Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1025: Innocent or pregnant!

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "Jiuyang Juggernaut", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point public number (WeChat add friends to add public number input), and tell me quietly!

"They let you drive me away?" After a long time, Nalu asked.

"No, the fire priest is very concerned about you." Yangding Tiandao: "So, she asked me to find a way to make you live better."

Naru hangs her head and says, "I have a good time now."

"No." Yangding Tiandao: "You are not meditating every day, even you have no way to enter meditation, you are just punishing yourself. Because your lover's death makes you feel full of guilt, so you allow yourself to Have fun, only every day indulge in pain, you will not feel embarrassed."

After being smashed by Yangdingtian, Nalu did not appear very excited. She took a deep breath and said: "Yes, you are not wrong. I only feel that I am suffering from sin. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you think that sin has been alleviated?"

Naru shook her head and said, "No."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, it is meaningless to torture yourself like this. Moreover, your lover is in the Spirit of Heaven, do you really want you like this? Does he love you?"

"Love," Nalu said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Since △ long △ wind △ text △ learning, w∞ "wx. This, of course, he hopes to see you happy, rather than seeing you sink in pain. You torture yourself, will only let He is more uneasy in heaven."

Nalu looked at Yang Dingtian's eyes full of gentleness, said: "Yangdingtian, I know what you said, I am enjoying loneliness every day here, and I really live like a year. But you don't know, this is my happiest. The state is over. If you let me go back to Xiaoxitian, I will only be more painful."

This is the case. Yang Dingtian instantly understood that feeling.

Nalu has completely entered the dead end, and it has been for countless years. It is almost impossible to get out of it. There is no such big force.

After a long time, Yangding Tiandao: "But, you have a daughter outside. She is your closest relative."

Nalu said: "I left after she was a certain age. I know her deeply. I am much more free than me. She does not need my care at all, and she can take care of herself very well."

Yangdingtian is silent again. Although Naru is an innocent mother, at this time, innocent is indeed more mature than Nalu. Instead, Naru is the fragile one.

Nalu said: "Yangdingtian thank you, but I really can't change it."

Yangdingtian understands. Unless there is a lot of external force, Naru is impossible to come out.

Biting his teeth, Yangding Tiandao: "Ms. Nalu, my daughter and I have already had a joy of fish and water. Basically, there is already a child in her stomach. Your grandmother, as a child, should go out and help bring your child! ”

When this was said, it really became the power of the atomic bomb.

Life gave birth to Nalu. She was so beautiful that she looked at Yangdingtian with disbelief. After a long time: "Mr. Yang Dingtian, although you are very, very good. But I still have some understanding of my daughter's feelings. She and Yongshe used to be happy, but it seems that she later liked the devil from the demon road. Ask the day."

The meaning in the speech is very clear. Although Yang Dingtian is very good, I am afraid it is not enough for Naru to like him.

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "It is true. Even she does not like the devil to ask the sky, more is the input actor's input emotion. She has always been a bystander, but now the devil has become very Bored, and I just became the hero of the new story, but I am the only man who can make her estrus. She doesn’t look very heavy on men and women, so it’s not surprising that what happens between us. It is."

When Yang Dingtian said this, Naru immediately knew that he was telling the truth. As far as Yangdingtian’s understanding of innocence is concerned, it has already surpassed anyone, even including himself.

Yangding Tiandao: "So Yue Niang, you still go out with your grandson."

Nalu was grinned by the name and then asked: "Is there already a child innocent?"

Yangding Tianyi, then shook his head and said: "I don't know yet, but there will be. After all, like her, who is curious about everything, having a child should be a very tempting experience for her. But with The child is definitely not her hobby, she also has a bad child, so I need you at this time."

When this was said, Naru’s beauty was full of confusion and even yearning.

Yang Dingtian continued to burn the fire on the side: "When you are young, you may be confused. You probably haven’t enjoyed the fun of growing up from a baby. Now let you bring another baby. Your mood may be completely different, you should have unparalleled happiness. Moreover, this child is also the grandson of your lover, and he probably wants to be very close!"

Naru’s beauty is already somewhat blurred, and her breathing is a little quick.

Yang Dingtian continued: "I am sure that if he knows that you punish himself like this, he will definitely regret his suicidal behavior. He will commit suicide not only because of his own degeneration, but I think more is He doubts your feelings about him, he thinks you just borrowed from him, not because of love!"

Suddenly, Naru could no longer suppress, and began to cry with grief: "I love him, he is the only man I have ever loved in this world. You don't know Yangding, how kind and how he is. How cute, how sentimental, how good he is..."

Yang Dingtian gently held her shoulder and patted her back gently. "I believe that he must be the best man in the world, or you will not fall in love with him."

"Yes, he is the best man in the world, the most lovely man." Nalu's crying is full of thoughts.

Yangding Tiandao: "All said that the child is like a grandfather, so maybe our baby will be very similar to his grandfather."

When the words came out, Naruton suddenly broke a smile and couldn't help but say: "You don't have to blaze fire like this, just like you already have children."

Yangding Tiandun was ashamed to be embarrassed, indeed. Although innocent and self have had the closest relationship, but the relationship between the two people is completely inconsistent with the eight characters.

In order to speak Naru, Yang Dingtian said that innocent people are pregnant.

Yangding Tiandao: "Ms. Naru, you follow me out."

Nalu wiped the tears on her face and said, "I am a holy man. Can you take me away?"

This is the case. Yangding Tianyi!

Yeah, my own space door can't pass through the creature whose energy exceeds it. Therefore, he cannot bring Naru back to the human kingdom.

Nalu smiled and said: "Okay, Yangdingtian, go back."

Yangding Tiandun was anxious and said: "You, you don't leave here? I can't get through the space door, but you can leave it from anywhere else if you like."

Nalu said: "Okay. Yangdingtian, you have already ripped a crack in my heart, but I can't leave now. I need to calm myself down and make a decision. Do you understand?"

Yangdingtian thought for a while and nodded.

If Naru needs impulsiveness to leave here immediately, she will not say this.

It was because Yangdingtian said that she had moved her. So instead she has to calm down and think about it for a while before leaving.

Yangding Tiandao: "The present Yongshe. It has been won by the devil, and if you rush to appear in Xiaoxitian, it may be dangerous."

Naru shook her head: "Reassure, she probably can't help me. And if I leave here, it won't appear in Xiaoxitian, I will go to the human kingdom. You said let me take the children."

Yang Dingtian’s face was red, and then solemnly said: “I must work hard.”

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "However, now the door of the human kingdom has been completely closed by me, and our people do not enter the head hall. You can't come out! And now, the head hall should be guarded by the master of the eternal question." And."

Yangding Tian nodded and said: "You can rest assured that when I leave, I will definitely leave a date on the mountain. In that date, Yongshe asks the day and others will not be inside the skull hall. You You can send someone to the head hall to pick me up."

"Yes, Ms. Naru!" Yangding Tiandao.

Nalu said: "Well, then let's go, do your busy things, don't waste time on me."

Yang Dingtian got up and said: "Then I said goodbye, Nalu predecessors!"

Naru smiled and said: "Don't you call Yue Niang?"

Between words, her tone and expression have been somewhat delicate and narrow.

It can be seen that Yang Dingtian’s words have torn a hole in her lonely heart.

This is the turn of Yangdingtian, I am embarrassed, but still solemnly said: "I will definitely work hard!"

Then, Yangdingtian left the stone room of Nalu!


Yangdingtian used the mysterious gas directly, and quickly flew away from the mountain, and flew toward the tearing space in the north.

The tearing space is seen here, completely a soft twisted dim light.

Yang Dingtian opens a space door and easily jumps into the torn space.

Then, flying tens of thousands of miles in the torn space, reached the border with the endless sea of ​​the grassland.

Created a space door Yangdingtian jumped into the door.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian entered the sea of ​​endless sea and re-entered the mainland.

At the first sight of the endless sea, Yangdingtian was completely shocked!

Because, in front of the water, there are two beautiful snow daytime bodies, swimming in a carefree, unremarkably showing their own devil's curves and seductive body.

Two of the most beautiful women in the world, a poisonous queen, a mermaid queen.

When I saw Yang Dingtian appear, two people cheered and swam the devil's petite body. They went to Yangding Tiandao: "You are finally back, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Yang Dingtian immediately asked: "You will save the demon, save the purple?" (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends to add the public The number can be entered), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public number!) (to be continued...)


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