Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1034: Get in touch with the fox priest!

What would be the Chaos Emperor forged by more than a thousand demons?

I can't imagine it!

The dark castles left in this dark empire, the refinery and the fusion of the array, are really like the 3D printers of the Earth era. As long as the material is sufficient and there is a complete recipe program, you can print anything.

The dark dragons, the dark dragons, and the incomparably horrible earthworms are all recipes left by the ancient martial arts civilization.

The Chaos Emperor, of course, is also the recipe left by the ancients! However, its level is much higher than the dark dragon and the dark dragon.

There are only one of the countless dark castles that can forge this amazing chaotic armor!

And the energy needed to make a chaotic armor is more than a thousand times more than a tens of thousands of meters of dark dragons.

From this we can see that this Chaos Emperor is amazing!

This huge dark castle is running wildly.

The demon domain closest to it was madly swallowed up by force, and the continent of the whole magical domain began to collapse, resulting in a violent earthquake. The strong sense of the earthquake, even the demon territory of thousands of miles away, can be clearly felt.

Of course, the refining and chemical stratification will completely refine the energy of more than a thousand magical spirits, which takes a long time.


At this time, people are jealous, ww△w. on the ground of the country.

Under the amazing organizational power of the Bright Parliament, countless northern people have withdrawn south.

The last counted figures, the number of people evacuated this time, exceeded 200 million.

In the vertical 50,000 miles, the people who are close to 100,000 miles (including the sea area) will all become war zones, and the people here will all withdraw south.

The retreat area includes the North. To the north of the sunset mountains of the northwestern continent, the chaotic land, the North Central State, the total land added, more than 40 million square kilometers, accounting for nearly one-third of the total territory of the current human kingdom.

For this big evacuation. The total army used by the Bright Parliament is more than 10 million. The use of flying, land mounts, more than one million. More than 10,000 ships of various types are used.

This is the largest evacuation ever.

Looking from the sky, on almost every road, there are people who are greatly evacuated.

I don't know how many bustling big cities are all empty.

And in the territory of the south. Countless houses are built like raindrops.

Under the incomparably strong organizational capacity of the Bright Council and the vast resources, the entire evacuation, although incomparably complicated, is relatively smooth.

In the snow and ice, more than 10,000 miles of ice and snow have been completely melted into a temporary river hundreds of miles wide.

Countless mermaid empire ancient monsters, with millions of mermaid warriors. Still flowing south.

Yangdingtian was in the air and saw the last ancient beast rushing out of the dark giant door. Going to the sea beyond the miles of the south.

Then, he and the Queen of the Mermaid, flew into the air, and went south together.

Soon, the rotating dark giant door was again closed by the dark matter.

With the departure of the ancient behemoth. Countless deep waters are constantly condensing.

After a day and a night, the last ancient beast rushed into the deep sea.

At this time, from Zhongzhou. Until the tens of thousands of miles of the northwestern continent, all of them were covered with an amazing number of ancient behemoths.

Fortunately, this group of ancient behemoths is not the same as the cockroaches. Their energy needs are not directly derived from food. It is derived from direct exchange with the marine environment. Some are like plants, of course, they also eat fish, shrimps and sea beasts.

So for the time being, this group of ancient behemoths has a very huge impact on the ecology of this ocean.

Therefore, in the agreement drafted by the Bright Parliament, the number of ancient monsters will be greatly reduced in the future, and will probably be reduced to less than one tenth of the current number.

Next, this group of ancient behemoths, as well as millions of mermaid warriors, will be armed with more than a hundred thousand miles of water! They will be seen in any part of the coast of the theater and the mermaid warrior.

For the time being, they will completely replace the navy of the human kingdom!


At this time, the top leaders of the Bright Council and the top of the Mermaid Empire are closely deploying changes.

And Yangdingtian, it is impossible to wait until the end of the mermaid empire Haijun army, it does not know how many times!

He and the Mermaid Empire Queen Violet made a farewell.

"Take it to you here, please." Yangding Tiandao.

After the madness of the mermaid queen, it has become calm and serious, and nodded.

Then, Yangdingtian flew directly in the direction of tearing the space.

At this time, the orientation of Yangdingtian, from the end of the magic domain into the tearing space is the latest.

When Yangdingtian passed the sky above the magic field.

Suddenly saw a burst of loud noise, the entire magic domain, as if experiencing the end of the world.

Tens of thousands of miles of magical fields, countless giant mountains, frantically collapsed.

Countless land, terrible tears.

The entire demon domain is suffering a terrible upheaval.

The original magic field was covered with a blood-red energy fog, which gradually became black.

There are countless lightnings, and the wind is tearing.

Yang Dingtian felt that there was a certain upheaval in the dark empire.


From the end of the north side of the demon domain, Yang Dingtian opened the space door and jumped into the torn space.

Then fly for tens of thousands of miles, reach the connection between the torn space and Xiaoxitian, then open a space door and leave the torn space.

Suddenly, the huge incomprehensible, and appeared in front of you.

Yangdingtian flies quickly.

After a while, Yangdingtian has landed on the mountains.

This time, Yangdingtian did not climb the mountain hard, but went directly to the entrance of the Great Sacrifice Association. He directly melted the thick snow of several kilometers with Xuanqi and came to the front of the mountain.

At this time, Yang Ding Tianxin is really embarrassed.

The Association of the Great Priests, who left only a few days ago, said that it was normal to visit after decades. The result was a few days later. This feeling is really bungee.

Fortunately, the entire Grand Priest Association, at this time are meditation, basically only Naru is awake.

It’s been a good time. Yangding genius reached out and knocked on the stone door.

He knocked on the door with Xuanqi, so although the sound is not loud, it is enough to be introduced to the depths of the Great Priest Association.

Then he stood outside and waited.

Just a few minutes later, Shimen opened, and Nalu, the official bald head inside.

See Yangdingtian again. Naru’s eyes were astonished, as if you came again?

"Innocent, is it pregnant?" Naru smiled. "You have to pick me up, too, too worried."

Yangding Tianhong red ears, said: "Ms. Naru, I, I am coming to borrow books."

"Oh, that's okay." Nalu said: "You are a descendant of Mr. Nothing, any books inside. You can borrow it."

Then, Yangdingtian followed Nalu into the Great Priest Association.

“Which books do you want to borrow?” Naru asked.

Yangding Tiandao: "It is the difference between the sword spirit and the human mystery. There is also the difference between the soul sword and the human body, and so on!"

Nalu nodded. "There is something, although the sword spirit has now fallen in Xiaoxitian, but it has been passed down."

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but say, “Why is it going to fall?”

Nalu said: "Compared with humans, the cost of our small swordsmanship is much higher, and the power of the swordsman is much lower. Maybe. Our energy in the soul and brain is worse than humans."

Yangding Tiandao: "But I think. The demon fox seems to be smarter."

Nalu said: "That is because we have been developing for a longer period of time, and your utilization of the brain domain is too low. But you can rest assured that it is officially because of this, so the Great Priest Association has studied a lot of swordsman, leaving a very A lot of books."

Then, Nalu said: "What do you mainly want to achieve?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I want to use my consciousness. Go to control the soul sword and complete the soul skills!"

Nalu said: "Have you used the Naga kings to use your sword?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes."

"How?" Nalu said.

"Power, extremely amazing." Yangding Tiandao: "But my sword soul is too young. I can't show my soul skills."

Nalu said: "Yangdingtian, in this direction, there are several priests in the Great Priest Association, which have been studied for a long time."

Yangdingtian surprises: "Yes? What is the result?"

Naru shook her head: "Failed. And she has given up. She spent almost a thousand years on this issue."

Yangding Tianxi said: "Then she must have gone a long way in this respect. Who is this person?"

"Demon Fox!" Nalu said: "In fact, she used to be a warrior of the demon fox family, a cult of the soul of the sword. But because of the soul and brain domain, the cultivation of her sword spirit is very slow. So, she is against the soul of the sword. A long-term and extensive research was carried out. She was able to enter the Great Priest Association by relying on the research on the sword soul."

Is it her? Yangding is a bit of an accident. This woman has a face of a fox. It is a woman full of special charms. She did not expect to study the soul of the sword.

Yang Dingtian continued: "That, then, if I have something I can't understand, can I communicate with her? Can I wake her up?"

Nalu said: "It is generally not possible, but if it is you, I think there must be no problem."

Then, Naru has been deep and deep with Yangdingtian.

Going deep into tens of thousands of meters, suddenly came to a very incomparably huge library.

The collections here even surpassed the Grand Palace Library.

Nalu took it directly to a book room and said: "There are all books about the soul of the sword."

Yangdingtian looked up and saw more than tens of thousands of volumes!

It will take the monkey year to finish reading. The World War will soon erupt, and Yangdingtian cannot have so much time to read these books.

If it is a good energy library, Yangdingtian can directly read into meditation.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Is Naru, Ms. Demon Fox, have you read all the books inside?"

Nalu nodded. "These books have not only been seen, but also turned back."

Yangding Tiandao: "That, then can I wake her up now? I want to ask her directly."

Nalu said: "How long do you have?"

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao: "Maybe these days, the Temple of Destruction will give the human kingdom a gauntlet."

Nalu said: "There is no time to ask for advice in reality. It is better to go directly to the meditation world of the fox priest."

Yangding Tianyi said, "This, is that alright?"

Direct access to other people's meditation worlds requires a very, very close relationship.

Sleeping together into other people's meditation is even closer than entering other people's bodies.

Nalu said: "She has a good impression on you, so I can try it. Moreover, the topic you are studying is exactly what she is eager to break through. Of course, this is still very difficult. Because you enter her meditation world, it means her. The brain area is not for you, you can kill her at any time. Basically, no one will agree to others entering the world of their brains, even if they are intimate as a couple."

Then, Naru took Yang Tiantian and went to a stone outside.

At this time, Shimen was closed.

Naru hesitated for a moment, or pushed the door in.

Inside the stone room, it is completely another world, and it is white everywhere.

This fox priest, it looks like a fox face, the entire room is covered with white fur, even the walls and ceiling are white and soft fur.

Entering the room, it seems to enter the cloud.

The entire stone room, dotted with a few night pearls, illuminates the stone room.

When he stepped into this snowy world, Naru hesitated for a moment and then walked in.

Yang Dingtian glanced at it and immediately retired, then immediately turned around.

Because the fox priest did not wear anything, so he sat on the white fur and went into meditation.

Her white body is as white as the fox skin.

The delicate curves of the sitting, especially the back hip curve, are full of endless temptations.

In front of her, there is a crystal ball.

Nalu gently stepped forward and pressed the jade hand on the crystal ball, and input a little energy.

Suddenly, the great priest of the fox trembled and immediately woke up.

When I saw that Naru awakened myself, I suddenly looked angry and looked cold and cold: "What are you doing?"

In her gaze, she did not hide the hostility and coldness of Naru.

"You don't give me a good reason today, I won't let you go." The fox chills coldly.

Yang Dingtian immediately said outside: "Yangdingtian, meet the demon fox."

When I heard the sound of Yangdingtian, the sound of the fox fox gently eased a little. "Oh, it’s you, you haven’t left yet, you can find me."

Yangding Tian is about to say.

Inside the demon fox road: "Oh Come in and talk about it."

Yangdingtian hesitated for a while: "I still talk outside."

The demon fox picked up a long white fox coat and put it on his body. Then he said, "Come on."

"Yes." Yangdingtian went in.


Inside the dark empire.

After a few dozen hours.

Finally, the bang of the giant dark castle stopped, and the light gradually darkened.

The Chaos Emperor was forged.

"Take out the body of my contract." The devil asked the voice of the heavens.

"Yes." After the devil died Ji Ji, then carried out the energy jade.


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