mirror should not only be a mysterious vein, but even more than three or four, but more.

The second place may have a place where Xuanmaijing is, a ghostly place.

Netherland, here is the tortoise plane, so the engulfing of the bimonthly energy and the refraction of the two-day energy create a very bizarre energy environment, so the possibility of producing the mysterious essence is also very large. ,

The third place may have the place of Xuanmaijing, ice and snow.

Ice and snow, tens of thousands of miles of snow and ice, is also a very special and peculiar energy environment. And historically, this place is not ice and snow, but also because of the forced energy tear caused by the Great Nirvana. Therefore, the possibility of producing an energy essence here is not small.

The fourth place, the southernmost land, the desert and the snow and ice.

This place is very special. The desert and snow are on a continent, either extremely hot or extremely cold. Therefore, the energy environment of this continent is very special. However, according to historical materials, I did not find that it had been torn to the earth. When the ancients were destroyed, it did not seem to be here. Therefore, I only have some doubts about this area, but the probability of having the essence of mysterious veins should not be very high.

Of course, there are other places. According to my theory, there may be Xuan Jing Jing. However, the probability is not large, and even if it exists, the number is not much, it is difficult to meet.

The content of Xuanmaijing is over.

Next, the content of the sea soul spar is quite short.

It is written above: If the sea soul spar, according to my bold theory, is the ancient Genghis, which leads to the determination of the quality of the strong sea and the energy fossil. Then, its existence has a very, very strong contingency.

It is only possible to go to the period of the Gurney, the most intense place in the earth to find. And those places are basically not in the human kingdom, so the sea soul spar found in the human kingdom is very rare, much rarer than Xuanmai. I think there should be more surprises in the dark field, or other planes.

Of course, there is actually another place, that is, the underwater world, the possibility of the existence of the sea soul crystal is even greater.

At that time, the submarine race, martial arts repairs generally exceeded humanity. At that time, the Great World, the underwater world, was the most intense reaction, so in the underwater world, especially the sites of the ancient seabed civilization, the probability of finding the sea soul spar is much greater.


The second page, about the contents of Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing, is over!

Yangding Tian turned to the third page, the result is a few words: kill the coffin!

Seeing these words, Yang Dingtian could not help but tremble!

I wrote above: First of all, I don’t hate the coffin. Although her essence is very bad, her heart is also biased towards evil. But because no one has guided her to be good. So it makes her worse and worse, I am one of the culprit.

Moreover, today's coffin is basically impossible to save, and her heart has completely fallen into the darkness.

of course. Even so, I never thought about killing her. Because, in fact, I don't care much about darkness or light, in many, many times.

However, I recently learned. In the east, the peony is giving many people the second-class evil spirits, but there is no spirit!

It’s no surprise not to give a soulless, because he already has a long-lived ghost. If he is given a second-class evil spirit, he will not die. and. He has swallowed up countless undead energy because of the ghostly fire, and he has become a powerful and intimidating point. If you give the spirit of evil spirits, I am afraid that the power of the innocent will be unmanned.

Moreover, the current innocent is very greedy and fearful of death, so it is well controlled. However, once he has an evil spirit, he will not die at all, and he will definitely change his temperament. It became extremely arrogant and extremely killing. And by then, he may be the first person to kill. It is you.

And your Yangdingtian is absolutely absolutely indefinite, so it is not surprising that the second-class evil spirits do not give innocent spirits.

However, it is very strange that the second-class evil spirits do not give the spirits.

Her talent for heavenly spirits is none of the billions. Very amazing. Moreover, she is evil inside. The hostile relationship with you has been unable to reverse.

and so. It is said that she is the best candidate for second-class evil spirits.

But why is the second-class evil spirit not giving her? The only possibility is because of his talent for heavenly spirits? Giving a second-class evil spirit will destroy her talent.

So, I boldly linked her to the ruined army.

Once the ruined army is fully energized, the celestial spirit can summon all energy bodies.

Then... it means that the energy-killing army will never die.

Once the spirit is made to a certain extent, then... the consequences are unimaginable!

Read it here, Yang Dingtian suddenly shudders!

If you really follow Wu Youming, then the consequences are really amazing!

Such terrible consequences? Yang Dingtian can't imagine it! Then, killing the coffin may be the only choice.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian did have a strong impulse to immediately kill the coffin.


Next is the fourth side of the Rubik's Cube, which reads: About the devil asks the sky!

Seeing these words, Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but tremble inside.

The Rubik's Cube left by Wu Ningming is really incomparably important! Every message is deadly, and it is the highest secret in the world.

Yangdingtian could not help but continue to watch.

It is written above: The devil asks the heavens, which is my creator and righteous father. I have not seen him, but I don't feel it there anymore.

In the last World War, he learned the truth about the **** of chaos, and after discovering the energy of evil spirits, he immediately pretended to be defeated and died, and after hundreds of years of layout.

First of all, he will be a soul avatar*!

He divided his soul into several parts, and I don't know how many parts there are.

First of all, there is one in the Nether Empire, one in Xiaoxitian, and he will definitely explore the dark field to find the ruins of the Naga Empire. This soul is the most important, so it is very likely that it is the soul of the soul. You can get the Naga Empire treasure. Therefore, this avatar should have a hollow fire.

Reading here, Yangding Tianxin is even more amazed.

Wu Ningming is really amazing. His everything is entirely speculative, but it is so accurate.

To explore the dark realm, to find the ruins of the Naga Empire, is to ask the soul of the heavens, and there is a hollow fire.

Then, Yangdingtian continued to watch.

The content writes: Secondly, the mission of Devil's Death Ji is to resurrect the devil to ask the heavens. I have always expressed doubts about this.

First of all, asking the body of the sky, it must have been extinguished in the last World War. If he had the original evil spirits at that time, then his heart, Xuanmai and Qihai should be complete. Therefore, you can find another body to win.

At present, it seems that the original evil spirit is divided into two halves. He gave half of it to the demon and died, that is, nothingness.

Then, at least half of it is in your body. Therefore, I strongly suspect that his body is not dead at all, but that he has won one's body and has always been in the human kingdom.

But why didn't he show up? I am completely blind.


See here. The body of Yangdingtian has already begun to burst into shock, and there is a shudder.

This news is really amazing.

The devil asked the heavenly body not to die, but to seize a person's body? Still in the human kingdom? This. What a shocking news?

If this is the case, why not show up, why should Li Ming run around there?

If he wins someone's body, who is this person?

Yangding Tiandeng felt the whole world around. It seems to be dark.

The devil asked the eyes of the sky, as if he had been somewhere, looking at himself sneer and sneer.


The fourth side, about the content of the devil king. It’s all over.

He told Yang Dingtian one of the most important content. When the devil is destroyed, the body is protected by evil spirits, so he can take the body at any time. Therefore, he may still live in the human kingdom, maybe any one!

Yang Dingtian continued to be unable to continue to see the contents of the fifth side.

He desperately suppressed the shock of his heart and continued to turn to the fifth side of the Rubik's Cube.

Just looking at it, Yangdingtian was once again shocked.

The content of the fifth side is: about Ximen Ningning. And Naga!

It is written above: In this world, all the people I met, the most mysterious is not the devil to ask the sky. It’s not that Li Ming and Nothing are drifting, but Ximen Ningning!

I strongly suspect that she is a descendant of Naga! The reason you know, when she knew that you were injured, was once violent and turned into a thousand people. and. You kill the millennium nightingale, and you kill the **** demon army of Ning Wuming. I predict that it is likely to be deep sea mystery.

and. When Ximen Ningning was slaughtered, it was covered in green. According to the records, some strange scales were exposed on the neck. Of course, without the transformation, she disappeared without a trace.

Of course, you may know more than me about Ximen Ningning.

And let me suspect that she is the reason for Naga, a lot of it comes from you. I have seen you and her information, you and her love, accurately said her feelings for you, is very, very sudden. At that time, you did not see the color, not a man who fell in love at first sight. And why does Ximen Ningning first fall in love with you?

At first, I didn't know at all. Later, I learned that you can make the snakes of the snakes estrus, and it is the only human in the world that can make the snakes and the hunters of the small west.

Well, I guess, Ximen Ningning loves you at first sight, is it because she is not human?

So, I boldly estimate that she is the descendant of Naga!

The Naga of this world did not perish, and there was at least one, or two, Naga.

Then, I am even more daring to guess! The devil asks the power of the sky, and the devil asks the heavens to find the energy of evil spirits. Is it all related to Naga?

Seeing this, Yangding is really completely dead!

For the Westing Ningning thing, Yangdingtian has gone through a lot of facts and speculated that she is a descendant of Naga. Moreover, her father, or mother, was the survivor who escaped from the Naga Empire.

However, Yangdingtian never connected the devil to Tian and Naga.

Now that Wu Ningming is a little broken, Yangding is really awakened!

This possibility is completely complete.

The **** of chaos will not let go of the Naga who escaped. The devil asks the heavens to go with the **** of chaos, and the two have all the common interests.

Wu Youming went on to write: If my guess is true, after Xi Ningning is really Naga, the world really survives Naga, and he is the back of the king. So where is he/her? To solve the evil spirits, perhaps the key is not to ask the heavens, but to the surviving Naga.

Unfortunately, on this point, I think it’s too late, and I’m too late to explore the world again, so I really don’t know where this surviving Naga is. However, Ximen Ningning loves you very much, so this is an opportunity.

Perhaps this is one of the biggest opportunities for you to save the world.

The fifth side About Ximen Ningning, the content of the surviving Naga is over.


The information on this cube is really fatal.

On the first side, the secrets about the destruction of the army are already shocking enough. Who knows, one side is more shocking than one side, one side is more important than one side.

Immediately, it is going to turn to the last side.

Yangding naively can't imagine what the final side of this Rubik's Cube will be, but there is no doubt that it must be the most important content in the world.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Dingtian turned the last side.

Then, by the above content, completely completely stunned.

The world's first Xuan Huo, chaos and inflammation.

God of Chaos!

Yangdingtian continued to suffocate. (To be continued)

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