Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 960: Killing the spirits, the spirits are dead!

Chaos Ling Yan, the world's first Xuanhuo!

Heaven and earth level Xuan Huo, how powerful, Yang Dingtian has seen it thoroughly. Vertex novel,

Yiling demon fire, enough to against the sky? Very bad, but not as good as the devil.

The demon spirit can release the energy cover, which can be fixed and can create a black fire.

And to the fissure of the void, has completely exceeded the scope of Xuanhuo. You can open the dark world, you can cross the abyss border, you can cross the third dark field and so on.

Moreover, after it joins any black fire, the power is completely doubled.

In short, the Void Fire has been a very special way of energy.

So, how terrible is the chaos of the world? How bad is it? Yangdingtian is totally unimaginable.


The content of the sixth page of the Rubik's Cube is quite rare.

First of all, about the world's first Xuanhuo, chaos inflammation!

It is written above: About Chaos Lingyan, it is completely my imagination, even very exaggerated and bizarre imagination?

What is it like? where is it?

I have a lot of imaginations!

My first imagination, is it probably related to evil spirits?

Because, its energy level is higher than the void fire. So which kind of energy in the world is higher than the emptiness of the flame, may the evil spirit be one?

My second imagination, it may be related to the dark mysterious fire?

Yes, when I found the dark mysterious fire, I was so excited that I found the ultimate energy.

But then, I gave up these illusions.

Because, whether it is the evil spirit energy, or the dark mysterious fire, it seems that it is still not enough level of chaos.

So, I used the most courage to conceive!

Chaos is inflammatory. Is it the energy fire of the entire chaotic world? What does it have to do with the fallen black dragon? What is the relationship with the fallen silver dragon?

The more I want to go the farther, but the more I want to be more blurred!

I can't solve this answer at all.

However, I think if you want to unlock the secret of chaos, you need to go to the taboo of the mainland. because. There is a history of the evolution of chaos, where it is clear that the world is from nothing, and energy is from nothing.

Therefore, I feel that in the taboo of the mainland, in the past tens of thousands of years, even in the history of hundreds of millions of years, I can find the secret of chaos and inflammation, and can find the secret of the martial civilization of the chaotic world.

Then, about the first Xuanhuo. The description of chaotic inflammation is over.


Of course, regarding the first Xuanhuo, Wu Youming did not give any affirmative answers. Because in this world, no one has ever been chaotic, and there is no information to query.

In fact, in the records of various civilization books, the chaos is very vague. It is entirely by imagination. Even many people think that the existence of chaotic inflammation is a problem.

For the study of chaotic inflammation. Wu Ningming is very far away.

In fact, in the Xiaoxitian Yingong Library, when Yangdingtian saw many demon fox scholars describing chaotic inflammation, the direction of thinking and Wu Ningming had many similarities.

Next, the description of the **** of chaos is even less.

In fact. The concept of the **** of chaos is still starting from the devil king. Even in Xiao Xitian's library, there is almost no research on the books of the **** of chaos.

Even if Wu Ningming is smart, it is difficult to think too much.

Therefore, under the **** of chaos. It is a blank of large blocks.

Then, just write a paragraph.

Looking for the trace of the **** of chaos, is the red sea in the sky? Still at the end of the dark field?

After writing, Wu Youming used more than a dozen question marks to express his absolute doubts. Expressing this passage of your own is completely paranoid.

Half of this idea is very similar to Yangdingtian.

That is the end of the dark world, Yang Dingtian has been to the dark world, to the continent that has completely died, the endless, the gravity multiplier, and the boundless dark world.

There, there is an incomparably tall mountain, perhaps a few hundred miles, perhaps thousands of miles, perhaps a mountain of thousands of miles.

Yang Dingtian thinks that if you want to find the **** of chaos, should you be on the top of the mountain.

This is the most instinctive idea of ​​Yangdingtian. It is impossible to go to the mountain. It is impossible to break through the holy level. Because it has not yet arrived there, it has completely collapsed, and it has been smashed by tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of gravity multiples.

And Wu Youming actually proposed another idea, the trace of the **** of chaos, may be found in the Red Sea in the sky?

In the Red Sea in the sky, Yangdingtian has been there. There is a temple there. There is a saint in the temple, the so-called border guardian.

She is very, very powerful. According to the imagination of Yangdingtian, she must have broken through the holy level, and she can't even describe it with any holy level.


The saints have said that there are more than one border guardian in the world, and there are several.

However, the world's border Yang Diantian has gone through a lot. But did not see the second border guardian, then these border guardians are not willing to see Yangdingtian, or the downfall is lying, she is not a border guardian at all, there is no border guardian in this world.

If she is not a so-called border guardian, who is she?

If you say that the contents of the front five sides of this Rubik's Cube completely make Yang Dingtian suddenly open. Then after reading the contents of the sixth side, Yangdingtian is completely a mess, even more foggy.

However, this should be the case.

Whether it is chaos or chaos, it is a huge mystery for everyone in the world.

Yangdingtian wants to know that there is probably only one way, that is, in the sixth stage of killing the sword, the teacher asks the teacher.

To say that the world has the most explorations, no one has surpassed him.

He has spent hundreds of years exploring almost every place the world can reach.

Immediately afterwards, Yangdingtian quickly put the sixth side of the content aside.

Whether it is chaotic inflammation, or the **** of chaos. He is too far away from now.

The problem he wants to solve is the coming battle of extinction and the destruction of the army.


In fact, there are two choices in front of Yangdingtian.

The first choice is to find Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing in the shortest possible time. Practice the sword spirit.

Because, he owns the sword of the emperor, and there is already a chaotic sword and soul. It can be said that as long as there is Xuanmai Jing and Haishen Jing, the sword soul will appear directly.

Not only that, but in the sword of his own, there is also the soul of a group of King Naga? Still something within the energy.

At that time, the energy of the Naga royal family first entered his own brain and then entered his own sword.

and so. As long as you find Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing, your fighting power will definitely increase sharply.

At present, the practice of Yangdingtian is difficult to break through, and the cultivation of the sword spirit has become the most direct way to improve combat effectiveness.

The second option is to find the dark empire that created the Destruction Army (this name is still taken by Wu Ning).

Soon, Yangdingtian made a decision. The second choice is to explore the top secret space for the destruction of the World Corps. Dark Empire.

First of all, we must know ourselves and know each other.

Regarding the Destruction Army, Yang Dingtian’s thinking still stays in the last battle of destruction, which is very dangerous.

If it is not Wu Ningming's reminder, it is very likely that Yangdingtian is still proud of the world's own bright parliamentary legion. That way. When the war of destruction comes, it is likely to be a devastating outcome.

Wu Ningming had a very correct statement. The demon road did not put the war of extinction in the eye, nor did it put the bright legislature in the eye.

If it is allowed to break out of the war, it is likely that the only ending is. The bright parliament was completely annihilated, the human kingdom died more than 100 million, and the whole world entered the end.

Therefore, in the dark empire that created the Destruction Army, Yangdingtian must go.

To understand the demise of the army, to find the law of the enemy, and even to destroy the dark empire, to stop the outbreak of the war.


The time is very, very urgent, only two months.

According to Wu Ningming's statement, Li Ming will seduce Yang Dingtian to the Hell Sea, and he will launch a war of extinction.

He has made so many invitations, in addition to attending a possible wedding, it can also be witnessed the opening of the World War, the swearing ceremony of the World Corps.

Moreover, according to Wu Ningming's statement! The place where the most beautiful Xuanmai is the yin and yang mirror! The dark empire space that created the Destruction Army may also be in the Yin Yang mirror or the magic domain.

If the result is the best, Yangdingtian can not only find the dark empire where the extermination army is located, but also find Xuanmaijing.

Therefore, he will go to the Devil's Domain in the fastest time, go to the Yinyang mirror and look for the Dark Empire.

However, before that, Yangdingtian must do one thing, that is to dispose of the coffin!

On the third page of Rubik's Cube, Wu Youming specifically mentioned that killing the coffin!

Simply killing the coffin is of course very simple and easy to do.

However, the trouble is that her grandfather is innocent!

Wu Ningming also said that the cultivation of the innocent is probably very terrible, and must not be confused by his greed and fear of death.

Once the coffin is killed, it is basically the bottom line of the innocent, he will be crazy. Moreover, Li Ming must have gone to the Lingbi Palace. At this time, the innocent performance is strong, I am afraid that he will take the initiative to find the trouble of Yangdingtian. If you kill the coffin at this time, then Yang Dingtian can't guarantee that the innocent will directly rush to the Guangming Parliament and open the killing.

If this is the case, then the consequences are completely unimaginable.

So, is there any way to kill the coffin without causing revenge by the innocent?

It's hard, very difficult.

First of all, the coffin can not die unconsciously, otherwise the innocent will definitely count the account on the top of the sun.

Then, the person who kills the spirits is either bigger than the innocent, or better than the innocent.

There are only a handful of such people in this world.

Queen of the Sea Heart, barely counted as one. The Netherland is innocent and barely counted as one. Moreover, it can only be Xiaoxitianzhongren, and it can't be the demon and the Bailu. They have already followed Yangdingtian.

Then, inside the Yangdingtian brain, a person emerged quickly.

That's right, Ling Dance!

Yang Dingtian has accepted her, but no one knows about this. In the eyes of everyone, she is the deadly enemy of Yangdingtian, the sister of Wu Ningming.

Therefore, Ling Ling kills the spirits, it will not involve the Bright Council.

Moreover, Ling Wu has a reason to kill the spirits. Because, before the two were in, the relationship was very bad. The coffin is bullying and humiliating to Ling Dance.

Secondly, Ling Wu is the sister of Wu Ning, and Ling Ling, as the wife of Wu Ning, betrayed Wu Ning, and remarried to the East, which is totally shameful. Ling Wu has every reason to kill his unyielding wife for his brother.

The key now is how to let Ling Dance kill the spirits?

Yangding is really inconvenient, and it is said that he is taking care of Ling Dance. At this time, Yangdingtian has no kind of affection for Ling Dance. On the contrary, Yangdingtian owes a lot to Wu Youming. He is not qualified to let Ling Dance do certain things.

Also, after Ling Dance kills the coffin, will it face the crazy revenge of the innocent? Ling Dance can stop the revenge of the innocent.

Just let Ling Dance go to kill the coffin, Yang Dingtian still has enough cheeky.

However, let Ling Dance face the anger and revenge of the innocent, Yang Dingtian can not do. Wu Ningming entrusted Ling Dance to himself, and turning around himself made Ling Wu in danger, which is too unfair.


Ling Dance, renamed Wu Youling, always wears a blue mask all day long, and no one is there. He lives in his own castle, either meditating or playing chess.

And Yangdingtian, still did not find a way to kill the spirits, and did not open the Ling Dance.

Even, he has decided to temporarily put down the coffin, and tomorrow he will go to the demon domain and the yin and yang mirror to find the dark empire of Xuanmaijing and the dying army.

But at this time, the latest information was sent from Nanmanzhou.

The little princess of the Lingbi Palace, in a new market town of the Fox people, created a sensational massacre.

Of course, this is not a conspiracy planned carefully, but just a sudden incident.

Before, everyone in the Lingbi Palace was huddled in the scope of the Lingbi Palace. They dared not come out and dared not find the trouble of the Bright Parliament.

However, after the arrival of Li Ming, there is no spirit and a scorpion, and the moment is bold and strong. Especially the coffin, often leaving the Lingbi Palace, into the territory of the Guangming Parliament.

The army of the Guangming Parliament, after getting the order of the peak, did not try to conflict with the Lingbi Palace.

Until one day, the coffin led the servants to sway through the city in a new town of a half-human, and then stepped on a vegetable garden that had just been planted.

A fox-family girl couldn’t help but say her.

Then, the coffin, who was angered and dissatisfied, cracked the entire face directly with a whip.

The people of the fox family began to encircle the coffin and arrested her to the Guangming Parliament Castle.

The conflict broke out, the two sides started to work, and finally the sword was moved.

It began to bleed and began to kill people.

In the end, all the half-humans in the town were killed and nearly a thousand people.

Yangdingtian was not easy. He crossed the space and exposed thousands of foxes who were rescued by the large space technique. They were killed by the scorpion. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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