Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1039: Tonight, let's go to bed!

In just two days.

The dynasty of the Great World War has spread throughout the human kingdom.

In an instant, it is shocking.

Of course, many people have already prepared for this moment, because the Chaos Times began to blow up the battle of extinction a few months ago.

Even about the demise of the World Corps, there is a related narrative.

Therefore, many high-level and power people have a certain understanding of the power of the World Corps.

But when the World Wars really came, everyone still felt an unprecedented shock.

Then the whole world will boil.

First of all, the riots in Zhongjing and Dazhongzhou have come one after another.

This is really a very ridiculous thing. The people of Zhongzhou, especially the people of Zhongjing, have not come to the World Corps. They have already feared the extreme. The Bright Council is next to it, and they may raise swords at any time. Instead, they will launch riots again and again.

Of course, this riot is not organized.

There is only one purpose. To drive the Bright Parliament out of Zhongzhou, it is absolutely not an enemy of the Demon Road.

The slogan was very confusing at first, and it became very unified.

"Return me peace, don't fight!"

"Expulsion of the Bright Parliament, neutral in the Temple of Destruction!"

Of course, there are more radical slogans later. For example, Yangdingtian is an eternal sinner who caused war. For example, Yangdingtian should sacrifice self, eliminate war and so on.

In short, their only purpose. It is to drive the Bright Parliament out of Zhongzhou, and take the opportunity to show the demon.

Even many princes who lost their territory and army. Trying to send secret messengers to contact the demon road again and again, expressing their willingness to sacrifice to Zhongzhou. Especially after the Demon Road captured Nakasu, they were willing to serve the Temple of Destruction and contribute their power to the Demon Road to master Central China. In short, it was the leading party.

At the height of the war, Zhongjing has become the most complicated area in the world. Countless cows and ghosts, all drilled out.

Countless riots. One after another.

Even every day, there will be a parade. There are gatherings, and countless people try to use their will to drive away the Bright Parliament.

As it is, you can completely avoid half of the war.

So it’s ridiculous. The World Corps has not yet arrived. The second line of the Bright Council and the Third Line Corps took the lead. At the beginning, it was only the people who dealt with the riots. Later, they began to use powerful force to suppress the militants who were speculative.

Countless small-scale battles come and go.

The Zhongxia princes of Zhongzhou sent a secret ship wave by wave, trying to escape to the Snake Empire. Because, at this time, there were many human fugitives in the Snake Empire. It is now official in the Snake Empire.

However, the waters of the entire human kingdom have now been completely blocked. Don't talk about a ship. Even a board can't get out of the sea.


The situation in Zhongzhou is so complicated, but the West Island is completely different.

In Iron Furnace City and Xijing, the hostile of Yangdingtian is always there, but the loyalty and even the power of Yangdingtian is much more.

Of course, in the face of the war of destruction, the warriors and the fighters. Half and half full.

Therefore, there is basically no scale riot in Xizhou. Those who fight. I can only hide in nowhere and whisper.

When it comes to the southwestern continent, it is completely different.

Everywhere here, shouting and killing.

Almost everyone on this land is liberated by the Bright Parliament. All the cities, villages, fields and manors here are all assigned by the Bright Parliament.

Therefore, the people on this land are the most fanatical and loyal to the Bright Parliament.

When the essay arrived.

Countless people spontaneously arrived at the castles of the bright parliaments.

Shouting the slogan of support and loyalty, vowed to fight the demon road to the end.

Even, they are not only shouting slogans, but also working more madly, creating all kinds of war materials, and using their own practical actions to express their support for the Bright Parliament.

And countless young and strong, eager to join the Bright Parliamentary Legion.

The people who have withdrawn from the entire western part of Xizhou have nearly 100 million people. Tens of them are all placed in the southwestern mainland.

To this end, the people of the southwestern mainland did not have any hostility and exclusion from the repatriated war refugees. Instead, they accepted them very generously, took the initiative to build camps for them, and took the initiative to come up with their own food to help these war refugees.

Here, the Guangming Parliament even directly carried out a family assistance, directly to a refugee family, to live in the homes of the southwestern mainland.

The southwestern mainland is definitely a new continent of the Bright Parliament itself, and it is infinitely loyal to Yangdingtian!

And another incomparable fanaticism and loyalty is the Apocalypse Academy.

Because of the advent of the war, the Tianqi Academy had to go south and go to the southwest.

However, many Tianqi Academy students even said that they would leave the college and go to the frontline battlefield.

Of course, there is no doubt that these students have been forcibly transferred to the southwestern continent.


In this war, the Bright Parliament has two large rears.

The first one, of course, is the southwestern continent, and the other is Nanbanzhou.

Wait until the continent north of the sunset mountains, when all fall.

Then in the southern part of Xizhou, and the entire Dazhongzhou, the people of Dongzhou must go south and withdraw to Pazhou, Nanmanzhou and the southwestern continent.

Then, the entire Xizhou, Zhongzhou, will become a battlefield.

Of course, if even Weizhou, Nanmanzhou and the southwestern continent fell.

Then, the people of the entire human kingdom have basically sacrificed, and the entire human kingdom has almost fallen.

At the highest level of the Bright Council, a small number of people will be led to retreat to the land of the South.

Of course, if even the land of the South is fallen.

Then, the destruction of the human kingdom means the end of the war of destruction and the complete failure of the human kingdom.

Of course, if the soul sword of Yangdingtian did not play its due power, it did not find Naga alone.


Then this ending may be hard to avoid!


As the essays spread throughout the Quartet, the Bright Parliament immediately elevated the entire human kingdom to the first level of readiness.

Then, the wartime command and the war declaration were also spread throughout the human kingdom.

Then, the large evacuation of countless people entered a crazy progress.

At the same time, countless troops have continued to go north.

Countless shells, missiles, giant spar, and half of the tide were shipped to the scheduled battlefield.

Countless troops, in millions, are stationed in the prepared theater defense line at the fastest speed.

The elite troops of the entire Bright Parliament, with the fastest speed, rushed to all directions.

Standing in the mountains, Qin Wanqiu and the Eastern Nirvana looked at the overwhelming, endless army, from the northwestern mainland into the chaotic land.

As expected, the chaotic land is likely to become the first battlefield of the World War.

At the same time, into the chaos of the land, there are countless artillery, countless flying rides.

Qin Wanqiu suddenly said: "The Eastern Sovereign, we know that it is necessary to use the human army to fight against the defensive army. It is completely smashing the stone, why do we still have to do this?"

The Eastern Nirvana silenced for a long time: "Expressing the will of our resistance, even if it is to die, we must fight to the end."

Qin Wanqiu suddenly fell into silence.

The Eastern Nirvana continued: "And, not at the last minute, nor give up any hope. We must thoroughly understand the Destroyed Legion through battle, perhaps... maybe they are not invulnerable."

Qin Wanqiu saw the elite army full of armed forces, and continued to advance eastward and rushed to the battlefield, and his son Qin Huaiyu was headed. Suddenly, Qin Wanqiu’s eyes twitched and his expression became tragic!


The Dark Empire, the Emperor of Heaven!

The demon king asked the heavens and handed over the entire war of the world to the demon.

However, he appointed the first commander of the battlefield, which is Shura Lingling!

The reason is very simple, because once the Desolation Legion leaves the Dark Empire, it can't carry out the energy cycle, and it can't be reborn in the refining and squad and the fusion squad. All rely on the spiritual talent of the celestial spirit to smash the ruin. Legion, re-aggregation and rebirth.

Also because of the advent of the World War, the innocent son who has been imprisoned has finally regained his freedom!

He has been imprisoned for almost a month.

In this month, he seems to have been forgotten by everyone. No one ever asked, and no one visited him, including his own daughter, Lingbi.

"Tomorrow, the dying army of a dark castle, the dark dragon of a castle, and the dark dragon of a castle." The devil asked Heaven: "Today, rest well! Tomorrow, enjoy the happiness of the slaughter."

"According to the purpose, kneel!" Everyone bowed in unison!

After everyone left, the devil asked Tian Tian suddenly: "My dear konjac Shura!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shura Ling Ling stopped.

The devil asked Heaven: "Do you remember my promise to you?"

Shura Lingyi nodded The devil asked Tiandao: "I will give you all the North Central, Dazhongzhou, Nanzhongzhou, Nanbanzhou. You will become a veritable queen!"

Shura Ling’s body said: “Thank you.”

The devil asked Heaven: "So, will you be loyal to your mission and be loyal to me?"

Shura Ling said: "Yes, my Majesty, I will be loyal to you, loyal to my mission. I will not forget who gave me everything."

The devil asked Heaven: "That's good! Tonight is the night before the war, you will stay, let the bed!"

The coffin suddenly trembled, the whole face was completely white, and her most worrying thing finally happened!

"Why, are you not willing?" The devil asked the cold and cold, his eyes suddenly jumped like a flame, full of doubts and dangerous atmosphere.

The coffin suddenly became like an electric shock. While shaking, it was filled with cold from the inside to the outside, and it was frozen into the bones. (To be continued)

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