Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 993: Grand Wedding! Wonderful moment!

Yangdingtian smiled!

Even the biggest direction has been contradicted, and it is meaningless to debate on this kind of branch. ○

Yang Dingtian clearly knows that this wedding will definitely take place regardless of whether he promises or does not agree.

Moreover, it must be carried out as a masculine person!

Why? Because perhaps only the independent and complete Yangdingtian, can the innocent success give birth to the demigods, so that the sea can give birth to the demigods, and of course the mermaid queen.

Therefore, at this time, Yang Dingtian’s position has no meaning.

Of course, there are five brides, and there will be a few in the last room, I don’t know!

The mermaid queen and Yangdingtian, what has happened has happened, but in order to ensure successful birth, I believe that the most intimate relationship will occur.

However, after the devil died, according to Yang Dingtian’s guess, the wedding may have her, but the cave room should not be thought about for the time being.

Shura Lingling, between the two, maybe the cave room may not!

When I saw the reaction of Yang Dingtian, I asked Tiandao: "That's good, this thing is set!"

Then, his figure disappeared!


The bell inside the Emperor of Heaven is ringing!

Then, all the hundreds of guests, all in the dragon, a gorgeous costume, appeared in the hall.

Hundreds of maids in the Magic City Shang Palace became the maid of the Emperor of Heaven, and shuttled back and forth throughout the main hall!

In the huge hall of greatness, it has been completely renewed.

All the darkness and darkness have disappeared.

It is completely magnificent and brightly lit!

Countless energy chandeliers are suspended in the hall.

Countless flowers and gorgeous tables are filled with all the delicacies that the world can have. Wine and wine, fresh fruits.

Simple wines are more than a few hundred.

The beautiful maid is like a shuttle.

All the guests, all prepared with gorgeous costumes!

Moreover, this costume is really weird. At least for people in this world, it is very weird.

All men, all dressed in suits, tuxedos, ties, and bow ties.

All the women, all wearing gorgeous dresses and long skirts.

That's right, it's all on earth! no doubt. It was the devil who asked Tiantian to design it by hand.

But it is very strange, he actually designed the dress so Western. Of course, in fact, if you understand it a little, you will see that these dresses have strong styles of the former Soviet Union, especially war and peace!

Therefore, these dresses have a strong 19th century European style.

Of course, the civilization has been very prosperous Xiaoxitian demon fox. It’s easy to accept this new style of clothing, and even started to like it.

And the people of the human kingdom. The woman also easily accepted this gorgeous **** dress, but it is difficult for men to accept this brand new dress, which feels awkward and uncomfortable.

Asking the sky, not only that.

All the wines here are all in glass bottles. And all the wine glasses are all crystal clear glasses.

Everyone says that there are three inventions, glass, and cement. Explosives.

Today, the explosives were made by Yangdingtian. So, the devil asked the sky to get the glass, but his glass found that it was only used this time.

Hundreds of beautiful maids, holding a crystal plate with more than a dozen cups of goblets filled with various wines, shuttled through the crowd and asked if they wanted fine wine.

And on countless food courts, hot food, with spar energy insulation.

Refrigerated, sashimi, etc., preserved with ice cold spar.

Above the dining table, there are chopsticks and forks and knives.

This is totally a large, luxurious earth buffet! It’s not like a different world at all.

Still the Xiaoxitian demon fox family, it is easy to accept this way! In fact, the way of buffeting has been popular for a long time in Xiaoxitian.

So, after a little horror, they started to enjoy the food and wine here.

The romantic devil asked the sky and even arranged a large band.

Hundreds of musicians in dresses played various movements with the chaotic world and instruments on earth.

Of course, most of them are movements on the earth, and they are all very famous songs.

There are Beethoven, there are also Kunqu.

He has been preparing for this day for a long time.

In the days of incomparable loneliness, except for the operation of the Dark Empire, the rest is just waiting.

These bands, these costumes, may be the works of his waiting time.

Li Ming is very excited!

He is wearing a gorgeous dress, in a nervous and exciting complex.

Being able to marry the Oriental Ice Ling is what he dreams of.

However, it is also possible, but at the beginning of the wedding, Oriental Ice Ling chose soul and spiritual self-sufficiency.

Of course, the so-called self-sufficiency in the soul is to completely abandon all resistance and let all the evil spirits occupy the suppression. And her own soul, completely banned forever silence.

Therefore, what he can do is only to drink constantly.

Then, facing the innocent, no way, there are many people's congratulations and pleasing!


The entire banquet has been around for a whole hour.

The songs of the band suddenly became warm and enthusiastic!

Everyone, instinctively quiet, although they do not know what the song is, but instinctively feel that the big man is coming.

Music has no national boundaries, and there is no civilization.

The devil asks the sky to appear!

Even his body was wearing a black dress and a hat, even though he was just a shadow and had no body.

Suddenly, everyone must bow down.

"No, no, no." The devil asked Heaven: "Today is the wedding celebration, so you don't need any worship!"

Then, the devil asked the flames of the sky and swept everyone present.

Within the entire hall, plus the band, plus the maid, plus guests. There are already thousands of people!

"I have been waiting for this day for many years." The devil asked the sky slowly: "This day is the greatest day in the history of the chaotic world. On this day, two civilizations have made a great impact!"

This is the case. All the demon fox masters have raised their glasses to pay tribute.

Of course, they did not understand. They thought that the two civilizations that were asked by Heaven were the impact of the demon fox and the human kingdom.

In fact, the question of heaven is the impact of the civilization of the earth and the chaotic world!

"Today's wedding represents the end of an old era and represents the birth of a new era!"

Then, ask the hands of Tianyin Shadow to condense a wine glass and lift it up: "Let us say goodbye to yesterday. Embrace tomorrow!"


Ask the day, drink it all.

He doesn't have a body, of course he can't drink it all, but all the drinks do disappear into his shadow.

And below the sub, all the guests. Whether it is the demon fox or the lord of the demon, all of them are drunk.

They feel in their hearts. The wedding of Li Ming and Peony is certainly not the greatest day. but. If the war of the world is opened, it is definitely a great day.

Therefore, they are dying to open the world war.

Even, whether it is autumn or not, there is no spirit, no way. The heart is cheering, the end of the bright parliament, the end of the sun.

Not only them, but also cold and proud, lonely and happy. Zhu Hongyu and others are also congratulating the end of Yangdingtian!

They were extremely excited, waiting for the opening of the World War, and then they led the demise of the corps, rushed to the human kingdom, and gave a devastating blow to the high-ranking Yangding Tianguangming Parliament!

"I have the real protagonist tonight, Yang Dingtian!" The devil asked the big voice.

All the guests present were a glimpse, and Yang Dingtian became the protagonist, but then they smiled again. This is a satire of the devil asking the sky, isn't it?

The war of extinction is about to begin, and the human kingdom is about to be destroyed.

As the supreme leader of the human kingdom, Yang Dingtian, did not prepare for war, but became a prisoner of the ranks. Is there no more ironic thing in this world than this?

A fierce drum sounded.

Then, all the energy lights in the hall are all condensed in one place!

In an instant, the entire hall was in darkness, and only one place was bright.

Under the fascination of countless rays, everyone saw a figure, the figure of Yangdingtian!

He wore a white tuxedo and even had a rose.

"Yangdingtian, please come up." The devil asked Heaven.

Yangding is taking steps and stepping up the first level.

And all the drums, always follow his footsteps, all the lights, still condensed in his figure!

So that everyone has an illusion, the protagonist of this evening, is really Yangdingtian!

Soon, Yangdingtian walked to the front of the dark throne and walked to the side of the demon king.

The devil asked the sky, originally had a shadow of several hundred meters. At this point, he condensed his figure and became as high as Yangdingtian.

At this point, the lights began to separate, turned into two bundles, a bunch hit on the body, and a bunch hit the sun on the sky!

"Lord Yang Dingtian, what do you think about the wedding party this evening?" asked the devil.

Yangding Tiandao: "Other thoughts, it's too late. But there are two feelings, the clothes look good, the things are delicious!"

"Thank you, thank you, I am very honored to be able to satisfy you." Devil asked Tiantian to smile.

Then, the devil asked Tiantian again: "What do you think about the war of destruction that will be faced, if he breaks out. Yes, all of you below will basically become the commander and general of the Destruction Army. They will Leading the invincible annihilation army, completely smashing the old world, and then leading the entire chaotic world civilization, to a new world, resisting the tyranny of the chaos god, resisting the evil rule of chaos!"

For this sentence, Yang Dingtian did not have any response!

The devil asked Heaven: "So, do you want the war to break out?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Of course I don't want it."

The devil asked Heaven: "Do you have any way to stop the outbreak of the war?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no present, of course, it is hoped that the devil's conscience will be discovered!"

"You know clearly, I don't want to know this answer." The devil asked Tian Xiaoxiao, then he raised his finger, pointed to the crowd, and finally fell on the innocent body.

Suddenly, a light condensed on the innocent.

At the same time, on the huge back of the jade, there is a shadowless figure!

"The ignorant of the Lingbi Palace, right?" The devil asked Heaven.

Suddenly, the innocent man immediately crouched to the ground: "The sinner has no spirit to see the devil, and he is long lived!"

"If the war of extinction breaks out, you will become the commander of the ultra-southern theater of the Destroyed Army. Afterwards, the entire southern land, the city of gold, and the Wanli Xuezu are your territory." The devil asked Tiandao: "You have What do you want to say?"

"For the devil, kneel down, do your best, die and then!" The innocent trembling.

Devil King said: "Do you have anything to say about Yangdingtian?"

No spirits bite their teeth and cut their teeth: "Stop the nine races, chickens and dogs don't stay!"

"Very good." The devil asked Tian Xiaoxiao, and he dropped his finger on the innocent. He said: "The innocent lord of the Lingbi Palace, after the war of the world is over, you will become the commander of the southern theater, the city and the sky. The pavilion's Pazhou continent, as well as Nanzhongzhou, Nanmanzhou are all your own territory, you can inherit from generation to generation. Then what do you have to say to Yangdingtian?"

No way to squat, said: "Yangding Tianquan nationality, suede bones, killing!"

The devil asked Tian to drop his finger on the head of cold and proud, saying: "This is the cold pride of the Yin and Yang dynasty?"

Cold arrogant stepped forward and said: "Cold and proud, meet the devil's majesty."

The devil asks Tiandao: "The people from Yunzhou in the East will count you the most. So, you will become the commander of the Eastern Yunzhou Theater of the Destroyed Army. In the future, the entire Oriental Yunzhou, including the Yin and Yang Dynasties, will become your territory. You have What did you say to Yang Dingtian?"

Cold arrogance slowly said: "Don't kill, smash the roots."

"Mrs. Ruo Ruohan, you will become the commander of the northwest Qincheng theater. In the future, the northwest Qincheng and Qiushui swords, including Baiyuncheng, will become your territory. Then what do you say?" The devil asked Tiandao.

Qiu Ruohan bites his teeth and cuts his teeth: "Yangding Tianquan, male is a slave, female is a beggar, for generations, never turn over!"

" Ok, good..." The devil asked Heaven: "With your words, Xijing will become your territory!"

"Thank you for the devil of the devil."

When the devil asked Tiantian, he smiled and said: "Hello, God, did you hear it? Their hatred for you is very good!"

"Yeah, it is not very friendly to me." Yangding Tiandao.

The devil asked Heaven: "They hate you so much. If the war of the world broke out, how can you save yourself and how to save your family?"

Yangdingtian is about to open, and the Devil is asking the day to stop. He said: "You don't have to open your mouth, because you don't have any strength to stop it, you are too weak!"

Then, the devil asked the sky to face a positive, said: "I officially announced! The bridegroom of this wedding is the Lord of Heaven! After the wedding, Lord Yangdingtian, will become the new devil, become the whole world, the new master! ”

This is the same as the Thunder, the whole audience is shocked! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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