Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: : Injecting Yuan Shi evil spirits!

Yangdingtian flew into the hall like a sky!

The devil asked the sky, once again condensed to the height of only ordinary people, standing under the steps.

"Time is up, Lord Yang Tiantian." The devil asked the day to slow down.

Yangding nodded and said: "Yes, time is up!"

The devil asked Tian to sit down at the bottom step and then said, "Sit down together, how? Let's talk for a while!"

"Okay." Yangding Tiandao, then sat down on the edge of the demon king asking for the sky.

Ask Tiandao: "You have seen him, are you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you mean to explore the dark field?"

Asked the day and nodded: "Yes!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I have seen it, right, I want to ask, how many avatars do you have? Who is the body?"

The devil asked Tian for a moment and said: "I should be the body, and the other avatars are all doing the branch tasks! And I have monopolized the evil spirits of the Yuan Dynasty, and there are powerful energy repairs, including the whole Qihai, Xuanmai, etc. So, I should be the real devil to ask the sky."

Yangding Tiandao: "In the human kingdom, is there any avatar for you?"

The devil asked Tian for a moment and said: "There is a contractual body. Of course, I don't have to use it. If you are in the new devil, then I will be completely stunned, w±ww. The devils of other planes, including the little Western Heaven, the dark realm, the Nether Empire, will obey your orders, and you are the supreme ruler."

"Naked back?" Yangding Tian smiled.

"Ah, although this word is very strange, it can be said." The devil asked Heaven.

Yangding Tiandao: "When you are on earth, you should not have this term. At that time, the senior leaders of our country, even if they have no position, will have a lot of power. It will not appear until decades later. Naked back."

The devil asked the sky to smile, did not say anything.

Yangding Tiandao: "It’s very strange, you and I are all earth people, but you never talk about anything on earth. You know that, in the new Naga empire. I talked very much with the sky there. It’s hot. We call the brothers and sisters, drinking together to get drunk, hooking their shoulders, it’s like a college student.”

Yes, this is the real devil to ask the sky, although there is no face, just a shadow. But after all, it’s all from the earth. He never talked to Yang Dingtian about any earth.

compare with. The one in the New Naga Empire asked for the sky, it was quite cute, and it was very angry.

"Do you miss the earth?" The devil asked the sky suddenly.

Yangdingtian nodded: "Of course I think, like my parents, friends, teachers, and my girlfriend."

Ask Tiandao: "Would you like to go back, if you have the ability to go back. Will you go back?"

"No, I won't go back." Yangding Tiandao: "Here. More need me."

The devil asked Heaven: "I am the same, I will not go back. So I don't have to talk to you about the earth."

Yangding Tiandao: "Don't go back, it doesn't mean you don't want to miss it. Forgetting the past is tantamount to betrayal."

The devil asked the sky just shaking his head and not responding to Yang Dingtian.

Then he stood up. Road: "Okay, start meditation!"

The devil asked the sky to get up and walked along the steps toward the dark throne.

And Yangdingtian, also followed up.

By the way, there are many steps below the dark throne. A full hundred levels.

Therefore, from the main hall to the throne, it is 100 meters high.

This high-ranking throne seems to have some feeling of overlooking all beings.

When the devil asked the sky to go to the throne, it became a few hundred meters tall.

He only sat for a moment and sighed: "This dark throne, I was the last time I sat, and it is yours afterwards."

After sitting for a few minutes, the devil asked the day to fall in love, and then toward Yangding Tiandao: "You, sit up, give it a try?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You don't think this throne is a bit big, hundreds of meters high, a few hundred meters wide, I have no mystery, can't sit up."

"You can sit up." The devil asked heaven.

Yang Dingtian tried to go forward and found that his body was constantly getting bigger and bigger, and he suddenly became a few hundred meters tall. Like a mountain, he slowly sat on this dark throne!

In an instant, an inexplicable energy slammed into the body and flowed through the body. ,

The moment I sit up, it is really overlooking the world.

It’s not just a feeling, it’s really overlooking the world.

In an instant, the entire human kingdom, all the planes, all turned into a phantom flow in front of the eyes.

When I sit up, I really feel the world, I am in control.

There is really a feeling of dominance in the world.

"How do you feel? Lord Yang Tiantian." The devil asked Heaven.

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "I have seen an American TV series called "The Game of Power". There is also a throne in it, called the Iron Throne! It is made of many swords, and the position is not comfortable at all. Sitting on the buttocks may be cut off. Although all the kings are complaining, but all the kings sit up and don't want to come down, and there are countless people who dream of sitting on the throne!"

The devil asked Heaven: "Yes, no matter what reason, the satisfaction of sitting in the throne is a hypocrisy. Then how is this dark throne compared to the Iron Throne?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is completely different from the Japanese. You are the throne, the whole world, all the planes, the billions of billions of lives. And the steel throne, at best, is a million square kilometers. The throne of a million people! Moreover, this dark throne is really very enjoyable!"

"You are an honest person." The devil asked Tiandao: "So, I started my meditation, and it is divided into two parts. We have no jade, no crown, we only have the most direct energy, so this one One part is the Yuan Shi evil spirit!"

Yangding Tiandao: "What about the second part?"

The devil asks Heaven: "It is the control of the entire dark empire. It is precisely the control of this heavenly emperor. It is also an energy body. With it, you can use consciousness to control the entire dark empire. Even if it is one of them. In the future, when the entire chaotic world civilization can be quantified and become a huge energy empire, you can directly control the fate of any one person. You do not need to control him by politics, army, etc. Life and death are rich. This is the ultimate supreme power!"

Yangding Tiandao: "This kind of power is really fascinating!"

The devil asks Tiandao: "Of course, it is the real power to return to the roots of the evil spirits. Because it allows you to inherit all my cultivation, this is an incomparable powerful energy that can destroy the earth and destroy the land. It belongs to you. Real power! All evil spirit owners will regard you as an ancestor. You will be the master! After you become the new demon, you can still return to the human kingdom. At that time, your evil spirit tree can be derived. Countless four evil spirits, five evil spirits, if you are willing to let all the powerful people of the entire human kingdom plant all the evil spirits energy. By then, you can look at the energy life. Control everything, directly Master the true supremacy."

Yangding Tiandao: "This is even more fascinating."

"Yeah." The devil asked Tiandao: "I will give you the first evil spirits first. And all my cultivation is! But in this process, you need your cooperation."

Yangding Tiandao: "How do I need to cooperate?"

The devil asks Heaven: "You must agree with me from the heart and accept my meditation! In the spiritual field, you can't do even a little resistance! Otherwise, the consequences are completely fatal."

"For example?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It will tear your knowledge directly, you will lose all wisdom. Memory, and so on." The devil asked Heaven.

Yangding Tiandao: "Then it became a walking dead, very terrible."

"Yes, it’s terrible." The devil asked Heaven: "So, you must remember. Remember, remember, let our Zen make no accidents!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Then let your spirit and will enter my brain unimpededly. Then, completely suppress my will, but enjoy my memory, my wisdom. Then my big space technique, My killing swordsmanship, etc., you will inherit in its entirety, and my soul and will will be suppressed in the depths by you, and I will never turn over, eternal?"

Silence... The devil asks the heavens to be a silent silence.

After a long time, the devil asked Heaven: "Yangdingtian, you really have a lot of doubts."

Yangding Tiandao: "Just, although you are pretending to pretend to bid farewell to the Dark Throne, I can't see any disappointment and pain in your emotions. You are attached to the pathology of the Dark Throne, and now you have to say goodbye. Why don't you grieve to convulsions?"

The devil asked the sky without speaking.

"Because you will not leave this throne at all, you will get a strong body, have a large space, continue the journey of your other planes. You will become the new master of the human kingdom in my capacity. You have been around for a long time. I haven't slept a woman, you can still sleep with a lot of women in my body." Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "Looks like you gave me the position of the devil, gave me the dark empire, put Your woman gave me and gave everything to you. In fact, you are going to grab my body, grab my human kingdom, grab my woman, and grab everything!"

The devil asked the face of the day to start convulsing.

Yang Dingtian continued: "Of course you can take away my body directly with violence. It is just a matter of arbitrage. I don't have any room for resistance. But that would damage my brain. You should know that big space The killing of the sword and the sword is very complicated. If you destroy a little, you can't fix it. So, let me accept your soul with willingness. And, let me help you to breed enough demigods. So you put the sea heart, put the innocent, and gave the mermaid queen to sleep."

The devil asked Tian’s gaze to begin to shrink!

Yang Dingtian continued: "In the end, you gave me the Dark Throne, and used the highest power, the most beautiful beauty to confuse me, and made me addicted! In fact, I am really not an ambitious person. I am not with you. The same, so I sit on the dark throne, but I don’t feel fascinated, but it’s like sitting on a needle. Besides power, I have been the owner of the human kingdom for many years. The supreme power does not make me feel so cool. Not every Individuals have incomparable ambitions. You may have been sitting in the Dark Throne for too long, so you will become a first-rate layout, like a movie, you are a first-rate director, but definitely a third-rate, four-way actor. Your face is already cold, you become an iron man, or an energy person. So I said that you are very strange, in the day of the New Naga Empire, we hold and cry, laugh, drink and fart. And you are really just like talking to a robot."

The devil asked Tiantian to look at Yangding Tiandao: "You said so much, there is only one meaning, is that rejection?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes!"

The devil asks Tiandao: "Then you should also know that you refuse, you can't change any facts. Your body will still be occupied by me, your woman will still be abused by me, and your human kingdom will still be ruled by me."

Yangding Tiandao: "But you can't get the big space in my mind, there are killing swords, and the connection with nothingness, and so on!"

The devil asks Tiandao: "Then I can inject the Yuan Shi evil spirit into your body first, it will suppress your will a little bit, and promise not to hurt your brain and memory."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it? However, Wu Youming has already had a lot of memory errors, so there are a lot of typos in some of the things that he left for me. Even a lot of words, he forgot how to write Chinese, Directly use the text of the chaotic world. Please, the entry of evil spirits is a kind of energy suppression of energy. Just like two energy battles in the brain domain, and those memories are extremely fragile, want to not accidentally hurt, how to may?"

The devil asked Tian for a moment and slowly said: "If this is the case, then when I inherit your body. I found that the method of killing pigs is incomplete, and the space is incomplete. Then I I will be very upset and will be angry with your woman, your child. So what happens to them will be very scary. So, in order to avoid their bad luck, maybe you want me to get you smoothly. What's inside the brain, isn't it?"

Yangding Tian spread the stalls, did not speak!

"Well, no more nonsense." The devil asked Heaven: "No matter what the outcome, your body, I have to fix it. Your spirit is to resist, surrender, I have to set!"

Then, from the throne, a lot of energy tentacles were slammed out, and the Yangding Tian was firmly trapped, and even the eyes could not move.

Then, the devil asked the shadow of the sky and quickly dispersed.

The whole person has become a myriad of green light and has become a contour of the human body.

"Oh..." Then, countless green rays shattered and turned into countless little questions, and slammed into the sun!



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