Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1036: The tragedy of the devil, leaving the temple of the soul!

Yang Dingtian could not help but weakly said: "This, this into meditation, still need to take off your clothes?"

The fox priest smiled and said: "Oh, no. It's just my personal hobby. You should read countless women. It doesn't matter to the woman's body."

Yangdingtian is speechless, and this man, even if it is a thousand people, is a million people, and facing a wonderful one, it does not matter.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Dingtian strives to achieve color in his heart, that is, empty is empty.

"Now, you can go out." The fox priest turned toward Nalu, and there was still no politeness in his tone.

Yang Dingtian's face was pumped, and after all, he did not say anything. This is after all the family affairs in the association. He is not an outsider who interferes well, and Naru thinks that he will not care about this.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, what should we do next?"

Yang Dingtian does not know what to do, and communicates with others in the depths of meditation. Yangdingtian has experienced many times. Of course, every time it is a teacher with nothing to do with the vain, the other party can easily get into the depths of his mind, and he is a consciousness. Now how do two big living people enter each other's meditation world?

The fox priest immediately went around to look for things.

Soon, I recruited a lot of things and started to build a spar energy array.

In an instant, countless spar, ... ♀, ww√w. and special metal, instantly floating in the air, composed a ball, wrapped in Yang Dingtian and the fox priest.

These spar, the focus is on the dream stone, the fairy stone, and the stone.

In addition, it is full of five series of demon nuclear.

Then, the entire energy array is round. Start slowly rotating.

The fox priest closed his eyes and felt the breath inside. He suddenly wrinkled his brows and then said, "You still take off your clothes. The air machine inside is somewhat blocked."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes."

Then, take off all the clothes on your body. And the fox priest Chitan.

As the energy ball turns faster and faster, it turns faster and faster, and finally becomes a dense air and shadow, and the Yangding Day is completely wrapped inside.

The entire energy ball sparkles with a fascinating fascination.

Yangdingtian feels drowsy in an instant.

The fox priest said: "Let all defenses go, completely follow your feelings. Also, even if you want to sleep, you should squint."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The fox priest said: "Wait, the whole energy array will be completely dark, only my eyes will release light. You must keep an eye on my eyes. Try to let your eyes enter my eyes and enter my Brain domain, understand?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes!"

It has always been said on the earth that the eyes are the windows of the human heart. This sentence is really true.

Here, the eye is also the only access to the energy of the brain.

The energy aperture turns faster and faster, and the faster it turns.

The energy that is released is completely comfortable and extremely comfortable. People are lazy, they want to do one thing. That is sleeping.

Then, the surrounding light gradually dimmed.

The light of the eyes of the fox priest is getting brighter and brighter.

Moreover, the light of her eyes is still changing.

Yangdingtian stared at the light of these eyes. Then, in the spirit of confusion, gradually immersed in.

Then Yang Dingtian saw that the light of the sorcerer's eyes was actually a world of light and shadow, just like a kaleidoscope. It's like putting a movie. However, the picture is in her eyelids, it is too small to be completely blind.

The energy around us is getting faster and faster, and the environment is getting darker and darker.

In the end, the entire energy array was completely darkened, and the only light was the eyes of the fox priest.

In her eyes, there are still countless pictures, as if a certain movie is playing.

It’s just that it’s too far apart and I can’t see it at all.

Yangdingtian seems to relax all the spirits, and it seems to condense all the spirits.

I stared at the light and shadow in the eyes of the fox priest, completely let go of all the distractions in my heart, and let go of all the thoughts in my mind.

Sure enough, the world of light and shadow in the eye of the fox is getting clearer and clearer, and the picture is getting bigger and bigger. It is like watching a movie, and the screen is approaching quickly.

Yangdingtian clearly sees that there is only one door in the picture, and behind the door is a beautiful world.

The fox priest, dressed in a white fox, stood behind the door and waved to her.

"Come in, come in..."

At this time, Yangdingtian rang the eyes of the fox priest.

This is a pair of eyes with very special charm, just like real fox eyes, you can see the ghosts in one eye. It is no wonder that you can play light and shadow pictures in your eyes.

This distraction, suddenly the picture was scattered and blurred, and went away.

Yang Dingtian quickly put aside all distractions and continued to stare at her eyes.

Finally, this picture is clear again.

Yangdingtian seems to have flew up his body and flew toward the door of the picture.

Flying closer and closer, getting closer and closer, getting closer.

Finally, I rushed straight to the picture.

It seems to have rushed directly to the front of the movie curtain.

"Hey..." Yangdingtian flew into the door, as if the whole person had completely penetrated into the movie.

"Brush..." A dreamy light.

Everything around it disappeared, and even the light and shadow picture in front of it disappeared.

Yangdingtian has been placed in a world of birds and flowers.

This is a soft and beautiful grass, not at the edge.

The sky is blue and the clouds are white as snow.

In the distance of the grass, sparsely long straight trees, do not know the name of the small flowers, dotted in every part of the grass.

Naughty squirrels, jumping on big trees, butterflies and bees, are rushing to collect honey around a small flower.

This is a beautiful world like a dream.

This world, of course, is the meditation world of the fox priest. This beautiful grass is also the world inside her mind. It is her favorite beautiful world.

Yang Dingtian has entered the brain world of the fox priest and entered her meditation world.

He began walking on the beautiful grass and looking for the fox priest.

After walking for about a few dozen miles, I turned over a low mountain.

Suddenly, in the grass under the mountain, I saw a wooden house.

Yangdingtian ran down. Go to the log house and push the door open.

Inside, the enchanted fox priest, sitting on the ground covered with foxes, lazily looked at a book.

Inside the entire wooden house, there are books and scrolls everywhere.

"I heard that you have to learn the sword and soul skills, right?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The fox priest said: "You have to write a simulator. Let your consciousness, you can use the sword and soul skills, and show it through the soul sword?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes."

The fox priest said: "I can clearly feel that your direction will be successful, only the time is needed."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, how long do we need?"

The fox priest said: "Which soul skill do you choose to study?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Then the sword will be returned to the sect."

The fox priest said: "That's good, you need to return the sword to the scroll code of the sect, read it all. Read it. Then, you have to learn to write the human version of the sword to return to the sect. So you can fully understand the two. The difference. You can write this simulator. I don't know how many years it takes the whole process. I only know that I have spent a thousand years from the beginning of the study to the writing of the human version of Wan Jian.

"A thousand years?" Yangdingtian did not dare to set the channel.

The fox priest said: "Of course, you don't need to be that long, because I have gone a lot of detours. But how much time you need, I don't know."

Yangding Tiandao: "The soul of the sword returned to the ancestors. How much code?"

The fox priest said: "eighty-nine million codes, 90,000 paragraphs, three thousand chapters."

Yangdingtian thought for a while, then said: "Sure enough, the complicated scrolls, then are we enough time now?"

The fox priest shook his head and said: "It is not enough now."

"What should I do?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The fox priest said: "So, we need to sleep."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Sleep?"

"Yes, sleep." The fox priest said: "Continuously sleep, sleep until you don't need to sleep again."

Yang Dingtian understands that sleeping in meditation is a layer of meditation into the deeper meditation world.

Explore the limits of the world of meditation that two people can reach.

Because the time of Yangdingtian may be less than ten days, and I want to write this swordsman simulator, I don’t know how many years it will take. Therefore, we must enter a deep meditation to make ten days into countless years.

Then, the fox priest, and put on the energy array.

The two men sat inside again and the energy array began to turn.

Her eyes, once again, appeared in the light and shadow.

Yang Dingtian once again stared at her eyes, her eyes once again appeared a door, the sun top quickly approached, and then drilled into the entry.

"Oh..." The whole person once again entered the second layer of meditation world of the fox priest.


In this way, the two repeated and repeated.

Yangdingtian, over and over again, in the world of meditation, through the eyes of the fox priest, enters her next layer, and the next level of meditation.

The third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth layer, the sixth layer...

Finally, one day, Yangdingtian asked: "How long will we sleep in Lord Demon Fox?"

The fox priest said: "I have been sleeping until we completely forget everything!"

at last……

I don't know the first time.

Yang Dingtian stared at the eyes of the fox priest, and once again entered the world of meditation she did not know how many layers.


Suddenly, he was in a void, not far from his eyes, a huge snow-capped mountains.

Huh? It turned out to be not Zhoushan.

This is not a mountain, it is a reality.

Yangdingtian flew toward Zhoushan, melting ice and snow, and came to the mountain gate of the Great Priest Association.

"Yangdingtian visits."

Then the mountain gate opens.

Yangdingtian went in and everything was exactly the same as the cave of the Great Priest Association.

Came to the cave hall, and then came to the room where the fox priest was covered with foxes. At this time, she was sitting on the fox on the red dew and saw Yangdingtian coming in. She smiled and said: "You come to pull?"

"Yes, sir." Yangding Tiandao.

"Go, let's get started." The fox priest said, then she extended the jade: "Take me a hand."

Before the top of the sky, she pulled her up.

Then, the fox priest took Yang Dingtian to the library of the Great Priest Association.

Come to the library. The fox priest took out a scroll and handed it to Yangding Tiandao: "This is the scroll of the sword that belongs to the sect of the soul. You first read it, when you finished reading it, read it, read it, and we went on to the next step. ”

"Yes!" Yang Dingtian took the reel and began reading.


And at this time in the real world.

Naru stayed at the door of the fox priest and saw it in amazement. The fox priest took Yang Diantian and walked out. The two men smiled and walked toward the big library.

Then, Naru priest handed a scroll to Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian began to invest in consciousness and began to read!

Naru’s heart shuddered.

This is almost the deepest level of meditation.

The meditation illusion is completely coincident with the real world. It's exactly the same.

The overlap between reality and illusion, only the time span. The difference is countless times.

This is really terrible.


In the world of meditation.

Yang Dingtian constantly read the Wanjian Guizong scroll, this scroll, full tens of millions of codes.

Yang Dingtian has a certain height to the realm of God. It can be read in one paragraph and one paragraph.

But even so.

Time still passes day after day.

one day. Two days, three days, four days...

After half a year passed, Yang Dingtian finally returned the sword to the scroll, and all the readings were completed.

"Lord Fox! I finished reading." Yangding Tiandao: "It took a year to finish reading."

At this time in the real world, Nalu saw that Yangdingtian went to the fox priest: "My fox, I finished reading, it took a year, and I finally finished reading."

Naru looked at the hourglass of the palm of his hand. He began to read the scrolls from Yangdingtian, and even half an hour was not there. How was it in the past year?

The fox priest said: "Very good, now that you start to understand the way the reel is going to attack, and thoroughly understand the principle, and then according to this principle, you can write a human version of the sword to return to the sect, simply write This process, I spent more than two hundred years, how much time you have, I don't know."

Yangdingtian couldn't help but suffocate, because if he could write the human version of Wanjian, it means that he has completely mastered the realm of God, and he can already write his own scroll.


The Dark Empire, the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, in the entire hall of the vast sky, only the devil asked Tian to sit on the throne of the darkness.

After the devil, Ji has gone to the next battle.

Everyone else has begun to prepare for the battle of destruction.

The devil asks the sky, looks up at the sky, and says to himself: "Yangdingtian, what are you doing now? But no matter what you do, it is meaningless."


His huge body trembled fiercely!

He stunned: "You, who are you? Why are you still inside this body?"

Suddenly, another voice in his body sounded: "I? Of course it is the owner of this body."

"No, no, no..." The devil asked Tian Tiandao: "You, you should have died, your soul should die."

"No, no, no, my soul is not dead, but it is only imprisoned. Your entry has lifted this kind of imprisonment." Another voice sounded: "It is your soul, but it has been split many times." It is far from my soul, so who is the master of this body, who is the real devil, still do not know? Hahahaha..."

"No, no, no..." The devil asked Li Tian: "This is impossible, it is impossible! I have given you countless years of scenery, don't forget, you are just a waste. You and me. I signed the contract, I made you very powerful, and then you handed this body to me and became the body of my can you break the contract?"

Another voice smiled: "My Majesty the Devil, I not only have a contract with you. I also have a contract with another person."

"Who?" The devil asked the heavens.

"From the soul temple." Another voice said.

The devil asked the sky to tremble, saying: "From the soul temple, from the soul temple? How can he do this, how can he do this?"

Another voice said: "So you confess, my soul is stronger than you, so you can eat your soul bit by bit, you can occupy this body a little bit. At that time, I am the new devil, I will inherit you. Everything, hahahaha!"

"No, no, no..."

The devil asks the soul of heaven to fight desperately.

Ps: Recommend a book, the protagonist like a bulldozer to push down the Korean female celebrity, the title of the book "Made in Korea."


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