Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1001: After the death! Fallen Black Dragon!

The so-called Yuan Shi evil spirit is an energy tree, but it does not look like an energy tree. ↖

It seems that, as if the devil asked the body of the sky, he suddenly gave birth to countless claws.

Countless claws, thousands!

Each of the claws is hundreds of kilometers, dancing wildly, like a snake like a dragon.

At the top of each of the claws, the face of the devil is asked. It’s like asking the sky, it’s not like asking the sky, it’s completely twisted and slender.


In an instant, the entire hall of the sky, the ghosts crying, and screaming.

The demon king asked the mighty figure of the sky to become like a devil, like a ghost, like a spider, like an octopus.

Countless energy claws set off his figure and danced wildly in the hall. ,

Scene, shudder!

Then, this countless energy claws slammed into the mind of Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, you can't stop the entry of the Yuanshi evil spirits, and you can't stop me from entering..."

"You should hate your weak very, so that in this situation, it seems that you have no power!"

"You are right, on the surface, it seems that I am giving you everything. In fact, I am going to take everything away from you."

"Take away your human kingdom, take away your wife and beauty, and take away your children!"

The demon king asked the twisted laughter of the sky and rang through the entire hall.

Countless claws have already entangled Yang Dingtian’s head and then rushed into it.

"Original, I should bear it again. For example, after letting you learn the sixth stage of killing the sword, I will occupy your body and take away everything. But I can't wait, no one. The feeling of the body. It’s too bad.”

"Without the body, even if there is no food, you can't enjoy it. Even if you have a beautiful beauty, you can't enjoy it. It's really no good to live like this!"

"So, I don't want to be patient. I have to take everything away from you, I want to take possession of everything!"

"Now, it’s the time for me to harvest. The feeling of being around is really too..."

The devil asked the sky as if he had taken heroin, and even the whole voice was shaking and shaking!

Two hundred years of loneliness, no physical life, and this dark empire have completely distorted him.

Therefore, even Yang Dingtian is on him. I don’t feel the breath of asking the sky.

He has become more purely like a demon!


Yang Dingtian felt the influx of the energy of the Yuanshi evil spirits and rushed in.

Yes, he is completely unable to stop.

He can only hope that the black-green dragon in the depths of the sea!

Devouring it completely, defeating it.

In short, he can only hope that the black and green dragons will completely destroy the evil spirits!

The black-green dragon is very lazy and selfish. Unless Yangdingtian is going to die, it will save, lest he lose the body of accommodation.

Yangdingtian did not come to life and death. I am thinking about its shot.

But now is the point of life and death.

Yangdingtian was found in amazement. The black and green dragon does not mean to shoot a little.

Even, Yangdingtian felt that the black-green dragon was excited, and he was coveted with joy!

That's right, it... It wants to let evil spirits enter the body of Yangdingtian.

Perhaps it wants to make Yangdingtian very powerful, so that it does not have to sleep deep in the sea. It is always active.

Perhaps, it is the energy that wants to devour the evil spirits of the Yuan, or the energy that fuses the evil spirits of the Yuan.

But in short, the black-green dragon does not mind that Yangdingtian is occupied by the Yuanshi evil spirits, and does not mind being asked by the devil to ask for the day.

That's right. That's it!

It is a kind of creature that is extremely selfish. It doesn't care about Yangdingtian. It only needs a host.

As long as the host does not die, they will not fly away, and everything is fine.

As for Yangdingtian, is it because the devil is asking for the day, what is it about? Even if it is just won, its host can become more powerful, and it can also be safely traveled deep in the sea, just waiting for a certain day to be strong enough to rush out.

From this world, into another world.

"Ha ha ha ha..."


Yang Dingtian can almost feel the thrill and smile of the excitement of the black and green dragon.

Suddenly, his heart was cold!

The black-green dragon, who is hugged by one's greatest hope, can't count on it. It can't save himself, and he doesn't want to save himself.

I am completely powerless to stop the entry of the Yuanshi evil spirits and the heavenly soul.

Then, when I watched myself being suppressed by the evil spirits and the soul of the heavens, I could not turn over forever.

Watching the sky occupy his own body, to insult his wife, to smash the entire human empire?

I can only watch, I can’t resist, I can only mourn and cry, can’t do anything?

No, no, no!

Yangding Tian is willing to die, not willing to do this!

The black and green dragon can't count on it.

Then, then self-destruction!

Wu Ningming knows that he is not free, and he will die!

The claws of the Yuanshi evil spirits have already entangled the whole body of Yangdingtian. More and more claws have been drilled into the body.

Yang Dingtian asked in his heart: "Sasha, are you ready?"

The Queen of Poisons said softly: "Ready."

Yangding Tiandao; "I'm sorry, I didn't let you rise again in the end."

Queen of Poison said: "But we have been together for a few years. There is no more intimate relationship between us than us. We are very satisfied with each other."

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, then everything is destroyed?"

"Okay, destroy together." The soul of Queen of Poison, began to condense in the brain of Yangdingtian, condensing!

As long as the Yangdingtian is ordered, it will violently hit the most vulnerable place in the depths of the Yangdingtian brain.

At that time, all the memories of Yangdingtian, all the knowledge, will be fragmented in an instant, and the bones will be broken.

At that time, don't say it is the beginning of evil spirits. Anything can't be fixed because of it.

At the same time, the soul sword in the ring of the soul of Yangdingtian began to move.

As long as the Yangdingtian consciousness is ordered.

The soul sword will fly out in an instant, and then instantly, the Yangding Tian powder will be broken and cut into meat.

That's right. He wants to destroy himself from the body to the soul, and completely smash it.

The destruction of the soul and the body will happen at the same time!


Not free, I would rather die!

Of course, the death is a coward!

Once Sun Dingtian commits suicide, it means nothing.

It means that his wives have completely lost their husbands. It means his children. Completely lost his father. It means that the light of the parliament's human kingdom has lost their leader.

Then, the only result, of course, is the destruction of everything.

Of course, it also means the complete failure of Yangdingtian!

However, compared to asking the sky to occupy his own body, Ling dance his wife and marry the entire human kingdom. Take everything to the abyss of destruction.

Yangdingtian, I would rather die!

and. This suicide is not just a suicide.

Still, after being placed in the dead!

Still a game, and the game of black and green dragons!

Once Yang Dingtian died before the completion of the Yuanshi evil spirits, he committed suicide.

Then, the black and green dragon has completely lost everything. Without the host, it will enter the chaotic world early, and it will only vanish.

Therefore, in order to protect itself, it must choose to defeat the Yuanshi evil spirit.

Yangdingtian can not succeed. It depends on the will of the two sides!

He and the black and green dragon, who is a little weak, who is losing!

Both sides are gambling!


The Yuanshi evil spirits still rushed in, and it was very cautious, not violent, or even completely avoided the brain domain of Yangdingtian.

Its square matrix is ​​to first occupy other parts of the body, including the sea of ​​sea, the mysterious veins and the heart, and finally surround the brain.

In this way, the damage of Yangdingtian brain domain information will be minimal.

And if you enter the brain directly at the beginning, then the damage of memory information is immeasurable.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that the Yuanshi evil spirits had occupied their limbs, and soon they would flood into the sea and the heart.

Once the evil spirits enter the sea of ​​sea and the heart, the consequences can not be recovered!

Feeling the atmosphere of Yangdingtian self-destruction, the black-green dragon is completely full of uneasiness.

However, for the Yuanshi evil spirits approaching the sea, it is full of endless greed!

It wants, it wants, it is madly wanting to let the devil ask Tian to occupy the body of Yangdingtian, let the Yuanshi evil spirit occupy the body of Yangdingtian.

In this way, it can be powerful dozens of times and hundreds of times in a moment.

Instantly break above the holy level!

That way, then you don't have to huddle in the depths of the sea.

Not only that, once the Yuan Shi evil spirits occupy the body of Yang Dingtian.

Its black dragon dragon will slowly swallow and gradually merge with the Yuan Shi evil spirit.

Crazy to devour all the energy between heaven and earth.

Eventually, when energy reaches a certain threshold.

"Boom!" It will violently nirvana!

From a dragon that can only live in the sea of ​​the sea, become a fallen black dragon living in the chaotic world!

By then, the body of Yangdingtian, the soul and will of the devil, and so on, will all become part of this fallen black dragon.

Falling black dragons will become the peak of all energy in the entire chaotic world, and will become the real master of the entire chaotic world!

Will be integrated with the entire chaotic world, symbiosis and common destruction!

So, such a great opportunity, how could it give up?

Yuan Shi evil spirits, quickly approaching the sea and the heart, getting closer!

The black-green dragon is getting more and more excited and more and more shaking.

It began to enter the final showdown of Yangdingtian, the most determined matchup!

Yangdingtian, to scare him away, he must commit suicide.

The black-green dragon, the evil spirits, the greed of the energy of the heavens, makes it resolutely not compromise.

At this time, the gambling is who is not afraid of death!

The black-green dragon does not believe that Yangding will commit suicide and will really die!

"Hey..." Yang Ding Tianxin sneered, saying: "Take a black and green dragon, and I will go with it, not bad! Hahahaha..."

"Destroy together!" Yang Dingtian slammed into the heart.

In an instant, the soul of the Queen of Poison, violently slammed into the depths of the sky, and the lightning struck.

At the same time, the soul sword suddenly flew out of the space ring, crazy to make Yang Dingtian body broken bones! (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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