Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 970: The Mermaid Empire, the Queen of the Dead!

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This dark door is a few hundred miles in diameter!

It seems that there is nothing, it is a darkness, the darkness that devours everything.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian has a doubt!

Dark matter is an extremely terrible thing, it madly devours everything. But this dark door has not been swallowed and spread.

This endless ice layer is not directly connected to the Dark Portal, with a layer of void in the middle, a few thousand meters of void.

This dark door is not refined, but is constantly turning, as if the dark matter is self-circulating.

The demon road is so powerful that it can control the spread of dark matter.

Yang Dingtian was invisible and came to the front of the darkness and took a deep breath.

After this door, it is likely to be the dark empire where the World Corps is. For Yangdingtian, it is not just the wolf group, it is the most dangerous place in the world.

But still, in many cases, Yangdingtian has no choice.

Whether it is the abyss or hell, you have to jump in.

Of course, the demon road may have always believed that no one in this world can pass this dark door.

Yang Dingtian took out the eye gem of the ancestor Naga from the space ring. This thing Yang Dingtian was taken from the sculpture of the original Naga in the lost city of the sea. It can directly melt dark matter.

Holding the eye jewel, Yang Dingtian is close to the Dark Portal.

No accident happened, this huge dark door directly opened a hole.

Yang Dingtian stealth, plus the magic of the fog coat flash. I rushed into the hole and entered the dark door where no one could enter.

A very wonderful feeling is still like a shuttle between time and space.

Yangdingtian feels deep, deep and deep!

After a long time, the feeling of this shuttle is over.

then. He was suddenly in a completely new world.


First of all, after entering, there are no monsters and ghosts, no danger.

Here is the sea floor, surrounded by sea water.

Did not see any Maori barbarians, nor any ruined army, only clear water.

Behind it, you can't see the shadow of the Dark Portal. The only thing that is seen is the endless dark matter.

at this time. Yangdingtian should be on the edge of the underwater world. What the naked eye can see is dark matter, and it is constantly spreading and growing constantly, as if it is engulfing the underwater world.

Yang Dingtian carefully moved forward, but still in stealth.

I have been marching for a long time and have not seen any figure. Not to mention the demise of the Legion.

Yangdingtian has been moving forward and has been moving forward. A full hundred miles.

Finally, Yangdingtian saw a building! This is not a stone building, not a wooden building, but a coral building.

That's right, it's a coral building, a cottage. It looks very delicate and beautiful.

Yangdingtian approached carefully and did not find any figure, so he carefully entered the coral hut.

A beautiful cottage full of romance.

There are spar mirrors inside, as well as underwater flowers. There is also a small bed made of special water grass.

Such a warm and beautiful place would be a dark empire?

Yangdingtian was caught in doubt.

Just at this time!

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian suddenly felt a numbness, and then was hit by a powerful current, and the whole body was paralyzed.

Of course, he has the magic black armor, which can resist a lot of energy damage, but here is the water, it is conductive everywhere.

Then, Yang Dingtian felt very strange. He was obviously invisible. Why do people see themselves and attack themselves?

However, Yang Dingtian soon understood that the meaning of stealth in the water is not great, because it will still leave traces when passing.

Although this current is very powerful, it is completely unaffected by Yangdingtian. However, he pretended to be stunned by electricity, directly exposed the prototype, floating on the water, anyway, before entering the dark facade, he has changed his appearance.

Seeing Yang Dingtian coma, the sneak attacker finally showed his figure.

From the cave of the Coral House, a delicate figure was drilled.

It turned out to be a pink electric squid, more than three meters long. This pink squid is full of fish, but the neck is the face of a person. It is a very petite and lovely girl.

She also has two small arms with pink scales on it.

She looked very scared and cautiously swam up and approached Yangdingtian.

"Hey..." She slammed another electric shock and shuddered at Yangding.

Probably determined that Yang Dingtian was completely overpowered. She swam over and dragged her body, desperately dragging Yangdingtian to the outside. Obviously she did not want Yangding to die in her hut.

Yangdingtian will wake up, grab her, and then ask the things here.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside.

The pink squid suddenly stunned and immediately plunged into the cave of the coral lodge, disappearing without a trace.

Yang Dingtian also immediately entered the invisible state.

Soon, a few black shadows, flying fast.

It is a mermaid warrior, it turned out to be a mermaid warrior!

However, this mermaid warrior and Yang Dingtian imagine that it is completely different.

There is no such thing as the beauty of the mermaid family. On the contrary, it is very embarrassing.

This is a male mermaid warrior who has a human body but has a fish face and is the kind of fish that resembles a dragon face. It has long beards and deep eye sockets. It looks very scary.

And their human body is still full of scales, and it is more than three meters high.

After the mermaid warriors rushed in, they immediately removed the entire coral hut and grabbed the pink squid.

The pink squid constantly releases electricity, but it does not hurt the mermaid warriors. I saw one of the mermaid warriors, and the fork in his hand jerked, and suddenly stunned the pink squid.

Then they took out a huge cage and threw the pink squid directly into it, and Yangdingtian immediately disappeared. Follow the hole into the cage.

Undoubtedly, these mermaid warriors did not find Yangdingtian, and left the cage directly.


Next, Yang Dingtian witnessed the catastrophe of the underwater empire.

Countless eDonkeys, giant octopus, were all caught.

Countless mermaid warriors, catching all the underwater races with combat power.

The mermaid warrior team that Yang Dingtian followed had a total of a dozen, with a total of thirty cages.

The captured prey was filled with thirty cages. Go straight on the road and head towards a place.

Then, Yangdingtian saw a very, very familiar sea monster.

Yes, it is the beast of the sea, and it looks exactly like the ancient giant beast of Yangdingtian.

Small, only a fraction of awkward. But the largest of these teams, the ancient behemoth, is bigger than the cockroach.

Countless cages inside. Filled with octopus, eDonkey. There are also a variety of underwater monsters.

A total of hundreds of ancient beasts, squatting hundreds of thousands of cages, swam in one direction. Tens of thousands of individual fish warriors, intimately, commanded these hundreds of ancient sea monsters.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian almost suffocated!

Bright Parliament. With an ancient behemoth, it has already dominated the waters of the entire human kingdom.

In front of him, there are literally hundreds of ancient behemoths.

At this point, Yangdingtian is completely sure where this is. This is the mermaid empire of the ancient seabed civilization!

In ancient times, it belonged to the power of the Naga Empire. Parallel to the Sea Snake Empire.

Like the sea snakes, they are the ancestors of the Naga people, so they are proud to save.

However, before the arrival of the ancient Gurney, Naga destroyed the entire sea snake empire, and it should be said that the entire mermaid empire should be completely eliminated. Unexpectedly, the Mermaid Empire survived.

Moreover, even escaped from the ancient era.

However, it is clear that the mermaid empire is also facing a very terrible situation, and the entire underwater world is being swallowed up by dark matter.

The huge team, the mighty, assembled in one direction.

Yang Dingtian discovered that there are more and more submarine troops around him.

The ancient behemoths range from a few hundred to a few thousand to tens of thousands.

The mermaid warriors range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions.

The monsters on the seabed that have been arrested range from millions to tens of millions.

Yangdingtian felt a dizzy!

Hopefully, I hope that the largest submarine army in history will not attack the human kingdom.

If this is the case, then... the navy of Yangdingtian is completely a toy navy.

The thousands of warships in the human kingdom have completely become toys!

How many navies does the entire mermaid empire have?

Terrible ancient behemoths, tens of thousands of large and small. The mermaid warrior in front of you is more than a million. The various monsters that have been arrested are more than tens of millions.

The navy with such astronomical figures is afraid that it will be easier to destroy the Navy of Yangdingtian.

If this astronomical navy enters the human kingdom, it is absolutely a complete catastrophe.


This astronomical army has advanced for a few days and nights.

Finally, the front and rear of Yangdingtian, dense and tens of thousands of miles, all terrible submarine army.

In the end, I arrived at the destination!

A huge underwater city!

Here, it should be the capital of the mermaid empire brake Beijing!

A huge city full of miles!

However, in the face of this amazing seabed army, the city is still too small.

On the tens of thousands of meters high in the city of Wangcheng, Yang Dingtian saw two figures!

One is the king of the mermaid empire!

The other one is the person who is very familiar with Yangdingtian, the owner of the patriarchal emptiness. Of course, she has become a demon after death!

The most worrying thing about Yangdingtian is still happening!

The alliance between the Mermaid Empire and the Demon Road! (My novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" , search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (to be continued


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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