Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 971: Mother of Ningning, Queen Medusa!

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Like the Sea Snake Empire, the Mermaid Empire is a matriarchal society!

Therefore, the Mermaid Empire is also a queen! Even, compared to the Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire, she is the real Queen of Empires. ☆→Top ☆→Point ☆→Small ☆→ Say,

Because her empire was passed down from ancient times.

Yang Dingtian can't even imagine that under the ice and snow and the demon domain, there is still such a huge and so huge mermaid empire.

Like the Queen of the Sea Heart, the Queen of the Mermaid Empire has not seen the shape of a fish all over the body, and it is all in the form of a woman.

The long purple hair has the beauty that rivals the Queen of the Sea.

Only the beauty of the Queen of the Sea is very beautiful, and the beauty of the Queen of the Mermaid is very mysterious.

But there is no doubt that in the beauty and body, the Queen of the Mermaid Empire, the Queen of the Sea, the Queen of Poison, and the Devil's Death (the illusion of zero) are completely graded.

Even the Queen of the Mermaid Empire and the Queen of the Devil are even higher than the Queen of the Sea and the Queen of Poison.

Of course, this is already a feeling.

The reason why the beauty of the Queen of Mermaid and the Queen of the Devil is even more so, is not because of the body and face, it is entirely the reason for the energy field.

The gas field is a very mysterious thing! Even on the modern world, some female stars are very beautiful, but they will be forgotten shortly after reading. And some female stars, obviously not as good as the former, but give people a feeling of radiance, countless men are willing to face her full of delusions.

This. It is the gas field!

Therefore, the mermaid queen and the queen after death, in the appearance, and Haixin, poisonous sand, has reached its peak. But on the gas field, it is even better!

Yang Dingtian noticed. The king of the mermaid empire, there is no water.

That's right, the entire city of a thousand miles, completely in a powerful energy hood, no water!

The higher mermaid family has completely transformed into a human form, so they will leave the water.


This fascinating mermaid queen has a long purple hair. Almost as long as her long skirt.

Moreover, floating completely in the air, making her whole person look more mysterious and beautiful.

Beauty is a great weapon in many times.

At least for now, there are countless mermaid warriors around, all dumped on the beauty of the mermaid queen, completely crouching in the water. His eyes are filled with infinite fanaticism and admiration.

The voice of the mermaid queen is gentle and gentle.

"The people of the Magic Shake Empire. We should have been dead more than 10,000 years ago, and we should become a pile of stones."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian remembered the sea snakes in the seabed in the sea snake Raksauk Empire, and the numerous sea snakes turned into stones.

It is the powerful spiritual teacher Medusa in the Naga. Anyone, any creature, will be turned into a stone as soon as it is hit by her gaze.

"But the supreme goddess Medusa, the moment she is about to kill us. She has compassion. She betrayed the will of the Naga empire and gave us the hope of living."

Betrayed the Naga Empire?

Why is this Medusa goddess soft at the crucial time?

She did not destroy the mermaid empire, of course it was a betrayal. In the New Naga Empire, Yang Dingtian learned that there was a Naga betrayed the collective will, and did not choose to collectively turn himself into powerful energy to construct the closed space of the new Naga Empire. Instead, before the Great Nirvana, I fled the Naga Empire, and she took a space ring.


Is this Naga, which has been defected, the Queen of Medusa who did not kill the mermaid empire? Is it the mother of Ximen Ningning?

Yang Dingtian could not help but reach out and touch his space ring. This is the only space ring leaked by the Naga Empire.

It originally belonged to Ximen Ningning, so this inference, nine achievements are correct.

Ximen Ningning is a descendant of the Medusa goddess.

The incomparably powerful Medusa goddess is the only Naga who defected.

Yang Dingtian suddenly screamed, this Ningning sister's coming, really is not a big big, not a general mystery.

This feeling is strange, the most powerful boss, from the beginning.


Mermaid Queen, continue to speak!

"We have survived, but our entire empire, surrounded by dark matter, is surrounded by no space, allowing us to go out."

"The countless years have passed. Our ancestors, generations and generations have done everything they have to fight for the invasion of dark matter. But still can't stop the destruction!"

"Our empire, from 100,000 miles, has been reduced to 80,000 miles, to 50,000 miles!"

"Now, 10,000 years have passed, our empire has been less than 20,000 miles! Our people, because they do not have enough living space, have shrunk to only 30% of the original."

With the words of the mermaid queen, numerous mermaid warriors were present and burst into tears.

In this 10,000 years, fear and despair have almost completely enveloped the entire mermaid empire.

Countless mermaid families can only look at their own land, one inch and one inch. Countless mermaid families, countless sea people, can only watch their homes, swallowed by inch by inch.

Their living space is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

Everyone knows that the end will come!

So, everyone is waiting for the end!

"We have exhausted all our efforts and cannot save the end of destruction. The end of the Mermaid Empire is coming again."

"Today is today. The territory of our mermaid empire is only 19,356. In another hundred and fifty-five days, the end is coming! Because, when the mermaid empire has less than one space In the tens of thousands of miles, the entire energy balance will collapse instantly. The entire mermaid empire will collapse in an instant. At that time, our mermaid empire will be under the dark material package. A huge nirvana will be carried out. survivor!"

Yang Dingtian was shocked and the fate of the mermaid empire was only one hundred and fifty-five days.

It turned out that it was not when the dark matter completely devours the mermaid empire, but when the space is less than a certain number. It will cause tearing and destruction of energy.

"After the 150th, it is our end! This time, more than a thousand years ago, it has been calculated. That day is our last day!"

Yangding Tiandeng felt that the sea people who were imprisoned, or the mermaid warriors, were full of sadness and despair.

"When we are facing despair, let us only meet the end of the day. The great Medusa goddess. Once again guide us in a new direction! More than 100 years ago, she sent a messenger, a human! This Man is the king of mankind, the servant of the great Queen Medusa, and the devil asks the heavens!"

"The king asked the heavens, in the midst of the dark matter, found a path that broke out! And it guided us in a new direction, that is, the human kingdom. With a sea that is full of hundreds of thousands of miles, it can become Our new home."

With the sound of the mermaid queen falling.

Suddenly, the entire king city was completely boiling.

"Long live, long live, long live..."

Countless mermaid warriors, screaming!

Countless seas. Tears!

Yang Dingtian can understand this kind of mood, no one is willing to watch his own destruction, no one can help the end of the day without help.

New homes, new hopes, how exciting this is.

Just like Yangdingtian. Do all the hard work to save the world, is not to resist the end of the day, is not to let civilization continue?

However, the continuation of the mermaid empire civilization at this time is indeed at the expense of the destruction of the human kingdom.

The mermaid queen continued: "After more than a hundred years ago, I asked the king to ask for a great covenant! We are the mermaid empire, helping the king to ask Heaven, to retake the throne that belongs to him! People Wang Wentian, will The 100,000-mile sea area was ceded to my mermaid empire as an eternal home! Now, the time to fulfill the covenant is here..."

The mermaid queen’s voice jerked high.

Suddenly, her hands slammed together a pair of energy double knives.

"I ordered that all the warriors of the Mermaid Empire, all races of the Mermaid Empire, all assembled, help the Devil to ask the heavens, recapture the human kingdom, sweep away the Heavenly Alliance, and fulfill the Great Covenant!"

"Long live, long live, long live..."

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Countless mermaid warriors, crazy waving the ice blade in their hands.

Countless behemoths, making a terrible madness!

Only Yang Dingtian, the entire back is bursting with creeps.

This is the most powerful navy ever! This is the navy of the human kingdom, completely unstoppable!

Finally, as the representative of the demon king, the queen of the dead and the mermaid queen, hands clasped together, held high, representing the great covenant of the mermaid empire and the temple of annihilation!

"All the mermaid emperors, began to reorganize! Once the reincarnation door is opened, immediately enter the human kingdom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Responding to the mermaid queen, it is the tens of millions of hundreds of millions of Hai nationality army, the war!


In this pre-war declaration, Yang Dingtian made a few things clear.

The demon king asked the back of the mountain, and it really was the Naga that the ancient defection, the incomparably powerful Medusa, and also the mother of Ximen Ningning, can be regarded as his own mother-in-law.

But what is the reincarnation door in her mouth?

Is it the dark door that Yangdingtian comes in? You must know that this so-called dark door is the name of Yangdingtian.

Before, he also named it the Dark Empire!

There is also a doubt, that is, the extermination army composed of the Maori barbarians is there, and there are only the army of the mermaid empire!

There is still another problem. I asked the sky more than 100 years ago, I have been to the Mermaid Empire!

However, the entire mermaid empire is surrounded by dark matter. How did he come in?

Yang Dingtian noticed that after the release of the pre-war declaration by the Mermaid Queen, the demon died and did not stop, but immediately left.

Moreover, it is going to the west, not the direction of the dark door that Yangdingtian enters. Does that mean that there are other things in the west?

Time, Yangdingtian could not help but float a thought!

Can you change the will of the mermaid queen?

Because the situation seems completely different from what I imagined.

The first thing that can be affirmed is that the demon road does not have its own navy, but the sea army that relies entirely on the mermaid empire.

The Army, it should be the demon corps of its own annihilation army, although Yang Dingtian does not know where this corps is, but it should not be far away.

But without the navy of the mermaid empire, the army of the defensive legion would be useless even if it was strong, and they could not fly all over the sea to attack the human kingdom.

So, if you can block the covenant between the Mermaid Empire and the Demon Road, does it mean that you can cut off the Navy of the Destroyed Legion?

So how do you block the covenant between the Mermaid Empire and the Demon Road? Can you do this?

Of course, all the key is in the mermaid queen!

This is an extremely centralized empire, and the mermaid queen can almost decide everything! And the power of the demon in the mermaid empire is very weak.

For the mermaid queen, the Queen of Medusa, who saved the mermaid empire, is the supreme **** in her heart. Then Ximen Ningning is in the mind of the mermaid queen, presumably also has a high status!

Then, as the husband of Ximen Ningning, does Yangdingtian also have some advantages?

Even, don't face it anymore! At that time, the devil asked Tian to enter the mermaid empire, claiming to be the messenger of Queen Medusa. Then Yangdingtian may have more reason to do this. Yangdingtian does not know what kind of tokens the Devil asked at the time to prove his identity as the Queen of the Medusa.

However, all the tokens are inferior to the space ring in the hands of Yang Dingtian.

This space ring is what the ten highest royal families of the Naga Empire had at the time. This one in the hands of Yangdingtian belongs to Queen Medusa.

Therefore, this space ring is completely unique and can fully represent the identity of Queen Medusa.

So, can Yang Dingtian be able to fake the Queen of Medusa, and meet the Queen of the Mermaid Empire?

Time, Yangdingtian could not help but be moving!

There is no doubt that this is a very very risky move! Once exposed, there is almost no possibility of escape.

However, once successful, it can directly turn the tide and save the situation.

Yangdingtian can be 100% certain. At present, the navy of the human kingdom, the sea power that wants to defeat the mermaid empire, is simply impossible.

In front of countless ancient behemoths The warships of the Bright Parliament are even bigger, just like toys.

The risk is very, very big, but definitely not the value of not trying!

If it fails, there may be one of the most despicable ones!

That is, since Yang Dingtian can let Naga estrus, can the snake people estrus, what about the mermaid?

Of course, this is the most despicable trick!

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and suddenly crouched in the iron cage, then quietly waited for the opportunity to sneak into the mermaid empire of the King City, the private mermaid Empire Queen!

Hope, such a huge adventure is worth it! (My novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend" , search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (to be continued..)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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