Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 990: Yangdingtian resurrection, combined with 1 body!

The masters of the demon fox family, although the rescue from the east can leave the dark field, but their hearts are still disdain for human beings.

Whether it is Tiandao League or Demon Road, in their eyes, it is completely the level of the family.

Although I promised to go to the temple to participate in the wedding, but also full of watching the lively mind.

This thought, when I saw the demon and the innocent lord, began to be ruined a little.

First of all, they were shocked by the beauty of the queen and the innocent lords, even at the level of Xiaoxitian, it is completely at the tip of the pyramid, and even unmatchable.

Moreover, for some people who have never seen it, she is very very high even in the position of Xiaoxitian.

Not only that, but the aftermath and innocent cultivation also left them with little proud capital.

When they entered the Dark Empire, their pride and backbone were almost instantly discounted.

Inside these huge dark castles, countless dark warriors, terrible dark dragons, terrible monsters.

The power of this level, even if it is a small West, is completely devastating!

For a long time, the demon humming and other people are full of awe in the demon road, even fear!

Without the spirit and the innocent, this is a feeling of suffocation! Although they are devils, they are not very inspiring. The annihilation of the temple has such a powerful energy, which means that even if they are semi-sacred, they are completely applauded.

Under the leadership of the demon and the death of Ji, everyone flew to the heavenly emperor between the world.

Suddenly, there is no spirit to tremble: "After the devil, is this the temple of annihilation?"

"Yes." The queen slowly said: "The temple of annihilation does not have a fixed place. Wherever the demon king is stationed, it is the temple of annihilation! Of course. Now the temple of annihilation has been somewhat smothered. Its current name is called Tongtian Emperor Jing!"

Tongtian Emperor Jing, the name of the domineering.

This means that the demon road is not only limited to the distinction between righteousness and evil, not even in the human kingdom, but to dominate the entire chaotic world. Dominate the whole world.

The Tongtian Emperor Jing in front of him, no matter what anyone sees, will feel a burst of suffocation.

In the world, there is a kind of architecture that is thousands of miles tall, not up to the top, and not to the bottom.

In front of this magnificent building, anyone will feel that they are extremely small.

Under the leadership of the devil, Ji Ji, everyone slowly entered the hall!

Very incomparably huge hall. Even in the silver palace hall of Xiaoxitian Yindu, it is not enough.

And this hall, at first glance, can not see the dome.

"Today, it is really the most lively day of my Tongtian Jing, the guest of the store, it is really not very happy." Suddenly, the entire hall slowly sounded the voice of the devil to ask the sky.

A dark wind blew through and suddenly became a huge figure. Sitting on the throne of the dark.

This black shadow is a few hundred meters high. Up and down the whole body, only two eyes can be seen, like a flaming flame.

As soon as this was said, the innocent petite trembled fiercely.

Then there is Dong Li and Li Ming, the whole body trembles involuntarily, and then directly falls to the ground. The whole body was attached to the ground and motionless.

Then, the body of the innocent is like a sieve, and it collapses directly on the ground. I can't say a word.

Finally, the owners of all second-class evil spirits, no way, cold and proud, Qiu Ruohan, Ximen fear, ghosts, sons, Sharonbas, Kang Baoer, lonely and happy, Zhu Hongyu, Yang Lan, etc., all neatly .

"Pei Chen saw the Majesty the Devil, Long live, long live, long live!"

And the demon and other small West Heaven masters, of course, do not want to bow down.

However, the devil king asked the energy of the sky, and instantly enveloped the entire hall, completely pressed like a giant mountain, making people's instinctive knees bend.

All the demon fox masters, kneeling down on one knee, said: "See the Devil's Majesty!"

For a time, the entire hall was still standing, only the devils died, and there were two innocents!

The devil asked the sky slowly: "You are pleased, Li Ming, Dong Li, you have worked hard."

The prince was very fierce and said: "Without your majesty, there will be no us. You are our god, our Creator, who dare not talk hard."

"Good." The devil asked Tiantian.

Then, at the place, everyone got up!

The devil asked Tiantian to continue: "You VIPs, please take a rest! After three days, it is a good day, and you will be in the main hall of the Heavenly Emperor, the wedding ceremony, and the drums that will be opened in the World War! I will be there. All the annihilation temple heroes, enshrined! This countless squadron will be led by you to destroy the entire heavenly alliance, rule the entire human kingdom, and even the entire chaotic world!"

When this was said, many people present were inexplicably excited.

In the presence of the demon, the lowest is the second-class evil spirit owner, adding up to no more than twenty people.

This means that everyone can lead a million troops.

What an amazing power? So how many people can be enrolled in the future when the demon road rules the whole world?

Like Qiu Ruohan, Ximen fear and others, before it was just a hand of a small and medium-sized force, and now it suddenly jumped into one of the world's major princes.

So, how can we keep them from boiling?

Lonely, no joy, even excitement: "From now on, my demon road is the master of the whole world, and all the people in the world will tremble under our shadow."

When the words came out, his father was alone and faintly glanced at him, without speaking!

"Floating, take your place, go to rest." The devil asked Heaven.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Then, with a few hundred people present, she arranged the room separately!

Inside the Emperor of Heaven, there are countless rooms, let alone hundreds of people, even thousands of people, tens of thousands of people can also arrange.


Suddenly, within the entire hall, only the devil is left to ask the sky!

Oh. There is also Yangdingtian, he is tied to the dome of the energy hundreds of miles!

The devil asked the sky to reach out and suddenly stretched and stretched, directly touching a few hundred miles, and then put the sun on the top!

Looking at the face of Yang Dingtian, he slowly said: "Little brother. Originally everything should happen when you die, but you and I are compatriots after all, so I think it is better to do everything when you are awake, better!"

Then, the devil asked Tiantian to hold Yangdingtian, and slowly flew over the dome of Tongtian Emperor Jing!

Then, one of his fingers' energy was drilled into the body of Yangdingtian, and he felt a little!

Then said: "I don't think it's Yangdingtian, it's Jiuyang Xuanmai. I don't want to have the sea of ​​anti-sky, I was hit by the holy level of the mermaid queen, and I didn't really die!"

Then, he muttered something like a spell in his mouth.

Lightly put your hands together, and suddenly the body of Yangdingtian floated into the air.

Then, countless light, from the dark castle, extended to the Tongtian Emperor.

Countless energy. Flocked to Tongtian Emperor Jing.

This energy is extremely pure. Transparent and colorless, but with a touch of green, full of vitality.

In the end, all the energy condenses and condenses on the dome of Tongtian Emperor Jing.

From a thorough energy body. It turned into a green light ball that is like materialization.


Finally, this energy ball slams into the body of Yangdingtian.


Suddenly, the body of Yangdingtian. Explode the incomparably bright light!


Yangdingtian seems to have slept for a long, long time!

Without any dreams, it seems to have died completely.

However, there is no death!

There is no evil spirit energy in his body, but it seems that there is still an energy, entangled in his mysterious spirit and spirit.

He has no heartbeat, no energy flow, and death is exactly the same.

Almost anyone will judge that he is dead.

But in fact, did he actually die?

Because his soul and spirit are not completely separated from his body and brain, but they are completely unfeelable.

Then, with a bright hit, he suddenly woke up.

"Ah..." he exclaimed, and immediately sat up straight.

Then, desperately turned to look at the world around you!

His brain memory continues the moment when the mermaid queen squats.

This madman queen, she really got a hand, and it was really ruthless. Saying that you want to kill yourself, you really killed yourself.

Such a person, Yang Dingtian has experienced two, one is the solitary phoenix dance, one is the madman mermaid queen!

But this time, the mermaid queen started to play much more heavily than the Du Gu Feng dance.

Finally, Yangding genius noticed that there is a huge black shadow in front of you!

No body, nothing, just a human body contour composed of energy black shadows, only a pair of flame eyes can be seen all over the body.

"Ask the day?" Yangdingtian slowed down.

"Yes, it is me." The devil asked the day slowly: "Maybe, you have seen me many times, but actually see you for the first time!"

Yangding Tian looked around and said: "Here is the Temple of the Divine in the Dark Empire?"

Yang Dingtian sighed helplessly: "I still fall into your hands!"

" I am very happy with this, and I am very honored with this." The devil asked Heaven: "After all, you and I are compatriots, the son of the **** of chaos!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Are you doing it for the big space?"

"Yes, it’s not right." The devil asked Heaven: "In fact, the big space technique is just a part of it!"

Yangding Tiandao: "So, what do you want?"

The devil asks Heaven: "I want all of you, I want you to be the new devil, I want you to be the master of this world."

Yangding Tian suddenly slammed a cold road: "You, want to devour me, want to win me?"

The devil asked Tiandao: "No, it’s two of us, combining one and becoming one!

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely shocked! (To be continued.)



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