Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1037: Princess of the Soul Temple! Wan Jian returned to the sect!

Next, Yangdingtian entered the extremely difficult learning.

Originally, in the world of meditation, he spent a full year, reading the 90,000 paragraphs of Wan Jian’s return to the sect.

But this is a soul skill suitable for the soul sword.

Although the soul sword has Qi Hai and Xuan Mai, and the simple Xuan vein structure and the human body have a certain degree of similarity.

But after all, the soul sword is the soul sword, the human body is the human body, and it is completely the essential difference.

Therefore, it is difficult to adapt it to the swordsmanship used by human beings.

Of course, the fox priest has already completed the work. However, she can't directly hand over her achievements to Yangdingtian, because the purpose of Yangdingtian's adaptation is not to write the human version of Wanjian, but to completely grasp the difference between the two, for the upcoming preparation of the so-called The simulator is ready.

Next, Yangdingtian read it over and over again and again.

The second time, it only took half a year. The third pass only took four months, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth...

Anyway, until now, Yangdingtian did not know that it had been read a few times, and even the code could be reversed.

Moreover, the logical relationship between the inside and the order is completely clear.

Even Yang Dingtian has completely mastered another very advanced reading style.

Each paragraph is unfolded and directly transformed into an arrangement to form a pattern.

Then, remembering this pattern is tantamount to remembering the entire paragraph, its purpose, its logical relationship, and so on.

Of course, this arrangement is quite a lot, about a few thousand. but. Conventional, it is only a hundred species.

I don't know that after countless times of reading, countless times of memory, Yangdingtian completely remembered these thousands of patterns.

Therefore, now Yangdingtian reads the entire Wanjian Guizong. It only takes a few days.

Most of the time, all of them are in the logical relationship between the research paragraphs. This is extremely incomparably complicated, and it has already touched on the issues of talent and brain power. It is no longer a memory that can be solved.

Even in order to understand the principle of some paragraphs, Yang Dingtian had to extract a paragraph directly, and then use the mysterious gas to run, see its implementation effect, and call those Xuanmai, call the Xuanqi level. And the reaction between the mysterious gas, and so on.

Because, learning the realm of God, wait until the code is fully understood. It is necessary to study its implementation principle and its relationship with the body's mystery.

When a paragraph is implemented, those parts of the body are touched.

Wait a minute, etc. This is probably the most difficult learning in the world.

at this time. The role of the fox priest is highlighted.

Because of many principles, many paragraphs of experimentation. The fox priest. You can directly click on the sun in the world of meditation, and you can even accompany him to do countless experiments.

Also officially because of the existence of the fox priest, Yang Dingtian did not know how many detours were taken!

In this way, Yang Dingtian has a paragraph, a paragraph, thoroughly thoroughly robbed the sword and returned to the scroll. and. A complete understanding of its implementation principle is clear.

Then, in order to achieve this goal, the body's Xuanmai level, Xuanqi level. Xuanqi reaction and so on.

Each paragraph is experimented and waits until the same effect as the Soul Sword is achieved.

Yang Dingtian reversed the results based on the results of the experiment, and returned the scroll of Wan Jian to the sect, one paragraph and one paragraph.

In this way, the time unit is calculated entirely in years.

Year after year is over.

I don't know how many years have passed.

Yangdingtian feels that he has to be white!

Even, because time has passed so long, so that Yangdingtian has forgotten his own mission, and has devoted himself to this extremely boring and extremely mysterious realm of God.



In the end, Yang Dingtian finished the last paragraph!

Then, I couldn't help but cry.

At this time, Nalu had no idea of ​​the movements of Yangdingtian and the fox priest. The two people were sitting there, and everything was done in the depths of the world of meditation.

"Completed, finally finished..."

Yang Dingtian picked up the scroll in his hand. This is the human version of Wan Jian.

It is Yang Dingtian through a myriad of experiments, a paragraph of a paragraph of imitation verification, and finally written.

Excited, Yang Dingtian couldn't help himself, and suddenly hugged the fox priest.

In reality, Nalu, who is on the side of the law, also sees Yang Dingtian in reality, and embraces the delicate body of the fox priest.

You must know that Yangdingtian can make the demon foxes estrus.

Therefore, the breathing of the fox priest became a heavy one, and the wonderful temperature began to rise.

Yang Dingtian felt the rise of the body temperature in his arms, and he could not help but sway, then released the fox priest and said: "Look, is it correct for me?"

The fox priest said: "You don't have to show me this. This is already a complete scroll of mystery. You only need to learn if you can display the sword and return it to the sect."

In the world of meditation, Yang Dingtian holds a scroll of the swordsmanship in his hands, directly inputting consciousness and mystery.

Suddenly, the entire reel flew away quickly.

Countless code inside, countless mysterious characters release light.

Then, a group of incomparably complex energy poured into the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian and the sea and brain!

After a while, Yang Dingtian has completely studied the Wanjian Guizong scroll. Of course, it should be considered that the computer has been downloaded and the installation is complete.

"Okay, give it a try." Yangding Tiandao.

In the world of meditation, Yang Dingtian and the fox priest came to the top of the cave outside the association.

Yangdingtian began to condense the mysterious atmosphere, brewing Wanjian to return to the sect.


"The sword is returned to the sect!"


Suddenly, countless naked Yangding Tianying shot out.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands.

Densely dense, tens of thousands of Yangdingtian figure. Crazy attack on every inch of land.


Countless snow blasted.

Numerous Yangding days, destroying every place that passes through.

After a short while, the distant mountain peaks were flattened by tens of meters.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The fox priest waited for this moment, as if for many years, suddenly could not help but laugh.

then. It’s too much to laugh, and I’m blocking my stomach and trying to roll on the ground.

Yangdingtian is also completely speechless.

This, is this still called Wan Jian? This is obviously a return to the body.

But it is normal to think about it.

This is the soul of the soul sword, released is the light and shadow of tens of thousands of soul swords.

Adapted into the mysterious skills of human beings, of course, the release of the light is the shadow of countless human bodies.

However, this picture is really shocking and thunderous.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The fox priest. Still licking my stomach, laughing hard and rolling on the snow, it is completely unable to stop the rhythm.

However, her figure is so hot, it is completely half the curve of the devil.

And the body is not silky, it is very impressive. This is the temptation to roll around and bring. It can't be described in words.

Yangdingtian only felt that a flame in the body was burning.

"Lord Fox priest, can you not be so exaggerated." Yangdingtian has no words.

"Okay. Ok..." The fox priest tried to stop rolling, and then pressed the already aching belly and said, "I, I can't stand up, you pull me."

Before the top of the sky, she pulled her up.

"Is this successful?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Of course it succeeded. Didn't you see how shocking the picture was?" The fox priest said, and then he laughed again.

"Okay, then let's go to the next step." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, in the world of meditation. Yang Dingtian helped the fox priest, entered the cave of the Great Priest Association, and returned to the big library.

At this point, the fox priest has stopped laughing and seriously looking at Yangding Tiandao: "All that I have done, you have already completed. Next, the so-called simulator, you must rely entirely on yourself. And I, at most, have studied with you. In this respect, I am also blank."

"I understand, Lord Fox." Yangding Tiandao.

In the first two steps, I learned that Wan Jian was returned to the scroll, and wrote the human version of Wan Jian. Yangding Tiandu has been completed, and then the most important and the most difficult step.

Write a so-called simulator, so that Yangdingtian can use the consciousness to control the soul sword and cast the sword to the ancestors.

If you say the change before, or according to the gourd painting, then now Yangdingtian will begin to really create.

This is the great work of the past, no one who has come!


At this time, the demon king in the dark empire asked the sky, and gradually calmed down.

"It's really hard for you, my body of contract, actually shrinking itself into an extremely small space in the brain, and then killing it for many years, just for this moment, your heart is really amazing." Sneer.

The voice said: "Yes, but it's worth it, isn't it? You should understand how determined I am to be a man, how can I only ask for a few decades of happiness?"

The devil asks Tiandao: "But even then, how do you want to completely occupy the whole body? How is it difficult? Yes, your soul is complete, but you want to completely erode the whole brain and take away the whole body. How difficult is it to control?"

The voice said: "Yes, the world of the brain is too big and too big. I have been hiding in the most remote places. And you have occupied most of the brains. And all the key parts. I need to fight back in one place. But I am not in a hurry, I will eat from the corner of the brain map, one inch and one inch, anyway, you dare not be right with me, isn't it? ”

The demon body violently twitched and said: "I ask you a question."

The voice said: "Please say."

The devil asked Heaven: "What is your attitude towards Yangdingtian?"

The voice said: "At this point, our attitude is completely the same. Our position is also completely consistent. Although we are fighting for the position of the devil, but our interests are completely the same, and there is only one purpose. It is to rule the entire chaotic world and become the master of the whole day."

The devil asked Heaven: "So, for the big space technique, you are also determined to win, right?"

That voice said: "Yes, that's it."

The devil asked Heaven: "Well, how do we sign a contract?"

The voice said: "You said."

The devil asks Tiandao: "This body, I can let you give you, and the cultivation of the holy peak, you can also give it to you. Even the big space technique can also give you a copy. Including the entire dark throne, Tongtian Emperor Jing, All can be given to you."

The voice smiled and said: "Ask the sky, your generosity is beyond my imagination."

The devil asked Heaven: "Since the owner of the Soul Hall is so suspicious of me, then I must respect its will."

The voice said: "You give everything to you, what do you want?"

The devil asked the sky slowly: "I only need one thing, that is the body of Yangdingtian."

The voice said: "But you have lost the spirit of the beginning of the Yuan. If you win the words of Yang Dingtian, maybe your soul will repeat the mistakes of the present and be counterattacked by his soul."

The devil asked the cold and cold road: "Before I win the battle, I will completely destroy his soul. I only need his body. But before that, we need to force out his big space technique."

The voice said: "It's a very good idea, but it's a pity that Yangdingtian is definitely not so easy to compromise. If he is willing to compromise and is willing to hand over big space, then he will not be able to go."

The voice of the devil asked the sky suddenly became extremely cold, slowly said: "I will use the billions of life of the entire human kingdom, I will use all the loved ones of Yangdingtian, the lives of all friends, including his wife, children. Life, exchange big space! If he is not willing to hand it over, then all his loved ones will die!"

The voice trembled fiercely: "You will break the bottom line."

The devil asked Heaven: "You have forced me to the extreme, what other bottom line can I keep?"

The voice said: "So, from the soul of the Ningning Princess, have you considered it? She will frantically smash you."

The devil asked Heaven: "At that time, I have become a new Yangdingtian. Can she kill me? And, don't forget, Princess Ningning is against the will of Her Majesty. Otherwise, she will not suffer. Go to captivity. We just have to be in agreement with Her Majesty, and it will be fine."

That voice suddenly fell into a short silence.

The devil asks Tiandao: "With the life of the whole world, forcing Yangdingtian to hand over the space. Then, destroying his soul, I occupy his body. The position of the devil, the peak of the holy level, and the entire dark empire I will give it to you, do you agree?"

The soul suddenly entered a rapid shudder. (To be continued.)


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