Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1026: Breaking the sea heart! The love of the coffin!

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"Not yet." Queen of Poison said: "But, already know where it is."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while and said: "Is it a holy place in the Snake Empire?"

The Queen of Poison Nod said: "Yes, it is there. If you go to see you later, it will make you creepy. You will also see the roots of her and the high level of the Snake Empire."

The Queen of Mermaid said on the side: "We have entered the holy land of the Snake Empire. There is a very powerful energy array there, and we are completely unable to penetrate."

Yangding Tiandao: "You two are so powerful, are you breaking through the energy array like this?"

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "The root of the driving energy of this energy array is the energy of the whole east from the grassland. So every two hundred years here, a world-class black fire will be born, which is the billion in your body. Spiritual fire. From now on, there will be no more spirits. All the energy will be used to maintain this energy array, you can imagine how powerful it will be."

Yangdingtian could not help but scream.

The whole east is far from the grassland, and only one billion spirits are born, how strong is this energy gust? It is totally unimaginable.

2, w←ww. Of course, Yiling demon fire in the Yangdingtian body, it seems that it is not extremely powerful.

In fact, in the process of innumerable energy condensing the billion spirits, more than 99.9% of the energy is consumed. In the end, the condensed into the Yiling demon fire, at best, is one thousandth, one in ten thousand.

And when the billion spirits are swallowed into the body. How much energy can be swallowed is completely dependent on the mysterious veins and repairs. Therefore, when you are Wu Zun, you also break through several levels. When you are a master, when you devour the singer, you also break through several levels.

But in short. When Yangdingtian swallowed the spirit of the Yiling demon fire, it basically devours the life body of the Yiling demon fire, but its energy, even one thousandth of it has not entered the body of Yangdingtian.

In short, this eye seems extremely extremely powerful.

Therefore, the Queen of the Sea Heart will build a large energy array of the entire Holy Land on the eyes of the billion spirits.

Because this energy array can't even reach the holy level, only the Queen of the Sea will master the way to enter the energy array.

of course. All this is nothing for Yangdingtian!

The energy array is no distance, and the space door of Yangdingtian can be easily passed through, directly into the energy array, and save the demon and the purple.

Yang Dingtian still couldn't help but ask: "What does Haixin put on the big energy array?"

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "The top of the energy pyramid is used to condense the energy of countless lives below. For her to swallow! Because under the holy land, there is a very evil **** of the Snake Empire! You can directly devour countless lives. Directly in exchange for the breakthrough of self-cultivation! This method is too evil, so even in the ancient sea snake empire, it is forbidden."

Yangding Tiandao: "Poison Sha, do you know this kind of formation?"

The Queen of Poison Shake shook her head: "After this ban is forbidden, it has become a taboo and sealed up. I don't know, Haixin will know. I am also very strange."

After Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time, he said: "Maybe, this is also the hand of the devil to ask the sky!"

"Let's go, use your space technique, you can easily pass through the Hellfire. Save the other sea snakes." The mermaid queen said: "We have been waiting for you to be impatient, although it is fun to swim naked here, but I am tired of playing every day."

At this point, Yangding genius once again noticed that there was nothing in them.

This kind of devil's general curve of the tender body, people can't help but sin at a glance, Yangding Tiandeng couldn't help but say: "You, still put on your clothes."

The mermaid queen snorted and said: "False."

The Queen of Poison is a red face, but very serious: "Yangdingtian, you remember, I am only poisonous, nothing else, the solitary frost has nothing to do with me. This point, you have already promised mine."

Yangdingtian nodded: "I know, I remember."

Then, the Queen of Poison Shave put on her clothes with a blushing whisper and whispered, "The Naga kings are demon, have you got it?"

Yangding nodded.

The Queen of Poison Sa: "You promised to be innocent, you have to use the shadow jade to record the key picture, you will not forget it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do not worry, I will not forget."

"Well, that's good." Queen of Poison.

Yangdingtian is more and more aware that the Queen of Poison is really a matter of fact, like a gentle and considerate sister.

Then, Yangdingtian and the poisonous sand, the mermaid queen, flew toward the central holy place of the snakeman empire!


After a few hours, the three men of Yangdingtian passed through the majority of the snake empire and came to the holy land!

It is still a beautiful and tranquil lake surrounded by huge and beautiful sculptures. Each sculpture is the appearance of the Queen of the Sea.

All along, there is no defensive here. Perhaps Haixin feels that this Hellfire Array is so powerful that no one in this world can break through.

Before drilling into the lake, the mermaid queen suddenly said: "I want to take off my clothes, can I?"

Yang Dingtian ignored her and jumped directly into the lake.

The mermaid queen was very annoyed to take off his clothes. The Queen of Poisons stopped her and said: "Maybe, there may be other males below, you still don't want to."

Then, two beautiful and unparalleled women also jumped directly into the lake!


Yangdingtian three people continue to dive underground, dive, dive!

After tens of thousands of meters, I finally reached the bottom of the lake!

The entire lake is like a huge funnel! At the center of the lake, there is only one eye, which can only be passed by one person.

However, Yangdingtian can easily feel that this hole is filled with very powerful energy. After entering, it will only be torn by energy.

This should be the entrance to the Holy Land of the Snake Empire.

of course. This entrance is not an energy array, but a simple energy surge.

The mermaid queen and the poisonous queen moved forward and output powerful energy, directly suppressing the entrance, making it no longer lethal, and then glanced at the top of the sun: "Get in. Grand Master."

Just now, Yang Dingtian refused to let her undress and get water, and she remembered it now.

Yangding quickly passed through the hole and entered the entire holy land.

Then, the mermaid queen and the poisonous queen, also quickly got in!


After entering the Holy Land, Yangding innocent is alive and sucking a cold breath.

This holy place is really great and big!

Incomparably huge virtual space, more than a few hundred miles of space.

Moreover, at this time, Yangdingtian is completely floating in the air. Here is another zero gravity.

An incomparably huge pyramid stands in the void. A bigger energy hood that completely wraps the entire pyramid!

This whole energy hood is filled with strange and dangerous energy.

Yang Dingtian three people flew near the energy cover, and suddenly felt the powerful energy that emerged from this energy cover.

"Be careful, don't touch this energy cover, it will be very dangerous." Queen of Poison said: "After accidentally touching the violet, I was hurt. I fainted directly!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was extremely shocked. The mermaid queen is a holy power. She touched the energy cover and stunned. The half-level powerhouse touched the energy cover, and it would not be smouldering.

"Look, the demon is there!" The Queen of Poisons whispered, pointing to somewhere in the energy hood.

This energy cover is faintly transparent. Yang Dingtian saw the situation inside.

Then, he was really creepy and even suffocating!

The pyramid inside the energy hood is slightly surging!

Because, it is made up of countless lives. With a special combination, entangled together, stacked!

This is a pyramid built with life.

There are countless lives, one layer on top of each other, one layer on top of each other, and there are hundreds of layers in total.

At the top level, there is only one person. The second layer is three people, the third layer is six, and the fourth layer is ten.

Fifteen on the fifth floor, twenty-one on the sixth floor, twenty-eight on the seventh floor, and thirty-six on the eighth floor.

In this way, the bottom layer is nearly half a million people! This pyramid is made up of tens of millions of lives.

It is no wonder that the Queen of the Sea Heart has been so leaps and bounds that it is no wonder that she cleaned up all the confidant high-levels of the Queen of Poison, and immediately cultivated a bunch of infinite masters.

This is the most evil way in the world, the most evil pyramid in the world. It is no wonder that even the dark and evil Sea Snake Empire will ban this Hellfire, and this Hell Pyramid will be banned.

In fact, Yang Dingtian can see the principle of this evil pyramid at a glance.

This is equivalent to a supercomputer on the earth. It is composed of countless cpus. The computing power of a single cpu is not strong, but when combined, it becomes a super powerful computer, which can be countless every second. Billions of calculations.

Therefore, this **** magic array is equivalent to condensing the energy of countless people in one way for a person to swallow.

Yang Dingtian noticed that everyone in this pyramid is alive, and all of them are painfully twisted and mourned.

Tens of thousands of people, twisted and mourned, constitute this incomparably huge pyramid.

This may be the most horrible picture in the world, so Yang Dingtian glanced at it and felt a little suffocated.

Then, Yangdingtian saw the demon, and also saw the purple, they are on the third floor of the pyramid!

Their snakes are completely horrible, and their beautiful faces are thin and painfully twisted, and their eyes are full of darkness and despair.

At this time, they even imagined inside, death is an incomparable gift for them!

Yangdingtian looked at this scene of sin and slowly said: "Haiti, there is no power to live in this world, she must die!"


At the same time, within this energy hood, the Queen of the Sea Heart clearly heard the words of the outside sun, and suddenly the body trembled fiercely, and the face did not have any blood.

Next to the devil, Ji Jidao: "Have you seen it? Since you built this Hellfire, you built this death pyramid, you and Yangdingtian have no possibility, he is absolutely impossible to allow you such an evil woman. Be his wife. So your choice is correct."

The fascinating beauty of the Queen of the Sea has gradually condensed and become firm and determined.

Then she slowly said: "Yes, the queen is squatting, in fact, I have no way back. I am with Yang Dingtian, it is already a relationship between you and me. I should not be imagining. of!"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "This energy cover, only the Yangding Tian space can come in. The violet and the poisonous queen are unable to enter. So after Yangdingtian comes in, it will enter a deadly trap and it will become us. The captives are gone, no one in the world can save him!"

After the devil, Ji Ji continued: "When the demon king has won his body, Haixin will become a konjac under the countless people of one person, and may even breed a true demigod."

The Queen of Hisense squatted directly and said: "To be one, to be willing to serve the Devils for generations!"

After the devil, Ji Ji turned and looked to the Shura Ling around him: "What about you? Our Shura Wang!"

Suddenly, the coffin's petite body trembled as if to be awakened. (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends to add public number to enter), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to WeChat public number! )


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