Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1035: The new devil is born! Study the soul skills!

After the devil died, carrying the energy jade, flew to the dark castle and merged into the sky.

At this time, in the entire huge melting battle, there is a floating armor.

This is a thousand magic spirits, through the refining of large arrays and fusion of large arrays, overdraft the entire magic domain energy, forged the Chaos Emperor.

This is probably the most prestigious armor ever!

The whole body is extremely dark.

Black is at the extreme, that is the darkness, and all the light is swallowed up.

Completely wrapped from head to toe, without a hole. Normally there is absolutely no way to put it on.

The top of the armor has two sharp corners.

The position of the eyes is still shining with the flames, constantly jumping.

Behind the armor, there is a pair of looming wings.

The armor's back, arms, and legs are covered with sharp barbs.

A strange ray of light flows over the armor.

This is really the most terrible armor ever, and the most prestigious armor.

After the demon, Ji Ji will put the jade material with the body and throw it directly into the melting circle.

In an instant, the entire jade coffin instantly vanished.

A body slammed into the shadow of the Chaos Emperor.


The whole chaotic black v, ww ● w. A, as if living a general, one inch and one inch completely swallowed this body.

The darkness that erupted almost swallowed the entire castle.


This body violently embarrassed the devil.

Then, one inch and one inch, was completely swallowed up by the entire Chaos Emperor, wrapped up!

After a while.

The devil's contract and the chaotic armor are completely blended together.

Only in this way. In order to accommodate the horrible cultivation and energy of the demon king, it will not be destroyed.

"Your Majesty, it’s up to you."

The devil asked the shadow of the sky and sat on the throne of the darkness.

At this time there is no protection of evil spirits. He leaves the dark throne, and the energy of the body will quickly dissipate.

Since sitting on this throne. It has not left the Tongtian Emperor.

Although he did not breathe, he took a deep breath.

Then, suddenly turned into a black shadow.


His soul, as well as the energy of the body, leaped into the midst of a fusion.

Only in the fusion of large arrays, his energy and soul can be drilled into the Chaos Emperor.


Incomparably powerful and powerful, it is frantically poured into the contract of the Chaos Emperor.


The whole body, with a terrible noise.

The entire dark castle. Quivering fiercely.

The magical domain of the mainland above the Dark Empire, once again turned upside down.

The body of this contract could not bear the terrible cultivation of the devil.

Two hundred years ago, the devil asked the heavens and the emptiness of zero, and they all reached the semi-sanctification.

Then, after the devil asked the day to swallow the evil spirits of the Yuan Dynasty, he instantly broke through the holy level.

This is not counting, above the throne of the dark. It is always consuming terrible energy.

Therefore, his cultivation has reached the peak of the holy level.

of course. After two hundred years of engulfing on the dark throne, his instinct should break through one step and reach the realm of demigod.

But unfortunately, he is only a human being, and the sea and the mysterious veins are all limited. He will never be able to break through the gods. That is the realm of Naga.

Therefore, its cultivation has always been fixed at the peak of the holy level.

But even so, the body of this contract simply cannot afford such a powerful energy.

Almost instantaneously, it will be wiped out.

but. At this time, the body of the contract has been completely integrated with the Chaos Emperor.

And the devil's questioning of the heavens is not only the soul's choice, but also the mysterious veins, and the sea is poured into it.

Therefore, the body of this contract is completely destroyed over and over again.

But there is no way, the whole body has been imprisoned by the Chaos Emperor, and it has been transformed.

Therefore, if you want to destroy, you can't destroy it.

In this way, in the trembling of the entire dark empire, in the landslide of the magic domain.

The devil asks the soul of the heavens and the sea of ​​qi, Xuanmai, and repairs, all of which are poured into the body of the contract, all of which are completely wrapped by the Chaos Emperor.

However, the fusion of the dark castles stopped and rotated.

The new devil asked the sky and landed slowly.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, the devil asked the day and step out of the dark castle.

Suddenly, everyone is kneeling down.

"Welcome to the Devil, and wish the rebirth of the Devil!"

The devil asked the sky, slowly extending his hand, of course, was completely surrounded by the Chaos Emperor.

Then, touch your face and body.

Finally, finally, once again, have a body.

It’s great to be able to really touch it!

The demon king asked the sky to slowly walk to the front of the demon, and reached out to touch her beautiful face.

The last stroke has been enough for two hundred years.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The devil asked the sky and smiled low.

His voice seemed to be the low-pitched tear of the earth, as if it were the roar of flame burning.

The voice of his laughter is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Finally, it is exactly like thunder.


Then, behind the violently born blazing burning dark flame wings, violently fluttering wings flying high, toward the top of the Tongtian Emperor Jing, the higher the flying, the higher the flying.

In the end, it flew to the peak of Tiandijing in thousands of miles.

His body has also become extremely incomparably huge, so that the people below can be seen even if they are separated by a thousand miles.

"My devil asked the sky, waiting for this moment, it has been for many years!"

"From today, I am the master of the whole world!"

"From today, the whole world will tremble in my claws."

"I want to let fear and darkness sweep the entire chaotic world."

"The God of Chaos, today is the Kaiyuan that I really challenge you."

"Today is the new era of the whole world. From now on, the whole world will be the world of my demon!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Suddenly. All the people of Tongtian Emperor Jing, all flew out, hoarse in the air.

All the corps of the Dark Castle, all of them.

All the dark dragons, the dark dragons, all squat in the air.

"Long live the longevity of the demon king..."


A thousand miles away. The demon king asked a few flashes of the sky, and instantly arrived at the heavenly hall of the Emperor of Heaven.

With a distance of a thousand miles, he flashed instantly.

This flashing technique even surpassed the Holy Spirit!

Because this chaotic black armor is caused by more than a thousand magical spirits, so in the flashing technique, it is exactly equivalent to a thousand pieces of magical fog.

Of course, it can damage damage. It is also equivalent to a thousand pieces of magical black armor.

Therefore, basically the entire world, except Naga, the devil is not only invincible.

And the whole world, no one can hurt him, except for Naga!


The devil asks the heavens, sitting on his dark throne.

The whole body has once again become a giant of 100 meters high.

Within the hall of a few hundred meters. Thousands of people have been numb!

All the elite elites of the Demon Road are already here.

"The devil. Yang Dingtian in the dark empire of the Naga sword soul, what is going on?" The devil asked Heaven.

After the devil died, Ji Yun said: "Under the Qi, the Netherland has no nucleus of the Naga royal family. And Yangdingtian has been in contact for a short period of time during the Netherland, perhaps related to this. But please rest assured Yang Dingtian is completely powerless to display the swordsmanship of the Naga royal family. The last Naga royal swordsmanship only sensed the sorrow of Naga's solitary frost, so he attacked and rescued. A few days ago, in the Holy Land of the Snake Man, Yang Dingtian used to At the end of the day, and Violet, the poisonous sand almost died in the hands of the sea heart. But the Naga king swordsman. Still no attack, so it can be seen that it is impossible for Yangdingtian to issue the second Naga royal sword."

Then, the devil said: "And, at this time, the Naga kings demon nucleus, has returned the innocent to the Xiaoxitian priest association a few years ago. If Yangdingtian and innocent enter the Xiaoxitian request, it will definitely Entering the head hall, it just fell into the hand of Yongshe. But the two are still safe and sound at this time, so I must have already seen the trick of Yongshe. At present, all the hopes of Yangdingtian are placed on the search for Naga alone. ”

The devil asked Heaven: "So, let's go to the human kingdom, and the war will be opened!"

"According to the purpose!"

The devil asked the heavens slowly: "The battle of the world in two hundred years has once again been opened. However, it will only be a one-sided slaughter, and there will be no more than two hundred years of reincarnation."

"This time, I want to make the human kingdom, the dead more than one billion!"

"Humanity, Heaven, and Bright Parliament, you start counting down the end!"


Not Zhoushan, the Great Priest Association, the fox priest with a fox face, wearing a fox, listening to Yang Dingtian's remarks, she suddenly became very excited, because this is exactly the same as her research direction.

Restoring the rapid breathing, the fox priest then said: "You are sure, you must directly control the soul sword with consciousness, and use the soul skills to return to the sect?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, Lord Fox, you have studied the soul of the sword for more than a thousand years, so I would like to ask you for advice and help."

"So, you have to enter my brain, meditate with me? In the long meditation world, learn my soul for more than a thousand years of swordsmanship?"

"Oh, but this is the case." Yangding Tianzhu was in his body.

This request is very rude. Once again, it is more private and dangerous to enter other people's brains than to enter other people's brains.

The fox priest said: "You should know that my research direction is exactly the same as you. Because my bloodline is more similar to the fox, so the brain is not as strong as human beings, so the sword spirit is always difficult to grow. So, I want to pass My consciousness, to control the soul of the sword. I have worked hard for more than a thousand years, have failed, and no one has succeeded in history, you only have less than half a month, you are sure to spend time on it. ?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Sorry, I have no choice."

The fox priest closed his eyes for a long time, then shook his head and said: "I am sorry, Lord Yang Dingtian, although I am very excited, you have chosen the same research theme as me. But I still can't agree, you enter my meditation world and enter the soul of the sword. Research."

Yang Dingtian looks awkward and does not blame, just regrets.

This is normal. Anyone who does not want others to enter the depths of their brains means that they are completely undefended.

"Thank you for the Lord of the Great Priest, I can fully understand." Yangdingtian once again deeply worshipped.

The fox priest shook his head and said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, I refused you not because you want to enter my brain. But because I have failed in research for more than a thousand years, so my direction is wrong. You, according to my direction, will only go further and further, in vain. So within this precious time before the end of the World War, you should do a more promising attempt."

Yangding Tiandao: "Excuse me, what is the direction of your research? What kind of means do you want to let your brain consciousness learn the sword spirit?"

The fox priest said: "Take the soul of the sword to the ancestors as an example. My method is to adapt the entire Wan Jian to the scroll code, let it learn from the sword soul, become a human brain consciousness learning, but only through the soul sword ""

Yangding Tiandao: "Please forgive my direct demon fox, your direction is indeed absolutely wrong. The deeper you study, the more you can only be more ambiguous. Because this sword belongs to the sect, it needs the soul of the sword. Control the sword and carry out the exhibition. The theme of the exhibition, in addition to the soul of the sword, as well as the soul of the sea and the mysterious veins. And you adapt it into human learning, it is suitable for the human heart and the sea, then and ordinary There is no difference in the mystery of the soul, and the soul sword is completely impossible to display."

The fox priest bitterly said: "You are right, I have spent countless years, after the adaptation. I did learn it, but it was only my own display, not the soul sword. This very powerful soul Technology, in humans, is just a very ordinary mystery. It is because of this that I completely despair and gave up this research."

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord Fox, I have a direction, do you want to listen?"

The fox priest said: "Please say, but forgive me directly. This field is very esoteric. You have not studied much. Any opinions and directions may be ignorant and naive."

Yang Ding Tian smiled and said: "I give an example, in our world. There is something called a computer, and there is another kind of thing, called a mobile phone! The software running on the two machines is completely different, the format platform It's different. So, the software on the phone can't run on the computer. The software on the computer can't run on the phone. Just like the sword spirit can't be displayed on the human body. But in our world, on the computer Although the software is not the same format, it can be run on the mobile phone. Just install an So what we have to do is to create a simulator that allows our consciousness to be directly Show the soul skills, but still fire through the soul sword."

Suddenly, the fox stayed completely.

Yang Dingtian’s thoughts, like a lightning bolt, completely tore her haze and completely illuminate her direction.

She instinctively felt that the direction of Yangdingtian was right.

Suddenly, the blood of her body must boil.

Then she was very excited: "Fast, we start right away, and you immediately enter my meditation world!"

The fox slams off the fox on his body, revealing a wonderful celestial body, and can't wait!


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