Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 999: Zen to the devil! last moment!

Innocent doesn't like intense, so it's gentle from beginning to end.

Moreover, she is also active.

Obviously, although she has not practiced it, the theoretical knowledge is very rich.

She also very much values ​​the communication of the mind, so the kisses in the whole process never stop, and the vision never stops.

Even if you are facing the sun, you will turn your face and you will look at it gently.

Yang Dingtian feels that innocent is a woman who is uncertain and ignorant.

But at least at some point, she is extremely talented, even more than any woman.

As a result, Yang Dingtian felt that she could even capture the fluctuations in her heart, so that Yang Dingtian also felt that her inner fluctuations were also captured by her.

She really pursues the blending of the soul.

So, at the last moment.

Yangdingtian is not only shuddering in the body, but also feels a blank in the brain, as if the whole soul is also tremble.

There is really a feeling of spiritual blending.

Of course, this has little to do with love. It is because too much input leads to a blending and collision between the two spiritual energies.


Innocent snow jade half of the delicate body, very lazy and Yangdingtian neck and neck.

= Yang Dingtian feels at this time, this is a very serious woman with perfectionism. It is really very difficult, if not impossible, to get her love.

"This feeling is really good. It is no wonder that countless men and women are addicted to this." Innocent did not open his eyes and kissed the lips of Yangdingtian. At this time, not only her tongue was wet and sticky, but even her voice seemed to be like her. It is sticky.

Yang Dingtian once again kissed her little mouth deeply, a deep wet kiss.

Innocently made a sound from the nose completely: "Okay. Go, let me lie here and have a good time!"

Yang Dingtian asked: "So, do you think, who should I go next?"

Innocent thought for a moment: "You must not go to death Ji, she will not be cheaper. At least now, she can only ask the accomplice of the day. So you are hesitating, is to find the violet. Or the sea heart ?"

Violet is the mermaid queen.

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

Nothing said: "In fact, your harvest this evening should stop here. The biggest gain is Shura Lingling! You really planted an indelible impression on her, and of course there is a small gain in me. But, that's it."

Yang Dingtian silenced for a moment: "There is still a chance, it is not always wasted, isn't it?"

Nothing said: "Well, then go to the sea."

Yangdingtian nodded: "Good. But why not go to the mermaid queen?"

Innocent: "Violet is a female madman. It has a strong rebellious mentality. You don't go to find her, she will finally help you to prove that you are wrong."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while, it is indeed this truth. The mermaid queen, a female madman, never does things alongside others.

Nothing said: "But, go to the sea, what should I do, you know?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I know!"

"It seems that you are still relatively awake." Nothing said: "The kind of situation that happens once and for all, it is happening to the Naga people. It is not the mermaid family, nor the sea snakes. Of course it is not me, nor is it Demon fox! You should remember that after Ji Ya and you are happy, I want to kill you several times. After the violet and you have slept, you will kill you on the spot. So the Queen of the Sea is the same, she has a feeling for you. But she definitely loves herself more. Of course, the coffin is also very selfish and loves herself very much. But she is not smart enough, she can't see through, and she is easy to get lost. This kind of loss is not a bad thing. Because she will also be lost to you. But the sea heart is different, she is very very rational, and will never be lost to you. If you plan to become a new demon, then you can take possession of her. But you will definitely resist, you will not surrender So she will definitely refuse to give it to you now, understand?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "I understand!"

"Very good." Nothing said: "Then go, I want to stay alone. Now I have already abandoned my bed and I am a little crowded."

This sentence should be quite ruthless.

However, Yangdingtian did not reveal any expression, but was still thinking.

After wearing the clothes, ride the blue gold dragon and return to the high platform.

Unable to hold his chest, looking at the back of the window Yang Tiantian disappeared, muttered to himself: "It is a proud little man!"

Then, she did not bathe, holding a blue blanket, curling up her undulating celestial bodies, sniffing the taste on the blanket, and slowly closing the beauty.


Back on the high platform, Yangdingtian rides on the green dragon and flies toward the green cave.

At this time, the Queen of the Sea is standing under the window, looking at the void outside.

Her heart is very complicated, she wants to be in the sky, but she doesn't like Yangding!

First of all, she has feelings for Yang Dingtian. Of course, this feeling may come entirely from the fact that this is the only man in the world who can make her estrus. Therefore, she hopes that Yangding will come.

However, she does not want to be in the sky.

Because, after coming to the Emperor of Heaven, she deeply felt her weakness and felt a shame.

Therefore, she must be strong, powerful and powerful.

She is not willing to obey anyone, even a powerful dark empire, even a powerful and powerful demon.

Once she begins to mate and begins to breed her offspring, she will become weak and she will not become weak.

And there is another point. She clearly knows that Yangdingtian will never surrender so easily, so whether he will become a new demon, it is very difficult to say.

Finally, if she has a relationship with Yangdingtian, if she is pregnant directly.

Then, it is time for her heart to lose her freedom. She will surely be shackled by the devil, until she gives birth to the demigod Naga. And this Naga, will certainly fall in the hands of the devil.

For the above reasons, she did not want Yangding to come.

However, Yangdingtian is still here!

She is riding a green dragon. Landed directly on the high platform and then walked into the room.

Haixin did not look back, she was somewhat worried, Yangdingtian would hug her up and hold her back and her hips.

Because this is the beginning of intimacy. She has to find a way to refuse. But at this moment, but it is really difficult to refuse.

However, her fears fell through. Yang Dingtian did not hug her from behind, but stood side by side with her and looked at the void outside.

For a time, Haixin could not help but feel lost.

At this time, the Yangdingtian body still left the taste of a thick woman, and even the taste after the joy. Very strong, I got into the heart of the sea, and got into her heart, so that her delicate body would be hot.

"You said that I should be sad, or should I feel lucky? You finally came to me, there is one in five picks, but you are the last one to come to me." Queen of the Seas.

Yangding Tiandao: "You don't want me to come in my heart, lest I ask for anything. You have to refuse me, is it right?"

The Queen of the Sea Hearts trembled. Breathing a stagnation.

Yang Dingtian is very light, but it is very serious!

Straight her heartless heart, the heart of the self.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Do not worry, I will not ask you anything difficult, and will not force you to stand up."

The sea heart looked awkward. Road: "Actually, you are already forcing me to stand up. And this is my last chance."

Queen Haixin turned her head and reached out and measured the distance between herself and Yangdingtian: "Now, it is the moment you are closest to me. I am going forward. We will become lovers and I will be yours." Woman. Even if we didn’t really have anything tonight, or what happened, it’s not pregnant. But if I don’t take a step forward, I completely lost this opportunity, right?”

Yangding Tiandao: "I am not that harsh."

"You have." Queen Haixin said: "Now is your most desperate moment, and your last moment. If I have no affection for you, just like innocent, at least my heart is slightly biased towards you, you can get you. Understanding. But I am affectionate to you, but at this most desperate moment, I am not standing on your side, it will become unforgivable!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am still saying that I will not be so demanding."

"But your heart will be." Queen of the Sea said: "You will not succumb to the devil to ask the sky, so you will either win or destroy tomorrow. If I am not standing on your side, then I will lose the last chance. So now is the time for you and me, I am going forward and handing me over to you, then we will be lovers in the future, and if we don’t go forward, then it will be the enemy, at most it is only a stranger! Don't say, you still have a poisonous shade."

Yangding Tiandeng was in silence!

Although this seems selfish, it does.

People are always tolerant to outsiders. However, for yourself, always be demanding.

For example, when certain disputes occur. Bystanders do not stand on their own side, they will feel indifferent. However, if their loved ones and their girlfriends are not on their own side, they will become completely unforgivable.

Of course, the Queen of the Sea is still a long way from the Yangdingtian woman.

But it is undeniable that she and Yang Dingtian are intimate compared to innocent, even the mermaid queen.

You must know that before Yang Dingtian was ironic to kill her, and then resurrected the Queen of Poison, taking over the entire Snake Empire.

However, because of the performance of the Queen of the Sea in the Holy Valley, the performance in the Holy Land of the Snake Man, Yang Dingtian was shaken.

Changed the idea of ​​killing her, and even later tried to cook her raw rice several times.

However, Haixin has repeatedly shown ruthless and affectionate appearance.

Therefore, it is indeed the most crucial moment of Yangdingtian, and it is also the most desperate, even the last moment.

If Haixin does not stand on his side, although he will not say anything on his mouth, he will not do anything to her, but will completely shut her down and isolate it.


Yangdingtian looked at Haixin Road: "So, what are you going to do? How are you going to choose?"

There is less than two feet between him and the sea.

The sea step forward and give yourself to Yangdingtian, which means that it is not only the body, but also its own position, and even many serious consequences.

However, if she goes back one step. That means that at this critical moment, she is not willing to stand with Yangdingtian.

Haixin looked at Yangdingtian and then smiled: "I don't make any choices, I let you make your own choices."

Then, she glanced at the green dress on her body, revealing the beautiful celestial body: "I am standing here, if you want me, you can take the step by yourself, you can easily take possession of me. You should be able to see, I Two feet away from you, you are already in love. So as long as you step forward, everything is yours, and you can be pregnant or pregnant."

She is still very smart!

For the devil to ask Heaven, her identity is far less important than innocence.

If Yangdingtian takes possession of her, she must protect her and let her not be fatally injured.

So does Yangdingtian have this ability now? Of course he doesn't, so he certainly won't go forward!

Therefore, in this world, there is a kind of rejection, called promise!

Yangding stepped forward in the sky and put the green dress on her again, then continued to stand with her at the window and look out at the void!

After more than half an hour!

Suddenly The whole Tongtian Emperor Jing called the voice of the devil to ask the sky.

"Yang Dingtian, the last moment has arrived, and the time for Zen to let the devil arrive!"

Zen makes the position of the devil, it sounds more exciting!

Queen Haixin heard this voice, as if she was awakened, and asked Yang Dingtian: "You, you will definitely resist, right?"

Yangdingtian did not set a smile.

Then, he used the condensate to quickly flush the whole body. Put on a brand new clothes, then ride a green dragon and return to the main hall of Tongtian Emperor Beijing!

On the way, suddenly the mermaid queen rushed out, eyes glazed at the top of the sun: "Last night, why not enter my room?"

Yangding Tiandao: "We have already slept, I am afraid that you will kill me again."

The mermaid Queen Violet looked at the face of Yang Dingtian and gritted his teeth. "I said, if you don't enter my cave, the consequences will be very serious. You will see it soon!"

Then, the mermaid queen flew back into his golden cave!

"Oh..." In an instant, everything inside, all broken into pieces, turned into powder!

The voice of the demon king asked the voice of the whole day in the Tongtian Emperor, and said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, please come to the hall to accept the meditation, all the guests are in their own room, not to go out! After the end of the meditation, the new devil will be enthroned. Grand ceremony, invite you to observe!"

The last moment came, Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and rode the dragon to enter the hall! (To be continued...)

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