Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1011: The body of the poisonous sand! Naga kings demon nuclear!

The Queen of Poison is more lazy, so she is not very urgent about the resurrection, and now she has taken the initiative.

"In the Dark Empire, after the enchanting of the Yuanshi evil spirits from the frost, after completely completing the transformation, I felt that I also had a big change." Queen of the Poison.

Yangding Tianyi, cares: "Is it a good change, or a bad change?"

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "I don't know! Before the frost became Naga, but it didn't change completely. Every day my cultivation is falling, and every day becomes weak. It seems that she has been consuming my energy. So even though I am thousands of miles away, I can still feel her every day."

"Now?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Queen of Poison Sa: "Now, the connection of this energy seems to be broken!"

"Breaked?" Yangding Tiandao: "You, can't you feel the presence of frost?"

The Queen of Poison nodded and said with a little sadness: "Of course, many, many Naga are like this. As long as it is a sea snake or a mermaid, the Naga that was born from humans will always have a day. Mother completely cut off all relationships. Because they are high-ranking Naga, can't have anything to do with the mermaid and the sea snakes. Even if we are their mothers."

Yangdingtian is not surprised by this.

After the Naga Empire dominated the whole world, it destroyed almost all the advanced civilizations of the sea, leaving only the sea snakes and the mermaid. Because this is their mother, but at the last moment, they are still not soft, and all the mermaid and the sea snakes are wiped out.

Yangding Tiandao: "Sasha, you want to resurrect, to find frost, right?"

Duo Ao Frost nodded and said: "Yes! You have reached the most dangerous time. I can no longer avoid leisure in your brain. Moreover, although the frost is Naga, it is also my daughter. I want to find her, I don't want to have a completely irreparable consequence!"

Yangdingtian thought for a while. Then said: "Well, since you have already decided, then we will be resurrected! But Sasha, after your resurrection, are you going to the Snake Empire? Once the sea heart finds you, it will kill you. And now the snake The human empire has completely changed."

Queen of Poison said: "It should not go. It is the most important thing for us to go to the frost now."


Now that it has been decided. Then, without further ado, Yangdingtian immediately took all the things, and the mermaid Queen Violet, flew away from the water villa!

When I arrived at the Water Village, Yangdingtian found a very, very serious problem!

He, he, he can't get into the water.

He couldn't go to the bottom of the lake to fish the body of the poisonous woman!

Because, Naga frost is no longer around! When Yangdingtian will sink the body of the poisonous red to the bottom of the lake. When he was placed next to the magical demon mother, he never thought that one day Naga Frost would leave his side.

Yangdingtian is only around Naga. Only then can you dive into the bottom of the lake.

The ice cold energy of the magical demon mother is really terrible. Even if he is a semi-classic strongman, he can't sign the bottom.

Because in the end, even Xuanmai, Qihai, and even the gods will be completely frozen.

Yangdingtian doesn't matter how much heat is released. All will be swallowed up by the magical demon.

This is really troublesome!

At that time, I was worried that the Queen of the Sea will come to steal, so I placed it in the safest place.

Yes, Haixin knows where it is. Also can't take it.

But now, Yangdingtian can't get it!

Yangdingtian still bite his teeth and tried it.

This magical demon mother is still so timid, Yang Dingtian just entered the water and immediately solidified.

The entire huge lake water instantly turned into a piece of ice.

The mermaid queen on the shore looked at it and couldn’t help but be amazed.

Yangdingtian releases Xuanhuo and continues to dive to dive.

Dozens of meters, a few hundred meters, a few kilometers...

It’s a lot more than the last time, but it’s here!

Just half of the depth of the bottom of the lake, Yangdingtian has felt that his body is out of control, and the heat that released the Xuanhuo is swallowed up in an instant, without any use.

Then, the whole nerve, consciousness, began to numb.

It is impossible to dive again. If you go down, you will basically wake up again.

Of course, don't blame humans for being incompetent! People's magical demon mothers have swallowed up for tens of thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. Moreover, people are absolutely dedicated, they are responsible for consuming the cold energy.

Such a small beautiful jellyfish directly nourished hundreds of miles of land. The scorched earth that turns the sky is turned into an oasis.

Yang Dingtian quickly came up and rushed out of the ice.

Just leaving the ice, the entire lake instantly thawed, and turned into a slightly rippled, crystal-clear lake.

The mermaid queen was surprised: "What's under the lake? Is it amazing?"

"A magical demon mother." Yangdingtian eyes fell on the body and face of the mermaid queen.

Huh? Half-level can not sneak into the bottom of the lake, can the holy level be ok?

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "The temperature inside this lake is really amazing. I can only sneak into half. You are much taller than me. Can you help me to the bottom of the lake and get something?"

"No." The mermaid queen is simply, and it is rejected directly.

"Ah..." Yang Ding Tianyi said, "Why not?"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "First, you and I are just allied, I am not your subordinate. Second, you and I are going to bed, but I am not your wife, so there is no need to obey your orders."

Yangding Tiandao: "But as a friend, it is okay to help each other."

The mermaid queen said: "You are the nine-yang Xuanmai, and there is also a heavenly-level Xuanhuo. So although I am a lot worse, but the anti-freezing ability, it is estimated that it will not be much worse. I have tens of thousands of years of magical demon, invading It’s not just a terrible low temperature, but also a deadly ice cold energy, which has nothing to do with temperature. I am a woman and can’t suffer from cold.”

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian was again horrified.

The mermaid queen squatted: "Although I have never thought about having a baby, but in case I want to be born? The woman's palace will affect pregnancy after the cold."

"Okay." Yang Dingtian was convinced, and then couldn't help but glance at the mermaid queen's belly, imagining her pregnancy.

"How, how do you think about making my stomach bigger?" said the Queen of Mermaid.

Yang Dingtian immediately removed his gaze and refused to return her words.

Then he began to rack his brains and wondered how to fish the Queen of Poison.

However, there is absolutely nothing to do. Even the strongest, not willing to sneak into the side of the magical demon. It seems that only Naga can not be afraid of the ice cold energy of the magical demon mother, Yang Dingtian is also a kind of self-restraint.

Suddenly, the mermaid queen said: "What do you want to fish from the lake?"

Yangding Tiandao: "One body, the body of a snake queen."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Yangdingtian, I usually see that you are not so stupid, how suddenly became so stupid today. You are afraid of the ice cold energy of the magical demon mother, the soul sword is not afraid?"

Yangding Tianyi said, "Yes, it should be not afraid."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "At the lowest temperature, will your soul sword split?"

Yangding Tiandao: "That must not be."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "What are you doing, just control the soul sword into the bottom of the water and catch her up!"

Yang Dingtian patted his head and found that he was really stupid. Why didn’t he think of the soul sword?

Then, he directly controlled the soul sword with consciousness.

"Hey..." The Emperor's soul sword, violently shot from the space ring, directly into the lake.

The magical demon felt the intruder and immediately spit out countless ice cold energy.

In an instant, the entire lake is completely frozen.

Near the emperor's soul sword, constantly holding ice, and constantly dive underground.

It was easy at first, and then the speed slowed down a bit. It's not because the soul sword is afraid of low temperatures. In fact, even the lowest temperature can't hurt the soul sword.

Because, the lower the temperature, the harder the ice.

The soul sword can only use the pure physical way to dig the ice into the bottom of the lake, so the speed is a little slower, but it is still very easy.

"Yangdingtian, if I have not guessed wrong, in the dark empire, you have a soulful sword, and you have produced an incredible amount of energy. They also issued a giant scorpion of the Naga royal family. The attack of that moment even surpassed the Naga. Solitary frost, right?" The Queen of Mermaid said.

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "I have been exposed to a demon nucleus of the Naga kings. There was a strong spiritual energy that emerged from the demon nucleus. It is now in my soul sword. But it is very strange, I am the soul. When the sword was injected into Xuanmaijing, it did not react. Instead, my sword and soul were ugly, and I was in charge of the soul sword. I went to the dark empire and heard the sorrow of Naga Frost, as if I had caused this Naga royal family. Resonance of spiritual energy, it directly sent out against the sky!"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "So, can you still feel its existence now?"

"I don't feel it at Yangding Tiandao: "It seems like it doesn't exist at all. And such a counter-attack attack, no longer appeared for the second time. ”

The mermaid queen sighed: "Oh, it's a pity. If you can often summon such a powerful sword soul. You don't need Naga alone, you can destroy the army by the sword." ”

Yang Dingtian sighed: "Who said it is not? But I think that the energy remaining in a demon nuclear of the Naga royal family should be very limited and it is impossible to carry out multiple attacks."

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Right, the demon nucleus of the Naga king?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In the Netherland, there is no innocent lord."

"You are going to come over to her." The Queen of Mermaid said: "In any case, you have already gone to bed. It is not a lover, not a husband."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn’t help but move! (To be continued.)


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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