Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 974: The mermaid queen!

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"From now on, don't say a word!" The mermaid queen slowly said: "If you just say one, I will kill you!"

Although the mermaid's voice is still very gentle, but in the ears of Yangdingtian, there have been some metamorphosis. Oh,

"Now, you close your eyes." The Queen of Mermaid said.

Yangdingtian closed his eyes.

Then she suddenly felt the proximity of the Mermaid Queen!

Because, this woman has a very strong and charming atmosphere, as if to smell a bit, it will make people intoxicated.

Then, her hand touched the face of Yangdingtian.

Very hot hands, very smooth and soft, is a pair of crazy jade hands.

Just as Yangdingtian thought she would have the next move, suddenly a mask was worn on her face.

Yang Dingtian trembled, suddenly opened his eyes.

But just the mermaid queen's hand stroking the eyelids of Yangdingtian, gentlely said: "If you just opened your eyes, I will dig her down!"

This woman is indeed a pervert, even if she looks extremely noble and gentle.

But Yang Dingtian still closed his eyes, because it is not a smart thing to violate any metamorphosis.

Then, he clearly felt the sound of the clothes falling from the delicate body and falling to the ground.

Despite all his doubts and shocks, things are exactly what he imagined!

The mermaid queen, indeed, summoned him to come face to face.

He couldn't see it, but I can imagine taking off the body of the mermaid queen after the clothes. How beautiful it will be.

After all, this is a woman who is a higher level than the Queen of the Sea.

Soon, Yangdingtian felt her close, because the intoxicating atmosphere became more and more intense.

Then, Yangdingtian felt it. A smooth and tender body, climbed up to his body, began to kiss himself, and entangled with himself.

But Yang Dingtian clearly felt that this is not the mermaid queen.

Although, this is also a very tempting body.

Even Yang Dingtian did not have the ability to restrain himself, and soon the whole body went up and down, it was raging. The war is full.

This is really a ridiculous thing. Before Yang Dingtian was thinking about it, he came to the mermaid queen. If he encountered the worst and worst situation, then he could find a way to be a life-saving means.

As a result, now that the business has not started, I have been pushed.

Soon, the sound of the mermaid queen was heard from the top of the sun.

And the woman entangled in Yangdingtian. The action is even more crazy! So much so that Yangdingtian, some can not hold!


quickly. This strange female body entangled with Yangdingtian, actually went out in panting when Yangdingtian was the most frenetic, left the body of Yangdingtian and got out of bed.

So, within the entire room. Only Yang Dingtian and the Mermaid Queen are left.

This, what is this trick to play?

"Use your lightning, beat me..." Suddenly, the mermaid queen gasped out this order.

Yangding innocence is completely wrong, completely unable to understand. What exactly is this for?

"Use your lightning to beat me, or I will cut your head." The mermaid queen snorted.

Although Yang Dingtian was blindfolded, he could listen to the sound and know exactly where the mermaid queen was.

"Hey..." A lightning bolt hit the past.

It’s just a master’s level.

"Oh..." The mermaid Queen angered: "Are you at this level? Stronger lightning, stronger lightning..."

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian used a large division of lightning.

"Well..." Suddenly, the mermaid queen's delicate body trembled clearly, and then the painful and satisfying squeaking sound under the throat.

"Greater, bigger, bigger..." Then she was full of irritability and a trembling voice loudly ordered.




The lightning energy of Yangdingtian is getting higher and higher, and finally it is almost close to the cultivation of the great masters of Jiuxing and Jiu.

The mermaid queen's beautiful celestial body, like a beautiful snake, continually tumbling on the ground, slender long legs, even like a fish tail, slamming the ground, making a burst of crisp sound.

In her mouth, there was a scream of screams that sounded like extreme pain. However, it is extremely refreshing.

Yangdingtian is completely speechless!

Today's business, from the beginning to the end, he guessed it wrong!

But one thing, he is right, this mermaid queen is a pervert!

Moreover, she is still a masochist!

This instinct is no different from those who are high in the nobles and enjoy the masochism that others use to whip her. However, she is letting people pump her with lightning, and the stronger the better.

Listening to her more and more screaming, Yang Dingtian heart raised a haze.

This is a perverted mermaid queen, which probably means moodyness, so it is likely that it will be full of misfortunes.

Then, suddenly a crazy thoughts surged!

If I use the San Xuanhuo lightning to concentrate on the head of this mermaid queen, will she die?

If I killed her? Will the maritime army of the mermaid empire become the navy of the demon?

Thinking about it, the lightning of Yangdingtian is getting stronger and stronger and stronger!

In the end, it even exceeds tenth, eleventh, and even higher.

Moreover, in the faint, Yangdingtian is in the lightning, completely joined the power of darkness, the power of the emptiness!

In a sudden time, the Queen of the Mermaid Empire seems to be completely crazy. The body is desperately slamming on the ground, and the snoring in the mouth is completely hysterical, as if it will die in the next second.

As a result, the outside of the knife, directly push the door open, rushed in.

Then, I saw a completely horrible mermaid queen on the ground, and even the mouth was flowing out. Beautiful purple long hair, completely fried. The whole beautiful beauty, no matter the delicate body, is full of countless blood red scars.

Suddenly, the Queen’s first guard, looked at the Queen on the ground in a complex look, then bit his teeth. Retired.

Yang Dingtian finally gave up this tempting thought. First of all, it is one thing to kill the mermaid queen. Secondly, even if it can kill, it probably cannot prevent the mermaid empire from joining the ruined army. Because their desire for the human kingdom is unstoppable.


Finally, after an almost dying cockroach.

The mermaid queen was completely quiet, and then lay on the ground and gasped.

And Yangdingtian also stopped the magic sky cracking lightning!

Inside the room. Suddenly full of strange silence, and a thoroughly breathable atmosphere.

Then, Yang Dingtian heard that the mermaid queen climbed up from the ground, cleaned the body with a special technique, and then re-boated a gorgeous long skirt, and finally made his purple long hair. The combing is meticulous.

After doing all this, the mask on the face of Yangdingtian. Was taken off.

In front of her, she is still a noble and beautiful mermaid queen, as if she had been completely crazy, and she has nothing to do with her, it seems to be a dream of Yangdingtian.

Just, the bloodshot from the depths of her eyes. There are also red scars that have not faded behind the neck, showing that everything is not a dream, it is indeed something that happened.

She looked at Yang Dingtian deeply, her eyes more or less seemingly complicated, and then turned to Jiaojiao. Looking at the scenery outside the window!

Then, Li Jiji pushed the door open and walked in. The sun was shining on the top of the sun: "Follow me."

Yangding Tianshang shirt, followed by Li Jiji went out.

Li Knife took him to a high roof and whispered: "Looking at the scenery outside, don't move, don't think about anything, very soon..."

Yang Dingtian suddenly trembled in his heart, yes, this is to kill!

The special morphological hobby of the mermaid queen cannot be leaked. Therefore, after using the lightning of Yang Dingtian, he will kill him.

For the whole process of today, Yangding innocence did not think from beginning to end.

Really crazy!

However, he obviously will not be ready to wait. Although Li Jiji is very powerful, it is completely impossible to kill Yangdingtian.

Yangding is light and easy to move, you can flash to avoid, you can even use the strongest magic sky to crack lightning, directly counterattack Li Jiji.

In the end, he decided to use the magic sky to break the lightning and counterattack!

Because of this, not only can you get out of trouble, but you don't have to leave Wangcheng completely.

Just when Li Jiji wants to start.

Suddenly, the voice of the mermaid queen sounded in the ears of both people, saying: "Stop, don't kill him!"

Li Jiji suddenly trembled and said: "Why, why?"

Because, every time before, the mermaid queen will kill people, why not kill this time?

"No reason? This is the order." The mermaid queen slowly said.

Li knife Ji Meizhen was full of dare, staring coldly at Yangdingtian, and finally had to obey orders!

The mermaid queen’s voice continued to think of it: “In the palace, give him a room, but don’t let him contact anyone. All his things are done by you personally.”

Li knife Ji trembles: "Your Majesty, I don't understand, he, he is just a scorpion animal, it is not worth mentioning."

The mermaid queen slowly said: "This is also an order, obey!"

Li Kou Ji, full of murderous eyes, staring at the Yangding Tianliang for a long time, seems to be full of the impulse to smash his corpse.

Finally, she whispered: "Follow me!"


In this way, Yangdingtian lived under the royal palace of the Mermaid Queen, and truly became her long-term face.

Of course, it is a very special face. Although she met the mermaid queen in a perverted way, she did not even touch one of her fingers, nor did she see her body.

And Yang Dingtian’s plan to fake the Queen’s messenger has never been implemented.

Because after that, he only saw the mermaid queen several times, and every time in a very special environment.

What he has to do is to madly hit the mermaid queen with lightning, and the opening is death.

But one thing, the mermaid queen seems to be addicted to his dark electric shock, and the number of demands is increasing, and his gaze is becoming more and more complicated.

That's right, although Yang Dingtian's eyes are covered in all the masks, I can clearly understand this.

Sometimes, the mad gaze of the Mermaid Queen has fallen on his body.

Moreover, the number of times she summoned Yangdingtian has become more frequent. From the beginning three or four days, to once a day, even to twice a day.

Once in the day, once in the evening!

That kind of strong addiction makes it completely impossible for the fish queen to extricate himself!

Even Yang Dingtian clearly felt it. Every time she summoned the dark electric shock of Yang Dingtian, her eyes will show remorse after each end.

She also clearly felt her addiction and degeneration, but she really could not stop.

This situation became more and more intense. Finally, in an electric shock, the mermaid queen even climbed the body of Yangdingtian.

The kind of hot and tremors completely eclipse the sun.

Of course, This feeling didn't last long, because soon Li Jiji rushed in, directly hugged the mermaid queen, and then slammed the foot and kicked Yangdingtian out of the room!

Then, in the next three days, the mermaid queen did not summon Yangdingtian, and Li Zhiji never appeared in front of him.

Just in Yangdingtian, I feel that the Queen of Mermaid is completely addicted.

Yangdingtian was summoned again.

Then, she uttered a sentence that almost made the soul of the sun rise.

"My great ally, Mrs. Death Ji, want to try your service!"

Time, the first reaction of Yangdingtian is to escape immediately. (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" in the upper right, search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (to be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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