Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 991: Yuan Shi evil spirit! select!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian could not help but smile: "It is obvious that your soul occupies my body, obviously it is a choice, why is it a fit?"

Asked the day to be silent for a moment, then said: "You know that I am passing through the earth, crossing a four-legged boy in the demon road, his name is to ask the sky." Vertex fiction,"

Yangding nodded.

Ask Tiandao: "Excuse me, did I deprive him of his soul and will? For a long, long time, our two souls coexisted and co-prospered. When it was forced to do so, our souls were separated from each other. ”

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but think of the past of the devil’s question, indeed, as he said.

And the current eternal question is the soul of the once disabled boy.

Asked the day to continue: "And you should know that my soul does not know how many times it has been stripped, and the soul of the subject has gone to explore the dark realm. As for where my soul is at this time, perhaps you are clearer than me. So although there is a soul gathering, but my soul is already weak, do you think I can still suppress your soul?"

Yangding Tiandao: "That is very, very strange. If you can't suppress my soul, how can you guarantee the interests of the demon?"

Ask the day to slow down: "Yuan Shi evil spirit!"

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian could not help but tremble.

Ask Tiandao: "Yes, I will give you not only my soul, my wisdom, my will, but also the evil spirit of my life!"

Yangding Tiandao: "It was suppressed by evil spirits, and then it became a walking dead. Just like the east and the peony? Wu Ningming knows that he is not free to die. He knows that the choice and the evil spirits are the same. You think I will accept it. Walking dead?"

Asked the day to silence for a moment: "Then you think. I am walking dead now?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because your heart is in harmony with evil spirits, you have a common goal, and of course it will not suppress your will."

Ask Tiandao: "Yuanshi evil spirits are different from first-class evil spirits. You know, who is the current demon death?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course it is the queen."

"No, she is nothing." Tian said: "She remembers from the memory to the will, to love and hate is nothing. At this time she is still full of emotions to me, full of pity for you! However, she just changed The position was gone. The Yuan Shi evil spirit changed her position but did not change her mind."

Yangdingtian eyes jerked and reminisced about the every move of the demon. It is not the same as the East and the Peony.

Although the peony is still the appearance of the Oriental Ice Ling, but for Yangdingtian. It is completely a stranger.

And after the devil, Ji, regardless of tone or form, can still feel the illusory zero before.

The devil asks Tiandao: "So your Yangdingtian is still the Yangdingtian, no one will suppress and control your will, but your position has changed. You have changed from the spokesperson of Chaos God to the enemy of Chaos! ”

Yangding Tiandao: "So, is it necessary for me to control countless exterminations to destroy the entire human kingdom? Will the bright parliamentary legions be cleaned?"

The devil asked Tiantian and shook his head: "No. Just because you want to avoid the war of extinction, you have to promise to be the new devil! Come, I will take you to see."

Then, the devil asked the sky with Yangdingtian, and constantly flew up and flew up.

Suddenly. Flying over the top of the Heavenly Emperor Jingjing, overlooking the entire dark empire!

At a glance, Yangdingtian completely suffocated.

The vertical empire does not know the dark empire of tens of thousands of miles, countless giant dark castles.

Every dark castle is completely a city with a hundred miles. Countless energy claws. Connect these giant castles to the dark emperor.

In every giant castle, there is a huge energy array.

In every giant castle, there are astronomical exterminations.

A giant warrior of four or five meters high.

A few kilometers of huge dark dragons, spurting amazing flames, and lightning against the sky.

The tens of thousands of meters of dark earth dragons, the mouthpieces of countless teeth, can swallow everything.

Astronomical figures, dense shadow dragons, lightning fast, poisoning deadly.

Etc., etc……

On every giant castle, there are millions of exterminations!

And the entire dark empire, such a huge castle, countless, countless.

Yangding innocently suffocated!

He suspected that the World Corps would be very, very powerful, but never thought that it would be so powerful.

Originally, he also thought about being able to take possession of the Queen of Fish, let the entire Hai army retreat, and complete the reversal in an instant.

Now it seems how innocent this is.

The destruction of the human kingdom will not require the help of the army of the sea.

"How can I destroy the World Corps?" asked Tiandao.

"The world is invincible." Yangding Tiandao: "Compared with this, my bright parliamentary army is simply a child's toy. In fact, just by dispatching one or two giant castles, you can sweep the entire human kingdom and destroy the entire bright parliament army. ”

Ask Tiandao: "So, the war of destruction has been completely worth mentioning for me. What I want is not what wins the war of destruction, I want you."

Yang Dingtian silenced for a long time: "Excuse me, this dark empire, where did this corps of the corps come from? Did you create it by hand?"

"No." Asked Tiandao: "Little brother, you are too high to see me. I am just a discoverer, a successor. This dark empire, this is an ancient vestige, has existed for a long time, long time, maybe tens of thousands Years, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, maybe longer! I just found out about him!"

Yangding Tiandao: "So the beginning of evil spirits, is it found in this place?"

Ask Tiandao: "The dark empire has the most direct relationship, but it is another story. After you fully inherit and possess the Yuanshi evil spirit, you will know."

Yang Dingtian did not open his mouth and was completely shocked by the ruined army of this dark country.

Asked the day to continue: "I first dig into the eyes of Yuanka Naga, and after passing through the thick and incomparable dark matter, I discovered the remains of this dark empire. You can't understand the shock of my heart at the time. So for a moment. What is the end of the world war, what is life and death, it is not important. So, I started all the layout, I have the power to declare war on the God of Chaos!"

"Yangdingtian, you want to save the human kingdom. You want to stop the occurrence of the war, it is very simple, become a new demon." Asked the day slowly: "At that time, you are still the owner of the Heavenly Alliance, still The master of the whole human race. In the future, you will become the master of the entire chaotic world, you are the master of the whole world!"

"Compromise in order to save the world, not shameful." The devil said in the end.

Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time, saying: "But. The only way to challenge the **** of chaos is to go with it. You feel that the **** of chaos has manipulated your destiny, the family that killed you, your children, ruined. Your soul. So, you have to go with him."

"Where to the same?" The devil asked the fire of the sky to slam, and said: "Who told you that you are the same?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it not? Even though you have mastered the Dark Empire, you have mastered the Xiaoxitian plane. The Nether Empire plane. And, want to use my large space technique. The new Naga Empire is completely released. Thus, It will once again embark on the crazy pursuit of energy, the ultimate powerful road. At that time, directly lead to the imbalance of the chaotic world, leading to another big Nirvana. The entire chaotic world has experienced several times of great nirvana. But if it happens again Big Nie, this is definitely the last time. By then, the last piece of life will be destroyed. The whole chaotic world will die completely, and the **** of chaos will naturally die. This is your end to the same."

The devil asked Tiantian to look at Yangding for a long time. Then said: "The very direct way, with this method, can indeed directly destroy the **** of chaos, directly to the end. But... but Yangdingtian, I may not be so narrow!"

"Is it?" Yangdingtian wondered.

"Yes." The devil asked Heaven: "Look at this dark world, what do you think?"

"It is the dark world." Yangding Tiandao.

The devil asked Heaven: "Do you not think that he is like the Noah's Ark after the death? Is this a giant castle not like a Noah's Ark? The whole dark world is not a product of destruction. It is the product of salvation!"

When this was said, it really shocked Yang Dingtian!

Asked the heavens to continue: "Why is the whole dark empire in the heart of the dark matter? You also know that the dark matter is the sign of death in the whole world, but in the belly of the dark matter, there is a void. Inside, The rebirth after death. The entire dark empire is the product of rebirth after the death of the world. This is a kind of life after death! Therefore, the entire dark empire is a precious legacy left by the ancient civilization and a continuation of the entire chaotic world civilization. The only hope."

The Yangding innocence was completely horrified and completely subverted.

Ask Tiandao: "Do you think that as long as you avoid big Nirvana, can this continent be preserved? Can you avoid the demise? You know very well, under the sea, under the ground, the dark matter is constantly Spread, constantly devour all vitality. Even if there is no big Nie, this vital mainland will die sooner or later, perhaps a thousand years, perhaps five thousand years, perhaps 10,000 years, the last piece of the world of chaos, sooner or later Dead. Only the dark empire here is the real eternal life."

"Eternal life?" Yang Dingtian sneered: "You countless dark castles, and giant energy arrays, where do their energy come from? Not completely devour the magical domain, the yin and yang mirrors and the energy of the three continents, the dark empire itself Just accelerating the death of three continents!"

"Arid, ridiculous, ridiculous..." asked Tiantian: "Yes, Yinyang mirror, magic field, ice and snow, the reason why these three continents have become what they are now, is indeed because of the dark empire. But the dark empire is definitely not in Let them die. The entire dark empire is a kind of energy balance. The chaotic nature of the yin and yang mirror, the positive attribute of the magic domain, the negative attribute of the ice and snow. The three kinds of energy, balance each other, endlessly, never stop!"

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "What do you mean by saying that the energy of these three continents is always circulating, never stopping?"

"Yes." Asked Heaven.

"It’s ridiculous." Yangding Tiandao: "Where is the energy of the destroying army?"

The devil asked the heavenly voice: "Don't you see that all the exterminations are purely energized? They can be crushed and reorganized. Every individual of the extermination army, and the dark castle, and the darkness The empire, and the magic domain, the ice and snow, the yin and yang mirrors are closely related to each other. They are a balanced body. The dying army does not eat, does not cultivate, it is only the energy body. Therefore, this is a whole, an energy that circulates continuously. It is the eternal direction of the martial civilization in the chaotic world! Only the dark empire is the ultimate way to escape the end of the world, and it is the ultimate way to continue the civilization of the chaotic world. So here is not a dark empire, but the Noah's Ark in the chaotic world! ”

Yangding Tiandao: "What you mean is that after the dark matter completely devours the whole world, some people in the human kingdom are led to the dark empire, let them become energy creatures, never eat or drink, forever Energy flows. Just like the robots in modern earth?"

"Yes, that's it." Asked Tiandao: "The human beings of the earth, madly wanting the natural environment to ask for all resources. People in the chaotic world, madly demanding the mysterious energy like nature. Here, all the energy flows through. Of course, you may hate such a dark empire, black and lacquered. It doesn't matter You can completely rebuild it, make it beautiful and beautiful, and even make rivers, mountains, trees, safflowers. The energy civilization of the entire dark empire can make everything!"

Yangding Tiandao: "That's good, if that's the case, I want to ask you! In the vitality of the mainland, the dark matter devours everything. It is only the initial state, the appearance of the mainland after the death, is the first dark field, the second dark field, even Third, the fourth dark field. Do you think that this dark empire can survive there?"

Asked the day to be silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, so this is your mission. My wisdom, my knowledge, can only be maintained here, so I will see you next."

Then, the devil asked Tiantian to return to the hall of Tongtian Emperor Jing, and slowly said: "You probably have three days to consider, promise me to refuse me. Of course, whether you agree or refuse, the result is It is the same. You and me will join together, you will become the new devil, become the emperor of the dark empire, become the master of the human kingdom! Just because you and I are fellow citizens, I want to respect your will!"

Then, the devil asks the sky to disappear instantly! In the entire hall, there is only one person in Yangdingtian! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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