Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1012: Charming poisonous sand! The king of swordsmanship is against the sky!

To the innocent Naga kings demon nuclear matter, Yang Dingtian really thought about it!

It is very obvious that the energy of the naga king's demon nuclear is definitely far more than the energy of thousands of years of night!

But there is also a problem. Once the Naga king's demon nucleus is set on the soul sword, Yang Dingtian can still control this soul sword.

Because in the dark empire, the fatal blow of the sword of the Naga royal family is really not controlled by him, but entirely because of the sorrow of Naga Frost.

And Yangdingtian is still very strange!

In the Dark Empire, the energy of the deadly swordsman of the Naga royal family can be said to far exceed the limits of the Millennium Nightmare.

Although there is only one blow, directly kill thousands of dark dragons, dark dragons!

It can be said that this energy is hundreds of times the thousands of times the maximum energy of the soul sword of Yangdingtian itself is not more than ten thousand times!

Therefore, this energy is definitely not from the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale, but from the spiritual power of the Naga royal family.

However, the spiritual power of the Naga royal family once lived in the mind of Yang Dingtian!

According to the energy principle, enough energy should be placed in a container large enough. How was the Yangdingtian at that time weak, how could the power of the Naga royal family be able to fit into his body.

Therefore, the fatal blow to the swordsmanship of the Naga royal family, Yangdingtian can not understand until now!

Suddenly, Yangdingtian said his doubts!

"The spiritual power of the Naga royal family. I used to live in my body for a short time. This is unreasonable, why is such a huge energy in his body, why can it be installed in my body?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The mermaid queen looked at Yang Tiantian. Suddenly smiled disdainfully, and then said: "Energy is big and small. After a certain level, it is completely impossible to describe it with common sense. I ask you, the spiritual strength of the Naga royal family, where is your body?"

"Of course it is the brain domain." Yangding Tiandao.

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Then you know, how big is your brain? How many things can you hold?"

Her question. Even now the earth is unsolvable.

The human brain is only known neurons. There are more than one hundred billion.

According to the known brain domain, at least 10 9000th power information can be installed!

This is already nn billion times the largest computer in the world!

Thus, Yangding Tiandao: "The human brain is an absolute unknown. If its capacity can be estimated, it should be able to surpass the entire chaotic world!"

The mermaid queen said: "You, you are not stupid!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, in fact, about big and small, we have another understanding. For example, a drop of water is small enough. On the human body, energy is almost negligible. However, it is composed of a myriad of atoms. Once, the internal collision and fusion of these atoms produces enough energy to destroy a house!"

The mermaid queen looked deeply at it. Road: "You, you are not stupid! Do you know? At that time, I asked the sky to attract me with this kind of knowledge I didn't know!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian could not help but frown slightly!

"Jealous?" The mermaid queen smiled. "You shouldn't think. After we have slept, I will be your woman!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I understand what you mean! My brain is very, very large, so the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family is completely more than enough in my mind. It has a very powerful way of energy conversion! The energy of spirit and information transforms into an energy of attack! Just as in our world, we can use a most common source of water to extract a certain atom to make a drastic change. It has caused the most powerful weapon in our world's history. Can be transformed into a huge devastating energy, so Naga can also transform information energy into attack energy, right?"

The mermaid queen looked at Yangdingtian for a while, then said: "You are really not really stupid."

Yangding Tiandao: "I understand now that how Naga became a **** is generally strong. Because after they cultivated to a certain extent, the understanding of energy is completely different from ours, and the use of energy is completely different. ""

The mermaid queen looked at Yangding for a while, then sighed: "No, you still look at Naga. In the Naga Empire, the study of spiritual energy is always a niche, and its progress is too slow. The mainstream of the Naga Empire still directly devours all energy! This Naga king in your soul sword may be a niche in Naga!"

Yang Dingtian thought for a while, and determined the words of the mermaid queen. Even for this, his feelings were even deeper. Because in the New Naga Empire, all the new Naga are working hard for the breakthrough of spiritual energy. And until now, I have been working hard for tens of thousands of years.

Immediately after Yang Dingtian’s body trembled fiercely, he discovered that the Najia royal family in his soul sword had released the fatal blow, which was completely epoch-making.

Does this mean that the New Naga Empire has not solved the problem for 10,000 years, he, has he solved it?

If this is the case, then it is great!

This means that the demigod, Naga got a breakthrough in energy! This breakthrough can even directly change the world of chaos.

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it the Naga Empire before, there is no example of a breakthrough in spiritual energy?"

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Yes, Queen Medusa is just! Directly use the eyes to make all life instantly petrified! This is an incomparably powerful spiritual energy transformation into actual attack energy! Of course, why can this be done? The empire did not figure out that these Medusa's petrochemical capabilities seemed to be a natural talent."

Yangding Tiandao: "Medusa's spiritual energy attack, and the spiritual energy of this Naga kings become attack energy, or is absolutely different! Queen Mesa's gaze attack only caused the creature itself to undergo drastic changes and became Stone. But this is not a direct energy attack. But the Naga royal family in my soul sword is completely spiritual information energy and directly transforms into attack energy!"

The mermaid queen was silent for a moment. Then said: "Yes, what you said is right! So, what happened that day is more great, more epoch-making, and even reverse the whole world than we think! This means that Naga officially passed the spiritual energy. Road. It means that you may enter a new civilization!"

Yangding Tiandeng felt a feeling of slight suffocation!

This feeling, as if I have just touched the realm of God!

And this realm. More advanced than the realm of God! Or, this is itself a part of the realm of God, its highest level!

This is really a very mysterious feeling, such a big thing. Yang Dingtian turned out to be clear until today.

If it weren't for the mermaid queen, Yang Dingtian would like to ask the Naga king to demon nuclear, he would not have thought of this.

In this way, the identity of the Naga royal family in this soul sword becomes very, very unusual!

It can be seen that before he died in ancient times, he began to study the spiritual field! Obviously, he should have died too. However, he left a demon nucleus, and then injected his spirit into the demon nucleus, trying to continue research in the field of spiritual energy!

then. After a long period of annihilation, he seems to have studied the results!

Then, who is this Naga king?

Yangdingtian found. The demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, as well as the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family, is far more mysterious than the imagination of my own imagination!

Even Yang Dingtian feels faint! Will this Naga kings be the real key to saving the whole world in the future?

If you can really master this energy! Then... that Yangdingtian is even sure. Fight against the **** of chaos!

That's right, against the **** of chaos!

Asking the day is not going to work. Because he always plays under the energy frame specified by God.

This is like China’s economic war with the United States and the United States, it is impossible to win! Because the dollar is made in the United States!

If you want to fight against the **** of chaos and even defeat the **** of chaos, you must jump out of the framework of God and jump out of the rules of God's game.

Standing in the position with him, you can beat him!


When the heart was in the midst of the sun, the soul sword had already penetrated the bottom of the lake.

Then, it easily lifts up the energy jade containing the body of the poisonous warrior, and rises quickly!

A few minutes later!

"Hey!" The ice of the entire lake was shattered, and the soul sword carried the energy jade and flew directly out of the lake.

After feeling that the intruder left, the magical demon devours all the ice and cold energy back.

As a result, the entire lake melts instantly and becomes a crystal clear lake!

Yangding Tianfei flies past, holding the energy jade, slowly placed on the ground!

Open the energy jade, revealing the poisonous queen inside!

She is still vivid, still beautiful and suffocating! Even her body looks healthier than when she is suspended!

Even her whole body is swaying with an energy!

Yang Dingtian discovered that she has become more beautiful! Originally, her beauty was only on the same level as Haixin. Now it seems to have overshadowed the sea, and it is faintly in keeping with the mermaid queen.

Yes, the Queen of Poison is not wrong, she did make some changes. After the change of Naga Frost, she changed!

"Sure enough, the beauty is extremely extreme!" The mermaid queen sneered: "I didn't think that there is still a woman's appearance in this world, which can match me, nothing, and after the devil!"

Then, the Queen of Mermaid said: "Yangdingtian, who is she? Don't tell me, she is also your woman?"

Yang Dingtian was embarrassed to nod and said: "However, she still has an identity, the mother of the Naga alone cream."

When the words came out, the mermaid queen shuddered, and suddenly put away all the disrespect in the heart!

First of all, the mermaid and the sea snakes are equal.

Secondly, the mermaid, the Sea Snake, who is going to breed Naga, has a higher status.

The mermaid family that has nurtured the Naga, the status of the sea snakes is even higher. In the seabed civilization, it is second only to the existence of Naga.

Therefore, from the level of the submarine civilization, the status of the Queen of Poison is already more than her mermaid Queen Violet.

"You want to resurrect her?" said the Queen of Mermaid: "If it is to control Naga, it is of no use. Because in the law of the Naga Empire, Naga is absolutely absolutely impossible to marry their mermaid mother, or sea snake mother. Anything that is related, or even absolutely impossible to meet! Once the mermaid mother, the sea snake mother took the initiative to see her Naga children, is to be executed!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, not the Naga Empire! I am resurrecting her, just because she wants to resurrect herself!"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Violet, you help me to protect the law, I want to resurrect her!"

"Good!" The mermaid queen is rare and serious, and then disappears directly into the air!

Suddenly, everything within a hundred miles was completely shrouded in her energy.

At this point it can be said that a fly can not fly in! No one in this world can interfere with Yangdingtian's resurrection of poisonous sand!


Resurrection of the Queen of Poison is much simpler than the resurrection of the East!

Because she has her own body and does not really die, but the energy of the whole body has completely solidified! Even her sea is still complete, just stop turning!

Of course, the risks are still there!

Because, the soul of the Queen of Poison, is unable to leave the brain domain of Yangdingtian, but to lead the heavens with the soul of the soul, and guide it out!

That's right, unless you become the master of this brain domain, it is impossible to come out after entering it!

As Yang Dingtian said, the human brain exceeds the entire chaotic world, even like the universe.

And a soul that lives in the world is in this world! It is impossible to break away from the world by the power of your own soul, just as human beings want to jump out of the earth with their own jumping ability! It is completely impossible!

Be sure to borrow external power!

The sun top is sitting down and slowly enters meditation!

Then, his own consciousness, in his own brain, look for the soul of the Queen of Poison!

This is very simple, because the soul of the Queen of Poison is complete and will actively communicate with the Sun.

Almost instantaneously, Yangdingtian came to the top of a viper high tower. Outside the door of the poisonous queen, it was the place where Yangdingtian and the poisonous queen met!

open the door!

Inside is a gorgeous room a soft and gorgeous big bed.

The beautiful and unparalleled Queen of Poison, so lazy lying on it, smiling and looking at Yangdingtian!

Moreover, all over the body, nothing to wear!

The devil's delicate body, like the rolling hills and mountains, releases the magical temptation.

She has been living here in Yangdingtian’s brain, which is where she is suspended!

Yangdingtian could not help but say: "You, why don't you wear a shirt?"

Queen of Poison Sa: "When I died, I didn't wear it!"

Yang Dingtian is speechless, then said: "Go, I will take you out!"

Queen of Poison, said: "First, don't worry, be intimate, go out!"

Then, her beauty reveals the temptation of temptation! (To be continued)

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