Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 975: The top of the sky is reversed! conquer!

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"Mrs. Death Ji, there is still a half day to come. I hope that you will use more lightning to hit her body. Do you understand?" When the mermaid Queen said this, he did not show the hospitable form of hospitality. Instead, it is full of demon-like eyes.

It seems that she has to slightly toss the demons and death, and the relationship is not as harmonious as imagined.

Suddenly, there was a problem in the Yangdingtian brain. Can you recognize yourself in the death of the devil?

First of all, she and Yang Dingtian actually only saw one side, it was still five or six years ago, and it was very short.

At that time, Yangdingtian was still very weak, and there was probably no very special atmosphere on his body.

However, Yangdingtian is a nine-yang Xuanmai, and the humanity on her body may be difficult to win the same as the human being.

Besides, meeting with the Demon Leader is a very risky thing in itself.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "No, I don't do it."

When the words came out, the Queen of Mermaid suddenly narrowed his eyes and said: "Do you know what is the consequence of your rebellion against me? You are just a livestock, nothing."

Yangdingtian still shook his head: "No, I don't do it."

"Give me a reason, otherwise you will die." Mermaid Queen said.

"I, I only electricity you." Yangdingtian expressed his point of view in a very direct and stupid way.

The mermaid Queen’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the beautiful face was raised: “Idiot, I will explain once again, you are just a livestock in my mind. Don’t have a mess of delusions. I can tell you this, I am against that. The look of the demons is not very good, so I want her to be ugly, I want to see her look down. So, do you still do?"

Then, the mermaid queen said again: "You don't do it. It's probably dead!"

Yangdingtian still said: "I, only you."

"Looking for death!" The mermaid Queen looked at the cold and said: "Liang Ji Ji, pump him a hundred light whip!"

The mermaid queen’s inner guard leader, the commander of the Lightning Legion, and Li Jiji came in.

When she was in the water outside, her lower body was a fish tail.

When she entered Wangcheng, her lower body became a slender and plump leg.

It’s really **** and suffocating. Her tight blue gold armor. Only wrapped in her thigh position, the super beautiful legs are completely exposed, wearing only the looming "golden stockings".

The whole person is still hot and sexy, but it is frosty.

The gorgeous face is still full of stinging atmosphere, with the short hair of blue, the whole person seems to be a sword of expenditure sheath.

"Yes!" Li Knife's mouth showed a hint of chill. Then slammed in and pulled Yangdingtian out.


Hot and **** Li Ji. Try your best to beat Yangdingtian.

That's right, she just wants to kill the sun!

Because the Queen is addicted to this despicable konjac. Last time, she failed to kill the konjac, this time just took the opportunity to kill him.


Light whip is an energy whip.

Hit the person. The skin is not broken, the blood does not flow.

But that kind of pain is completely hell, against the mysterious veins, and the damage inside the body. It is extremely incomparably huge.

Yang Dingtian did not use any Xuanqi resistance, and lived a hundred light whip.

Moreover, there was no screaming from beginning to end.

At the end of the game, he had almost no sound, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, then squatted on the ground, dying, life and death.

After the fight, Li Jiji turned and left directly, and did not care about Yangdingtian. This konjac animal died or not, and it is better to die. Because she is increasingly addicted to Her Majesty's addiction.

In the afternoon of the same day, the demon singer once again came to the king city of the mermaid empire, telling the mermaid queen, the army of the dark empire, has begun to assemble.

After the thorough assembly, the door of reincarnation will be opened! By then, countless extermination corps, and the mermaid emperor, can surge out and sweep the human kingdom.

Moreover, the Queen of the Devils invites the Queen of Mermaid to go to the Temple of Hell to destroy the Temple of God, to participate in the marriage ceremony of Prince Edward Li, and also to declare the war against the human kingdom!


In the evening, Yangdingtian was still lying on the floor of the room, motionless.

Soon, the door was opened, and a figure came in and lifted the body of Yangdingtian.

Charming scent, the owner of this body is obviously the mermaid queen.

She went into the mouth of Yang Tiantian, stuffed a medicinal herb, and then left directly, and the fragrance was fragrant.

This medicinal herb is very god, especially the healing of the energy whip! Soon, a warm atmosphere, swept the top of the sun, suddenly felt very comfortable.

At this point, Yangdingtian has already decided!

Take the Queen of the Mermaid Empire, let the World Corps break off and completely lose the army of the sea.

As for what means? I am really sorry, although it is not open and honest, but it is not his beginning.

The next day, the injured Yang Dingtian was once again summoned to the Queen’s palace.

However, this time I just entered, but I was not wearing a mask and I was not covered.

Moreover, the mermaid queen did not say that Yang Dingtian lightning hit her, but seemed to be waiting for another person.

The door was pushed open, and soon Li Jiji walked in.

After coming in, she looked at Yang Tiantian, full of anger and murder.

She has exhausted all her strength, obviously she is going to kill the konjac, and she is still alive.

"I just let you punish him, why do you want to kill him?" asked the mermaid queen.

Li Knife said: "I don't want to watch Her Majesty addicted to him."

The mermaid queen said faintly: "Since you made a mistake, you have to be punished! You take off your armor."

Suddenly, Li Jianji changed his face and said: "Queen of Her Majesty!"

"Subject to the order." The Queen of Mermaid said.

Suddenly, Li Jiji gnashed his teeth and began to take off his armor.

Then untie the snake skin tights inside.

Suddenly. The beautiful upper body is completely exposed.

"There are the following." The Queen of Mermaid said.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian looked away and looked at other places.

"No, you have to look at it." The Queen of Mermaid said, then came over. Directly press the face of Yang Dingtian and twist to Li Ji Ji.

Li Knife looked like a fire and took off his own armor.

Suddenly she was very fit, very hot, very **** and sexy, completely exposed to the front.

Put it on the earth, this is definitely a supermodel body curve, even more so.

Especially a short blue hair, she is full of extraordinary charm.

All over the body. They are full of explosive power. The whole body is full of explosive curves.

This figure is really dazzling. Especially the pair of super beautiful legs, coupled with her gorgeous, but unruly face.

The glamour of the Queen’s inner guard leader, the commander of the Lightning Legion, Li Zhiji, is unparalleled.

"In any case, as the leader of my internal defense, you can never marry. If your chastity is useless, give it to him." The Queen of Mermaid said: "As a punishment for you. Also as compensation for him!" ”

When I said this, the mermaid queen’s eyes were crazy!

At this time, Yangdingtian confirmed that the heart of this mermaid queen is really a bit abnormal.

From letting Yang Dingtian beat her with lightning, let Yang Dingtian go to beat the demon and die, so that the devil is embarrassed.

just now. Even let his own inner guard leader give the chastity to a livestock konjac!

This mermaid queen, from the inside out, is full of destruction.

"Her Majesty, do you really want to do this?" Li Jiji almost bite his teeth.

"Yes. I really want to do this." The mermaid Queen's eyes are even hotter, as if waiting to see the big show.

Yangdingtian got up again and said, "I don't do it!"

"This is the order." The Queen of Mermaid said.

"Command, I will not do it, I will only charge you." Yangding Tiandao, then went out again.

But very quickly, he found that his body was completely unable to move and was completely shrouded.

Although, he can show a reduction in his own cultivation. However, the mermaid queen still used his energy field directly to keep his body.

Holy level! It’s really a sanctuary!

The heart of the sun is shocking!

Then, the mermaid Queen Jade hand waved, directly on the top of the bed.

Then she turned to the knife and said: "Go, fulfill the order, my virgins!"

When she said that she was a prostitute, the words were full of irony!

Li Knife gnawed his teeth, then slammed into the bed, turned over and sat on the top of the sky.

Without any foreplay, I went straight to the deepest level and ruined my innocence.

"Oh..." Then she slammed out a spurt of blood and sprayed it on the face of Yangdingtian.

And Yangdingtian, almost directly to spurt out.

She was pushed twice by the people, the first time is the solitary phoenix dance!


Everything is coming to an end soon!

The mermaid queen looked red on the side, as her close-family guard, a devastating virgin, as if she had satisfied her perverted psychology.

Then she waved her hand: "Okay, let's go out!"

At the first time, Li Jiji rushed out and tried to cover his mouth as if to suppress vomiting.

Yang Dingtian, restored the ability to act, looked at the mermaid queen deeply, and also went out!


Going back to his room, Yang Dingtian evaluates the mermaid queen again.

She still underestimated her perversion. This woman is completely moody and has a dark mind that destroys all good things.

Therefore, she went to attack the human kingdom, perhaps also from this dark mentality.

She was suppressed by the end of the Mermaid Empire for too long, and she could not see any beautiful country.

The human kingdom has survived so beautifully that she may be very uncomfortable in her heart and have the urge to be devastating.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian doubts the necessity of his plan!

At this time, Yangdingtian is in the palace, and it is already more casual.

Inside this huge palace, it is very empty, only the mermaid queen and her inner guard.

Yangdingtian climbed to the highest point of the palace and looked to the west. It was the dark empire that often followed the devil's death.

Just when Yangding looked at the West, I suddenly heard a depressing cry.

Going over. At the corner, I saw Li Jiji.

She was all naked, kneeling on the ground, full of pain and shame.

After crying, she began to wipe her machete and wipe it over and over again.

then. Point the machete to your heart and slam it in.

She wants to be self-sufficient, because she is tarnished by such low-lying animals as the konjac, so she must die.

"Oh..." Yang Dingtian's lightning flashed her scimitar.

When I saw Yangdingtian, Li Meijimei was filled with infinite hatred and cold: "Don't force me to defy the order and kill you."

"Is it because I am a konjac. So I am going to die?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes!" Li Jiji said: "Just like human beings, after being ruined by pigs and dogs, shouldn't you die?"

After Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time, he said: "I'm sorry."

"No, it has nothing to do with you." Li Knife said: "This is my destiny."

Yangding nodded and said: "I know, I can't persuade you, right?"

"You livestock. Can you persuade humans? Sea beasts, can you persuade the noble mermaid?"

"Understood." Yangding slammed into a flash of lightning.

"Hey..." More than fourteenth order of lightning. Condensed into a small ball of light, directly stunned Li Jiji.

Then, he directly returned to the mermaid queen, and said: "She wants to commit suicide, I stop, stunned."

The mermaid queen suddenly looked at Yangdingtian with horror. Then I looked at Li Zhiji’s gaze, filled with hatred and anger. He said: "Since it is so fierce, it is really amazing. Is this ironic about me? Very good. Very good..."

The voice of the mermaid queen has changed a bit, looking at the knife Kyrgyzstan: "In this case, the konjac Molo, I gave her to you, let a noble mermaid, become a wife of a low-lying konjac This is definitely very very interesting, hahaha..."

At this point, Li Zhiji just woke up, and after hearing this sentence, suddenly a blood spouted.

The mermaid queen stepped forward and locked the whole body ribs of the inner guard leader Li Jiji, and then showed an evil smile toward Yangdingtian: "From now on, she is completely returned to you. What do you want to do? ”

"I, only you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Ignorance." The mermaid queen sneered, then waved his hand and pushed Yang Dingtian and Li Kou Ji all out!


Li Gongji, who was locked in Xuanmai, was placed in his room by Yangdingtian. She couldn’t move at all, and even suicide could not be done.

Therefore, it is really the same sentence, Yang Dingtian wants to do anything.

However, of course he did not do anything, but instead bathed her and put on a comfortable skirt.

This is the first time that Li knife Ji wears a skirt, not a armor.

Of course, Li Jiji is a short hair, so wearing a skirt is a bit strange, and destroys her unruly breath.

After helping her to put on her clothes, Yang Dingtian personally cooked the food and prepared delicious meals for the knife.

Li Jian Ji Lian did not have the strength to stop, only Yang Dingtian put food into his mouth.

After taking a sip, I was amazed, but she was not delicious!

In the next two days, Yangdingtian took care of it so gently that the ice in the knife knives was melted.

The mermaid queen did not summon him, so in addition to taking care of Li Jiji, he spent most of his time meditating, drawing complicated things on a piece of fish paper.

At this time, Yangdingtian has been planning to get deeper and deeper in the mermaid empire.

Now, she is not only the covenant to destroy the mermaid empire and the demon road! Even, he wants to make the entire mermaid empire become his own ally, and make a fatal blow to the Demon Guards!

Because he found it again!

The paranoia and metamorphosis of this mermaid queen may not be a bad thing!

Because of such people, doing things regardless of the consequences, just like preferences. Moreover, she is not very friendly to the devil after the death.

If you can take her, then everything will get twice the result with half the effort.

Instead of directly cutting off the navy of the Destroyed Legion, on the contrary, in the hands of Yang Dingtian, there is an incomparably powerful force.

The best result is that when the Destruction Army opened the war, the Mermaid Empire directly betrayed behind the scenes and made a fatal blow.

That picture is so beautiful and beautiful!

Of course, the only premise of all this is to win the mermaid queen.

This temperament is a bit abnormal queen!

So Yangdingtian has only one task now, that is... conquer her!

And the sharp knife in front of him may be his helper!

Conquer the mermaid queen and conquer the mermaid empire, perhaps starting with this slasher!


However, it is at this time.

Li knife Ji suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yangdingtian. He said, "You, not a konjac, who are you?"

Yangdingtian could not help but see. (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" in the upper right, search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (to be continued.)



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