Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 961: The Last Day of the Lingbi Palace!

At that time, the anger of the heart in Yangding is completely incapable of being described in words. ⊙Vertical novel,

The half-humans who were killed did not die under the tyranny of the Snake Empire. They were not starved to death in the Holy Valley. They did not die in the great escape of more than 100,000 miles. After the new life began, they died in the coffin. Under the brutality.

Is this woman a coffin, is the brain getting into the water?

Although Li Ming has come, the Demon Road is a backing. But is it necessary for her to be so eager to show her cruelty and stupidity?

Originally, Yangdingtian had decided to temporarily let go of the coffin in order to avoid the inability of the dog to jump into the wall. Unexpectedly, this stupid woman actually created a tragedy directly.

It was **** to kill thousands of innocent people in the Bright Parliament.

This matter, if Yang Dingtian does not give the people an account, then the entire new territory of Nanbanzhou is finished, it means that the Lingbi Palace is still the supreme master of Nanbanzhou, and the people there are still killed. The authority of the Bright Council will be completely lost.

At this time, the Yangding innocence is the mind that has killed the coffin.

On the spot, he said nothing, riding the konjac king directly, Nan Manzhou!


Yangdingtian’s riding the konjac king, flying at the fastest speed, only half a day, entered the airspace of Nanmanzhou.

At this time, the square in front of the central castle of Nanman Mingcheng has gathered a myriad of people, countless warriors, all of them wielding their weapons, indignant and angry.

Moreover, there are still a steady stream of people coming towards the central square.

At present, as the temporary first commander of the Nanbanzhou defense zone, Zhuo Qing ruler and the second commander of the day. Bella, even the town can not help the angry.

"All the warriors. People, you must believe in the bright parliament, believe that the Yangding Emperor will not let the innocent people's blood flow, and will definitely give the Lingbi Palace an account, and everyone will go back. The training of the training. The production of the production, as long as the command of the commander and Yangding Tianzong has any orders, I will tell you the first time." Zhuo Qing ruler.

"Zhu Zongzhu, we are definitely not to force the bright parliament, and definitely not to protest. We are only to express our inner anger and will, even if we fight with the Lingbi Palace in the end, we must let him pay blood." A fox warrior warrior said: "The blood of our fox family must not flow in vain."

"Yes, the blood of the Fox people can't be white, and we must get back to justice, **** battles in the end!"

Then, all the half-humans, fierce roar.

The mood of the entire square is completely boiling.

Everyone is completely reluctant to leave. It is here waiting for the highest decision of the Bright Council, and there are more and more people in the square.

If this thing is so gone. Then the morale strike against the Bright Council and the blow to the hearts of the people are completely indescribable.

At this time, suddenly someone pointed at the sky and said: "Look, it is the Yangding Emperor."

Suddenly. The whole crowd was boiling, and all of them stood up and recovered their arms. They cheered: "Yang Zongzhu, Yang Zongzhu..."

And Zhuo Qing ruler and day by day. Bella. Long sigh of relief, but then picked up again.

At this time, Yang Dingtian is not a good statement, because once he stated his position, he could not change or reverse it at all.

Yangdingtian landed in front of the castle and looked at the crowds in front of the square, with tens of thousands of people.

Suddenly, he looked cold and said: "What do you mean by encircling here? Do you not have to do things in the commanding department? Do you have no training tasks and no production tasks?"

When the words came out, all the excited people suddenly shouted, and then the first Bushido: "Yang Zongzhu, we are here to express our will to fight, to seek justice for our innocent victims."

Yangding Tiandao: "It’s good to apply for innocent people. But can production tasks be interrupted? Military training can be interrupted?"

Then, he looked at the samurai who was present, and the color was the essence of the original Sacred Valley Rebel.

"Are you not already reorganized into the Second Legion of the South Barracks in the Bright Parliament? You came here for a rally, did your commander agree? Are you disobeying?" Yang Dingtian said: "After going back, follow the military law. , Closed and closed, dare to whip whipping!"

Suddenly, the entire square was completely silent.

Then, a fox warrior warrior said: "Yang Zongzhu, we...we..."

"What are we?" Yangding Tiandao: "Worried that the Light Council will be humiliating and insulting? Will it be a big event? Don't worry about it, go back and wait for the results!"

Then, Zhuo Qing ruler and day by day. Bella greeted, whispered: "Oriental lord, Qincheng Lord and other commanders, have arrived from all over, will arrive in about two hours. The lord first waited."

"Don't wait for them." Yangding Tiandao: "This matter is very straightforward. It is not necessary to discuss it in a meeting. It is directly ultimatum to the Lingbi Palace. If you don't pay someone, you can start a war!"

Then, Yangdingtian immediately vacated and flew in the direction of Lingbi Palace.

Zhuo Qing ruled low: "The lord, but the situation is different, Li Ming has returned, no spirits are so powerful. This thing is very difficult, really needs to be considered, there is a sentence, a little can not bear Chaos."

Yang Dingtian turned and turned toward Zhuo Qing: "Zhu Shishu, believe me, although I am angry, but there is no impulse."

Then, Yangdingtian rides on the konjac, flutters and flies, and flies directly toward the Lingbi Palace.

The person sitting quietly in the square, seeing the Yangding Tian Er, did not say, flew directly to the Lingbi Palace, suddenly shocked in the heart, and then began to leave.

Go back to production and go back to production. The returning barracks accept the punishment to accept the punishment.


Yang Dingtian came to Lingbi Palace and was quickly intercepted by four riders. He said: "Come on!"

Yangding Tiandao: "When you go in to inform, you will say that the Guangming Parliament Yangdingtian visits!"

One of the riders said: "The ancestors have orders, and the bright councils are not allowed to enter the Lingbi Palace."

Under the anger of Yangdingtian, there is no comparison with the four people, directly using the magic spirit to set the body. Set the four people and fly straight in.

At this time, Wu Ling was built a grasshopper on the mountain peak that was cut off in Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian landed directly outside the grasshopper, and sang: "The light of the Parliament is Yangdingtian, and the meeting of the Lingbi Palace is incomprehensible."

"Yangdingtian. You are not welcome here." No spirits slowly, suppressing anger.

Yangdingtian stepped directly into the grasshopper, and suddenly saw the culprit in the edge of the innocent.

He stepped forward and sat down cross-legged.

"Ling, why are you doing this?" Yang Dingtian asked.

“There is no reason?” Lingbi turned his face and said: “The whole Nanbanzhou is the territory of my Lingbi Palace. Anyone who violates me will die. Besides, there are several semi-human livestock in the district.”

Yangdingtian’s face twitched violently. Dao: "You made a mistake. The territory of the Lingbi Palace is just a three-island of the Lingbi. In addition, the mainland of Nanmanzhou belongs to the Guangming Parliament. It is not the territory of the Lingbi Palace."

Lingbi said: "Isn't that you used the mean means to steal the territory belonging to my Lingbi Palace? Have you taken Nanbanzhou?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Why did you not do this before Li Ming returned? Instead, he ran to seek my shelter? Selling for glory?"

The beautiful face of Lingbi twitched and said: "This time. He is a moment. Yangdingtian, the era of your wind and rain is over. The world is impermanent. You should not blame others for being too realistic."

Speaking very well, but it is also very stupid.

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to the coffin, but looked at the innocent son and slowly said: "There are no spirits, and the three hundred and twenty-five people who surrendered the murders were all handed over to me for execution. Ordered to kill. But did not kill by hand, in accordance with the law of the bright parliament, slashing one hundred, life imprisonment."

Wu Ling looked faintly at Yang Dingtian, and smiled and said: "Yangdingtian. You always like a joke that is serious and not funny. If your days are running out, don't bluff at me."

Yangding Tiandao: "You must have felt that Li Ming is coming back. There is a ruin army to do the backing for you, so there is no fear, right?"

The innocent face suddenly became ugly. He always hated people saying that he relied on others. He suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, if you have the ability, use force to take the coffin from me, otherwise I will take it from me. The disappearance of the eyes, the play is the act of the incompetent."

"I will repeat it again." Yang Dingtian said one word: "Hand over the 352 murderers and hand over the coffin, otherwise the consequences will be borne by you."

"What the consequences? I want to hear." Wu Lingzi.

"I will razor the Lingbi Palace to the ground, and kill the people in the Lingbi Palace." Yangding Tiandao.

"Haha...hahahahaha..." The innocent man laughed wildly: "The prince of Li Ming is in the human kingdom. The invincible corps of the dynasty is waiting for you. You told me to slap my scorpion palace. Pingdi? You actually said that I would razed my Lingbi Palace to the ground, ridiculous, and the vastness of the world..."

"I have already warned, don't blame it." Yangding Tiandao, then got up and left.

Later, there was a sneer voice from the coffin: "Yangdingtian, if you don't come, I will be very disappointed."


Yangdingtian returned to the headquarters of the Nanbanzhou defense zone, Nanman Mingcheng, which is the former site of the Queen's New Town.

At this time, the high-level parliamentary high-level officials have all gathered in the castle of the defense headquarters, waiting for the highest meeting to deal with this sudden time.

After Yang Dingtian entered the conference room, he directly ordered: "Let all the giant long-range artillery preparations, the giant missile units prepare, and the airborne air regiment prepare. Within three days, the Lingbi Palace will not hand over the coffin and the murderer, and will The territory of the palace, completely destroyed!"

When the words came out, everyone in the scene changed.

The East Nirvana: "The Sovereign, in this case, the innocent dog will jump into the wall, which will bring immeasurable losses to the Guangming Parliament."

Yangding Tiandao: "Reassured, he won't."

Qin Wanqiu said: "Now, he is holding the prince of Li Ming, the arrogance is extremely arrogant, we move his scorpion palace, he must be a fatal counterattack."

Yangding Tiandao: "Trust me, it is because Li Ming is here, so he can't fight back!"

Then, he was apologetic in a positive color: "I am sorry to you, this thing, I will be arbitrary."


With Yang Dingtian's order, the Bright Council has all the konjac in Nanbanzhou, all the large air regiments, all the dragons. All dispatched.

The entire war machine of Nanmanzhou was all turning fast.

Hundreds of large warships are also immediately close to the nearest waters of the Lingbi Palace.

Numerous giant artillery pieces were transported to the plains to the east of the Lingbi Palace.

Just two days!

The devastating military power of the bright parliament has already been brought under the city and all reached the plains in the eastern part of the Lingbi Palace. It is across the water from the Lingbi Palace.

The Lingbi Palace originally had an unparalleled geographical advantage. It is an inland island surrounded by the inner sea.

This tens of miles wide inner sea has become the first line of protection for the Lingbi Palace.

Outside the inner sea, it is a dense forest of primitives. Over the course of the year, the fog was covered with tens of thousands of black scorpions, stationed in virgin forests and dense fog.

Any force that wants to enter the Lingbi Palace must pass through dense fog. After hundreds of thousands of black lines of defense.

Therefore, the former Lingbi Palace is completely a Jedi. It is impossible for any army to break through this amazing three-dimensional defense.

But now, the tens of thousands of black squadrons have almost all gone to the Bright Parliament, and all have been reorganized and entered the Air Legion of the Bright Parliament. Even most of them have been transferred to other defense zones.

The virgin forest outside the inside and outside, during these few months. It has been cut down by the Bright Parliament and turned into a vast plain without any cover.

And, soon there will be many castles and defense lines, which will completely surround the Lingbi Palace.


Therefore, at the time of the periphery of the Lingbi Palace. There is only one defense line in the inner sea, only a few dozen miles wide inland sea, surrounded by the three islands of Lingbi Palace.

The army of the Bright Parliament is on the eastern plains of the Inner Sea, away from the Lingbi Palace. It’s only over thirty.

This time, the Bright Parliament dispatched hundreds of ships on both sides of the sea. Tens of thousands of air regiments, all around the air

However, these military forces are only responsible for encirclement and basically do not participate in the war.

On the real frontal battlefield, there is no ground force, all of which are long-range artillery fires, as well as air regiments.

The Bright Parliament has madly allocated more than 3,000 giant artillery pieces, more than 30,000 air bombing units, and thousands of giant missiles.

With just one order, there will be more than a few hundred thousand shells, squatting on the ground of the Lingbi Palace, which is less than one hundred square kilometers.

There will be more than tens of thousands of tons of solidified fire crystal spar, cast on the ground of the Lingbi Palace in this area for dozens of miles.

These amazing amounts of artillery fire are enough to destroy everything on the ground of the Lingbi Palace.


It is only a matter of time before the deadline for Yangding Tianding.

Yang Dingtian sent the messenger again, entered the Lingbi Palace, and shouted: "Distance from the deadline, there is still an hour! Wang Lingyi Palace immediately surrendered the coffin and the perpetrators, otherwise the consequences will be conceited!"

At this time, all the remaining masters of the Lingbi Palace were gathered on the platform in front of the grassless grasshoppers. The faces were full of sorrows, and the heart could not help but blame the spirits. If they were born, they would cause such a great disaster. .

And the coffin, the heart can not help but have some uneasiness.

Ling Chuzi entered the road: "The ancestors, the deadline from Yangdingtian, there is an hour."

No sneer sneered: "Bulky."

Ling Chuzi said: "The ancestors, in case of Yang Tiantian launched an attack. Our energy array, our Dan furnace, can be fatally destroyed."

Wu Lingzi said: "Reassured, he did not dare."

Ling Chuzi said: "In case, if the Yangding is really innocent?"

Wu Lingzi said: "Then let him feel my anger ~ ~ the high-level parliamentary high-level people around him, do not want to live one. I also just fell to the devil, re-display my Loyalty and ability!"

The face of Ling Chuzi trembled. If this is the case, the high-level members of the Guangming Parliament will certainly die and die. However, the top of the Lingbi Palace may not be able to live for a few people.


An hour is coming!

The Lingbi Palace has no spirits, and it holds the last resort. It gives the final answer, either to fight or to roll!

Yang Dingtian made a sound.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of giant shells, hundreds of tens of thousands of kilograms of giant missiles, like a storm, to the Lingbi Palace.

This sudden battle is so incomparably explosive! (To be continued.)

Ps: Both the wife and the baby have caught a cold. I slept for more than three hours yesterday, so it is uncomfortable.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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