Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 994: After the deep kiss! Innocent love!

Within the entire hall, suddenly it was a dead silence. ~

Everyone can't react at all in an instant.

Then, many people began to look at each other and wondered if they were wrong.

Yangding Tianmingming is the biggest enemy of the demon road. Is it the spokesperson of the **** of chaos?

Everything that the devil just said, everything that the sacred temple did was not to destroy Yangdingtian?

Nowadays, it is finally time for harvesting. Yangding’s eyes will be completely destroyed, and it will fall to hell.

Actually, there was such a huge reversal.

The Prince was so fierce that he was undoubtedly the one who suffered the most, and all his expressions instantly solidified.

The devil asked Tian Xiaoxiao: "Maybe many people will think that I am making a joke, right?"

Everyone is desperately nodding, desperately hoping, this is just a joke! Although that would reduce the style of the Devil's Majesty, it is better than this reversal.

The devil’s gas field suddenly became very serious, saying: “I am very sorry, this is not a joke, but a fact!”

Suddenly, no way, no spirits almost fainted!

Demon King, this, is this tormenting people?

Let the innocent son have no way, and if the autumn is cold and proud, he must kill the Yangdingtian family, even the slaves in the south, the slaves in the women, the generations from generation to generation, never turn over this vicious speech. speak out.

Now, directly let Yang Dingtian become the new devil. Then, isn't that let Qiu Ruohan, Leng Ao, etc., die without a place of burial?

There is still no way to compare the bones. He is brave and daring: "Yes, is the surrender of Yang Dingtian surrendering? Is he also crouching under your feet? So, are you ready to make him your successor?" ”

As soon as this was said, the face of Prince Edward was even more ugly.

The reason why he is called Prince Tai Li is because he is the first successor of the Devil! Now, even though Yang Dingtian is a successor, how can he accept it?

The devil asked Tiantian and shook his head: "No, I did not list Yangdingtian as my successor. Or successor."

When this was said, many people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The devil asks Heaven: "He is my replacement. After the wedding, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow! He will take over the entire dark empire and take charge of the evil spirits! Not only the king of the dark empire, but also the human being The leader of the country, and even in the future he will be the master of many planes, including the Naga Empire!"

This is the case. Some people have suffocated at the place.

The devil asked Heaven: "You have not heard the mistake, I am not crazy! The reason why this is because of the lord Yang Dingtian, has a broader mind than me, a broader vision. Only he can lead you and conquer the entire chaotic world. , defeat the **** of chaos. Guide the civilization of the chaotic world to eternity!"

This is the case. Everyone in the room is desperate!

The innocent even feels dizzy, and the innocent is almost completely desperate!

He is not interested in any civilization in the chaotic world. He only wants to retaliate and take revenge!

The Prince slammed his body and swayed, then hoarsely said: "You are our Creator under the Lord of the Devil. Except you. We don't recognize anyone!"

"Yes, we don't recognize anyone." Not only Li Ming, but also the East, there is no way, in short, almost all the first-class evil spirits. The owners of the second-class evil spirits all shouted loudly, and wanted to let the devil ask the heavens to recover.

The devil asked the day to slowly say: "I am very sorry, no matter whether you approve or disapprove, you can't change any facts. As long as Yangdingtian has the evil spirit of Yuanshi, he and the demon dying, he naturally has all the power! You don't care. The owner of the evil spirit, or the owner of the second-class evil spirit, must completely succumb to his will, and the entire ruined army should obey any of his orders!"

When this is said, all the demon roads in the field are almost desperate!

The devil asks the heavens slowly: "Not only that, the demon dying, the secluded sea, the mermaid queen, the snake king empire sea queen, the heavenly master Xiu Luo Ling, will become the wife of Yang Dingtian. Today, Their wedding!"

Suddenly, the innocent can no longer bear, and directly fainted.

The prince slammed a spurt of blood, and trembled: "Father, then, what about my wedding?"

The devil asked Tian Tianguang to shrink: "As for whether the peony continues to marry you, I said no, you listen to the will of the new devil."

Li Ming trembled fiercely, another blood, mad out!

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall every picture of himself and Yang Dingtian. He wins every time, and every time he puts Yangdingtian under his feet.

In the yin and yang mirror, how proud he is, Yang Dingtian is exactly like an ant in front of him.

How many times he played Yang Tiantian in the applause.

However, God is so unfair!

Some people, no matter how many times they lose, can still easily step you on the soles of their feet.

His prince, no matter how hard, no matter how hard, is just a ridiculous whetstone.

"Why, why? Father?" Li Ming said dumbly.

The devil asked the sky slowly: "Because he is Yangdingtian!"

Li Ming bent down in pain and then returned to the crowd, and the whole person went down.

At this time, almost everyone has a thought in mind!

The devil asks Heaven for such a kind of favor to Yangdingtian, it really seems to be the illegitimate child of the devil!

After all this, within the entire hall, all the drinking, all the delicacies, all stopped.

It’s completely dead and quiet!

The devil asked Tiantian to look at Yangding Tiandao: "Little brother, for you, I almost broke all my followers."

Yang Dingtian bends slightly and expresses his compliments!

The devil asked the voice of the sky to slam the road: "Well, the most exciting moment has arrived, play the wedding march!"

Suddenly, the band began to play music.

The familiar wedding march was ringing at the top of the sun.

This feeling is really weird, it really seems to be on earth.

The devil asked the sky and whispered: "Is it very much to miss everything on earth, me too! So, this is a gift for you. It is also a gift for me. Although we can't go back, at least we can Feel the world of the earth we used to know!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you, you have bothered!"

With the wedding marching sounds!

Suddenly, the whole Tongtian Emperor Jing, suddenly loud!

Then, all the dark castles outside. All bright.

The entire dark empire is completely shining!

Then, countless energy fireworks, release the emptiness of the entire dark empire!

Whether in the chaotic world, on the modern earth, or even on television, Yangdingtian has not seen such awkwardness, such a grand fireworks show!

The dark empire of tens of thousands of miles is full of fireworks.

Very incomparable fireworks!

Above the fireworks. The earth text that blooms line by line.

All are classic poems on earth.

There are poems, there are three characters, there are capital theory, there are quotations.

There are also Tang poems, as well as Song poems, Tagore, Hemingway, and Gorky.

At last. Fireworks in the sky, also wrote the name of every wife of Yangdingtian. The name of each child!

All of this is a gift to Yang Dingtian.

Even Yang Dingtian has the erroneous moment, and feels that he really became the illegitimate child of the devil.

If you don't realize the truth of the dark and cruel world, then Yangdingtian will be deeply moved.

Finally, all fireworks have only one pattern.

That is countless hearts. Red heart, pink heart, blue heart, green heart, white heart!

although. The devil asks Heaven to give everyone unprecedented despair and horror, but at this time all the guests can't help but indulge in this wonderful scenery.

It’s so wonderful, it’s too romantic.

Of course, except for the Prince!

Because, his own creator, prepared for all his enemies!

The more beautiful the picture outside, the more ridiculous his heart is, and even all the struggles in the past have become meaningless.

In the wedding march!

Suddenly, the sky lit up with a purple-red light!

Then, a gorgeous purple dragon, dragging a purple gold carriage, slowly flew!

Above, sitting on a beautiful woman who is in the country, wearing a fuchsia wedding dress!

She is the devil after death!

Then, from the other direction, the blue light was illuminated.

Then, a gorgeous blue dragon, dragging a blue gold dragon car, slowly flew.

Above, doing the same beauty of another pyramid, the Netherland is innocent!

The third beautiful dragon, and its dragon car, is golden yellow.

The woman on the carriage is a high-spirited man, completely no less than the imaginary mermaid queen!

The next beautiful dragon, and the dragon car it is dragging, is green!

The woman on the carriage is also the peak of beauty, the queen of the snake king of power, the sea heart!

The last thing that appeared was the pink dragon and the pink gold car.

Sitting above, is the enchanting Shura Ling!

At this time, it is her most glory, the most arrogant time. Even she has forgotten that it is Yangdingtian that she wants to please.

She doesn't care. In short, she only knows that she is one of the wives of her devil. She has finally become one of the world's masters. She finally stood at the peak of the power of this world!


Five brides, walked down the golden dragon car, and the money went into the hall!

In an instant, the energy of the entire hall became dim.

All the light, all condensed on their wedding dress, their beautiful faces.

Every bride is beautiful and suffocating.

Every bride is standing at the top of the pyramid.

Every bride makes all the men in the world pay homage to their dreams, but they are self-cultivating.

However, these five brides must become a man's wife this evening!

He really wants to attract the jealousy of the people of the world!

Well, there is no doubt that this man should be beaten by the sky!

Five brides, along the steps, slowly walked toward the dark throne, and walked toward Yangdingtian and the devil.

All the gaze on the scene, all attracted by their figure!

Step by step, the manners are thousands!

At a beautiful pace, there will be a moment to finish.

Five brides, all neatly came to the front of Yangdingtian and the devil to ask the sky!

They are not standing on the same level. Instead, one person is on the first step and stands a beautiful slash!

After the devil, Ji Ji, standing in the first place!

The devil asked Tiantian to come to the face of death and emptiness, and slowly asked: "Nothing is gone, you are willing to marry you, the new devil, your leader of the human kingdom, the master of this chaotic world?"

After the devil, Ji Ji bent slightly, softly said: "I am willing!"

The devil asked Tiantian to ask Yangdingtian: "Yangdingtian, are you willing to sneak into the devil after the devil, is your wife?"

For a long time, all eyes condensed toward the sun.

Because, this represents the ultimate expression of Yangdingtian!

Yangdingtian did not let everyone stay for a long time, but directly said: "I am willing!"

The devil asked Tian to take out a jewel box and open it with a ring of enamel. The gems on it are all purple.

He handed it to Yangding Tiandao: "Go to your magic, wear a wedding ring!"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is better to use my own ring!"

Then, he took out a ring of vain stone from his arms and slowly slipped into the jade finger of the demon after death!

Suddenly, the devil asked the flames of the sky to tremble slightly.

Because, Yang Dingtian’s actions represent some extraordinary significance.

After the devil, there is no glimpse of zero, and then a sweet smile, so that Yang Dingtian will be nothing, and put it into her ring finger.

Not only that, Yangding skylightly embraced her waist and gently kissed her delicate lips.

After the demon, Ji Ji trembled a little, then closed the beauty, and Yang Dingtian entered a deep wet kiss!

In an instant, the temperature of the entire hall seemed to rise a few degrees, but it suddenly dropped a few degrees.

After a full kiss for three minutes, Yang Dingtian let go of the magic and nothing.

The devil asked the sky to stagnate for a while, then walked down the steps and came to the innocent, slowly saying: "The Lord of the Nether, the daughter of the little West Heaven, the innocent, you will marry the new devil in front of you. ?"

Innocent eyes first looked at the devil to ask the sky, then nodded and said: "I am willing!"

The devil asked Tian Guan to Yang Ding Tiandao: "Would you like to be a wife?"

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "I am willing Devil asks Tiandao: "So, wear a ring for her, if you have prepared the second one." ”

Yang Dingtian once again pulled out a ring of vain stone, slowly put on the innocent and unknown finger.

Then, gently hug her beautiful waist, and kiss her lips with deep lips.

After the devil, the body trembled fiercely, and then the breathing became rushed, and the whole body began to become hot.

It was almost a moment of confusion, and with the deep kiss, she clearly felt that she was the symbol of a woman, and she really bloomed for the first time!

She, at this moment, becomes a complete woman!


Note: Boss, please ask for a few votes. (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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