Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1038: Looking for Naga! The Battle of the World is open!

The Dark Empire, the Emperor of Heaven.

After a long time!

The voice of the soul said: "You should know that there is a huge premise before fulfilling this contract."

The devil asked Heaven: "Yes, catch Naga alone frost! Otherwise, she falls into the hands of Yang Dingtian, and nothing can be said."

That soul said: "And, our Majesty the Queen, must not want to see, there is a second real Naga in this world!"

The devil asks Tiandao: "So, you and I will go all out to find Naga alone cream! And the battle of the world will be handed over to the demon after death!"

The soul sneered: "Your Dark Empire destroys the Legion, to fight this battle of destruction. It is a game."

The devil asked Heaven: "Yes, it is a game, a complete killing game!"


Meditate in the world.

Time passes by, and the year goes by.

In countless hours, Yangdingtian is studying the difference between the structure of the soul sword and the structure of the human body.

To this end, Yangding Tian used his consciousness to analyze his own soul swords over and over again.

Of course, it is not very convenient to study your own mysterious veins and your own body.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian studies the mysterious veins and body of the great priest.

This endless years old, w ● ww. In the month, Yang Dingtian studied every inch of the body of the fox priest.

Even, anatomy of her living body countless times. Of course, it is anatomy within the meditation illusion, not the real anatomy, but everything is exactly the same as the real feeling, including the kind of horror and severe pain.

Even, Xuanmai lived open and observed the reaction when they exercised the sword.

This is definitely the most difficult job ever carried out by Yangdingtian. It is also the most complicated work.

At this time, Yangding innocently misses the master's emptiness. Such a simulator is absolutely easy for him, and for himself, it is completely necessary to start from scratch!

at last. I don't know how long it took! Even Yang Dingtian has forgotten the time.

In the world of meditation, it may be decades, maybe a hundred years, or maybe longer.

Finally, Yang Dingtian researched through two versions of Wan Jiangui, after the reaction of each paragraph in the soul sword and the human body.

Finally, Yangdingtian began to try to use the martial arts code. Start writing this simulator.

Yang Dingtian uses the most stupid way, which is the simulation of each paragraph. Instead of playing a ps4 game like a smartphone, you can do it directly with an Android emulator.

This is currently too difficult for Yang Dingtian. It is simply impossible.

Yang Dingtian directly wrote a simulator that is completely aimed at Wanjian, even if it is not a simulator, but a converter directly.

Every paragraph is converted.

such. Maybe the work will be very, very long and stupid. But at least. Relatively simple.

At this time, the fox priest's thoughts on Yang Dingtian were also fully understood, and she also began to join the description work.

Two people, divided the 90,000 paragraphs of Wan Jian’s return to the sect, and one person was responsible for half.

Of course this is the case. Perhaps the converter reel that was finally written will not be much smaller than the sword.

This method is really not smart, but it is already the best way.


At this time, the Sky Magic City has completely turned into a dead city!

There are no residents in it.


The figure of the deceased after the devil. Rushing from the sky magic city to the sky, then fanning the huge wings, all the way from the sky magic city.

The original chaotic land full of blood and sin, under the construction of the Guangming Parliament, has become countless towns and villages, and has become a paradise on earth.

However, at this time, there is no one in this paradise.

Countless castles, countless houses, countless villages, have been vacated.

The tens of millions of people here have all been evacuated to the southwestern continent.

Of course, this chaotic land is definitely not empty.

The entire land here has become a huge military position.

Countless artillery, countless soldiers, are frantically building various lines of defense.

After the demon, he saw these lines of defense and suddenly smiled.

This group of people is really in vain. In the face of the empire of the Dark Empire, these lines of defense are not as good as the castles that children have built up with sand, and they can be destroyed with a single push.

The bright parliamentary army, which was trained wildly on the ground, also saw the demon figure flying from the sky.

For this person, almost everyone knows her identity. The soldiers just looked up and tried to see the figure after the demon, and no one exclaimed and feared.

After the devil flies, they continue to train and continue to build defense lines.

After the devil, Ji Fei flew out of the chaos, came to the sea, and then continued to fly toward Zhongjing.

At this time, the entire sea surface was densely packed, and the mermaid empire of the maritime army was everywhere.

Incomparably huge ancient monsters, countless powerful mermaid warriors.

The army of the seas is still armed and deployed in the seas of tens of thousands of miles!

Moreover, they are actually the last line of defense in the first battlefield. Behind them are countless people in the human kingdom. Their front is the battlefield, and there are countless bright parliamentary regiments.

After the devil, Ji Ji still grinned with disdain. The maritime army of the mermaid empire is also powerful, but for the empire of the Dark Empire, nothing is still.

After a few hours, the devil died and flew into Dazhongzhou!

Here, she deliberately flies very low, so that the people on the ground can see clearly.

Dazhongzhou is the most prosperous continent in the human world and the most densely populated place, so it has not moved south.

The cities here are densely populated by the people.

After the demon, Ji Ji finally got his wish, and the following people saw her figure, and it made a horrible call.

The Bright Parliament has been conquering Dazhong State for many years, but so far it has not been able to reap the loyalty of the majority of the people.

Of course, these people do not oppose the Yangdingtian and the Guangming Parliament, and even support it to a certain extent.

but. They have a wealthy life that has been around for too long and they have already thought a lot. Therefore, when thinking about problems, it is more based on their own interests. It is impossible to want them to go to life and death with the Bright Parliament.

Even because of the large number of people moving south in the north, there has been some damage to the interests of the people in Dazhong. and so. It has aroused the dissatisfaction and resistance of many large and medium-sized people. The Bright Parliament has been suppressed with absolute force.

With the advent of the war, the people of Zhongzhou became more and more resentful toward the Guangming Parliament. They felt that the war had nothing to do with them. It was completely a war that Yangdingtian provoked. They were completely implicated by Yangdingtian.

Finally, the devil died and flew to Zhongjing.

The world's largest city has now fully entered the state of war.

Almost all the streets are densely covered with a second-line legion of the Bright Parliament. The third line army.

All entertainment, extra business, have stopped.

Everything gives way to war.

All the people must serve the war.

In this regard, the Bright Parliament did not talk about human rights, but directly used authoritarian power to force every citizen to contribute to the upcoming war.

and so. Under this high pressure, Zhongjing has also become a city full of resentment.

After the devil died. After a circle in the middle of Beijing, I came to the core of Zhongjing, the hall of Tiandaomeng!

Around the Beijing-Beijing Grand Hall, the Devils still circled for a few laps, then landed on the square in front of the main hall, slowly saying: "The temple of annihilation. Nothing is gone, seek to see the lord of heaven and earth!"

Her voice easily resounded throughout Zhongjing, and all the people were shaking.

The door of the hall of the Heavenly Alliance was slowly opened, and the East died. Prayer: "I have seen you after the devil."

At this point, the hearts of the two people are really mixed. This woman, who should have been the leader of the Heavenly Alliance, should be the Savior. At this time, it has become the biggest enemy, to destroy the people of this world.

After the devil, he glanced at the two humanities: "Your Yangding Tianzong?"

The East Nirvana: "The Sovereign has something, no. What is the matter after the demon, tell us that it is the same."

After the devil, Ji Ji twitched a jade dish from the sleeve and slowly unfolded: "I represent the temple of annihilation, representing the demon road, representing the dark empire, representing the ruler of the heavens and the earth, the devil king asking the heavens! Formally thinking of the Lord of the human kingdom, the light The head of the parliament, the head of the Heavenly Alliance, declares war!"

The declaration of war of the devil's death is very, very simple!

However, her voice still spread throughout the Beijing!

Declaring war, the demon road finally declared war!

The war of extinction came, and the battle of the two hundred years of reincarnation finally came!

It’s gone, but it’s a profound memory, coming again!

All the people of Zhongjing have infinite fears, and there is an infinite shudder.

At the same time, the sky that was originally clear and clear, suddenly slammed down, the two days were obscured, and the entire Beijing-King was shrouded in darkness.

"I have finally arrived, and finally came..." The body of the Eastern Nirvana trembled a little, then said: "The World War, is it finally here?"

After the devil, Ji smiled and said: "Yes, the war of the world is coming! Only once, there will be no savior! This war of destruction is the real war of the world. All the people of the human kingdom, humanity All the towns and villages in the country will be ashes in this war! There is no savior, the human kingdom, your last days are coming!"

The voice of the queen once again easily penetrated into the ears of all the people.

Suddenly, countless people couldn’t help but fear, screaming and crying.

After the devil, Ji Ji once again asked: "Your Yangding Tianzong? Let him come out to meet the war book!"

The East Nirvana: "There is something, not in Beijing!"

"Is it gone?" After the devil, Ji laughed and said: "It is ridiculous and ridiculous. The world war has begun. Your human kingdom leader Yang Dingtian has disappeared. Your last days are too bleak."

When this is said, everyone will hear it.

Yangdingtian is gone? Yang Dingtian disappeared? You provoked the battle to destroy the world, and now you ran away?

Suddenly, the fears of countless people turned into anger and rushed out to fight.

"Yangdingtian ran away, Yangdingtian escaped..."

"We don't want to fight the war, we don't want war..."

"The chief culprit of this war is Yang Dingtian, surrendering Yangdingtian and putting an end to the war..."

Numerous people have rushed out of their homes, screaming and screaming, rushing toward the Zhongjing Hall.

They want to let the devils see their attitudes.

The second-line army, the third-line army, and the black armor of the Guangming parliament, which are in order to maintain order, are like the tides. They are used without any discussion or hesitation.

Then, countless notices are posted in an instant.

Announced that the war of extinction has been opened!

All acts of betrayal of the human kingdom were convicted of crimes against humanity and were all executed.

All those who destroy the order in wartime, all determine war crimes, do not need to judge, directly executed!

The legislature of the Bright Parliament directly tore off the veil of warmth.

The people who directly rush into the troubles will directly take out the first person, and then directly kill the head in front of all the people!

The Million Corps of the Bright Parliament in China and Beijing directly used the violent and rapid means to suppress the riots in the bud.


The Eastern Nirvana looked at the Devil's Road: "The Lord of the Devil is not the leader of the Temple of Destruction. If you ask the heavens to come, then the Emperor Yangding must personally receive it. And when the devil comes, I will come to the reception. So, your death. The book of the World War, just give it to me!"

After the devil, Ji Ji smiled coldly, and then directly threw the gauntlet and threw it on the ground.


Suddenly, the entire Zhongjing Square, the entire Zhongjing Hall, suddenly shocked!

The huge pillar above the main hall burst open and collapsed.

After the demon, Ji died suddenly flying into the air, loudly: "The demon king said, Yang Dingtian refused his goodwill! Therefore, the human kingdom must die at least one billion people to calm his anger! This destruction, this time The end of the day is entirely caused by the culprits of Yangdingtian, and the poor followers of Yangdingtian will welcome your demise!"

After all, the devil died, and whizzed north to fly back to the dark empire.

And her last words, like the oil on the fire, even ignited the fear and anger of the people of Beijing and Beijing.

Countless riots ignited again.

The Bright Parliamentary Legion entered a more **** and violent repression!

At the same time, within the main hall of the Beijing-Beijing.

Thousands of konjac flew in all directions.

They took the copied transcripts, flew to Yunzhou in the east, flew to the chaotic land, flew to the northwestern mainland, flew to Yunxiaocheng, flew to Beizhongzhou, flew to Nanzhongzhou, flew to Nanbanzhou, and flew to Pazhou. Fly to the northwestern mainland and fly to the extreme south...

They will spread the essays to every place, every city, and tell everyone in the human kingdom.

The biggest war in the history of the world has opened.

The end of the world war, opened!


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